What Sleeps Beneath
Fourteenth Day of Elnu-Hamba (Elnu Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)
Twelve black points 'round the withered field, twelve black bones from the skin of the earth where plumes of steam and foul vapors breathe from the belly of the island. No beast skitters between the stones, no bird basses above it, but the farther out you go the more of life you see. A glint here marks a
black-backed lizard, a spindly shadow there the nest of some small shy bird, that had long since taken flight out of your sight. though not out of Ohun's knowing.
"The land here was tainted as I said...." he motions to where the roots of the trees had been scorched and the land made barren. "The sea defiled, burned in pits that are the resting place of the unhallowed dead." And so indeed it seems for south of the pillars more smoke or steam rises from the earth and this time you can see the pits that had been dug therein where old fires were kindled.
Zaia murmurs something under his breath in his own tongue, then for the first time in a long time struggles to translate, it has something to do with making mortar, but you are not a mason and the locals do not use mortar as far as you have been able to see. Even eventually he is reduced to describing the process in painful detail, the burning of certain stones and the quenching with water to make a fine mortar. While he might not be able to name it in any of the tongues the rest of you speak he can point to it and so you tear a piece of it off as easily as if it was a piece of cheese,
Though all of this means nothing to an ever more uneasy Ohun who wants nothing more than to see Moru attempt his spell so you and let the land heal Inge starts is recognition at the sight of the stone: "That used t' be of the sea, a long, long time ago it used t' be the shells of dead things and it fell down into deep water, forgettin' that it was ever alive, but it wants t' go back."
"Ghosts of fire," Esha's words are soft, as though she is not sure of them herself. "Something like the spirits of steam we met in the cave of the Danuk, I wonder if we are to meet their like again." The earth under her feet rumbles like an uneasy beast.
"Strange that it should be the same..." You cut yourself off as the sword under your hand, still sheathed grows warm, mayhap in its own strange recognition of the nearness of battle.
"Fire and Water seem to have interchanged their mutual qualities, or else the philosophic fire is not to be supposed of the same kind with the common Fire; and the same thing is to be said of the Philosophic water," Zaia begins to speak quickly. "As for the Calc Vive, or Quicklime, and the Ignis Graecus, we know that they are kindled by Water and cannot be extinguished by it contrary to the Nature of other things that will take Fire; so it is affirmed that Camphor over-kindled will burn in Water. Some claim that the Stone Gagates being set on fire is more easily quenched by Oil than Water, for Oil will mingle with it and choke the fiery body. Whereas Water not being able to mix with the fatness yields to the fire unless it totally covers & overwhelms it, which it cannot easily do because although it be a Stone, it swims upon the top of the Water like Oil, so Naphtha, Petroleum and the like are not easily quenched by Water...."
"I understood perhaps one word in ten of that," you cut him off. "The calc vive is the limestone that has been cooked to spew steam and and fire if quenched in water if I understood your words right? "
"Yes... yes..." Zaia waves off the explanation. "Never mind the details now. I think the enemy meant to change the nature of fire and of water in this place. I would say to ennoble them, but nothing of their works ennobles and only defiles, just like in the north. I think the stones here were being prepared for some great spell." Turning then to Moru he adds: "Though the fire of your own patron should guide you I do not think it would be wise to meddle in this place for the world is turned inside out here and so any working should be made more and less than what it is. Chaos has been invoked and it will not be put back by any hand save the one that raised it."
At this Moru looks troubled, pondering the land, then the air, then the face of Inge that is still sallow and drawn. "I feel no evil here," he does not sound sure of himself. "I must send word to my order."
"Why, for the love of the Gods Great an Small what is so urgent that you would immerse yourself in this mire that even the simple beasts of the land and the birds of the sky should flee?" Ohun explodes, the same question he had been asking all day.
Only this time it is answered, not by Moru but by Ziku: "Because he fears the Changing of the World, the Great Ones return, the dragons sleeping under stone in dreams of power touch the skien of the world."
The priest gives his brother a look of stark betrayal, but the latter returns it, serene as ever you have seen him: "Your dislike of the islanders blinds you brother, we will need all the allies we can get even if that which has been kept silent for an age should be spoken aloud. You saw the dead eggs, you heard the tale of the young wyrm who woke in the land of the river folk, that was not some mischance and ill wrecking, the world is changing."
"You cannot mean that..."
"If I am wrong to have spoken than they shall set me on the pyre, if I am right and yet had said nothing than the would would burn."
What do you do?
[] Question Moru further
[] Confront Moru with the fact that he claimed not to know anything about the dragon egg
[] Let him pass on his message while you and the others stand guard
OOC: That little ramble by Zaia comes from actual medieval alchemy, and most of it is based on actual chemical processes.