To Live With Freedom Is To Struggle Eternally - A Persona 5 Quest

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When the god Yaldabaoth came into existence due to the collective unconscious of the people, he clashed with a group known as the Phantom Thieves. They rebelled against his attempts to control them, sure that they would defeat him...with the exception of one singular moment when weakness led to a mistake grander than all others.

Now, a teen needs to gather everything they can to try and reclaim the power taken from the Thieves and use it to put away the god for good. Freedom depends on it.
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First Post (Day One Start)
In December, a group of eight joined together with the power deep in their souls to save the world from a dark god that wished to rule over all. A rallying cry called out from those close to the group to share their support in those final moments, aiming to grant them the energy needed for one last push.

It wasn't enough.

Months later, red dominates the world as far as the eye could see. Rivers of blood flow through the streets, and the sky burns vermilion with a thick fog that hides away the stars at night. Jutting constructs of bone and falling gore mix with modern architecture and give the appearance of fallen giants littering the landscape. Massive, other-worldly complexes fade in and out of view, attempting to assert their existence over buildings of 'reality' still stuck in their way.

Humans walk around oblivious to it all.

Every day, billions of people wander the Earth unaware of the sights interrupting the landscape around them. Billions are unaware of anything at all, a tremendous voice commanding them to give away their thought and free will. The voice will handle it all, simply sit back and exist. Things follow a 'natural' order, one unaware of what was lost that day in December, one unaware of the dark, insatiable creatures wandering the world alongside them.

A girl bumps into an imp in the middle of an American city street, yet she continues on without a single spark of recognition. The imp glares, ready for an ounce more of provocation to cross an unknown line, only to be frustrated as it receives none.

Another girl stands on the roof of a private school in Yokohama, Japan. Her colorful uniform is disheveled, with tears on the cloth and dirt splotching the fabric. Glasses sit askew on her nose, cracked and barely workable, though her eyes appear vacant behind those lenses. Blood trickles slowly from her nose and the abrasions decorating her arms, beginning to dry and turn from deep red into a rust-brown. No recognition of her surroundings appears in her gaze as she steps nearer the edge, overlooking a courtyard filled with waist-deep blood that other students step through unimpeded.

The door to the roof slams open before any more steps can be taken.

Existence comes back to you slowly and painfully. Every attempt at thought comes with agony spiking through your brain, enough to leave you shocked utterly still as the feeling persists. With an unforgivably sedate pace, it begins to leave and your mind starts to come back to you. Blue flashes through your vision as you squint, a groan slipping from your lips. The view gives way to a hazy red, and you realize you're looking up from a position lying on the floor.

As the pain fades entirely, you relax your body and take note of the agonies that still remain. Pulsing torment radiates from spots all over your chest and legs, as well as a spot on the back of your head. Your first coherent thought is that the throbbing on the back of your head implies you just hit the floor quite hard. Even that thought is hard to get out with the screaming headache still crashing through your brain.

Or is that a headache caused by the screaming voice that just stopped to your side?

Turning your head, a tremendous task you don't wish to repeat any time soon, reveals a girl in the same uniform as you. She sits on her knees and looks at you while you take in her appearance, noting the soft blue clips in her hair and pink scrunchy keeping most of her raven-colored locks in a tight ponytail.

You then see her face, pretty and sad, with brown eyes swollen and red thanks to the tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Um," you try to speak, only for your voice to come out dry from disuse. Something aches in the familiarity of that sensation, though trying to think on that any further makes your mind quickly shift to the side. Better focus on the moment. "Mind- mind telling me wh-what's happening…?"

"What's- what's happening…?" The girl says after a moment, face crossing over a dozen emotions before landing on what appeared to be furious disbelief. "What's happening is that you were about to make a huge mistake and I stopped you!"

Trying to figure out what that meant in your own mind quickly came up with nothing at all. Mistake? What did that mean? Where even are you, and why would you be here? Why would you..who are you, at that?
[]Akiko Kurusu
[]Write in (Separate Vote from later choices)

"Is that your name?"

It takes a moment before you can realize you said that out loud and make a small noise of affirmation.

"Okay, well how about we just get you up and to the nurse's office?"

You don't know if you can squeeze out another affirmative to that, but it seems like the girl gets the message anyway. The next couple of minutes is agony incarnate as she helps you up from the floor, almost falling half a dozen times before you're supported with an arm over her shoulders. Walking with her toward the door off of the roof is easier, fortunately, though progress is still slow. It's only as you nearly reach the door that you look off to the side toward Ijincho. You stop walking immediately.

"…Why is there a giant rib cage in the city?" You ask.

For some reason, the utterly shocked look on the other girl's face didn't make you feel confident in the idea that your broken glasses were lying to you. The fact that she started tearing up again didn't help, either.

After several moments of trying to figure out if she was okay, the girl starts taking you back to the door and slowly down the stairs.

"Listen, I can- well, I can't explain that stuff, but I can tell you a little of what I know, but later, okay?" The girl does and doesn't explain, all while she very carefully helps you through every hiss and yelp as you make your way down. "For now we need you to be less…dying, so we're still heading to the nurse's office."

Sounds like a plan.

"And while I get you there, can we just- I dunno, talk? I haven't been able to talk to anyone in a long time. Just, uh, tell me about yourself?"

For a girl doing so much for you, it felt wrong to not head out a request like that.

"Sure. My head feels…blurry, but if I think really hard I know I…"

(The following series of choices are to determine different aspects of your character and to help determine their stats for the start of the quest. The quest will be using both an adapted Persona 5 stat system as a base with the stats of Knowledge, Guts, Proficiency, Kindness, and Charm, as well as an added stat of Composure. These will help in and out of Palaces, and will raise based on actions taken per turn of actions just like in Persona 5. The choices listed will give an idea of what stat each one raises, and write-ins are welcome for each choice to account for options I didn't think of or to just swap one club idea for a similar one. Based on possible write-ins, I'll determine how much of a boost that would give, but they'll all be relatively equal based on what fits. For example, voting for being in the Basketball club would give the same stats as the Baseball club. Some clubs may have an invisible additional bonus or item that I will give as well. I will let the voters know if any particular option is not doable.)

"…am part of the…"
[] Baseball Club (Increase to Guts, slight to Proficiency)
[] Robotics Club (Increase to Proficiency, slight to Knowledge)
[] Dance Club (Increase to Charm, slight to Composure)
[] Botany Club (Increase to Kindness, slight to Composure)
[] Mystery Research Club (Increase to Knowledge, slight to Proficiency)
[] Debate Club (Increase to Composure, slight to Guts)
[] Write-In

"…as well as the…"
[] Second club choice from the options above or write-in.

"…and after school, I like to…"
[] Wander Around
[] Skateboard
[] Go Home
[] Knit
[] Write-in

OOC Stuff
Hello! This is my first time starting a quest! My friend Reading king is doing a Gwyndolin quest called The moon rising and that, alongside some other quests he recommended to me, inspired me to start my own! I've got a lot of ideas in mind to get this thing going and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens! If I mess anything up in my inexperience, I'm down to hear things out and work to fix it, but I hope we have some fun with the idea!

The following posts are going to be continuously-updating posts about the characters, the world, and so on, helping you guys know what's going on in this world where the Phantom Thieves couldn't quite take the world.

Also, this may be obvious to some, but elements of this quest will also be taken from the Yakuza series, though mostly just setting items like locations such as Ijincho for the sake of what sort of places there would be. Some things may come up like organizations or a rare item from those games, but no characters with maybe one or two exceptions in, again, very rare scenarios.
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Name: Akiko Kurusu

A second-year student at Seiryo High School, a private high school with a reputation as large as the list of scandals in its past. Caught under the control of Yaldabaoth and freed from it through mysterious circumstances, she is attempting to learn about the strange state of the world through her own investigation and the help of anyone she can hold onto.

A member of the Botany club as well as the Mystery Research Club her memories of those times are blurry but clearer with every thought. Part of her hope is that the few skills she has will help her find a way out of the mess she's in.

Knowledge: Learned+
Guts: Milquetoast
Proficiency: Decent+
Kindness: Considerate
Charm: Existent+
Composure: Shaky++

MRC Member: Beginning stats increased in Knowledge and Proficiency.
Botanist: Beginning stats increased in Kindness and Composure.
Needlework: Increase Proficiency, obtained a workbench she is familiar with.

Name: Shiho Suzui

A third-year student at Seiryo High School in Yokohama, and formerly an attendee of Shujin Academy in Tokyo. Though her past held many a dark moment that brought her to the brink of ceasing to exist, she moved on with the help of her closest friend and became determined to live the best life she could manage. Unfortunately, the failure of the Phantom Thieves in defeating Yaldabaoth left her stranded in a world unwelcoming to her as her closeness to the Thieves left her capable of seeing the changes in the world.

Now finding the first person in months that whom she might be able to connect, she is determined to hold on and live through these trials together.

Stat Bonuses:
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Possessions, Treasures, Key Items
Key Items:

Workbench: A station created for her hobby of knitting, it remains versatile enough to be repurposed for any of Akiko's future needs.
Toranosuke: A bonsai tree that Akiko cares for in her room. Provides regular bonuses to Kindness when given care.


None Currently


None Currently

Palace Items:

None Currently
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Isezaki Ichinjo, the Main base of operations and the location of Seiryo High School: A shopping district located in Yokohama, Japan. It is located at the center of several local focal points, such as a park, a Red Light District, and a Commercial District, as well as the high school attended by the main character.

Seiryo High School: High school attended by the main character, located just to the side of Ijincho. A private school that is home to dozens of clubs and assorted student activities. More information will be unveiled as the story progresses.

Tokyo: Center of the Yaldabaoth incident, and home to the Phantom Thieves.
Quest Systems, Lore, Story Information
System Explanations:
To begin, all systems are subject to change as I work out what works best and what matches best with a Persona 5 foundation.

Stats: There are six stats within the system, those being Knowledge, Guts, Proficiency, Kindness, Charm, and Composure. As the quests progress, Akiko's stats will increase in relation to actions performed. The ranking of those stats will apply a bonus to rolls made in relation to the appropriate stat per roll.
Each stat has 5 stages and 4 states per stage that will be progressed through as progress is made into reaching the next stat level. On Akiko's character sheet, this will be represented as 'Stat', 'Stat+', 'Stat++', and 'Stat+++'. Once a stat reaches Stat+++, the next point of experience in that stat will push it to the next level.
For these stats, the bonuses per roll will be as such with the example being Guts, though this may change for game balance:
Milquetoast = +5Milquetoast+ = +6Milquetoast++ = +7MilquetoastMAX = +8
Bold = +10Bold+ = +11Bold++ = +12BoldMAX = +13
Staunch = +15Staunch+ = +16Staunch++ = +17StaunchMAX = +18
Dauntless = +20Dauntless+ = +21Dauntless++ = +22DauntlessMAX = +23
LionHearted = +25

Similar to the above, Confidants will be able to give bonuses to rolls that they participate in. For any roll that a confidant participates in, they will add flat bonuses based on their rank in a stat that will be listed on their character page as just the stat name and level to give the bonuses below, once again using Guts as the example, though this may change later for game balance.
Guts = +5Guts+ = +10Guts++ = +15GutsMAX = +20
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Final notes before the start of the quest.

Since this is my first time, things and rules may change as it goes on based on new ideas or suggestions, though I'll of course do my best to make sure things don't change wildly all the time.

This quest will have different sorts of phases, with some being slower conversational moments that need major decisions and thus take up turns just deciding what choices to make, while the main turns of the story will encompass a week of the main character's time as they perform a series of voted-upon actions. Palaces will work differently as the main character and any party members investigate them, though I am currently still developing the system for that. Any suggestions or references for that are, of course, welcome as well.

Stats are going to be about as similar to the game as I can make them, with it mostly just being 5 stages of quality for each stat and points progressing each stat toward the next stage. Almost every activity performed will give some form of stat progress to make sure the MC is always growing, but won't be Lionhearted, Erudite, Transcended by turn 5.

Roll mechanics for event outcomes will be 1d100+Applicable Stat Modifier+Any Applicable Bonuses from party members or other forces.
[X]Akiko Kurusu

[X] Plan Flowers of Mystery Plus A Sweater
-[X] Botany Club (Increase to Kindness, slight to Composure)
-[X] Mystery Research Club (Increase to Knowledge, slight to Proficiency)
-[X] Knit

So chosen because those sound like fun clubs and I've always kinda wanted to learn how to knit.

i suspect this is supposed to be a club, not a clun.
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[X] Rei Amamiya

[X] Plan Logic Lines
-[X] Robotics Club (Increase to Proficiency, slight to Knowledge)
-[X] Debate Club (Increase to Composure, slight to Guts)
-[X] Go Home
[x] Kuroko Hanekoma

[x] Plan Eco-Tech
- [x] Robotics Club (Increase to Proficiency, slight to Knowledge)
- [x] Botany Club (Increase to Kindness, slight to Composure)
- [x] Skateboard

Was also tempted to vote Mystery Solving Club though
[X]Akiko Kurusu

[X] Plan Flowers of Mystery Plus A Sweater
-[X] Botany Club (Increase to Kindness, slight to Composure)
-[X] Mystery Research Club (Increase to Knowledge, slight to Proficiency)
-[X] Knit

Gonna have to plug this on my own quest, good luck indie
[X] Rei Amamiya

[X] Plan Drama Queen
-[X] Drama Club
-[X] Botany Club
-[X] Knit

Chose knitting because it seems like it's something a lot of people are interested in, and I don't really have one preference one way or another. Chose Botany because it felt unique, and it contrasts nicely with the Drama club.

And you cannot convince me that the P5 Protag isn't a theater kid with how he, (and I guess, she) acts when in the Metaverse.

She sits on her knees and looks at you while you take in her appearance, noting the soft blue clips in her hair and pink scrunchy keeping most of her raven-colored locks in a tight ponytail.
Huh. Shiho is first party member? Awesome.
Going to close voting and get to writing the update, should be up relatively soon unless something comes up!
Scheduled vote count started by Indie-Knight on Apr 22, 2022 at 1:51 AM, finished with 6 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X]Akiko Kurusu
    [X] Plan Flowers of Mystery Plus A Sweater
    -[X] Botany Club (Increase to Kindness, slight to Composure)
    -[X] Mystery Research Club (Increase to Knowledge, slight to Proficiency)
    -[X] Knit
    [X] Rei Amamiya
    [X] Plan Logic Lines
    -[X] Robotics Club (Increase to Proficiency, slight to Knowledge)
    -[X] Debate Club (Increase to Composure, slight to Guts)
    -[X] Go Home
    [x] Kuroko Hanekoma
    [x] Plan Eco-Tech
    -[X] Robotics Club (Increase to Proficiency, slight to Knowledge)
    -[X] Botany Club (Increase to Kindness, slight to Composure)
    - [x] Skateboard
    [X] Plan Drama Queen
    -[X] Drama Club
    -[X] Botany Club
    -[X] Knit
[X]Akiko Kurusu

[X] Plan Flowers of Mystery Plus A Sweater
-[X] Botany Club (Increase to Kindness, slight to Composure)
-[X] Mystery Research Club (Increase to Knowledge, slight to Proficiency)
-[X] Knit
Getting Treated (Day One Part Two)
Winning Votes:
[x]Akiko Kurusu

[x]Botany Club
[x]Mystery Research Club

"Botany? That's plants and stuff, right?" The girl asks you, huffing for a moment as she readjusts your position on her shoulder. You finally made it to the elevator, allowing you to shuffle inside and get a brief moment's relief from the pain of walking.

"Yeah," you answer, head lolling to the side. "There's a small greenhouse in…a park?"

"Hamakita Park?"

That sounds close to being right, so you nod. "We take care of it with, um, older students? University students?"

Something itched in your brain as you felt the girl's gaze linger on you at that. It was probing as if she wanted to see past everything that made up your being.

"Your head's really screwed up, huh?" She said, a frown settling on her face.

You didn't like that expression. It stirred something in your gut, making you shrink ever so slightly on yourself.

"…I guess?" You eventually answer. Trying to think about the state of your mind, why it was messed up, felt slippery. A small suggestion constantly telling you to look elsewhere. That suggestion felt nice.

"What about the other club?" The girl continued. Instantly, thinking felt easier as your mind switched topics.

A few memories leaked into your mind, some clear and others…red. Sitting in a small room with one or two other people, then sitting alone and just…existing.

"Ah, yeah, that one is…a book club?" The answer felt wrong, yet you wanted to giggle at it. "I think…I think I spent a lot of time reading."

Before the girl could probe further, the elevator arrived on the ground floor. You gasped as the doors opened and that red, thick 'water' rushed inside to fill the space…only to feel nothing at all even as it pooled around your waist.

"What…what is this stuff?"

"I try not to think about what it looks like," the girl supplied, already helping you out of the elevator. The nurse's office quickly came into view. "It's not real- well, we can't touch it, so it's just sort of a visual thing. It's the same with the, uh, bones you saw."

At the mention of bones, your thoughts stalled. An image came into your mind, yet you could not process it. She was talking about something you knew, right? She just said a word that meant something.


You snap to attention, your surroundings different than moments before. The girl was holding onto your face, trying to get you to meet her eyes. After a moment, she sighed and let go, walking to the cabinets on the other side of the room.

"What just…?"

"I don't know!" She snapped, sounding just as frustrated as she did afraid. "One second you were talking to me, and the next it takes me five minutes to notice that you're back to being a zombie!"

After a few moments of rifling through the cabinets, she came back with a tub loaded full of supplies.

"Listen to me," she began, making eye contact once more. It allowed you to see the need, the determination within her eyes. "I need you to do whatever it takes to stay focused, okay? I haven't really met anyone that can talk to for four months and I need someone here. That someone is you."

You hoped the nod you managed to supply did well enough to assure her. Judging by her matching nod while she started picking at your shirt, she did.

With a few careful movements, she started stripping your jacket and blouse off to get at your wounds without interference. Other than a few motions that made you grit your teeth, it went smoothly. She started caring for the gashes on your arms first, already scabbing with only small dribbles of blood still coming out.

Looking at your arms, alongside the blood-stained sleeves of your uniform, let you know that the damage done was not good. Being able to remember what happened would certainly be helpful.

"You're still with me, right?" She asked while carefully rubbing your arms with wipes that burned nowhere near as bad as your head did just minutes prior. It made it shockingly easy to focus on her words instead of the pain. "Then how about you tell me about the knitting? Seemed like it was easier for you when talking about simple stuff."

"That tracks," you mumble, trying to do as requested. Images and ideas came to mind, clearing up at a seemingly glacial pace. "My room is…a mess."

The girl stopped, snorting and letting out a giggle before she continued, pulling out a set of bandages.

"It's so easy to just…throw things around," you continue, "but I keep my knitting corner clean. I've got all sorts of stuff there with my workbench."

"Sounds helpful," she commented easily, her eyes focused while she worked.

"It is."

The silence of a stilted conversation bothered you, yet it was easy to lose yourself in watching the girl take care of you. She apparently knew well how to clean up and bandage wounds like yours, scratches and bruises all over with your arms being noticeably worse. Before you knew it, she was handing you a cap with a few pills and an open bottle of water.

As soon as you downed them, you figured it was time to ask a question that had been on your mind for a while.

"What's your name?"

You watched as she froze in place, brow furrowing, only to snort and relax.

"Shiho, Shiho Suzui, I'm a third-year." She answered with some pep in her voice, something that felt more natural than the constant concern in her voice prior.

"Nice to meet you, senpai," you reply, "I'm Akiko Kurusu, as I guess I mentioned earlier. I'm a first-year."

And the concern came right back. "Yeah…you're a second-year now."

That was…right. You thought about it for a moment, memories crawling back at a snail's pace. Weeks of going to classes, taking finals, and a quiet and orderly graduation ceremony. Okay, second-year, right.

"Before we get to that, Akiko, how about we get out of here? School's about to end and I wanna leave before there's anyone else around. You can decide what you wanna do or ask while we get out."

It was simple enough. Tattered clothes back on and a short trip out of the school later, you and Shiho were standing on the bridge just outside of the school.

"Since your head's probably still a bit messed up, here's my number," she said as she handed you a slip of paper you never noticed her pulling out. "In case something…weird happens. Look, I know things are weird and this is all a lot, and I know some of these things might be best processed alone, so I can come with you, or we can just split here for today and you can ask me stuff tomorrow. Your choice."

Taking a moment, you look around at the world surrounding you. Everything is…off. Some angles just make the world look like a pleasant sunset is coming down on the horizon, yet the sun remains high in the sky. The 'water' around your waist is higher or lower depending on where you're walking, yet ever-present all the same. The structures of bone you saw earlier are a bit closer, but just looking at them makes your head pulse.

Sounds like you needed to make a decision. Ask Shiho to come along?
[X] Ask Shiho to come along.
[X] Tell her you'll call later.

Speaking of which, what do you want to do?
[X] Ask her about the world. (Only available prior to separating from Shiho.)
-[X] Write-in, what do you want to ask?
[X] Explore the city.
[X] Investigate the school.
[X] Make your way home.
[X] Write-In
Shiho is our only lead and likely a confidant. Of course we're sticking to her like glue.

Plan- I don't need sleep I need answers!

[X] Ask her to come along
[X] Ask questions
-Was it always like this and I just never noticed?
-Are we dead? This isn't hell is it?
-Does anybody else know?
[X] investigate the school since we're here.
[X] Ask her to come along
[X] Ask questions
-[X] Reading King's Questions

[X] Make your way home.

No point in exploring school if the person we want to talk to wants to leave school before she meets anyone else, I'd think?
[x] Plan Solo
- [X] Tell her you'll call later.
- [X] Explore the city.

Part of me wants to see our interactions with other characters first, without involving a third character for the moment, to establish things
I just wanted to make a small post notifying you all that the Character, Inventory, and System Explanations posts have all been updated, and will all continue to be updated after each post or each results post.

I also wanted to add something I forgot to explicitly state in the last post, due to the voting Akiko now has a workbench that will help with anything that needs to be crafted at her home later in the game as well as a small Satsuki Azalea bonsai named Toranosuke that she cares for in her room. There may be more rewards from these choices, but those will need to be discovered in the future.
Closing vote, gonna try and get out the next part asap! Thanks for the votes!
Scheduled vote count started by Indie-Knight on Apr 22, 2022 at 6:48 PM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Ask her to come along
    [X] Ask questions
    [X] investigate the school since we're here.
    [X] Ask questions
    -[X] Reading King's Questions
    [X] Make your way home.
    [x] Plan Solo
    - [X] Tell her you'll call later.
    - [X] Explore the city.
Gonna Find That Answer (Day One Part Three)
Winning Vote:
[X]Plan- I don't need sleep I need answers!
-[X] Ask her to come along
-[X] Ask questions
-Was it always like this and I just never noticed?
-Are we dead? This isn't hell, is it?
-Does anybody else know?
-[X] Make your way home.

"I think we should stick together," you say eventually, trying to think about what you want to do with the situation you've found yourself in.

Shiho's shoulders sag almost immediately. "Awesome, I would've been antsy all night if I left you now."

"Yeah, I've got some questions and this is…more than a little weird."

Nodding, Shiho tugs on your sleeve and starts walking down the bridge with you. "There's both a lot and a little I can tell you about what's going on, so let's just go by your questions. Hopefully, you don't blank out again."

"I didn't exactly like the feeling."

"Me neither. So? Where do we start?"

[X] "Was it always like this and I just never noticed?"

"Oh, god, no," she shuddered. "At least, I hope not. This all started four months ago, on Christmas- well, Christmas Eve."

You try to make a connection. On Christmas Eve you were just sitting at home? Yes, you were knitting a muffler since it was supposed to be extra cold in the next few weeks.

Your memories continue after a moment and you can see them almost like a video rather than your own thoughts. Sitting day after day, going back to your hobby and working at it mindlessly until the job was done. After that, days working on small, simple practice projects, but never anything with any inspiration behind it.

You shake your head before you can lose yourself any further, just in time to hear her continue.

"I only think I know what was the sort of center of this whole thing, but even that I'm shaky on. Everyone I tried to talk to about it just…wasn't like me, like you are now."

"I want to know what you mean by that, but first-

[X] "Are we dead? This isn't hell is it?"

The girl snorts, giving your arm a shove. "I won't lie and say that hasn't come up as an idea, but I don't think it is. I'm…I'm not sure if you wanna hear the kind of the weak reason I'm betting on no."

"A true detective doesn't stop at the first answer just because more might be scary, they push forward until they find one that solves every question and more."

The words played themselves in your head with an unexpected clarity compared to pulling up any other memories. One of many of Amasawa-senpai's bold declarations about the true meaning of being a detective and reaching out for the truth.

"That's fine," you said. "None of the rest of this makes much sense so far, I won't dismiss your experience just because I haven't seen some specific thing yet that you have."

Shiho slowed to a stop after hearing that. Taking a look at her, it seemed like she was about to cry again as she looked back at you. She wiped at her sleeve before any tears could come out, then tightened up her face in determination.

"Okay, yeah. So I think we're still alive because…because there are demons."

Bewilderment took over as you took in the words. Demons? What did that-


You snap your head to the side, looking at one of the buildings you and Shiho were walking by. It's one of what appears to be many buildings that have different bones sticking out of them, most of them dripping and some still dropping bits of gore into the ocean of blood beneath you.

Bones, flesh, and blood that might have been part of something. Something enormous.

"They're not- They're not that big, are they?"

Your arms are burning as you speak the words. It's hard to even notice the pain until Shiho grabs your hands, bringing your panicked attention back to her.

"No! No, they're not! Relax, okay?" Shiho says while stroking her thumbs over the backs of your white-knuckled hands. "You need to relax, or else you're just going to make your arms worse than they already are."

You nod, it makes sense.

"But just let me explain; I can't always see them, but sometimes I see these things, these demons around. Not many are that much bigger than a person, and a lot are about the same size."

"And that makes you think this isn't hell?"

"I was getting to that. No. What makes me think this is hell is that they aren't doing anything to us- to anyone!"

If that was true, you could start to see the logic behind her conclusion.

"You think that if this was hell, the point of demons being around would be to torture us, not simply…exist? Is that what they're doing?"

"Yeah, exactly!" Shiho said, almost bouncing in place. "They would be torturing us or something! Most people can't even see them, and I've seen some people fully bump into one and the demon just looks mad but does nothing! That wouldn't make any sense for hell!"

"People can bump into them?" You ask, catching the detail. "Can they feel that? Do other people see them? Speaking of which-"

[X] "Does anybody else know?"

Her look turned sour, arms crossing over her chest. Shiho started walking again, almost visibly burning with frustration.

"No," she said. "No one sees any of this or knows anything! Everyone's just…just wrong!"

You almost go to ask what she meant by that, but it started to slip together in your mind. Before you noticed it, this walk has started to significantly clear up the fog covering your mind, making it easier to connect the dots and remember the past few months.

(Due to pushing for answers through the haze over her mind, Akiko will no longer struggle with simple memories about her past. Few blockages remain!)

"So everyone is just like I was, aren't they?"

Recalling months of attending classes, ascending to the next year, and traveling to and from school. None of your actions were outside of what you would have done normally. Even so, not a single thing was done for fun, for happiness, or for any reason outside of one single line of thought.

This is what I should do, this is the proper order of things.

A memory flashes through your mind, one that you don't wish to recall. A group of boys and girls standing around you, laughing as you pick up the scattered contents of your bag until Amasawa-senpai barges into the room.

Another flashes through later. A set of boys, some the same as the last memory, surrounding you as one yank harshly on your hair as if expecting a plea to stop. None of the boys look like they're having fun. You give them no reaction as you stare out of the hallway window, seeing a sky full of red that you don't react to.

Shiho's shoulder bumping into yours brings you back. You've walked a few blocks, and now you can see people starting to slowly fill the streets as school and work hours end. None of them look any emotion other than flat neutrality.

"Did I lose you again?" Shiho asks, and you know she's frowning without looking at her.

"No," you answer. "Not like before. I was just lost in my memories for a bit. I know what you mean by wrong, now. I think you're…partially correct, but a little wrong."

"Yeah? About what part?"

You looked around as you considered how to phrase your thoughts. There were no signs of the demons Shiho mentioned, and your memories didn't even have any as far as you could tell, but for some reason, you knew she was telling the truth.

"At least as far as seeing the world the way we see it. When I'm remembering anything of the last few months, I see the same red we're seeing now."

"Couldn't that be because you woke up?"

"I don't think that would affect my memories retroactively like this, though. I think it's more that they're seeing this but they don't, or can't care about it or give it any recognition. It's like when you forget a task you were in the middle of. You should be thinking one way or doing one thing, but you've forgotten it, your mind can't bring it up as a thought because it's so far gone. Like forgetting a ramen cup in the microwave until it's ten hours later."

It takes you a few steps before you realize Shiho stopped again. You turn back to look at her, only to see her staring at you with her head tilted to the side.

"…What did I do?"

"That was probably the single worst analogy I've heard in my entire life."

You have no way to respond before Shiho bursts into laughter, quickly getting more and more caught up in it until she's bent over at the waist. A giggle slips from your lips and you almost break into laughter, only for the world to slow around you.

A feminine, childish voice rings in her head, calling out words from everywhere at once.

I am thou, thou art I…
Thou has acquired a new vow.

It shall become a tool of discovery
That shall uncover thy salvation.

With the birth of the Chariot——
I have obtained the winds of blessing
That shall lead to unearthing new power…

And as the voice dies out and the world leads to quiet, the speed of time resumes its normal pace. Shiho keeps laughing for a moment more before taking in a large breath, struggling to keep her composure in the face of her amusement.

"Okay, okay, I just- heeheehee~! You had to see the look on your face! It was-"

"I just heard a voice."

Something about your tone snaps Shiho to attention. She looks around, trying to see if anything stood out. "Like, someone said something, or…?"

"No," you shake your head. "It was a voice in my head, it- it said…"

And it's gone. The thoughts slip away, important yet invisible. The knowledge is there, but you just…just can't reach it.

"I don't know what it said, but it…"

Something bumps into you. You lock up from the pain that jolts through your arm, almost sending you sprawling if not for Shiho catching you. She's still shouting at the unaware office worker continuing on his way by the time you get your balance back and your breathing under control. The thought you had is entirely gone. Another enters your mind as you think about the pain in your arm and the friend next to you, the only friend you've had for a long while.

[X] Make your way home

"Can we head to my place, Shiho? I wanna get off these streets…"

"Sure, yeah," she agreed readily enough. "But, uh…is your bedroom on the ground floor?"

Luckily, the answer was no. You hated the reason your mind came up with for why that question was important.

Within a few minutes, you arrive close to your home. Your aimless walking once you left the school led you and Shiho in the opposite direction, but a quick detour had you walking through the Bar District. Whether Shiho had lived in this city for long or not, not many people your age would wander around the Bar District. It was part of the reason you tended to go straight home after school, it's a lot easier to avoid messy drunks the earlier in the day you approach the place.

Just beyond that, however, laid a building entirely out of place in its surroundings. You had only a portion of the details, but Amasawa-senpai laid it out once. As part of a real-estate scheme, a reactionary 'moral cleanliness' group was attempting to drive the local brothels out of business. It didn't work thanks to a series of events you had no chance of understanding when she tried to describe them, but one of the real estate moguls jumping on the plan jumped the gun.

After buying up a set of abandoned buildings prior to the completion and subsequent collapse of the plan, a single new building was constructed. A high-end, high-rise apartment in a location where no high-end tenant would ever wish to reside. Not unless frugality meant more to them than appearances.

"Well this place looks nice," Shiho mentions, looking much less comfortable than a moment before when an older woman offered her a job at a certain type of…establishment.

You'll never tell her that you panicked and ran away the first few times they tried the same with you.

It took just a few minutes to go up the elevator and walk to your apartment, with a sense of relief filling you the whole time that your place seemed to be spared from the 'giant bones in everything' treatment. You also kept expecting to look down and see your skirt and below stained red, but luckily that didn't happen, either.

Reaching the final door at the end, you pulled out your keys and made your way inside, discarding your shoes and welcoming Shiho in.

"Did you guys just move in before December?" She asked.

It was easy to see how she came to that conclusion. The apartments looked new and yours looked anything but lived in. A few pieces of plain furniture, a television in the main room with a layer of dust over them.

It was an innocent question. You wished you had a better answer.

"No. My parents just don't feel a need to decorate, even before our…current situation."

"Oh, gotcha."

No more words passed between you as Shiho followed along to your room. Once you both arrived, it was as if color bled into the world. One wall held a large quilt covering the surface, a mix-and-match appearance that had no apparent rule to what colors were chosen, but clearly had more and more skill placed into its creation as one gazed from the right to the left.

The rest of the room itself was…

"Damn, Akiko. You live like this?"

A mess. Even your 'autopilot' self had no concept of cleaning, it would seem. Nothing 'dirty,' just more organized than anyone else's room you'd ever seen. All except for the meticulously-organized knitting deck in the corner.

"I am aware," you replied, a dry look on your face.

Shiho started giggling like mad again while you took it all in, trying to see if anything changed in your time 'gone.' There was nothing of note, which pleased you as you saw Toranosuke in great shape.

It took just a minute for you to take care of him for the day, a bit of water, and a simple wellness check.

(Kindness Increased!)

It's only when you turn around that you realize Shiho's giggling stopped. Instead of laughing at you for the piles of clean, unfolded clothes on your floor, she was lying on one while completely unconscious. You barely had time to be worried before the world started blacking out.

Waking up brought no comfort. Your head pulsed with agony and dealing with that pain made it take a long time to realize the world around you was pulsing just the same. Blearily, you opened your eyes and found yourself greeted with blue on all sides. Blue as far as the eye could see, so much so that you struggled to make out any distances or shapes between your screaming head and the uniformity of the color.

After a few moments, you got to your feet. A glance downward told you that you were still wearing your clothes from a minute ago, the vibrant blue of your blazer matching the surroundings perfectly. Your arms, however, felt only a shadow of the pain they felt before.

Gathering yourself, you tried to stay calm. Whatever was happening felt off, but still real. After everything you experienced in the past few hours, you had no doubts that you needed to tread carefully. That was the question, though. Where to tread?

[X] Observe the Area (Knowledge Check)
[X] Try to Find a Way Out
[X] Look for Shiho
[X] Wait for Someone to Come By
[X] Write-In
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