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To keep with the spirit of working things out for ourselves, could her current Talent have anything in common with a certain famous Wilhelm who is also not Kaiser?

Ah yeah, should've responded to this sooner.
Er, I'm assuming you mean Wilhelm Reich, the Austrian psychoanalyst, or even Wilhelm of the Brothers Grimm? Er, Wilhelm Klink from Hogan's Heroes?
Er, I'm assuming you mean Wilhelm Reich, the Austrian psychoanalyst, or even Wilhelm of the Brothers Grimm? Er, Wilhelm Klink from Hogan's Heroes?
I was thinking Röntgen.

Picking up the can to inspect it, Fuhito remarked, "Wait, I recognise this brand. Hmm, this is the carbonated drink Germany started manufacturing when other countries stopped exporting soda to them, correct? And yet this brand wasn't disposed of down here despite this Killing Game has been set up by an Allied power, so we can surmise that some Axis defectors have since joined up with America?"
Note to self: don't get Fuhito anything edible anymore. He's just going to stare at it to tease the secrets of its make and the geopolitical implications of its existence instead of enjoying it.

On the other hand, good to know that someone besides Toranosuke looks at the Killing Game as a career opportunity! Positive thinking!
If any of you fourteen kill whoever's the ratbag commie spy, you will gain a one-time exemption from the fate that would otherwise befall a killer! No Execution for you, well, none now anyway.
I am not certain about this condition. There is still a trial, right? It's just that if they are found guilty they aren't executed, but the opposite still holds true; if we don't find the killer everyone else besides them dies. Killing someone else just for the sake of it doesn't make sense, but It might lead to something when combined with relative impunity and a chance for freedom. Worse yet, it opens us to cases of mistaken identity where evidence could be placed to frame people as spies and mark them as targets if somebody wanted them gone.

[X] "We should find the spy, but just apprehend them, not kill them! Remember, they're stuck here too"
Is there any particular reason we even want to apprehend them, as opposed to just identify them? No one here is aligned with the Axis powers (as the Axis powers) or America, so why would any of us care? I mean, it might be worth finding out if only for their own safety, but then if they thought they'd be more safe openly known to everyone they'd come out themselves.

[x] "I think it's their business. They should find someone they can confide in to have their back, and take care from now on, but the rest of us have no reason to pry if they don't want to be found."

They better get a partner to watch them. Of course, then it might happen that the partner would be the one to kill them, but hey, there's nothing that can be done about poor judgments.
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Is there any particular reason we even want to apprehend them, as opposed to just identify them? No one here is aligned with the Axis powers (as the Axis powers) or America, so why would any of us care? I mean, it might be worth finding out if only for their own safety, but then if they thought they'd be more safe openly known to everyone they'd come out themselves.
Not overtly, no. It's just that none of the given answers were pushing against finding the spy (unless you count doubting Columbird's claim in the first place), so going with the option that at least puts focus on how we're ultimately in this together with them seemed the most appropriate to me. Of course, if somebody ends up killing them it'll most likely be motivated by a desire to escape this place while taking as little risk as possible, so that sentiment might be in vain regardless.

Now that you did create a write in, I can agree that we have no good reason to pry. I feel less sure about encouraging them to find a partner, but it's not the worst advice that could be given. So all in all, I can roll with that approach.

[X] "I think it's their business. They should find someone they can confide in to have their back, and take care from now on, but the rest of us have no reason to pry if they don't want to be found."
Is there any particular reason we even want to apprehend them, as opposed to just identify them? No one here is aligned with the Axis powers (as the Axis powers) or America, so why would any of us care? I mean, it might be worth finding out if only for their own safety, but then if they thought they'd be more safe openly known to everyone they'd come out themselves.
Keep in mind most of the students here have grown up in Imperial Japan and had no choice but to serve under it, meaning their reaction to learning there's a communist in their ranks, possibly from a country that was planning to invade them, is not going to be at all positive and rational. Tsubasa just saying we don't need to apprehend them could just draw suspicion to him

Unless by 'any of us' you mean the players, and why'd they want to apprehend them. I mean, I wasn't exactly expecting you to, given the usual response from Danganronpa's readers is to be suspicious of any motives, but still put up the option just in case
Keep in mind most of the students here have grown up in Imperial Japan and had no choice but to serve under it, meaning their reaction to learning there's a communist in their ranks, possibly from a country that was planning to invade them, is not going to be at all positive and rational. Tsubasa just saying we don't need to apprehend them could just draw suspicion to him
Well, you are the QM, but I figured none of them have a militaristic mindset (with the two out of three military talents belonging to Dejan and Tsubasa, not the fans of Imperial Japan in the slightest), and there is a country that invaded and occupied them (and nuked them) already as opposed to one that was possibly planning to. And potentially is in the process of murdering them personally right now, depending on whether Columbird is who he says he is. I figured any enmity would be second-hand (i.e. fueled by third parties informing them why they should hate these people) and further muted by the "enemy of my enemy" sentiment. Columbird wanting the spy dead may be reason enough for some of them to keep them alive.
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Keep in mind most of the students here have grown up in Imperial Japan and had no choice but to serve under it, meaning their reaction to learning there's a communist in their ranks, possibly from a country that was planning to invade them, is not going to be at all positive and rational. Tsubasa just saying we don't need to apprehend them could just draw suspicion to him
On which note, it's possible the comment about the spy finding somebody to confide in could be interpreted as Tsubasa angling for himself to be that somebody, given the open display of kinda sorta support.

There's no telling how exactly the others are going to react, but from the perspective of somebody sitting on the other side of the screen, a turn of events that puts a bit more focus on the MC can't hurt. That and Tsubasa strikes me as well poised to be the voice of reason in that regard. I'm less sure how well he's going to hold up once some of the others start putting pressure on him, but at that point he at least tried to speak up.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ArlequineLunaire on Jan 23, 2022 at 11:37 PM, finished with 7 posts and 2 votes.

  • [x] "I think it's their business. They should find someone they can confide in to have their back, and take care from now on, but the rest of us have no reason to pry if they don't want to be found."

Chapter 2: Daily Life 7 (Motive Reveal)
"I think it's their business. They should find someone they can confide in to have their back, and take care from now on, but the rest of us have no reason to pry if they don't want to be found," were my words to the rest of the group... which only got me met with a bunch of stares.

"Enoshima, do you have any idea what you're saying?" Toranosuke strode up to me and stared right into my face, "Both Stalin and Mao are our nation's enemies, remember? You are honestly suggesting we do nothing about an agent of one of theirs that right in this room? Need I remind you this is Hope's Peak, pride of the nation, yet you suggest we just leave the spy be to uncover all its secrets!"

"'All its secrets', Ishimaru?" Yoritsune came to me to speak up, "Need I remind thee that all above ye second floor is closed to us? Most likely, ye spy in our midst only knows what we do, naught that wouldst threaten our land."

"Oh yeah? You're one to talk!" Kagura spoke up and pointed at Yoritsune, "I doubt ya even know a thing about espionage since the days of Sarutobi freakin' Sasuke! I mean, uh, I don't either, but it's not like I claim to!"

"Look, listen," I tried to speak up amid all of this, "Any spy is just as much a target of the Killing Game as anyone else here, more so even. If you don't want them to rat us out to... whoever they work for, then we shouldn't be alienating them even further. A-And America was our enemy too, remember, and Columbird already has access to any secret he wants about Hope's Peak."

"'Fraid ya ain't getting the point, kid," Genpachi then whispered as he suddenly put his hand on my shoulder, "At present, us here can't do a thing 'bout Columbird, but this spy? Now them's a sucker we can have authority over. Oh, I ain't suggestin' anything, just saying this is how the powerless act when finally given power over somethin', always has been."

"Grr," Etsuko then hissed out, claws pointed at Columbird, "How do we even know ta trust what the big dumb bird is sayin'? He's no got proof there's a spy, so fur all we know, he's just lying ta turn us all 'gainst each other!"

"Oh, ya want proof huh, ya ungrateful little Frankenstein? Hmph, questionin' America just sounds like more commie talk ta me," Columbird spoke back, "But just kill someone, and if I don't execute ya for it, then there's ya proof!"

"Enoshima, I am just as concerned as you are about group cohesion," Toranosuke began, having to speak over Etsuko and Columbird, but then lowered his voice at said, "Which, despite your protestations, is exactly why the spy must be caught, for what else is their purpose but to destroy our cohesion? The moment the Killing Game ends and we step out, Stalin and Mao will still be our nation's enemies."

"My my, you may have just countered your own argument, Ishimaru," Aoko chuckled at him, "That the lethality of the Killing Game comes first, and that to us trapped here, any dictators in the outside world can wait."

"Yeah, and whoever they work for, the spy isn't Stalin and Mao," I had to say back, "I mean, other than being a spy for them, we don't know anything else about them. And look, it's not like Jeanne is de Gaulle, or you or any of us are Tojo. People... people aren't their countries."

Toranosuke now loomed over me, his ice-cold stare piercing right down. "You dare say that, after so much of Japan was destroyed, after so many Japanese gave their lives?" he snarled.
I instinctively flinched, images of how hard my superior officers would strike me flooding back into my mind... but Toranosuke just shot a parting glare and walked away from me. Slowly, I tried to get back to my full height.

"Well, anyway, if there is a spy, I gotta say Dejan, Hildegard, and Jeanne are pretty suspect. They're all European, and Russia's in Europe, right?" Kagura spoke up.

"Hey, us Balkans want nothin' ta do with Stalin!" Dejan shot up.

"The same goes for me!" Hildegard spoke out, "I would accept Soviet aid during the war, but not after it has ended. I know how Stalin treats both of my peoples."

Fuhito just stared at Kagura at first, but then said, "More likely, any spy from the USSR on a mission to Japan would be chosen from their Siberian ranks, to best blend in. Besides, that doesn't rule out their allegiance being to Mao."

Fuhito was, yeah, someone else I sadly couldn't say I was surprised would jump on this. he'd long made it clear he was desperate for any chance to show off his detective training.

"I knew that," Kagura huffed, "But like, Far East Russia's super far away from their capital in, ah, Petrograd, Leningrad, Moscow, wherever, so wouldn't they wanna send someone closer to their base, someone they knew better, for a job like this?"

"Le French Resistance, she is most divided on ze USSR issue, no?" Jeanne then approached Kagura, "So le USSR selecting an agent from us would be taking quite a gamble, somezing zeir paranoid selves are not known for doing. Either way, your j'accuse of me is but a stab in the dark!" Jeanne even flourished her sword at Kagura.

"Heh, I can actually confirm," Genpachi then said, "Just ask Sartre what he thinks of Mother Russia, then ask Camus, and watch the fireworks."

"Er, if it helps, I actually do have a theory," Momoka then raised her voice, "Although, ah, I'm a little hesitant to say it in the room with them, I-I don't wanna be discourteous."

"You're aware you could be a suspect yourself, right Sakakibara?" Fuhito narrowed his gaze at her, "What spy wouldn't benefit from having an extensive knowledge of radio and communication in their toolkit?" He slightly turned his head toward Genpachi as he said that.

"W-what?! No, p-please, you've got me all wrong!" Momoka shrieked and stumbled back. She then slowly said, "I mean, I mean, what I had intended to say was... that you could say the same about knowing languages and codes."

Kanji gasped hearing that, "Absolutely absurd! I believe I have long made it clear I absolutely despise my gifts being used for warfare, and I fail to see how employing them for espionage would be at all different!"
I thought for a second that Kanji wouldn't get wrapped up in all this madness... but then he went and said, "Cast your gaze on Seki, if any of us. They spend all their time clad in bandages with nary a sight of skin showing, and have studied up on our country's history to boot. How is that not suspicious?"

"Suspicion be not proof," Yoritsune said in return, sounding like they were forcing themselves to hold back, "And as Enoshima hath brought up, I see little gain in wasting our energy determining any enemy agent. It sounds to me but another 'divide-and-conquer' tactic by Columbird, a tactic history hath no end of."

"Grr, Bandages is right, this whole spy thing sounds stupid!" Etsuko said again, "Us gettin' all angry is just what the featherbrain wants."

"Hah, I'd call a Scrum Debate over all this, if only we were in trial," Columbird said then raised his voice, "Ergo, hurry up and kill someone, blast their brains out!"

"Well, I shall be ever vigilant in my identification of the spy," Toranosuke then spoke his closing words, "And if anyone playing contrary shall come to their senses and actually assist me, they would be most welcome. However, until that moment," he then walked out of the gym.

I could've collapsed. The exact argument I'd been trying to prevent breaking out did just that. I suppose the only thing i could do was try making amends with someone, to still see if there was any chance this pressure cooker could be diffused.

[ ] Toranosuke, he may be the hardest to talk down, but he's the one I most should
[ ] Kagura, her arguments seem easy to expose
[ ] Kanji, he stayed out of this until he got accused
[ ] Momoka, she may be the easiest to get through to
[ ] Genpachi, before he does something that just makes it worse
[ ] Fuhito, in hopes he'll use any info he finds for good
[ ] Dejan, I mean I know the name, but I should probably learn more on the whole Balkan split with Russia
[ ] Write-in

Gifts Available: {Current Birdcoins: 12}
[ ] America's Finestest Comics Issue #2, Cost: 4
[ ] Samurai Tea Utensils, Cost: 8
[ ] Warped Records, Cost: 6
[ ] Tickets to Gone With What Wind, Cost: 10
[ ] Grape Panta, Cost: 4
[ ] Onmyodo Manual, Cost: 5
[ ] Tongue-Twister Tome, Cost: 5
[ ] Chocolate Rations, Cost: 4
[ ] Random Present: Cost 1 (Roll 1d7)
[ ] None, I don't want it to look like I'm trying to bribe anyone
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That at least didn't go worse than I would have figured. Well, except maybe for a faint hope that Genpachi's thing about Jazz translating into flipping Columbird the matching finger for trying to tell him what to do, but alas, no such luck.

Now, where to pick up the pieces. Momoka still has her theory she never got to voice and she seems like a good bet to pull somebody around. Dejan is also still on my list of interest though and unless we want to take a gamble on the presents, chocolate would be slightly cheaper.

[X] Momoka, she may be the easiest to get through to
[X] Warped Records, Cost: 6

[X] Dejan, I mean I know the name, but I should probably learn more on the whole Balkan split with Russia
[X] Chocolate Rations, Cost: 4
Ah, to clarify, Momoka accusing Kanji of potentially being the spy was meant to be her theory
Ah. I was kinda hoping for something slightly more substantive after she build it up, but I suppose it figures that all anyone has at this point was accusations on that level. Still, I feel like I'm on a roll with reading too much into things lately.
Toranosuke now loomed over me, his ice-cold stare piercing right down. "You dare say that, after so much of Japan was destroyed, after so many Japanese gave their lives?" he snarled.
...Interesting. Did Mao do all that?
I think Genpachi has a point about the driving motivation here. But hey, why go for a flimsy excuse when you can do just as well without any excuse at all?
"The same goes for me!" Hildegard spoke out, "I would accept Soviet aid during the war, but not after it has ended. I know how Stalin treats both of my peoples."
Gee, I wonder who liberated Auschwitz.
Fuhito just stared at Kagura at first, but then said, "More likely, any spy from the USSR on a mission to Japan would be chosen from their Siberian ranks, to best blend in. Besides, that doesn't rule out their allegiance being to Mao."
I'd love to see a Buryat pose as a Japanese.'d be more likely for any Soviet spies to infiltrate as Germans and lead a network of locals who are sympathetic to their cause or have strong anti-imperial leanings, similar to the Hotsumi Ozaki/Richard Sorge dynamic. Japan has its own communist party which should be about to experience a resurgence sometime in very near future, after being legalized by the Allied government... before gaining too much popularity and getting shot down via a Red Purge.

How about that, Toranosuke? Having a conniption yet?

There is hardly a reason to look to other countries for foreign ideas; adepts of any ideologies could be easily found in your own.

[x] Momoka, she may be the easiest to get through to
[x] Warped Records, Cost: 6
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I ran across this quest recently and speed-read through it. I never would have thought of a Danganronpa set in postware Japan, but I love the concept and the teases of connections to the Hope's Peak Academy saga. I also think the protagonist has a good voice and enjoy his particular take on things.

So far the cast of characters is pretty likable. Right now the one I'm most interested to spend more time with is Manami, partly because I haven't been able to get much of a read on her besides "serious", and partly because of my interest in naval history. Plus this line in her profile:
Dislikes: Flashbacks, janitorial work
I'm 90% sure there's a sad story to this, but the only thing I can think is "Dislike flashbacks? You're in the wrong investigation game series."
I also think the protagonist has a good voice and enjoy his particular take on things.

Hey, always great to have new readers, given this isn't the most active Quest. Hmm, as QM I'd be interested to hear more on why you're liking Tsubasa
I'm 90% sure there's a sad story to this, but the only thing I can think is "Dislike flashbacks? You're in the wrong investigation game series."

She's a war veteran, specifically of WW2's Battle of Okinawa, they infamously don't tend to like flashbacks
Hey, always great to have new readers, given this isn't the most active Quest. Hmm, as QM I'd be interested to hear more on why you're liking Tsubasa
First of all the backstory really grabbed me. A pilot slated for kamikaze duty but surviving past the war's end due to chance feels like it resonates with ideas we've seen in canon Danganronpa without going into supernatural territory (i.e. Nagito's luck).

There's also a particular, really brief moment that made me like the character: the short exchange where Tsubasa instinctively cringes away from Toranosuke's dressing-down due to his experiences with the institutional culture of the IJA/IJN, but then tries to pull himself back together. I feel that there's good character dynamics and possibly an arc for him all ready. (As a habitual people pleaser it also felt somewhat relatable)

She's a war veteran, specifically of WW2's Battle of Okinawa, they infamously don't tend to like flashbacks
Oh, yes, I had guessed, sorry if that didn't come across clearly. The fact that her laboratory's roof is the swimming pool's floor also felt like subtle sick joke by the builders of the academy, though I could be grasping at coincidences?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ArlequineLunaire on Jan 27, 2022 at 2:11 AM, finished with 9 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Momoka, she may be the easiest to get through to
    [X] Warped Records, Cost: 6
    [X] Dejan, I mean I know the name, but I should probably learn more on the whole Balkan split with Russia
    [X] Chocolate Rations, Cost: 4

Er yeah, Genhack helped me realise that I forgot to give Manami any lines last update. In fairness, she's normally not that talkative, so staying back and observing the situation works for her

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Chapter 2: Daily Life 8 (Momoka FTE 1)
[X] Momoka, she may be the easiest to get through to
[X] Warped Records, Cost: 6

{Current Birdcoins: 6}

The first person I thought to talk to was actually Momoka, I took it her being the first student here whose voice I heard helped her stick in my head a little. I didn't know whether to talk to her in person or maybe call in to her show, the former was faster but the second would hopefully see her in a better mood.

Hmm, on second (third?) thought I'd compromise by giving her one of the gifts lying around here first, then talk to her. I was running somewhat low on, well, whatever Birdcoin was, which was how I was even able to buy breakfast here. Given that last Trial that given my arguing skills quite a workout, maybe I could try haggling with Columbird over costs? Oh wait, forgot it was Columbird I'm talking about.

I went with the most musical items the school store had lying around at the time, a set of records that, ah, weren't in the best condition I admit. Till we found a dedicated music room (the ballroom being the closest we had right now), they were best around though.

I checked on both Momoka's Radio Lab and her nearby dorm, only to hear nothing from either room. She might have gone up to the ballroom I figured, being the only other place I could think of that reminded me of her. The thought of another trek through the caves up there did make me think it'd be easier to talk with someone else instead, until I saw that the previously blocked off stairs upwards had been cleared, I guess showing that Columbird wasn't without his mercies.
Birdcoin! x1
Sure enough, I found Momoka right there in the ballroom, her having more sense I suppose than I did by remembering to bring a battery torch. I tried to approach her but, somewhat gracelessly, ended up startling her in the process, her panicked face shining her light right on me before she gasped with relief.
"Enoshima! I-I'm so sorry, I thought for a second it was- w-well, I don't who exactly-" she stuttered about, wiping sweat off her forehead... which might've also been due to the nearby magma vents.

"Hey, it's okay. I was, ah, just checking up on everyone after, you know, everything Columbird said," was what I told her. What I didn't tell her though was another reason I thought to check on her was, as much as I was firm in not trying to make the spy a target... Momoka was the most-versed here in long-distance communication, a skill any spy would practice imagine. Then again, I had little background in espionage, so who was I to say?
"Oh, thought you might also like these," I said, handing her the warped records, "Er, yeah, not the best quality vinyl... like at all, but at least the best I could find around here," that weren't all hoarded by Genpachi, anyway.

Despite their condition, Momoka still looked the records over closely and said, "What? Oh no, Enoshima, you're too nice. Even these are too good for me, really..."

"Ah, maybe we should at least try them on a player first, see how well they work?" I offered, suggesting what I should've before, to try and keep this shaky conversation flowing.


It was more than a little crackly and skipped once or twice, but other than that the warped record was thankfully in listenable condition. I saw Momoka's head bobbing gently with the beat, and for a second she reached out her hand to me, only to promptly draw it back.
"Ah, er, I'm sorry," she then said and bowed to me, "I was about to ask you for a dance, since, well, this is a ballroom. B-but I thought no, I couldn't..."

"Hey, that's perfectly okay," I smiled at her and accepted her hand once she held it out again. Momoka didn't come across as any trained dancer, but was more than familiar with songs like these to match her steps to the music. She was doing better than me honestly, as I don't think I'd ever danced at all before... finding this ballroom, really. Her flashlight, being put down on the table, was even projecting our dancing shadows upon the wall.
"So... what was being a Radio Broadcaster like, I mean, before all this?" I asked, going with the first question that came to mind.

"I, w-well, I can only say so much. A lot of what we did during war is classified by the government," Momoka muttered and twitched a little.

"Er, is it okay if I ask who 'we' are?" I picked up on.

"We never had an official name, b-but..." Momoka slowly began, "The Americans called us 'Tokyo Rose', even though there was more than one of us. I mean, I got into radio because I wanted to uplift people, since I was never much of a musician, but as the war went on, the authorities wanted me to broadcast news of 'dispiriting losses' to enemy troops, be a propagandist."

"Oh, I see," I said by default, not really sure how to best respond, "At least who were in a fairly tame role, compared to what I got drafted into."

"Hmm, I think you're underestimating the value of propaganda a little," Momoka said more clearly to me, "But you're right, it's... not at all like being a kamikaze pilot. Ah, anyway, I actually got quite a few fan-letters from the Americans, for... some reason, so I guess I kinda achieved what I set out to do."

"Fan letters? Wait, you can read English?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Read yes, speak... not really," she admitted, "I've- I've always wanted to be talk with more people since I was little, so I started learning other languages. Still, I'm nowhere near as well-versed as Kanji is.
Uh, I'm sorry, I've been talking a lot about myself, haven't I?" she then winced.

"That's okay, I've been asking a lot about you," I smiled again at her.

"So, now that the war is over... will you, once w-we get out of here anyway, will you keep being a pilot?" Momoka then asked me, "I mean, I've interviewed pilots, and there's a whole bunch of places I can imagine flying all over the world."

"Whether I'd still be a pilot?" I had to repeat those words to myself, before I had to sigh out, "I... I don't know. Piloting's really the only trade I have, but if I ever see a plane again, like if we find my Lab, it-it may only remind me of this whole war, of what m-my final mission was meant to be.
At the same time though, I've got no idea what I'd be if not a pilot..." I muttered. "I wanted Hope's Peak to give some positive experiences with flying again, but then, y'know, this happened."

"Hmm, oh I know, how about a detective?" Momoka spoked up, her eyes widening, "You did pretty good in that last trial, w-well I think so anyway."

I nodded along with her on the outside, but one the inside... I could only think that was an even worse idea. When I got out, well, if I got out of this Killing Game, constant reminders of it would be the last thing I want.

"Say, um, you're aware Sakamoto's Lab is right by here?" I had to change the topic.

"Why yes, I um, was just coming back from speaking with him," she then said.

"W-wait, hold on, speaking with Sakamoto?" I gasped, since I couldn't imagine Momoka being the one to initiate a talk with him.

"I was nervous, yes, really nervous, but I felt I would have to converse with him sooner or later," she explained then paused before she went on, "I-I don't believe music should be a competition, so I figured going over our common interests could open him up to everyone else, make him... not want to try whatever he did with Simeon again. But so far... it's what I feared, he just shot me down."

"I-I'm sorry," was all I said, even though I wasn't the least bit surprised. I thought for a second about turning my Birdbook onto Genpachi's program to see how he was reacting to Momoka, if at all, but that probably wouldn't be a good idea in her company.

"Ah, Enoshima, I have sort of a strange request," Momoka then said while fidgeting with her fingers, "Um, I do know that the stairway's open now, but I was wondering if you'd walk me with back to the dorms through the ice cave? It's, it's weird I know, but I feel it's a pretty place, somewhere I'd love to go skating if I could, I just wanted a better look at it."

I'd only been to the ice cave about once, and normally would have no wish to go again due to how freezing it was. But... maybe I was too quick to judge, and it might not be so bad given I'm expecting the level of cold this time?
"I... I guess I'm in no hurry at the moment, so sure, I can come," I said to her.

Momoka's Trust +1

It turned out the ice cave was even worse the second time around, but for a whole different reason that I still blamed myself not for not having seen coming.
Birdcoin! x1


I saw the body of Dejan Albini, our Novoselic transfer student, lying in a blood-stained heap up against a stone pillar, in the middle of a frozen solid lake. One of the few military personnel here other than me, though we'd thought on different sides of the war.

Momoka and I were both wordless, but someone who wasn't was Genpachi, who was walking down through the tunnel behind us saying, "Hey, don't think I didn't hear you playing that kinda music on my turf... ooh boy, what have we here?"

As the three of us saw Dejan there, our Birdbooks all crackled in unison with Columbird announcing, "Got ourselves a Body Discovery, son!" We hadn't checked Dejan yet, but did this already confirm he was a corpse?
Although, how could we safely check, given that sliding, or rather being shoved, across the ice was probably what had killed Dejan?

[ ] I'd try heading across the ice anyway, I wouldn't be going at the same speed Dejan was, I didn't have to fear.
[ ] Find someone else to help recover his body.
[ ] Take Columbird's word, Dejan really is dead.
[ ] Wait and see how Momoka and/or Genpachi handle this scene.
[ ] Write-in
"I, w-well, I can only say so much. A lot of what we did during war is classified by the government," Momoka muttered and twitched a little.

"Er, is it okay if I ask who 'we' are?" I picked up on.

"We never had an official name, b-but..." Momoka slowly began, "The Americans called us 'Tokyo Rose', even though there was more than one of us. I mean, I got into radio because I wanted to uplift people, since I was never much of a musician, but as the war went on, the authorities wanted me to broadcast news of 'dispiriting losses' to enemy troops, be a propagandist."
Momoka being part of Tokyo Rose makes perfect sense given the circumstances, and I had wondered about it when I first read her talent. Well, if she leaves alive let's hope she can find more enjoyable messages and music to send to people. Far in the future, perhaps the work of one Masafumi Takada? ;)

"Why yes, I um, was just coming back from speaking with him," she then said.

"W-wait, hold on, speaking with Sakamoto?" I gasped, since I couldn't imagine Momoka being the one to initiate a talk with him.

"I was nervous, yes, really nervous, but I felt I would have to converse with him sooner or later," she explained then paused before she went on, "I-I don't believe music should be a competition, so I figured going over our common interests could open him up to everyone else, make him... not want to try whatever he did with Simeon again. But so far... it's what I feared, he just shot me down."
Momoka is discovering the pain of trying to do free time events with a character who's locked during this chapter.

[x] I'd try heading across the ice anyway, I wouldn't be going at the same speed Dejan was, I didn't have to fear.

I don't get the sense that this is the kind of story where Tsubasa has to make d20 rolls to not trip and die, moving carefully across the frozen lake seems safe. If we're the first to inspect the corpse (so far as we know right now), we'll also be more confident in any deductions made about it. In particular I'd hate for Genpachi to get there first.
[X] I'd try heading across the ice anyway, I wouldn't be going at the same speed Dejan was, I didn't have to fear.

Poor Dejan, we hardly knew ye. There's not much else we can do at this point, but we can at least try to find some clues that lead us to the killer. I'd joke about putting those detective credentials Momoka attributed to us to use, but I'm not sure if that's a smart idea anywhere Fuhito might hear us. That sounds like it's asking for the kind of rant Genpachi would be proud off.

Talking about that conversation with Momoka, it was a pretty nice talk. They seem fairly similar in disposition. Actually, thinking about it, the way she's hosting her radio show with various guests isn't that dissimilar from what Tsubasa is doing when going around to get to now people during the FTEs. She's just doing it in a more formal and public setting. They might end up acting as an interesting set of foils for each other.
until I saw that the previously blocked off stairs upwards had been cleared, I guess showing that Columbird wasn't without his mercies.
Birdcoin! x1
It turned out the ice cave was even worse the second time around, but for a whole different reason that I still blamed myself not for not having seen coming.
Birdcoin! x1
Heads up, since I could be starting up another Quest soon, inspired by the jRPG Eternal Sonata of all things. As that game was set in the composer Chopin's dream, this is gonna be the same but with Robert Schumann (which is, er, gonna be something considering his life). Reason I bring it up here is it might affect my energy and focus for writing Danganronpa Showa, though it's said that writing someone else on the side can be beneficial for authors, so let's hope for that

I also have a couple of ideas for other Danganronpa fanfics, though none of them I plan to be Quests, and I don't know when I'll get around to either. The first has the likely name of X-Ronpa: Dimensions of Chaos and is all crossover characters, specifically characters from series that are already multi-crossovers (e.g. Kingdom Hearts, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle) or feature dimension-hopping (e.g. Homestuck, Bioshock Infinite, Rick & Morty), trapped in a Traverse Town Killing Game

The other two have the working titles Danganronpa UK and Danganronpa USA, both Killing Games, but UK's set in a castle-school with the sixteen student split up into four houses, with the Killing Game rules changed to accommodate that, and starring a much more anti-heroic lead (I'd say Fuyuhiko's the closest comparison, but from the bottom of the criminal hierarchy).
Danganronpa USA is gonna have a vibe that's more Pleasantville or Pre-War Fallout-style, with some John Hughes parodying thrown in, with a protag who gets trapped in a Killing Game a while after it starts. It'll also feature a few characters from one of my cut-short Persona Quests, Reign of Terror
ArlequineLunaire said:
I also have a couple of ideas for other Danganronpa fanfics, though none of them I plan to be Quests, and I don't know when I'll get around to either. The first has the likely name of X-Ronpa: Dimensions of Chaos and is all crossover characters, specifically characters from series that are already multi-crossovers (e.g. Kingdom Hearts, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle) or feature dimension-hopping (e.g. Homestuck, Bioshock Infinite, Rick & Morty), trapped in a Traverse Town Killing Game

The other two have the working titles Danganronpa UK and Danganronpa USA, both Killing Games, but UK's set in a castle-school with the sixteen student split up into four houses, with the Killing Game rules changed to accommodate that, and starring a much more anti-heroic lead (I'd say Fuyuhiko's the closest comparison, but from the bottom of the criminal hierarchy).
Danganronpa USA is gonna have a vibe that's more Pleasantville or Pre-War Fallout-style, with some John Hughes parodying thrown in, with a protag who gets trapped in a Killing Game a while after it starts. It'll also feature a few characters from one of my cut-short Persona Quests, Reign of Terror

These sound interesting, though knowing very little about Kingdom Hearts or Homestuck Im probably more disposed towards the Danganronpa USA or Hogwarts UK ideas.
I've talked to people who were surprised, if not shocked, to know that Houses are a common thing in British schools (mostly older schools though), and not just made up for Harry Potter. They're still a thing in US universities, though they're mainly called Fraternities or Sororities.
Students in real-life houses are usually sorted randomly or by family, unlike the Sorting Hat's profiling, but in Danganronpa there'd probably be a made-up 'official explanation' for sorting, and a more cryptic actual reason
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