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These sound interesting, though knowing very little about Kingdom Hearts or Homestuck Im probably more disposed towards the Danganronpa USA or Hogwarts UK ideas.
I can relate. That kind of crossover would require readers to be familiar with a lot of different series, while OC casts can better stand on its own merrits. In turn, they come with less inbuild interest, but I like the cast we've got here so far, so that's something.

Also, as an adendum to my comment about similarities between Tsubasa and Momoka, I did use the occasion to double check the report cards and I found some invisitext that I don't remember having been mentioned before. As it turns out, the two of them have a secret hidden dislike.
Dislikes: Corporal punishment, himself
Dislikes: Being face to face, propaganda
Granted, neither the fact that Momoka was pushed into using her talents in a way she dislikes nor that Tsubasa needs a well-earned hug is exactly shocking new information, but I might as well point it out.

On the bright side:
Intellect: 4/5 Birdcoin! x1
Focus: 3/5Birdcoin! x1
Appearance: A short boy with spiky brown hair, his face and overalls covered in soot and grime, a screwdriver tucked behind an ear like a pencil.Birdcoin! x1
Dislikes: Every other country, students not getting around to killing Birdcoin! x1
I can relate. That kind of crossover would require readers to be familiar with a lot of different series, while OC casts can better stand on its own merrits. In turn, they come with less inbuild interest, but I like the cast we've got here so far, so that's something.

I wouldn't say that's necessarily true for multi-crossovers, like when I was reading Danganronpa 69 I didn't know anything about The Conductor, even that he was from A Hat In Time, yet I still read the fic fine. OC casts (or mostly OCs and two minor canon characters in Showa's case) from personal experience have their own problems, in that the author has to engage readers from scratch with them (then again, OCs have less pressure to keep 'in-character')

Anyway, I'll be getting around to the next update either later today or tomorrow
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Chapter 2: Deadly Life 1
[x] I'd try heading across the ice anyway, I wouldn't be going at the same speed Dejan was, I didn't have to fear.

I took a deep breath out of caution, probably not the best idea since it filled my lungs with even more cold air, and cautiously steeped forward across the ice. I didn't hear it cracking beneath me, I mean I already knew the ice was firm, but that worry couldn't help but linger in a place like this.

With one hand on the cave pillar, I tried to kneel and feel Dejan's wrist, then his heart. Nothing. Meanwhile, blood was splattered all across the back of his head, where it made sense his head would've hit after being shoved and sliding backwards.

(Dejan's Cause of Death(I>

Dejan Albini, the Ultimate Tank Commander! In case ya can't tell, I'm from Novoselic, regrettably still a Kingdom," he said, starting positive but ending on a sour note. "My country's alliances we're all over the place during the war, like we were Allies then Axis then neutral, ugh, it was a lot to take in. The people though, we were always for freedom!"

I kept thinking back to every time I'd spoken with Dejan, which I knew wasn't a lot, but it was easy to make a lout out of a little in a situation like this. Dejan was... the exact sort of person that before, I'd only have met as a captive, an enemy of our nation. yet what chance I got to speak with him showed me that he was a person all the same, and a well-meaning one. Whereas I could imagine my superiors just writing him off as less than human.

My vision went blurry for a second, like I was about to pass out, and not just from the cold. It was a... strange sensation, not one unlike I've had in tense periods before this, where my mind suddenly all got foggy like half of it wasn't there. I cam back to my regular self just in time, able to concentrate and speak out:
"Columbird's right, Albini's dead," those words left me, perhaps softer than they should've.

"I, er..." Momoka muttered, less sure what to say, "The Announcement goes off when three innocents witness the body, r-right? So, ah, that has to mean none of us are the killer!"

"Oh, think you're clever, huh dame?" Genpachi then laughed at her, "It ain't so simple. What if I told you was of us killed him, left, then someone else walked by before we came back in?"

"Sakamoto, w-what are you implying?" I had to ask.

"Oh I ain't sayin' anything definite. Just speculation, kid, keep ya on your toes," Genpachi said shrugged, again being unhelpful, "Well, much as ya can on that ice. Hey, how 'bout ya look on the bright side? Least we know the CoD this time."

"I, I wouldn't want to assume anything about Albini, but..." Momoka then had to say, her then straining to say the following words, "You have to admit, he was a likely candidate for the spy. I mean, he always made it clear how much he was against Japan, and countries with political systems like ours."

I flinched hearing her say that, nearly falling on the ice doing so. Once I stepped back off the ice though, I told Momoka, "No... I don't believe that's the case at all. How vocal Albini was about his beliefs may be proof he wasn't the spy. Like, yeah, I could see spies joining up with dissident groups, but they wouldn't be that open to just anyone they met."

"Oh, um, that's right," Momoka then said as she stepped back, "I-I was too quick to come to conclusions! I'm so sorry, I'll try not to just say the first thing that comes to my head."

"Ah, you're forgettin' reverse psychology!" Genpachi had to add as he smirked and pointed at his head, "Don't think ya've proven anyone's innocence yet, dollface. His gambit may've been being so open that nobody would think a spy'd be that obvious!"
Honestly, I couldn't tell if Genpachi really was trying to make a point, or if he was just tossing another wrench in just for the perverse pleasure of confusing us.

"Either way, I can confirm Sakakibara got it right the first time," Toranosuke's voice then came from nowhere, as he slowly strode up the path, "Albini was our communist spy. After all, who else could it have been?"

I tensed hearing those words. How... how could he just say that?
"Ishimaru, this is serious. What proof do you have that Albini was the spy?" I asked while having to restrain myself from yelling that at him.

"Simple. I wouldn't have killed him otherwise," Toranosuke, of all things, said.

(Toranosuke's Claim(I>

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard, it was only that disbelief, in fact, that kept me from just lunging at Toranosuke. Well, that and him being far more physically fit than me.

But Genpachi stepped in before I could, laughing all the while. "Real cute, narc, but don't think I'll take just any bait. I don't care how much of a 'genius' ya call yourself, ain't nobody's dumb enough to straight up say they were the killer, least not without somethin' more intricate going on in their mind. No genius would leave out a back-up plan just in case they got the wrong guy, unless ya have some backwards idea of 'genius'."

"Unless... it's your admission of guilt, it has to be, Ishimaru!" Momoka leapt to saying, "Whether Albini was a spy or not, you're taking responsibility, aren't you? Y-You have to be!"

Toranosuke just walked away at her words, saying back over his shoulder, "If you want evidence from me, wait till the trial. That's the place for it, is it not?"

So, either Toranosuke really was Dejan's killer, confident he'd found the spy... or he wasn't, yet was pretending to be anyway? If the latter was the case, it could match with him withholding anything on Dejan being the spy, besides gut feeling. And yet, the only reasons I could think of for him just claiming to be a killer here were if the real culprit had tricked him into thinking he killed Dejan, or he'd agreed to cover for them. But... who else would Toranosuke agree to cover for, and why?

Either way, wouldn't hurt to check up on whether he had an alibi, to make sure there wasn't some strange gambit going on here. "Sakamoto, Sakakibara, did any of you see Ishimaru earlier today, after the Gym?" I asked.

Momoka shook her head and said, "I did see a couple of people on the way up here, Jeanne heading out through a cave, Manami entering her Lab to check for leaks, but mostly I've just been talking with you today, Enoshima."

Genpachi in contrast said, "Pfft, like I'd go looking for the guy in the first place".

Needing more on the possible alibi than that, we headed from the ice cave up into the library to the north. I could see Fuhito and Yoritsune by shelves on either side, but everyone's eyes were then drawn to Kanji who ran straight for us. "Oh, Sakakibara, et al, so glad to see you are all alright," he said in the middle of the panting, "N-now is not the time for alarm, b-but I must report there's been-"

"We know, we've seen Albini," I told him.

Kanji twitched then looked straight at me, "A-Albini- w-what are you implying? N-No, what I intended to say was..."

"You've just returned from the springs cave, Iwai. I take it whatever you mean is in there?" Fuhito stepped in.
It said something when a wordsmith like Kanji only nodded in reply.

That fuzzy feeling from earlier came back to me again, so obvious this time that it made Momoka look at me and ask, "Enoshima, are- are you sure you're alright? If it's another Body Discovery, Sakamoto and I can handle it while you stay here."

I shuddered. The thought of Momoka being alone with Genpachi... or anyone else being alone with Genpachi, made me pull myself back up and say, "No, that's okay, I'm fine. I'll come with you."

"Sakakibara has a point, Enoshima. You seem in no condition to handle another corpse in short succession," Fuhito said as he looked right at me, "I'd advise you stay back while actual professionals see to the matter."

"...No, if there is another body, it's better if I just see them, get the discovery over with. I'm gonna hear about their death anyway," I spoke out.

"Hah, of course there'd be another corpse," Genpachi had to cut in, "Getting away with killing gets us a free ticket out of here, so of course more than one schmuck would wanna test their luck hunting the spy."

Wait, assuming Toranosuke did kill Dejan and nothing more was going on, did this mean... Toranosuke wanted to stay down here by exposing himself? No, that didn't sound right, I thought he was eager to make his way out and rebuild Japan, isn't that what he said?

We were slowly led back out to the hot springs cave, Kanji quaking legs meaning he took longer than normal. Fuhito eventually got so impatient that he just strode forth ahead of the linguist, assuming the body's location. And sure enough...

"Got ourselves a Body Discovery!" Columbird came on again overhead.

We saw Fuhito standing over one of the springs, having come to a complete stop. I was reduced to inching forward as I hyperventilated, but I looked down to see just who I dreaded I'd see dead in the hot springs.


Kagura Amano, the ultimate Shrine Maiden, one of the first few people I'd really talked to here... was lying there drowned, her sword somehow embedded into a crack in the rock, water splashed everywhere around, and even a nearby stalagmite knocked over.

(Signs of a Scuffle(I>

I screamed, almost blacking out entirely, only to then hear that Voice I'd appreciated not hearing for so long.
"Listen, how 'bout I just tell you the name of Kagura's killer? You sure seemed close to her, well, close enough, and I said I was gonna get you through this. Of course, the bird will probably still make you identify the spy anyway, Killing Game hosts never make it too easy."

[ ] ...You know what, I might as well. Doesn't mean I'll believe it.
[ ] No, I'm not falling for this Voice again.
[ ] I'd only ask later, if we couldn't figure Kagura's killer out on our own.
[ ] I could ask the voice to confirm Toranosuke instead.
[ ] I can't trust them on the killer, but maybe with lesser information?
[ ] Write-in
[X] ...You know what, I might as well. Doesn't mean I'll believe it.

We're obviously not believing them this time around, but last trial stuff like Simeon's aversion to drawing blood still came up. Even if they tell us nonsense, it can't hurt to be aware of potential red herrings before they come up in the trial.

That being said, the spy killing situation quickly went from bad to worse here. Not just because at least one wrongly accused person died—there's no sign the real spy deserved to die in the first place—but also because losing Kagura does hurt.
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Chapter 2: Deadly Life 2
[X] ...You know what, I might as well. Doesn't mean I'll believe it.

"Fine, tell me," I hissed beneath my breath. I at least figured there was no harm in hearing what the Voice would say, long as I took it with caution.

"Huh? Tell you what, Enoshima?" Fuhito cut in, somehow having heard what i just said. Much as I didn't want that Voice reading my thoughts, some sort of telepathic communication would make things easier.

"N-nothing, sorry, slip of the tongue," I said on instinct. That seemed to get Fuhito off my back this one time, though I could still feel his eye on me.

"Jeanne Chevalier, Ultimate Resistance Fighter, or so she calls herself. She's the one who killed Kagura," the Voice told me... and I knew immediately that had to be a lie.
I mean, not only had the Voice been wrong before with Aoko, but I knew Jeanne. Unless she was that desperate to get out, she wouldn't even have a motive for killing Kagura, like Jeanne didn't seem to care at all about hunting down the spy. She could have even seen them as a potential ally.

Unless- no, unless Jeanne was the spy, and killed Kagura to not be found out- no, no! I didn't want to believe that either, and even from a logical viewpoint I didn't have to believe that. Like Dejan, Jeanne was always too obvious and open to be any sort of spy.

For now, it was best if I just concentrated on the investigation itself, see if anything at all would back up whatever the Voice might say. Well, as much as Fuhito would let me, or anyone else, anyway.
Of course, I then immediately heard another voice I dreaded to hear.

"Alright, ya low-lives. You dirtbags better appreciate what time I spent drafting up this here Columbird File!" Columbird swooped down to bark out, "Which was... only a minute or so. Er, because I ain't no sad-faced slacker who takes all damn day to write up an autopsy report, ya hear?!" he came roaring back with.

Fuhito moved in to take it before any of us could and read out, "The victims were Dejan Albini and Kagura Amano, both were killed sometime between 1215 and 1230 hours. Dejan was killed in the ice cave by being pushed across the ice and hitting the back of his head on a pillar, with Toranosuke Ishimaru claiming to be his killer. Kagura was found drowned near her Lab by the hot springs."

(Columbird File #2(I>

Done reading, Fuhito shook his head and muttered, "I must have misread, Ishimaru couldn't have-"

"And that's where you're wrong," Genpachi chuckled, "Came right up ta us and said he dunnit. Am I right, sweetcheeks, dollface?"

Uncomfortable as I felt going along with Genpachi, I backed him up with, "Yeah, Ishimaru said he thought Albini was the spy, that's why."

"A-Although, that doesn't prove he did it," Momoka tried to say, but she then stepped back and admitted, "Even if there's otherwise no reason for him to take the fall..."

"I'll be the judge of that," Fuhito had to insist on, "Ishimaru after all may have been the most insistent on preventing any killings, that he'd commit the second murder doesn't align with his character. Besides, it makes perfect sense to me why one would falsely claim to be the killer, as via reverse psychology, that would lead everyone to think otherwise, and not wrongly vote for them."

"Kid, I know reverse psychology," Genpachi said and shook his head at Fuhito, "And tell me, what makes ya think a square like Toranosuke would ever utilise it himself? Guy's moral fibre couldn't handle it."

"Ishimaru was admitted here for being a genius, what makes you think he wouldn't know about reverse psychology?" Fuhito countered.

"Ah, see what I did?" Genpachi smirked, "Got ya to question his moral character, the thing you said made him innocent."

While Fuhito was left fuming at Genpachi's remark, I recalled at least one helpful thing the Voice had said, though not that it was hard to otherwise work out. "Hey, it's not just about the killer, either of them, it's also that if either Kagura or Dejan was the spy, their killer gets to go free. Columbird's probably gonna make us figure out the spy too."

"Damn straight, son," Columbird shot up again, "You wanna get off scot-free, you'd better work for it! That's how America came to be the power it is, and why you're not running the Killing Game!"

"Or you're making us figure it out because you don't know who the spy is either," Fuhito took it, making Columbird seethe.

"Well, a clear start would be ruling out, eliminating myself, Seki, and Kirigiri as suspects, for I can confirm we were in the Library the whole time," Kanji spoke up.

"Yeah, but you left, remember wise-ass? You were the one who saw the drowned dame's cadaver," Genpachi had to put it like that.

"No, I can confirm that alibi. Besides, a murder like this would've taken too long to arrange for Kanji to enact it in the time he was out of the library," Fuhito told him.

(Library Alibis(I>

"We knew there was a fight before Amano died, b-but what with her sword, her killer must've been someone quite strong," Momoka said, looking back over the scene and Kagura's... Kagura's corpse.

"Hmm, strength alone would narrow it down to Yamato, Kimura, Chevalier, and again Ishimaru," Fuhito remarked, "Also Seki, but they already have an alibi."

(The Strongest(I>

"No, it couldn't have been Jeanne," I said out loud. Taking a breath to collect myself, I then explained, "I actually saw Chevalier and Amano sparring, they were evenly matched. Seki was refereeing, so they can back me up."

"Sparring ain't intent to kill, kid," Genpachi stared down at me, "'Sides, no ref this time means that the crazy broad was free to pull any tactic she wanted. Heh, like jazz in a way, once it don't gotta worry about sticking to any classical scales. Slippery cave floor could've given her the edge too."

(Slippery Surface(I>

I wanted desperately to think of a retort to that, to prove him wrong about Jeanne, or even about classical scales out of spite, but at present nothing came to me.

"Wait, does- does anyone else think it's weird that both these murders were committed in the caves?" Momoka then asked, "Caves amplify reverb and echo, so a killer could risk the victim screaming out and alerting everyone."

(Echoing Caves(I>

"That could help confirm Ishimaru killed Albini, since he didn't plan to keep the murder a secret," it occurred to me, though I hastened to add, "Again, if it was Ishimaru."

"And 'sides, sweetcheeks, if you did a guy in, wouldn't ya want yer murderin' to sound the best?" Genpachi had to insert a joke. At least, I hoped that was a joke.

"Silencing is hence why Amano's killer drowned her, although this wouldn't have muffled any noise from during their fight," Fuhito at least took this seriously, even adding, "We should inspect Amano's Lab, see if this fight could've started there."

The shimenawa rope and stalactites near the shrine were still in place, despite my previous worries. If they had fallen, it'd be way too soon to put the rope back in place again, let alone the stalactites.

(Outside of Shrine intact(I>

The inside though, not so much. The room was a mess, and not in a way that suggested Kagura was naturally like that. Lanterns had fallen to the ground, drumskins ripped, and altars knocked over. But the weird thing was a whole bunch of spare outfits and containers Kagura had had been rifled through.

(Inside of Shrine damaged(I>

"Hmm, that they'd go through Amano's belongings suggests that the killer was already searching in here, was found out, then got in a fight with Amano, which carried outside" Fuhito went over, "As her lab was where that skeleton was found out, it was already a suspicious place."

"Then could that skeleton have been a factor?" I asked, though made it clear, "Not that it narrows it down to my investigation group, we all learned about it at the meeting."

(Surprise Skeleton(I>

"If Amano was the spy, it raises the possibility that Sakamoto didn't goad Omura into killing Katsu alone," Fuhito raised the possibility, "The two seemed to form a close connection, and Omura was already acting suspiciously before his talk with Sakamoto."

"What, now I'm being denied credit? Sheesh," Genpachi muttered, as if that was the issue here.

"Iwai, we'll also need you to head down and inspect Albini's tank," Fuhito then said.

"W-what? Are we referring to that same war machine involved in Omura's death? Why on Earth would you send one such as I there?" Kanji asked and gulped.

"Unless you can name me anyone else with a chance of working out Serbo-Croatian, let alone the chance of Russian or Chinese, I'm afraid deciphering any personal notes Albini may have left behind will be up to you," came Fuhito's reasoning.

"Also, I-I don't see how Amano could be the spy," I then said, "Like, I could see why you'd want to disguise yourself as the Priestess of Izumo Shrine, but how would any of our enemies be able to get themselves into that position?"

"Likely when the real dame got called to Hope's Peak, the USS of R or whoever nabbed her and snuck their disguised spy in instead," Genpachi remarked.

"Being the spy doesn't rule out them still being Japanese," Momoka also said, "I've... I've had to broadcast reports of internal traitors being found out before, so it happens."

"Before we're called to trial, I'll need the fastest of you to time the shortest route between here and the site of Albini's death, to confirm whether or not it was possible for the same killer to have been there for both murders," Fuhito also ordered.

"Okay but... one question," I then had to ask, "Er, I notice you're not telling us to keep out like last investigation, I mean, I'm definitely grateful for that, don't get me wrong-"

Fuhito sighed. "After the last Trial, I concluded it'd be less of a headache if I kept you all where I knew you were. Well, even that idea has its limits, since with all the locations and so little time, we can't all stay in the same place."

[ ] I'd check out the tank with Kanji, he'd be safest there alongside someone with military vehicle know-how. Well, planes not tanks, but still.
[ ] I'd try to track Toranosuke, see if anything more proves or disproves his murder claim.
[ ] I could check the distance between kill-sites myself.
- [ ] I'd take the route through the North building.
- [ ] I'd the route through the South.
- [ ] I'd take the route through the central cave.
[ ] I'd keep investigating around the shrine.
[ ] I'd meet up with Jeanne, see if she had an alibi.
[ ] I'd check up on everyone the investigation hadn't already covered (Aoko, Hildegard, Manami, Etsuko).
[ ] Write-in.
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Hm, all things considered, the murders being commited by one person strikes me as unlikely, seeing how that would both ditch the spy-murder freeby and aligining the timing of having the room search be interrupted by Kagura's return with finding Dejan to kill him immediately after strikes me as a stretch, even if you can get from one murder location to the other in time.

On that note, the shrine going from *struggle inside* to *no struggle outside* only for more signs of struggle to appear further out strikes me as odd also. With that in mind, investigating more along the shrine could give us some further hints. It's either that, or checking up on the people not covered by the investigation so far in a blind stab for information and possible suspects. Well, an alibi for Jeanne couldn't hurt either, but worst case she can supply that in the trial itself.

[X] I'd keep investigating around the shrine.
[X] I'd check up on everyone the investigation hadn't already covered (Aoko, Hildegard, Manami, Etsuko).
It's less that there wasn't fighting outside and more that the exterior of the building wasn't damaged or cut into, that most of the main structures like the shimenawa remained intact.

Also, while I'll at least try to see Chapter 2 to its end, it's possible the Quest may go into hiatus after that. There's a few reasons why, a lot of it has to do with my own shifting interests right now on top of reader engagement, as well as writing a string of murder mysteries being a little stressful for me due to the increased focus on detail. Finishing Chapter 2 though should see this Quest beyond the 50k word mark, becoming SV's longest Danganronpa Quest (it's already my second-longest Quest)
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Eternal Resonance: Schumann's Dream Fantasy - Historic

Towards the end of his life, classical composer Robert Schumann fell further into a world of hallucination, tormented by angels, ghosts, demons, and unearthly music. His own wife Clara, the famed pianist, had been locked out of visiting him in the institute where he'd face his death. And yet...

Scheduled vote count started by ArlequineLunaire on Feb 6, 2022 at 1:35 AM, finished with 2 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] I'd keep investigating around the shrine.
    [X] I'd check up on everyone the investigation hadn't already covered (Aoko, Hildegard, Manami, Etsuko).

Hmm, I do think these different votes could be combined with some leeway, and I've said I at least would like to get to 50k words with this Quest and end this Deadly Life segment
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Chapter 2: Deadly Life 3
[X] I'd keep investigating around the shrine.
[X] I'd check up on everyone the investigation hadn't already covered (Aoko, Hildegard, Manami, Etsuko).

I kept looking around the shrine, sure to not miss any details. The main thing that got me though were the signs of fighting inside and away from the shrine by the spring, and yet the shrine's exterior was unscathed.
"I guess either Kagura or her killer was, if not knocked out, then at least stunned within the shrine, was then carried out, only to become fully conscious again by the pool. People can be unconscious for only a minute or so, I know from, erm, experience," came my musings.

I then heard a sudden shriek, only for it to be Momoka tripping over a loose floorboard within the shrine. I gasped with relief to see it was nothing fatal, but the short scene made something click for Fuhito.
He bent down ready to pull up the floorboards, only to stop and mutter, "Grr, violation of school property, even in a justified scenario, will probably got me shot at by that bird."

"Too right it will, ya little punks!" Columbird appeared and spoke out, "I usually lock up the Labs of any dead kids too, can't let ya just go and pick up any of that Jailbreaker's gizmos! Only reason I'm bein' generous here is 'cause it's relevant to the investigation!"

Fuhito gave him the cold shoulder, then turned to me and asked, "Enoshima, can you head around and check if there's enough space to crawl below the shrine?"

Nodding, I went around to the back of the shrine and saw that there was indeed a crawlspace beneath it. Not a very pleasant one though, being narrow and strewn with sharp stones. I struggled with moving around in there, even cutting myself doing so, and thought that maybe I could get through there easier were I a land soldier. Still, I'd proven someone could sneak in this way, knocking on the underside of the floorboards to let the others know.

(Secret Shrine Entrance(I>

A harder but hidden entrance wasn't the only thing down here though, as I vaguely made out the glint of a metal handle in the darkness. I thought it was for a trapdoor or something, but pulling on it showed that it was instead attached to a... suitcase? What would one be doing down here?

I dragged it out with me and took it to show to the others, telling them, "I... found this below the shrine." However, once I brought it into the light, we could all see there was no less than a combination lock on it.

(Combination-locked Case(I>

"Ah, proof that Amano was indeed the spy!" Kanji exclaimed at the sight of it.

"Not necessarily," Fuhito pointed out, "It could've belonged to her killer. While I doubt they'd be so careless as to leave something like this behind, there's the chance Amano took it from them, hence why they pursued and went through her belongings."

"I mean, it could have nothing to do with spying at all," Momoka said instead, "Everyone has belongings that are important to them, enough to want to keep hidden, and Amano with her position could've afforded something like this. As Head of Izumo Shrine, she was also a high-ranking government official... er, before the Emperor's proclamation anyway."

"Heh, it's like Schrodinger's Cat, dig? We'll never know till we open the sucker," Genpachi said.Birdcoin! x1

Fuhito gritted his teeth and snarled, "The one time Katsu would've come in useful, with I assume his codebreaking skills, and he dies first thing."
...If Yudai had lived, it's possible these deaths also wouldn't have happened, that we'd all be out free. I just kept silent on that; this wasn't the time for arguing. Save that sort of thing till the Trial, I guessed.
"Anyway, Iwai, you go inspect Dejan's belongings. I'll also need someone to go inform Kimura," he then said, "Loathe as I'd otherwise be to make use of her services, she would qualify as the fastest among us, so she'd be ideal to test the distance between the two murders."

"I can do that, I've been meaning to check up on everyone else," I said with my hand raised, especially to hear what Jeanne had to say. "I mean they'd know the basics already, what with both Announcements."

As Kanji and I turned to leave, Genpachi then asked the Conlanger, "Oh yeah, one thing. What makes ya think the Yoritsune you saw in the library was the real deal? None of us know what they look like beneath them bandages, after all."

Kanji turned out, only to confidently say, "Simple, I heard them speak. And should you insist that too was trickery, I'll have you note that none of us here are skilled in voice impressions. Well, save Sakakibara, but she has her own alibi."

"Right, 'kay, I get it," Genpachi rolled his eyes, "Just makin' sure. Heh, might come in handy to know in the future..."

I entered the dining hall to see the remaining students gathered there, the one exception being Aoko, with her I figured having gone to check on the bodies herself.
"So, er, hi everyone," I tried to say something in the uneasy air, "Guess you'd all have heard both announcements, huh? Yeah, it's Albini and Amano who're dead now, I'm- I'm sorry."

"No, Tsubasa. Unless you're the killer, or one of them, or Columbird, there's absolutely no need to apologise," Hildegard was first to speak.

"W-wait, Dejan, he is dead?" Jeanne gasped, before she said more quietly, "I mean, it was not like I never feared that was the case, but hearing that confirmed is another zing entirely, no?"

I had no idea what to ask Jeanne, afraid that anything I had to say would back up what the Voice said, or at least let her onto that I'd been made to suspect her.
I then looked at Manami, and given her own strength and skill with water, it occurred to me she was a possible suspect too.
Steadying myself, I asked everyone, "Okay, um, nothing personal, j-just going to ask everyone for their alibis. Ah, I'm following procedure, that's all it is."

"I don't have anyone to back me up on it, but I was in my Lab at the time," Manami spoke first. Well, she seemed confident enough in saying that her alibi only held up so much, but still, a faulty alibi was a faulty alibi.

"I was off to check out the ballroom, to be sure zat Columbird did not hoist zat chandelier back up for use as a weapon again," Jeanne said. That... sounded suspicious, given I hadn't seen her anywhere in the ballroom, but I'd left there when I found Dejan's body, and Jeanne had said 'going', not 'in the'.

"Ooh ooh, Schulz and me were both together!" Etsuko jumped up with her paw raised, "We were at the School Store, I was pawing all the yarn, and we started talkin' bout lab and science stuff."

"Well, bits and pieces, what we were willingtodivulge, but that is correct," Hildegard confirmed.

Huh, I'd never really pictured Etsuko as knowing stuff about science... but then again, given the likely reasons behind her Chimera existence, yeah, I could see a laboratory in her background.

(Remaining students' alibis(I>

"Actually, Kimura, I'm also her to ask you soemthing in particular," I then said to her, "We're still trying to figure out whether it'd be possible for a single culprit to have killed both Amano and Albini. So since you're pretty fast, we were gonna ask if you could check the time it takes to run between both caves, if it can be done in fifteen minutes or not."

"Grr, so your saying I did it!" Etsuko suddenly flared up.

"Ah, no no, just that you could prove whether it was possibleornot," Hildegard said more gently to her.

Etsuko then perked up in a second and said, "Oh, well why didn't ya just say so?"

She then zoomed off to do so, though briefly zoomed back to actually get her claws on a stopwatch. While we waited for her, it was Kanji who then came up to me and said, "Huzzah! I have procured quite the array of letters hidden inside Albini's quarters! Er, except that..." he then mumbled.

"Are you having trouble translating them?" I asked, only for Kanji like Etsuko to flare up.

"What? Iwai Kanji having difficulty with languages? Absolutely not!" his voice rocketed up, only for him to admit, "It's just that- all these notes are blank, you see? So either he never was able to write in them... or he wrote with invisible ink!" Holding the notes up to a nearby source, Kanji beamed as faint writing started to show up. "See! Just as I surmised!"

(Invisible Ink notes(I>

It wasn't long until Etsuko also came back, panting as she did. "Yeppers! Ran there and back in time!" she said, showing the stopwatch as proof, "But owie, sure took a lot outta me, runnin' between there so quickly. Why'd ya make me do it- oh yeah, evidence."

(Distance between the killings(I>

Then if Etsuko, the fastest among us, still had to rush to get between the two caves in time, that challenged the possibility of one killer pulling off both murders in that amount of time, especially with everything that'd gone into killing Kagura.

That Toranosuke killed Dejan and... that Jeanne killed Kagura seemed the most likely now, but did everything add up?

[ ] I still don't think Toranosuke killed Dejan.
[ ] I still don't think Jeanne killed Kagura.
[ ] I think Dejan was the spy.
[ ] I think Jeanne was the spy.
[ ] I think Kagura was the spy.
[ ] Could Toranosuke be the spy?
[ ] Neither Jeanne or Toranosuke killed anyone.
[ ] Neither of the four were the spy.
[ ] I don't know what to think.
[ ] Write-in.
(Multiple votes possible)
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[X] I think Dejan was the spy.

I'll be honest and say that this mostly comes back down to Toranusuke having the best odds to survive due to partial canon status, which of course means that him dying early would make for a twist. Still, unless the big reveal is that Toranosuke killed Kagura and claims the other murder to throw us off, this does seem the most straightforward.

As for Kagura's murder, well, Jeanne has been build up as the obvious suspect. Another possible tell that hasn't been pointed out as obviously by the narrative is that she shows shock at Dejan's death specifically, which could be her accidentally hinting that she already knew Kagura is dead, or, speaking more hopefully, that she saw something leading up to Dejan's death and feels bad for not stepping in. It's not anything approaching solid evidence, but I've seen trials resolve on similar slips of the tongue.

That being said, we do have other suspects, so I'm going to hold out hope for now. (Part of my gut feeling does point towards Yoritsune, but I can't really think of a way to work around their alibi without going wild.)

[X] I still don't think Jeanne killed Kagura.
Vote closed
Heads up that the next post will probably be my last before putting this on hiatus, which might leave this Quest mid-trial (but hey, cliffhanger)

Scheduled vote count started by ArlequineLunaire on Feb 8, 2022 at 10:02 PM, finished with 2 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] I still don't think Jeanne killed Kagura.
    [X] I think Dejan was the spy.
    [X] I still don't think Toranosuke killed Dejan.

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Chapter 2: Class Trial - All Rise
[X] I still don't think Jeanne killed Kagura.

It was not that I knew for certain that Jeanne didn't kill Kagura, more I didn't want that to be true, I had to admit. Even if Kagura was the spy and Jeanne would get pardoned from killing her, I... I didn't want to face the thought of Jeanne killing any of us.
True, being the Ultimate Resistance Fighter probably meant Jeanne had at least one or more kills to her name, but still, killing an enemy officer was, well, something else entirely to killing your trapped classmate. I hadn't done even that, given how late in the war I was deployed.
Of course, Jeanne not having any reaction to Kagura's death didn't help in any case.

Anyway, there was something else I had to wonder about. "What was Albini doing in the ice cave to begin with?" I asked.

"Duh! 'Cause the stairs are blocked, gotta go through the freezy-uneasy cave," Etsuko said.

"Wait, no, Columbird opened the stairs... in the South Building. Huh, so they aren't open in the North building?" I figured.

"Nope, negative, nada. Certainly would've saved me travel time if they were," Kanji sighed.

(North stairs still closed(I>

"Right, I've been more than generous with your Investigation Time! Get yer asses movin' to the Class Trial!" Columbird then burst out from the monitors.

All thirteen of us left entering the elevator, the atmosphere in there was tenser than last time. Not only did we have two deaths at once on our hands, with Toranosuke already claiming to be one of the killers, but also the thought of a spy that, for all we knew, still lurked among us.

(Dejan's Cause of Death(I>

Dejan died from being shoved backwards across the icy floor, the friction making him move so fast the back of his head slammed into a cave pillar.

(Toranosuke's Claim(I>

Toranosuke has come forth to claim that he was the one who killed Dejan, believing that Dejan was the spy.

(Signs of a Struggle(I>

The hot spring where Kagura was drowned had signs of a fight having been there, meaning she was able to temporarily resist her killer.

(Columbird File #2(I>

The victims were Dejan Albini and Kagura Amano, both were killed sometime between 1215 and 1230 hours. Dejan was killed in the ice cave by being pushed across the ice and hitting the back of his head on a pillar, with Toranosuke Ishimaru claiming to be his killer. Kagura was found drowned near her Lab by the hot springs.

(Library Alibis(I>

Fuhito, Kanji, and Yoritsune were all in the Library at the time of both murders, as confirmed by Fuhito and Kanji. Additionally, Kanji says that Yoritsune's voice matched, meaning it likekly wasn't someone disguised as them.

(The Strongest(I>

As Kagura was overpowered and held underwater, this narrows her suspects down to the strongest students here, being Jeanne, Toranosuke, Manami, and Etsuko, Yoritsune not included as they had an alibi. Jeanne was seen before to match Kagura in combat, and here wouldn't have had Yoritsune to act as referee.

(Slippery Surface(I>

The hot spring caves are naturally slippery. This does not appear to have killed Kagura, but may've helped her killer gain an upper hand.

(Echoing Caves(I>

Any murder committed in the caves would have had any noise amplified through echo. This shows either the killer had somehow forgotten this, or didn't care about the risk to being found out this would pose.

(Outside of Shrine intact(I>

Kagura's Shrine Lab does not appear damaged from outside, with some obvious killing implements (like the heavy shimenawa rope) left intact, showing that most of the fighting took place inside or further away.

(Inside of Shrine damaged(I>

The shrine interior shows signs of fighting clearly more destructive than usual messiness. Kagura's belongings were also rifled through, suggesting that the killer, or at least someone involved in the killing, snuck in first.

(Surprise Skeleton(I>

A skeleton of unknown origin was found in Kagura's lab upon its discovery, which only a few students saw, but everyone was later told. That incident could be tied in with the killer's motive.

(Secret Shrine Entrance(I>

A crawlspace beneath Kagura's shrine was found along with a loose floorboard. This could've been a way for the killer to sneak in, or for Kagura to try ambushing the killer after they broke in normally.

(Combination-locked Case(I>

A suitcase with a combination padlock was found beneath the floor of Kagura's shrine, which could point to either her or her killer (if she took the case) being the spy.

(Remaining students' alibis(I>

Hildegard and Etsuko were both at the School Store. Manami and Jeanne had weaker alibis, saying they were in their Lab and going to the ballroom, but had no one to back them up. Manami at least admitted this.

(Invisible Ink notes(I>

Papers written in invisible ink were found in Dejan's tank.

(Distance between the killings(I>

Etsuko, the fastest runner, only just ran between both killing sites in the same length of time the murders happened in. This makes it highly unlikely that one killer had the opportunity to commit both murders.

(North stairs still closed(I>

Only the stairs in the South building have been opened up, meaning any killer couldn't have gone up or down through the North building.
Birdcoin! x1
We came down to the court room to find it'd suddenly been redecorated. It was like we were inside a mountain lodge with all the logs lining the walls, with fake snow falling across the room.


"To establish what we can agree on about this case," Manami spoke first, and paranoid I wondered if she was trying to project a leaderly image to dissuade us from suspecting her. Then again, she was a captain, she already had a leaderly image. "Albini was killed by being pushed and cracking his head in the ice cave, Ishimaru claiming responsibility there, and Amano by being drowned in the hot springs after a fight with her killer. Albini seems the most obvious spy out of the two, though some argue that disproves him as much as proves him."

"The likely event is that Albini was the spy, and as for him being 'too obvious', I would say you overestimate the actual abilities of such unscrupulous enemies," Toranosuke said.

"Ishimaru, I... don't want to have to tell someone like you this, but what you said was speculation, not actual evidence," Fuhito said.

"Alright then, you want evidence? The first murder was Albini's fault, killer or not it was still his tank, and the timing was tight enough that him having been accomplice to Omura or Katsu is on the table. I was the one who led the pursuit on that tank, so I say this with more than enough authority," Toranosuke said and crossed his arms.

"Hold on, we established last trial zat le tank getting loose happened completely without Dejan knowing," Jeanne spoke up at that, "Besides, if zat even was his plan back zen, he would have gotten killed if it succeeded, no?"

"Hah, spies in those regimes are practically engineered to die for their duty," Toranosuke insisted back.

You could say the same about our country, that thought coursed through me.

"Mrow, you're 'sposed ta be a genius, right?" Etsuko then growled up at Toranosuke, "Then how come I ain't heawing any lasting evidence?"

sighed out, "Alright, if not Albini, then who? Presuming Amano was also killed on suspicion of being the spy, we have nothing that points to her. How would a spy even disguise themselves as a high-ranking priestess of ours?"

>>Combination-locked case>>---X Nothing that points to her

"That's not true! We found this combination-locked case beneath Amano's shrine, you don't think that's more than a little suspicious?" I asked him.

"That isn't proof, you don't think someone of Amano's rank would want to keep certain possessions of theirs secret and secure?" Toranosuke asked back.

"Hmm, Columbird, can we have the case opened?" Fuhito requested.

"Well, it's trial-relevant, so let's open this sucker up!" Columbird proclaimed, as he swooped down to no less than yank the case open with his claws... only to set off some built-in explosive in his carelessness, getting ash all over the courtroom.

In between coughing, I could see the smoke slowly clear to show that the explosion had also burnt the actual case's contents to a crisp, so what was in it may now truly be unknowable. Yet at the same time, this may've further implicated Amano.

"Does rigging your case to explode sound like the work of 'just a highranking priestess'?" Hildegard then stated, "Isn't espionage more likely by this point?"

"Shinto shrines art no strangers to flame," it was Yoritsune who said, "They hath produced both bonfires and fireworks for ritual occasions."

"My, what a shrine-maiden she must be then, to rather secret information burned than in the hands of the enemy," Aoko laughed at that, "Seriously Seki, how often have you heard of shrine possessions being security risks? Ise maybe, due to its ties with the Emperor, or maybe a Tokyo shrine, but dear Amano was all the way out in Izumo."

"Shrines hath their secrets, for the kunoichi used to clad themselves in the guise of shrine maidens," Yoritsune went over, "Hmm, though on second thought, saying that only makes Amano look all the more suspect."

"Hold on!" Etsuko shouted and pointed at Yoritsune, "You're alwways in bandages, and all your knowwledge of Japan could've just meant you've studied up! How do we know you ain't the spy, how do we know you ain't the killer?"

>>Library Alibis>>---X How do we know you ain't the killer?

"We know Seki didn't kill because they have an alibi!" I said, "They were in the library the whole time, Iwai and Kirigiri can confirm."

"And how do you know that wasn't someone else in Seki's bandages?" Manami narrowed her gaze and asked.

"Because they spoke to me while there!" Kanji confirmed, "And before you say their voice was faked, name but one of us with that skill in voice acting?"

Unfortunately, that just made people slowly turn to stare at Momoka, who immediately protested, "W-wait, no! I'm innocent, I'm not the spy, and I'm certainly not the killer! I have an alibi, both Enoshima and Sakamoto can confirm I was in the ballroom!"

I promptly nodded, even though it only really confirmed Momoka wasn't the killer, not the spy. Guess we were all assuming the two were interconnected because of the Motive.

"Really? I was on my way to le ballroom, yet I did not see you there," Jeanne said.

"'On your way', your words specifically," Manami at least said.

"I-If you did get there, Enoshima and I would've just left, out to the ice cave," Momoka went over.

"Where Dejan was murdered? That only makes you look more suspicious!" Jeanne accused.

>>Toranosuke's Claim>>---X Makes you look more suspicious

"The ice cave was where Toranosuke told us he was the killer, Albini was already dead!" I told her.

"That is right, I can confirm Sakakibara and Enoshima, Sakamoto too, came in after Albini's demise," Toranosuke helped out for once this trial.

"Oh, I don't know," Genpachi chuckled, "I was in my Lab the whole time, sure I heard a knock or so but that was it. I didn't see hide nor hair of the dame till I stepped out into that cave."
Was, was Genpachi lying for his own amusement? He knew just as much as me that Momoka was in the ballroom the whole time.


"All I heard was a knock at the door-"
"-The kid, Tsubasa, is the only one fool enough to back her alibi, and he's such a softie it don't count-"
"-Anything coulda been going on outside my Lab"


"Sakamoto, you know you're lying!" I told him straight, "Not only did you follow right behind us into the ice cave, Sakakibara and I both had music on while we were in the ballroom. If you didn't hear that, you would've at least felt the vibrations this far underground!"
That rebuttal made him twitch, but he still kept messing the trial for no good reason.

"-I didn't hear ya tunes 'cause, knowing yer taste, they probably weren't worth hearing"
"-Besides, even if the dame didn't commit the first murder-
"-She got no alibi for the second!"

o=|Columbird File #2!>

"Momoka couldn't have killed Kagura because there was only a fifteen-minute window, and I was with her in the ballroom the whole time!" I told him, "And you know this, Sakamoto, you were there when we received the file!"

Everyone then turned to stare at Genpachi, but he shrugged them off and said, "Okay, but following teh same train o' thought, kid's just proven my innocence too. He was the one saying I shoulda known 'cause I was in my Lab the whole time."

...I was never even trying to accuse you in the first place?

I worried this trial had already gotten way off track. We needed to focus on:
[ ] Any last evidence Dejan was the spy.
[ ] Any evidence that Kagura was the spy.
[ ] Working out Kagura's killer.
[ ] Getting Jeanne to explain her alibi.
[ ] Write-in
Voting is open