To Live in Magical Times (Pathfinder/Rwby)

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Even in the Age of Lost Omens people pray that they are spared the curse of interesting times. Except you - you always dreamed of adventure and glory.

And now you've found it. In a world devoid of magic and wonder you must strive for greatness before the darkness consumes you like so many others.
Character Creation P1


Erratic Aussie
Melbourne, Australia
Before the world was called Remnant it was a world of dreams and stories. Where noble knights clashed with learned wizards, where cunning thieves could steal your shadow while pursued by miraculous monks, only for the wise witch to show that your shadow had been with you all along.

But the dreams were forgotten long ago, replaced by nightmares and curses that none can destroy. Only two true practitioners of the magic arts remain, locked in an eternal war for the soul of the world.

But with the shattering of prophecy comes a chance for change. The will of the gods can be subverted by other gods, the actions of mortals or even random chance. All it takes is the right person in the right place at the right time.

Welcome to 'To Live in Magical Times', a quest where a wayward denizen of Golarion reintroduces magic to Remnant with all the subtlety of a goblin bard. But before we can cover how that happens we need to know who you are:

Which Class defines your spellcasting and combat styles?
[ ] Magus
Combining the physicality and technique of a warrior with the ability to cast arcane magic, you seek to perfect the art of fusing spell and strike. While the hefty tome you carry reflects hours conducting arcane research, your enemies need no reminder of your training. They recognize it as you take them down.

[ ] Summoner
You can magically beckon a powerful being called an eidolon to your side, serving as the mortal conduit that anchors it to the world. Whether your eidolon is a friend, a servant, or even a personal god, your connection to it marks you as extraordinary, shaping the course of your life dramatically.

Your Background does more to define you than anything else for it is the summation of your entire life until now. Where did you grow up?

[ ] The city of Riddleport in Varisia
A haven for pirates, thieves and rogues of all stripes, you lived as an streetrat in the shadow of the Cyphergate, a great stone arch marked with the runes of ancient Thassilon. With the recent return of Thassilon from the ancient past your home has become a beacon to time-displaced Thassilonians looking to explore the future as well as scholars eager to learn the secrets of the past.

[ ] The town of Breachill in the nation of Isger
An astonishingly welcoming and cosmopolitan town to all despite the attitudes of Cheliax controlled Isger and the goblin wars, Breachill is rapidly becoming a centre of commerce with the reclaiming and repair of the nearby Citadel Altaerein and the ring of teleportation gates beneath it. You may not have been entirely wanted by the townsfolk but were taken in and cared for.

[ ] The Stolen Lands of the River Kingdoms
The youngest of the River Kingdoms and the result of countless trials undergone by its young king, it is known for allowing any and all to live within its borders, proudly granting kobolds, mites and trolls the same rights as any other species. You can remember living under the rule of the egotistical Castruccio Irovetti and have embraced the new opportunities offered to you.

[ ] The Worldwound of Sarkoris
You grew up in a demon haunted wasteland, always fighting to survive. For a time you lived in the crusader city of Kenabres only to be driven out by the prospect of the inquisitors pyre. But you didn't die nor were you corrupted. Even as a child you fought to reclaim your home, marching in the ranks of the Fifth Mendevian Crusade and rejoicing when the Worldwound was finally sealed. Now you call the fortress-town of Gundrun home when you aren't fighting to reclaim Sarkoris from those who tainted it.

What is your Ancestry?
[ ] Human
Found all over Golarion, humanity possesses an endless drive to endure and expand. Maybe some other ancestry or planar influence lurks within your blood but such things are a mystery to you.

[ ] Half Human
More than any other ancestry humans are adaptable both genetically and mentally. Whenever they meet another ancestry some degree of intermixing inevitably occurs, producing hybrid individuals with potent abilities.
-[ ] Half-Elf
Half-elves often appear primarily human, with subtly pointed ears and a taller stature than most full-blooded humans. Half-elves lack the almost alien eyes of their elf parents, though they do have a natural presence—and often a striking beauty— that leads many to become artists or entertainers.
-[ ] Half-Orc
Half-orcs vary in appearance more than most other races, ranging from more orc-like features such as greenish skin and protruding lower tusks to near human with little to distinguish them as half-orcs. Regardless of appearance, virtually every half-orc has a stature far larger than that of the average human, allowing them to excel in professions where strength and intimidation are a boon.
-[ ] Beastkin
With extraordinary abilities derived from the animal world, a beastkin treads the line between nature and society, living with a foot in each. Capable of partially or fully transforming into animals, granting them deadly fangs, refined senses, and other such traits.
-[ ] Dhampir
Many call vampires the children of the night, but it is dhampirs who can truly claim that title. These mortal offspring of vampires walk the line between life and undeath not just physiologically, but also in their social standing, temperament, and worldview.
-[ ] Fetchling
Once human and now something apart, fetchlings display the Shadow Plane's ancient influence through monochrome complexions, glowing eyes, and the casting of supernatural shadows.

[ ] Planar Scion
The Outer Planes of the Great Beyond are home to countless immortals. When they cross paths with the mortals of the Material they cannot help but interact with and influence them. You are one of the results of such influences, a mortal who's blood has been changed by a supernatural element.
-[ ] Aasimar
Born with the power of benevolent celestial entities, aasimars are thought to be supremely blessed with strength of will, extraordinary beauty, and innate magical gifts.
-[ ] Aphorite
Once perfectly identical beings who bridged the gap between Axis's perfect order and mortals' unrestricted existence, aphorites can feel the underlying order of the universe and possess the free will necessary to defy it if they so wish.
-[ ] Ganzi
Children of chaos, ganzis are born of the roiling effervescence of the untamable Maelstrom, the primal sea of all creation. Their blood crackles with the promise of change and the raw power of creation unshackled.
-[ ] Tiefling
When the influence of a demon, devil, or other fiend infiltrates the bloodline of a mortal family, tieflings are the inevitable result. Tieflings carry the sinister mark of the fiendish planes upon their flesh, and their specific abilities and physical qualities vary according to their heritage.

[ ] Geniekin
Mortals whose ancestry has become entangled with that of genies or other elementals, causing them to exhibit powers drawn from the Elemental Planes, geniekin are far more common than planar scions because of generations of cooperation between mortals and genies when Golarion was young.
-[ ] Ifrit
Ifrits descend from creatures such as efreet, salamanders, and magma dragons. Their spark of ancestral flame gives them a reputation for being passionate, if not capricious.
-[ ] Oread
The Plane of Earth's influence runs through an oread's family, most often from a shaitan or crystal dragon ancestor. Oreads tend to be stoic, steadfast, and dependable, but they contain depths not seen on the surface.
-[ ] Suli
Sulis are geniekin who embody a mixture of elements, most commonly air, earth, fire, and water. They are typically the descendants of jann, genies of all four elements that wander the Material Plane instead of making a home on the Elemental Planes.
-[ ] Sylph
Sylphs are an intense and lively people, flighty and tempestuous. These planar scions have kinship to beings of elemental air such as djinni, invisible stalkers, and cloud dragons.
-[ ] Undine
These dynamic, fluid mortals trace their ancestry to creatures from the Plane of Water, such as marids, water mephits, and brine dragons.

Even the most remote peoples of Golarion acknowledge and worship the gods, save the strange land of Rahadoum. You are no exception - how do you relate to the divine?
[ ] Your Patron God
You have always been drawn to the teachings of one god before all others, believing that their favour is why you have thrived.

[ ] A Pantheon
No one god has ever caught your attention, nor does it make sense to you to declare one god more important than all others. You pray to the gods whose domains you live in and benefit from the resources of multiple faiths.

[ ] An Adversary
The only prayer that ever leaves your lips is a plea that a particular god ignore you. You aren't sure what you did to rouse their ire or why they constantly meddle in only your life, but it has influenced your life in countless ways.

[ ] None.
You don't pray to gods believing them unworthy of worship. Whatever aid they could lend you is unneeded and unwanted, though you aren't foolish enough to claim that they don't exist.

The way you arrived in Remnant wasn't under your control, but you did seek out the broken world with a purpose in mind. Why are you here?
[ ] Divine Mission
You didn't plan to come here but when a god asks for your aid you cannot say anything but yes. Even if you aren't entirely sure what they want you to do.
[ ] Life Debt
There is someone you owe your life to, a wanderer from a world that none have heard of. You will whatever you must to repay them, even if it means getting lost in an alien world with no clear way home.

Vote Example:
[] Plan Name
-[] Class
-[] Background
-[] Ancestry
--[] Heritage
-[] Divine Relationship
-[] Quest
Quest Mechanics
Quest Mechanics:

When the outcome of a situation is uncertain a d20 will be rolled to determine what happens. Any relevant bonuses and penalties from your abilities, skills and traits are added to the check and the total is compared to the difficulty class of the check.
A Critical Success is when a check's result meets or exceeds the DC by 10 or more, while if you fail a check by more than 10 that's a critical failure. If you roll a 20 on the die you increase your degree of success by one - from a Failure to a Success and from a Success to a Critical Success. If you roll a 1 on the die you downgrade your degree of success by one - from a Success to a Failure and from a Failure to a Critical Failure.
Not all rolls have special effects on a critical success or a critical failure.

Incapable [N/A] – whether by design, unknown circumstances, or simply of choice, you are utterly unaware of this ability or incapable of using this ability.
Untrained [+0/50xp] – you have no real clue how to perform this ability. Any success is best attributed to luck.
Novice [+2/100xp] - you have little to no training or practice with this ability.
Trained [+4/200xp] – having received some basic training in the ability in question, you have started down the long road to mastery.
Skilled [+6/400xp] – you have supplemented your initial lessons with hard-won experience, and can now employ the ability with considerable confidence.
Expert [+8/800xp] – your proficiency with the ability is noteworthy even to veterans with decades of experience.
Veteran [+10/1600xp]– you are truly a force to be reckoned with, and others will seek you out for advice and guidance in improving their own abilities to a similar level.
Master [+12/3200xp] – your skill with this ability is awe-inspiring, capable of sweeping aside those of lesser worth with minimal effort.
Grandmaster [+14/6400xp] – your mastery has advanced to being entirely unique, such that schools may be founded based on emulating you.
Legendary [+16/10,000xp] – you have reached the absolute pinnacle of what is possible for this ability, and any future improvements will be of the tiniest increment at best.
Mythic [ +18/20,000xp] – your skill approaches that of immortals that have devoted eons to training and experience.
Divine [N/A] – you cannot compare to the skill and power of the gods.

Primary Abilities are the things that are core to what you can do. They encompass your combat abilities, spellcasting abilities, aura once you unlock it and similar things.

Secondary Skills govern specific activities and abilities that require training and instruction but aren't part of your core concept. Examples include your knowledge of arcane lore or world history, your skill at thievery, crafting or performance and your social skills.

Traits are innate aspects of your character that are always active but aren't always relevant. They can't be improved with experience and are often linked to skills and abilities. Examples of traits include a faunus' darkvision, a divine blessing or a summoner's bond to their eidolon.

Said to be the the manifestation of your soul, the ultimate expression of your individuality and experiences, aura is a mystery. It substitutes for armour, speeds the healing of the body, strengthens your arm and many other things.

Mechanically aura is a passive boost to your other abilities - it makes everything just that little bit better. Simply having it is enough to unlock certain actions, but training will be needed to truly learn what is possible.
Increasing its rank will unlock specialisations and alternate uses - from your own semblance to sensing the presence of others without sight or sound.

In combat aura is used to determine how quickly you go down when under attack. Half of your aura score is also added to all combat rolls.

A unique power developed from a person's aura, semblances come in three types:
  • Passive semblances enhance a wide variety of actions, generally adding half the semblances score to associated rolls. SOme passive semblances can also be activated for additional effects. Examples include Pyrrha's Polarity, Ruby's Petal Burst, Qrow's Misfortune and
  • Active semblances enhance a narrow set of actions when certain conditions are met, adding the full semblance score to relevant rolls. Exmaples include Coco's Hype, Velvet's Photographic Memory and Yang's Burn
  • Utility semblances grant a new capability that is largely irrelevant to combat or requires a fighting style revolving around the semblance. Examples include Fox's Telepathy, Weiss' Glyphs and Ren's Tranquility.
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[X] Plan: The Survivor
-[X] Class: Magus
Combining the physicality and technique of a warrior with the ability to cast arcane magic, you seek to perfect the art of fusing spell and strike. While the hefty tome you carry reflects hours conducting arcane research, your enemies need no reminder of your training. They recognize it as you take them down.
-[X] Background: The Worldwound of Sarkoris
You grew up in a demon haunted wasteland, always fighting to survive. For a time you lived in the crusader city of Kenabres only to be driven out by the prospect of the inquisitors pyre. But you didn't die nor were you corrupted. Even as a child you fought to reclaim your home, marching in the ranks of the Fifth Mendevian Crusade and rejoicing when the Worldwound was finally sealed. Now you call the fortress-town of Gundrun home when you aren't fighting to reclaim Sarkoris from those who tainted it.
-[X] Ancestry: Human
Found all over Golarion, humanity possesses an endless drive to endure and expand. Maybe some other ancestry or planar influence lurks within your blood but such things are a mystery to you.
-[X] Divine Relationship: None.
You don't pray to gods believing them unworthy of worship. Whatever aid they could lend you is unneeded and unwanted, though you aren't foolish enough to claim that they don't exist.
-[X] Quest: Divine Mission
You didn't plan to come here but when a god asks for your aid you cannot say anything but yes. Even if you aren't entirely sure what they want you to do.

No gods, appeared in my darkest hour. Yet, they come forth with a favor? The audacity. I will milk the gold out their tits till their empty. (A saying, basically milk them for all you can get.)
[X] New Planet, Old Problems
-[X] Magus
-[X] The Worldwound of Sarkoris
-[X] Planar Scion
--[X] Aasimar
-[X] Your Patron God
-[X] Divine Mission
I mean, honestly... as a Magus player myself, how can I not minmax here? :p

[X] Plan: Wings and a tail make a good class better
-[X] Magus
-[X] The Worldwound of Sarkoris
-[X] Planar Scion
--[X] Tiefling
-[X] An Adversary
--[X] Maybe now that you're lost in an alien world, Cayden Cailean and his followers will stop trying to meddle in your affairs...
-[X] Divine Mission

...though 'An adversary' was just because it's funny.
[X] Plan: Wings and a tail make a good class better

Us: Please leave me alone.
God; hah, go there and do this.

I like it.
[X] Plan Pack Strong Together
-[X] Summoner
-[X] The Stolen Lands of the River Kingdoms
-[X] Half Human
--[X] Beastkin
-[X] A Pantheon
-[X] Life Debt
"...Please stop handing me grand adventures while you're drunk. Surely there are other people who would appreciate them more than me, or who are better suited for the task."
I mean, I was thinking of adversary as someone who can't stop resenting Iomedae and other good gods for their inaction or hating an evil god for an endless run of bad luck...

But a petty grudge against Cayden Cailean because you just hate the taste of barleybrew is hilarious.

We're tied between Wings & Tail and New Planet, Old Problems but that's still enough I can start nailing down step 2 of character creation.
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But a petty grudge against Cayden Cailean because you just hate the taste of barleybrew is hilarious.
Exactly. Got a little too friendly with one of his priests while you (we?) were crusading against the Worldwound, and now the god and his followers just won't let you settle down peacefully! lmao

Too useful, too fun to tease! The perfect straight-shooter to their antics!
Exactly. Got a little too friendly with one of his priests while you (we?) were crusading against the Worldwound, and now the god and his followers just won't let you settle down peacefully! lmao

Too useful, too fun to tease! The perfect straight-shooter to their antics!
A fud idea that I'll probably include when I write up options for your childhood friends, but alas it didn't win.

Vote closed, New Planet, Old Problems won.

I really didn't expect Sarkoris/the Worldwound to be the unanimous choice. Have more people been playing the Wrath of the Righteous game than I thought?
A fud idea that I'll probably include when I write up options for your childhood friends, but alas it didn't win.

Vote closed, New Planet, Old Problems won.

I really didn't expect Sarkoris/the Worldwound to be the unanimous choice. Have more people been playing the Wrath of the Righteous game than I thought?
It's one of the more interesting backstories at face value, tbh. Personally, I can't say i've ever played Wrath of the Righteous. Or any of Paizo's actual modules, for that matter.
I have recently picked it up after completing Kingmaker, but have only just gotten to the Inn at the very start. The reason I chose it is because it fits very well with the character I was picturing to go with the premise, namely, someone who is super gung ho about the frankly absurd quest they've been (presumably) given.
It's one of the more interesting backstories at face value, tbh. Personally, I can't say i've ever played Wrath of the Righteous. Or any of Paizo's actual modules, for that matter.
To summarise the game (which was converted from an AP):
You're in the right place at the right time when demons invade the city of Kenabres and slaughter its protectors to get at the wardstone in the city, a mighty relic of celestial power that prevents demons from leaving the Worldwound, to absorb the power of the wardstone and turn their invasion on its head, starting the Fifth Mendevian Crusade and eventually sealing the Worldwound, a permanent rift in the fabric of the world that formed a portal between the Abyss and Golarion. Along the way you make some questionable allies, ascend to the status of an immortal (or reject the mythic power to become the pinnacle of what a mortal can be) and kill the demon lord Deskari.
You can become an angel, demon, lich, dragon or one of several other mythic paths as you go form a difficult early game to an amazing end game where you outclass every opponent the game throws at you. Unless you're masochistic enough to play on the highest difficulty.

In the default canon of Golarion the crusade took 5 years and had all the pcs ascend to mythic status, but I'm going to be basing the status of the Sarkoris Scar and the history of the crusade on the game, which had the crusade take between 9 months and 2 years. This'll mostly amount to shout outs to the game's characters when I need to reference heroic individuals you might have encountered or your history with the crusade. The path the commander will have taken is going to be based on what makes the most thematic sense for this quest (so not a lich) so I won't be nailign down the whole thing for a while, but will probably but up a timeline of the Worldwound in an informational post at some point because you definitely know that.

I have recently picked it up after completing Kingmaker, but have only just gotten to the Inn at the very start. The reason I chose it is because it fits very well with the character I was picturing to go with the premise, namely, someone who is super gung ho about the frankly absurd quest they've been (presumably) given.
I did intend to have a second part to backstory selection, but I didn't fully signpost that and it works really well with what you guys chose.
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Character Creation P2
Your life has been a hard one. First an orphan desperately clinging to life in the sewers of Kenabres and the tainted land of the worldwound, then a Crusader of Mendev despite your age and now a reclaimer of Sarkoris. Throughout it all you have depended on your wits and your blade to keep you safe, as well as the magic you have slowly mastered.
Despite your pride you'd never have gotten this far alone. You had but two friends as a child, but as you grew and seized upon the opportunities you found reliable allies, heroes to look up to and even a mentor to guide you.

A person is defined by the life they've lived, the choices they've made, the name they bear and the scars they carry.

What is your name?
[ ] Write in

What is your gender?
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Non-binary

What is your appearance?
[ ] Write in

You are a magus, someone who is as dedicated to the study of arcane magic as they are to the martial arts. You didn't have the luxury of attending an academy where such things could be focused on above all else. Your expertise was hard won from scavenged and stolen books, from hours spent watching knights spar and emulating them in the shadows, from stories of dashing heroes and brave adventurers and from risky experimentation on what materials you could find.

Every magus combines their physical training with your magic to create a unique and deadly fighting style called a hybrid study. Your hybrid study determines what weapon you prefer to use and which conflux spell you have mastered.
Which hybrid study have you dedicated yourself to?

[ ] Inexorable Iron
Once you begin along a path, nothing can stop you from reaching its end. You transform the mass of a greataxe, greatsword, or polearm into an unstoppable force to augment your own striking power or keep you standing on the battlefield.
You can use the energies of your spells to fortify yourself or to enhance your weapon strikes, arcane energy arcing out to foes who stand too close to your target.
Your conflux spell is Thunderous Strike, a mighty blow that can bring any foe to their knees with a thunderous blast of sound.

[ ] Laughing Shadow
Magic is freeing, a means to your ends, and you can use it to go where you want, do as you please, and avoid the consequences. You are a laughing shadow of spell and blade, always one step ahead of your foes, always with a trick up your sleeve.
You can use the energies of your spells to accelerate your movements, so long as your form is unhindered by armour, and fight with a free hand to create and exploit openings in your opponent's guard.
Your conflux spell is Dimensional Assault, a short ranged teleport that allows to strike a foe from an angle that none can expect.

[ ] Sparkling Targe
You've studied the applications of magic, training yourself to perform not just offensive manoeuvres but defensive tactics as well. When magic flows through you, your shield can block impossible things, even a dragon's breath or a magic missile.
You can use the energies of your spells to enhance your shield for both offence and defence while striking at your foes with your weapon, safe from any reprisal.
Your conflux spell is Shielding Strike, a powerful counterattack that turns your opponent's attack back on them.

[ ] Starlit Span
With magic, the sky's the limit, and you can't be bound by the confines of physical proximity. Your power reaches as far as your senses can perceive, transcending the space between you and your target even with spells that normally require direct physical contact.
You wield a ranged weapon, be it a bow, sling or gun and can use the energies of your spells to enhance your ammunition beyond what is physically possible, and to enhance your eyesight to spot that which is hidden or concealed.
Your conflux spell is Shooting Star, a radiant shot that burns away illusions and arcs around obstacles, leaving a burning trail that any can follow to your foe.

[ ] Twisting Tree
The staff is perhaps one of the simplest of weapons, but this simplicity belies its elegance and versatility. To you, a staff is casting implement and martial weapon alike—the foundation of a fighting style.
You can use the energies of your spells to quickly react and adapt to any foe so you can strike at their weaknesses.
You have mastered the art of drawing magic out of a wizard's staff, capable of fusing one with your personal weapon so you can effortlessly wield them both.
Your conflux spell is Spinning Staff, a swift assault that transforms your momentum into arcane power, every blow striking with greater power.

The art of the Spellstrike is the imbuement of an offensive spell into a weapon's strike, allowing you to deliver the arcane payload with the metal of your blade instead of your hands.
As a magus you have far more limited magic than a wizard or sorcerer, forcing you to depend mostly on your cantrips and your conflux spell. But when it is most needed you can strike with all the power of an archmage, no matter your other limitations.
What is your Signature Spell, the one you use with the most skill with your spell strike?

[ ] Shocking Grasp
A spell favoured by countless magus across the Inner Sea, shocking grasp is a deadly blast of electricity that any foe clad in metal is particularly vulnerable to.

[ ] Burning Hands
A deadly cone of flame that many wizards wield until they master the iconic fireball spell, when delivered through a spellstrike burning hands is a potent explosion of flame that your primary target will be hard pressed to dodge and any standing with them will not expect.

[ ] Horizon Thunder Sphere
A unique electrical attack that can be charged as it is cast, extending the time where you are vulnerable to produce an even more deadly attack that strikes all enemies around the target and charges you with electricity.

[ ] Ray of Enfeeblement
A spell designed to weaken the enemy rather than harm them directly, ray of enfeeblement allows you to sap the strength of your foe so your subsequent attacks ar emore effective - and theirs are far more feeble.

[ ] Scorching Ray
A spell that delivers twin blasts of heat and flame, this spell is best delivered through a spellstrike that strikes at multiple foes at once lest its energies be wasted.

Which cantrip do you use the most in combat?
[ ] Gale Blast
A blast of wind that shoves your foes away from you and does minor damage. When focused into a spellstrike it is more potent but can only push a single foe.

[ ] Gouging Claw
A transmutation spell that briefly morphs your hand into a fearsome claw to strike at your foe even when you don't have a weapon. When focused into a spellstrike it can somewhat alter the form of your weapon as it empowers your blow.

[ ] Produce Flame
A ball of flame that can wielded against enemies whether they are in melee or far away and ignite them if they lower their guard. When used with spellstrike it can ignite your weapon to enhance further blows.

[ ] Ray of Frost
An icy ray that slows your foes and chills them to the bone, intensified by a spellstrike it can even freeze the air around them.

[ ] Telekinetic Projectile
Telekinetically flinging objects at your foe means you can strike from any angle. When focused through a spellstrike this can be used to redirect a blow that missed or to strike with debris to get around their guard.

Many practitioners of the arcane use their magic to bond with a small animal, aiding them in their study of magic and granting them certain benefits when the two work in accord. You are no exception, treasuring a friend and ally that can aid you in your daily struggle to survive, teach you mysteries you never knew existed or just bring a smile to your face at the end of a long day.

Know that all familiars are enhanced by their bond with their master and all can serve to aid you. Powerful options are offered here, but know that doing so will leave you with fewer shinies to spend in the third step of character creation.

Your familiar is a
[ ] Mundane animal such as a bat, cat or rat. (Grants 1 shiny)
-[ ] Write in.

[ ] Magical animal or similar creature with enhanced abilities.
-[ ] Calligraphy Wyrm
A diminutive dragon with the ability to produce its own ink and use its claws as styluses, allowing it to write down what it discovers from its endless curiosity. They are often very knowledgeable, albeit in esoteric and eclectic fields, and prefer to avoid combat.
-[ ] Dweomercat cub
Magically gifted felines from the First World that can draw on the magic of spells cast on or around them to enhance their abilities. Despite its young age your familiar possesses a grand ego and a love for exploring, capable of sensing leylines and will eventually grow into a potent combatant.
-[ ] Owlcat
Believed to be the creation of the same ancient madman that created the owlbear, owlcats have the bodies, tail and ears of a cat with the face and wings of an owl to create an adorable companion that is a master of moving unseen and unheard.
-[ ] Write In

[ ] Outsider, an immortal being hailing from the outer Planes that has its own agenda but can be trusted to aid you. (Costs 2 shinies)
-[ ] Imp
The weakest form of devil and perpetual inhabitant of the bottom rung of the infernal hierarchy, imps offer mortal mages their aid so they can slowly tempt them into evil acts over time so their souls may be damned to hell. You were never in any position to reject an ally and thus made good use of the imp's invisibility and infernal luck.
-[ ] Nosoi
The simplest form of psychopomp, a nosoi is an oddly heavy bird wearing a funerary mask that serves to escort souls to the Boneyards or deliver messages on behalf of greater psychopomps. You don't know why this one chose to accompany you, but you can't complain about the guarantee that your soul will be safe when you die and its entrancing song is eternally useful.
-[ ] Cassisian
A minor angel that appears as a winged helmet with a gift for precise recollection and serves as a tireless advocate for justice. This celestial is capable of serving its master as a helmet, lending you its innate protection against evil and its eyebeams.
-[ ] Write in

There is more to magic than just the arcane and only a fool would ignore it. Your celestial ancestry can grant you limited divine magic but most aasimar are forced to settle for a radiant halo and the basic gifts of their bloodline.
What is your celestial lineage?
[ ] Angelkin
You are descended from an angel, the best known of all celestials and found in all three of the celestial planes. You have a natural gift for languages and can use magic to alter your appearance to look like a normal human.
[ ] Emberkin
Peris are contrary, artful celestials renowned for their beauty as much as their deceptive natures. Their burning nature is reflected in your soul, granting you a resistance to smoke and flame and you can use magic to link your mind with another, allowing you both to monitor the other's status.
[ ] Idyllkin
Your wild, unique features betray your agathion birthright. Serene celestials from the plane of Nirvana, agathions seek the peaceful path, ensuring a better world for all to coexist. You have an innate link to the natural world and can use magic to calm the emotions of those around you.
[ ] Lawbringer
You trace your lineage to archons: embodiments of heavenly virtues, guardians of the seven-tiered mountain of Heaven, and nurturers of law and virtue within mortals. Your own virtue and orderly mind protect you from foes who would turn your emotions against you and you can use magic to shield others from damage at the cost of taking it upon yourself.
[ ] Musetouched
Your blood sings with the liberating power of the azatas, living embodiments of freedom from the wild realm of Elysium. You are gifted at the arts of both escape and song and can inspire others to greatness with magical song.
[ ] Plumekith
Your blood soars with the power of the magnificent garuda, proud and stoic avian warriors. You have a gift for aerial acrobatics and flight as well as the bow and can sue your magic to see through invisibility and other illusions.
[ ] Unknown (+2 shinies)
Your blood doesn't posses enough power to make which celestial you are descended from distinct, forcing you to rely on your more mundane abilities.

You have been sent to Remnant on a divine mission, though the messages you have received have been anything but clear. The god you hold above all others isn't the one who needs your help but you now they support this task.
You can read more about the gods on either of the pathfinder wikis or on the 2e srd, but the basic descriptions should suffice if you don't want to. Feel free to write in a god but I encourage you to include why you think they'd be a good patron in your plan.

Which god is your patron?
[ ] Desna, chaotic good goddess of dreams, the night sky, freedom and fortune.
Her church was always active in the worldwound, fighting against demons wherever they were found. It is said she took a direct hand in the fighting more than once, though none of the stories agree on how. As a devout desnite you always listen to the truths revealed in your dreams and seek to make your own luck as you aid those in need.
[ ] Pulura, chaotic good empyreal lord of constellations, the northern lights and any who have lost their home. Once one of the most popular gods of Sarkoris, the cult of Pulura was forced to hide from the demons, sealing themselves away until the knight-commander of the fifth crusade found them, where their aid and knowledge proved decisive in several battles.
[ ] Iomedae, lawful good goddess of justice, honour and valour. Her church was one of the primary forces behind the Mendevian Crusades, though there were times when her followers were ruled by human paranoia rather than her guidance. It was her who created the wardstones that prevented the worldwound from growing beyond Sarkoris, her angels who aided the crusades countless times. The inheritor is a shining example to all of what can be done if you refuse to bow to fear.
[ ] Gorum, chaotic god of battle, strength, weapons and victory. The Lord in Iron was always popular among the crusaders and the people of Sarkoris for any who strive for victory may find favour with him. So long as you keep your weapon free of rust and refuse to flee from battle you can be sure that you will find favour with Gorum.
[ ] Alglenweis, chaotic goddess of Sarkoris, art, action, daughter of the demon lord Kostchtchie and patron of countless witches across the history of Sarkoris. Though her followers were scattered when so many tribes were forced to flee Sarkoris she has not been forgotten and she has become popular among the fores of the reclaimers as they restore the monuments of old Sarkoris and fight to purify the land.
[ ] Sturovenen, lawful good god of Sarkoris and its people, leadership and conviction, the Dragoneagle was the original patron of many Sarkorian tribes and many of the eidolons summoned and worshipped by the god callers of Sarkoris are descended from him.
[ ] Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones, neutral goddess of Sarkoris' environment, mothers, children and shelter, She Who Listens has always been a patron of Sarkorian tribes. her first concern is always the protection of the vulnerable and the good of the community and many shrines have been raised to her in the parts of Sarkoris that have been purified.
[ ] Write in

Again this will be a plan based vote. The next vote will nail down the final aspects of your backstory, what advantages you've accrued from your life in the form of magical items, spells known and even a divine blessing or two as well as what sort of random encounter you'll be serving as when you arrive on Remnant.
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Ugh, there are some good options mixed in with some kinda bad ones, tbh. I can recognize Eldritch Archer and Staff Magus, which are both pretty good, not sure but i think Laughing Shadow is Kensai, which starts off a bit underwhelming but becomes good around mid levels and hella good afterwards. Not... sure what the two-handed weapon option is, and the shield option would probably be Skirnir which is avoid at all costs level of garbage.

Staff Magus is well regarded mostly because it doesn't get in the way much when stacking archetypes, with the archetype overall being a minor defensive buff in exchange for some minor stuff you don't really care about losing, but doesn't really redefine our playstyle or anything. Without being paired with other archetypes, it's not... particularly impressive.

In terms of spells... the cantrips are kinda meh, Telekinetic Projectile or Gouging Claw are probably the best on offer, and Claw's kinda a gamble on a vague description. Though, Ray of Frost can be metamagicked for a debuf focused build... In terms of First Level spells... I would assume you mean Spell Combat rather than Spell Strike; Spellstrike only applies to melee touch attack spells, and even as an Eldritch Archer, you tend to get better accuracy by firing your blasting spells without attaching them to your arrows via Ranged Spellstrike; though an Eldritch Archer should typically be doing things other than blasting, like laying down fog for cover. Can't really go wrong with Shocking Grasp on any of the melee options, Burning Hands and the unique spell are kinda bad (reminder! Spell Combat only applies to Standard Action spells!), Ray of Enfeeblement's decent for a debuffer but not amazing, and Scorching Ray is just damage at range.

Not familiar with Aasimar stuff, so i'll just take a quick look at AoN i guess. Mmm... base race is Wisdom+Charisma which... wouldn't be the worst on an Eldritch Scion archetype Magus, but i think it's fairly clear we aren't that. Angelkin would be even better for a Scion. Emberkin are at least an +Int bonus, Lawbringer and Idylkin are both pretty useless to us, and Musetouched and Plumekith are both +Dex which is as good as an +Int bonus depending on our build, i suppose. Plumekith giving Invisibility as a SLA is hella good though, a heck of a misread of the description, lmao, oops, and Flight bonuses are decent; they're not super easy to come by, and by mid-to-late levels, a Magus will usually be airborn most of combat, especially if we pick Eldritch Archer.

I would hazard that without a standout best bloodline, the shinies may be more useful though. Familiars too, really. A regular familiar does all you need it to.

[X] Plan: The best way to fight is not, in fact, up close and personal.
-[X] Starlit Span
-[X] Ray of Enfeeblement
-[X] Ray of Frost
-[X] Mundane: Moral Support Bunny
-[X] Unknown (+2 Shinies)
-[X] Patron: Desna

Though i think i'd be willing to trade the shiny from a mundane familiar to give it a Familiar archetype, tbh. Figment for a bit of safety, maybe, or Valet if we plan to do any crafting. Figment+Sage if our GM is truly benevolent, though Figment in and of itself suits Desna's Dream domain quite well.

Weapon-wise... Archery is some of the highest DPS in Pathfinder, but is feat intensive and kinda requires a lot of points in a lot of stats on a Magus (STR for damage, DEX for accuracy, INT for magic...), which is never a good thing, especially when your chosen race only gives you one of your primary stats as a bonus. Guns give us better accuracy by a notable degree (being Ranged Touch Attacks rather than Ranged Attacks), and this is, well, RWBY we're crossing over into... we can probably compensate for damage with Dust and Spell Combat and do just fine. Already having experience with guns will also help us adapt to RWBY style weapons, though they're still ridiculously advanced by comparison to Golarion's guns.
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Ugh, there are some good options mixed in with some kinda bad ones, tbh. I can recognize Eldritch Archer and Staff Magus, which are both pretty good, not sure but i think Laughing Shadow is Kensai, which starts off a bit underwhelming but becomes good around mid levels and hella good afterwards. Not... sure what the two-handed weapon option is, and the shield option would probably be Skirnir which is avoid at all costs level of garbage.

Staff Magus works best stacked with other archetypes, since overall the archetype is a minor defensive buff in exchange for some minor stuff you don't really care about losing, but doesn't really redefine our playstyle or anything.

In terms of spells... the cantrips are kinda meh, Telekinetic Projectile or Gouging Claw are probably the best on offer, and Claw's kinda a gamble on a vague description. Though, Ray of Frost can be metamagicked for a debuf focused build... In terms of First Level spells... I would assume you mean Spell Combat rather than Spell Strike; Spellstrike only applies to melee touch attack spells, and even as an Eldritch Archer, you tend to get better accuracy by firing your blasting spells without attaching them to your arrows via Ranged Spellstrike; though an Eldritch Archer should typically be doing things other than blasting, like laying down fog for cover. Can't really go wrong with Shocking Grasp on any of the melee options, Burning Hands and the unique spell are kinda bad (reminder! Spell Combat only applies to Standard Action spells!), Ray of Enfeeblement's decent for a debuffer but not amazing, and Scorching Ray is just damage at range.

Not familiar with Aasimar stuff, so i'll just take a quick look at AoN i guess. Mmm... base race is Wisdom+Charisma which... wouldn't be the worst on an Eldritch Scion archetype Magus, but i think it's fairly clear we aren't that. Angelkin would be even better for a Scion. Emberkin are at least an +Int bonus, Lawbringer and Idylkin are both pretty useless to us, and Musetouched and Plumekith are both +Dex which is as good as an +Int bonus depending on our build, i suppose. Plumekith giving Invisibility as a SLA is hella good though, as are Flight bonuses; they're not super easy to come by, and by mid-to-late levels, a Magus will usually be airborn most of combat, especially if we pick Eldritch Archer.

[X] Plan: The best way to fight is not, in fact, up close and personal.
-[X] Starlit Span
-[X] Ray of Enfeeblement
-[X] Ray of Frost
-[X] Mundane: Moral Support Bunny
-[X] Plumekith
-[X] Patron: Desna

Though i think i'd be willing to trade the shiny from a mundane familiar to give it a Familiar archetype, tbh. Figment for a bit of safety, maybe, or Valet if we plan to do any crafting. Figment+Sage if our GM is truly benevolent, though Figment in and of itself suits Desna's Dream domain quite well.
Its fair to say the hybrid studies were based off of 1e archetypes but I'm definitely leaning on the 2e interpretation of the magus pretty much everywhere here- Laughing Shadow is the best option for a dex magus, with an emphasis on moving around the battlefield and the unarmoured stuff really won't matter in the long run because Rwby needs armour to not be needed as a setting conceit.
Starlit Span's main mechanical effect is letting you spellstrike at range, Inexorable Iron is the two handed weapon wielder, Sparkling Targe is sword & board (or Captain America shield only), and Twisting Tree is basically the staff magus.
2e replaced spell combat with Spellstrike and Arcane Cascade, which I didn't name but I mentioned the main benefits in the hybrid study description since +1 damage at lv 1 isn't worth noting in this quest.
The spells I mentioned all work with Spellstrike in 2e, though I'll admit I'll be ignoring that Horizon Thunder Sphere's six action oiption can't possibly be used with Spellstrike (there are several spells that have stronger effects the more actions you devote to them. HTS goes from a 2 action single target to a 3 action single target + aoe and another 3 actions makes it all bigger and buffs your damage for a minute).
Burning Hands doesn't work normally but there's a feat to let you ddeliver aoes with Spellstrike so long as the area includes where you hit (so you can fireball yourself) and Scorching Ray needs a different feat to basically let you cleave Spellstrike if you use it with a multi target spell.
I chose them because it gives a variety of signature spells - one is pure damage, one is a debuff, one requires a charge upa nd thus careful set up, etc. Its to inform how you fight without me having to ask for you guys to vote on every spell in your spellbook because that's a lot of work to ask of you all.
Cantrips are again to govern your fighting style and what happens if you lose your weapon more than which does the most damage. Gouging Claw in 2e lets you choose between pircing and slashing which is where my reference to altering the weapon comes from but I was more thinking growing spikes to catch the weaponry of someone else or similar things.

I'm not tracking the 6 stats beyond the general rule that magus dumps cha so don't worry too much about the buffs given by the heritages. Plumekith gives See Invisibility I should note, not invisibility.

Familiar archetypes aren't really a thing in 2e but I'll probably use the idea so I don't have you guys voting on all the familiar abilities.

I'm going to add a based on 2e tag to the quest because thats my main focus - 1e stuff is great for inspiration but not what I love about the setting.

I should also note I edited in three gods pretty much only worshipped by Sarkorians as I lost one draft of this when I switched computers and forgot. They probably won't matter much but I want to at least mention them because they could be important later.
I'm going to add a based on 2e tag to the quest because thats my main focus
Ah, see, i'm basically not familiar with 2E at all, tbh. So not much i can do in that regard, though I still have some opinions on the matter...
Burning Hands doesn't work normally but there's a feat to let you ddeliver aoes with Spellstrike so long as the area includes where you hit (so you can fireball yourself) and Scorching Ray needs a different feat to basically let you cleave Spellstrike if you use it with a multi target spell.
Seems like a waste of a feat slot, compared to just picking spells you can already use with Spellstrike, tbh.
Laughing Shadow is the best option for a dex magus, with an emphasis on moving around the battlefield and the unarmoured stuff really won't matter in the long run because Rwby needs armour to not be needed as a setting conceit.
Starlit Span's main mechanical effect is letting you spellstrike at range, Inexorable Iron is the two handed weapon wielder, Sparkling Targe is sword & board (or Captain America shield only), and Twisting Tree is basically the staff magus.
I would hazard that Starlit Span is roughly as good as Laughing Shadow for Dex, then, just... ranged specialist vs melee specialist, of course. The two-handed options (both big weapons, and sword-and-board) both seem kinda sus, unless 2E changed the rule that requires you to have a free hand for casting; though, even in 1E, bucklers were an option, and the rules for switching between one-handed and two-handed when wielding a weapon basically just boiled down to 'It's a free action, you can switch as many times per turn as your DM considers reasonable', and since Spellstrike moves the spell-charge to your weapon rather than your hand, there was a reasonable argument to be made that if you were wielding something like an Estoc, which can be 2-handed as a Martial and 1-Handed as an Exotic, and had Exotic Weapon Proficiency... well, you get the point, i suppose, and Eldritch Archer just bypasses it via replacing stuff with versions that let you spellcast with the hand(s) holding your ranged weapon. Twisting Tree, if we went that route, we'd probably want to be as close to a knockoff-Wizard as we can get, focusing primarily on casting and crafting to take advantage of being able to recharge Staves with pool points.

I'm not tracking the 6 stats beyond the general rule that magus dumps cha so don't worry too much about the buffs given by the heritages. Plumekith gives See Invisibility I should note, not invisibility.
...Drat it, AoN doesn't capitalize it in Plumekith's description, and 'see' isn't italicized but 'invisibility' is, so my eyes glossed right over it lmao.
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Seems like a waste of a feat slot, compared to just picking spells you can already use with Spellstrike, tbh.
In fairness Expansive Spellstrike covers any spell that requires a save (if you crit hit their save's degree of success goes down automatically. So a success becomes a failure).
I would hazard that Starlit Span is roughly as good as Laughing Shadow for Dex, then, just... ranged specialist vs melee specialist, of course. The two-handed options (both big weapons, and sword-and-board) both seem kinda sus, unless 2E changed the rule that requires you to have a free hand for casting; though, even in 1E, bucklers were an option, and the rules for switching between one-handed and two-handed when wielding a weapon basically just boiled down to 'It's a free action, you can switch as many times per turn as your DM considers reasonable', and since Spellstrike moves the spell-charge to your weapon rather than your hand, there was a reasonable argument to be made that if you were wielding something like an Estoc, which can be 2-handed as a Martial and 1-Handed as an Exotic, and had Exotic Weapon Proficiency... well, you get the point, i suppose, and Eldritch Archer just bypasses it via replacing stuff with versions that let you spellcast with the hand(s) holding your ranged weapon. Twisting Tree, if we went that route, we'd probably want to be as close to a knockoff-Wizard as we can get, focusing primarily on casting and crafting to take advantage of being able to recharge Staves with pool points.
In 1e you only need a free hand for spells with material components (so you can do somatic components as wand waving) and magus replaces material components with somatic. Its an action in 2e to grip a weapon with two hands and a free action to let go with one, but fighter has feats to let you regrip it while attacking.
The biggest benefit Staff magus is going to get here is the other big change 2e made to the magus (and summoner) - you have 4 spell slots, two of the highest level you can cast and 2 of the level below that. So magus relies on its cantrips and conflux spells most of the time while saving the big spells for the important moments. You also get some dedicated low level slots for buffs like true strike and spider climb, with different studies getting different spells, but I was going to represent that with how you guys advance your magical studies rather than being automatic.
So a staff magus can be using a staff of fire as their weapon and use the spells in it for spellstrike. There's also a feat to spellstrike from scrolls and you can benefit from things like the Ring of Wizardry for more spell slots, but you'll never be casting as much as a wizard. But you do get ninth level spells, which is pretty nice.
[X] Plan Thundering Angel
-[X] Shayla Barakiel
-[X] Female
-[X] A fair skinned young woman with blue eyes, orange hair, a friendly face, and carrying a maul.
Inspiration: Art by Less
-[X] Inexorable Iron
-[X] Shocking Grasp
-[X] Gale Blast
-[X] Mundane animal such as a bat, cat or rat. (Grants 1 shiny)
--[X] Mundane: Ferret.
-[X] Angelkin
-[X] Write in
--[X] Pulura, chaotic good empyreal lord of constellations, the northern lights and any who have lost their home. Once one of the most popular gods of Sarkoris, the cult of Pulura was forced to hide from the demons, sealing themselves away until the knight-commander of the fifth crusade found them, where their aid and knowledge proved decisive in several battles.
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[X] Plan: The best way to fight is not, in fact, up close and personal.
-[X] Starlit Span
-[X] Ray of Enfeeblement
-[X] Ray of Frost
-[X] Mundane: Moral Support Bunny
-[X] Plumekith
-[X] Patron: Desna

-[X] Female
-[X] Azura
-[X] Brown skin, blue eyes, black hair, tall, athletic build, tends towards blue, black, and white.
Voting is open