You spend most of the rest of the calendar year "riding shotgun" with a harvester operating in YZ-15, specifically out in what was formerly Spain. The history of Tiberium harvesting is a pretty fascinating subject - initially they started out with claws, moved on to a combine/roller type of system, then went back to claws. The back of the harvester used to be a detachable container of some sort where unprocessed Tiberium crystals were stored, but nowadays the harvester does some pre-grinding of its own, allowing it to store much more of the alien crystal (in powdery form) in a considerably smaller space. This allows each individual harvester to reduce its size compared to previous versions, while being faster and more maneuverable.
Each harvester crew has their own preferred sweep pattern, which, in your observation, leads to some minor inefficiency as they occasionally overlap with other harvesters' routes and have to wait for each other; or drive over areas that have already been cleared off. Meanwhile, others occasionally replace their stock machine gun mounts with extra storage containers ("look, if a Nod mech comes at us looking for a fight, this dinky little thing is just going to piss him off. As for infantry, we can just squish 'em."). While you don't necessarily agree with the latter reasoning - Nod infantry come equipped with heavy weapons occasionally, which will cause major damage to a harvester, and they're also not stupid so they'll get out of the way of the ponderous vehicle usually - it doesn't seem like a terrible idea in general. If a substantial Nod force comes after a harvester, that MG really isn't going to make much of a difference.
You resolve to pay more careful attention to what your harvester crews are doing - with your EVA's route planning capabilities you can reduce the time it takes them to fill up their storage, meaning that you can get them cycling in and out of the field a little quicker. Field modifications are another idea you kick around, but the ability to repel smaller groups of Nod raiders without having to have dedicated military units following your harvesters is still pretty appealing, so you're not sure about that.
The next week and a half after that is spent shaking your new crew down and running them through some training exercises. Keeping your original "core" APC platoon intact, you form a second platoon, with two tanks, a Pitbull and a transported engineer squad to keep those guys running.
One of your APC crews has shown some exceptional skill at identifying rocket-equipped units (especially buggies and infantry where it's not always so obvious) and directing suppressing fire. You make a note to keep an eye on them.
Then, you're called into the Captain's office.
January 3, 2059
"Happy New Year, Lieutenant, and congratulations on the promotion. Welcome to southwest Africa. Pretty sure this was either Ghana, Togo, Benin or Nigeria back in the day." the Captain says with a smile. "Now let's get to work. Have a seat."
"Yes, sir." You reply, sitting down, the two other butterbars you've never met before taking your cue as well.
The Captain points to a projected map on the wall with the laser pointer. Three ominous looking red circles pulse infrequently near the coastline. "Last night, Nod Shadow Teams hit three of our bases here simultaneously. They went right for the jugular, nailed the construction yards and comms facilities, blew up most of the harvesters and basically eliminated the command staff of 4th company. Only here at Gamma, they screwed up a little and had to para-glide the hell out since our troops on guard duty were actually awake to an extent. So they didn't get to blow up the command post, which is, well, thank God for small favors."
He shakes his head. "Oh, and the bastards completely messed up the housing in those bases, hooked up tiberium mist dispensers to the ventilation systems. Unbelievable. Our forces were able to repel follow-up attacks, but they won't be able to repel any more - stationary defenses and mobile units both took beatings."
He looks at you.
"I need you to take one of these two here, give 'em one of your squads and take command at two of these facilities. Alpha base was set up so we could prevent Nod troops from hitting the port at Accra here, where the navy has some of their hydrofoils in for repairs. We need to hurry up and get some troops over there to prevent the Nod base from sending any thing else south, and also clean up whatever they've already got past us already. The good news is that there are actually two harvesters here - the bad news is that one of them got lost across the river. But if you can find it, it's likely full of blue Tib."
"Beta was set up to receive civilians being evacuated from a village getting overrun by Tiberium. Underground outbreak or something, not exactly sure how." the Captain cuts off what you're about to ask. "I'll need someone to keep the brotherhood away from it and run the convoys to the nearby naval base. The navy's got good fortifications and a couple of hydrofoils, landing craft and marines, but what they don't have is the ground transport capacity. They also aren't under your authority, so if you can convince them to help, great, but don't count on it."
"Gamma was set up to support a sympathetic Forgotten village; apparently there are two of those in the area to the south of Gamma, but they hate each other's guts for some reason. We've got word that Nod is going to stir up some controversy between the two, so we'll need to make sure to keep Nod out of there *and* shuttle the diplomatic corps guy around to make sure he doesn't get his clock cleaned. Good news here is that the command post is still intact."
"In all three situations, you'll need to crank out an MCV locally. I also want any Nod bases in the area located and eliminated." the Captain leans back a little. "Whew, I need a drink after all that." he comments with a smirk.
"What about opposition, and do we have access to anything else to deal with it?" You ask.
The Captain bobs his head a few times. "You want the good news first or the bad news?"
You smirk and tilt your head to the side a little. "Good news, sir."
"Good news is that command considers the conflict 'escalated'." the Captain embellishes with air quotes. "So we've been cleared to construct armories and requisition sniper teams. I assume you know what a sniper team does?"
You nod, mouthing 'nice'.
"We've also been authorized to deploy those new long-range sensor packages on our APCs and Pitbulls. Drops the firepower since it goes on the weapon hardpoint, but you can detect incoming vehicles a lot further out, give us a little more heads up."
"What's the bad news?" You ask.
"Well... " the Captain says, sighing. "First of all, SAM sites in the area are preventing air support and airborne reinforcement. Anything you requisition is going to have to come in through the ground entry point until you take those out. Also, flamethrower-equipped units have been sighted in the area."
"Great." you say, pursing your lips.
Your secondary force will be under the command of one of these guys:
[] 2LT Mahmut Katirci - armor specialization
[] 2LT Lyudmila Shwetz - engineering specialization
Pick one of these to handle yourself, and a second one to assign to one of the butterbars. As a sub-item, assign your secondary force to the officer you chose. They'll do their best to take care of their assignment, but will report back regularly, possible requiring advice, orders or reinforcements.
[] Alpha
Northwest entry point, base located center. High Tiberium concentration. Sweep and clear sector to the south; prevent further incursions to the south. Command platoon will cover the currently-undefended port to the south if necessary.
[] Beta
West entry point, base located east. Medium Tiberium concentration. Run APC convoys from village to naval base south of yours. Naval base has some local defenders, but will not be under your control.
[] Gamma
East entry point, base located north. High Tiberium concentration, command post intact. Keep the peace between two Forgotten villages and prevent Nod from screwing it up. Some existing forces are currently keeping the two apart.