Blue Swarm (Mass Effect/Starcraft Swarm Control Quest)


We want somwthing more than just a scouting tool eh. As for power, staying undetected ought to be more important than staying in contact. If we play nice enough early on, we shouldnt have any trouble staying in contact with all our agents.

[X][VM]Watch It

[X]Plan: Build Wide, not Tall

On the topic of exponential growth, we will be gated by number of dice and thus the number of buildings we can build until we repair all our genes. 1 hatchery per turn is hardly exponential. Is getting more cerebrates the only way to get more dice? 2k points will take some time to hit.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Jan 10, 2022 at 7:27 AM, finished with 54 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence
    [X]Plan: Build Wide, not Tall
    -[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
    --[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
    ---[X]2 Dice (2 Research)
    --[X]Vespine Alternatives (0/??)
    ---[X]2 Dice (1 Growth, 1 Military)
    -[X]Growth - Divert 1 die to Research
    --[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
    ---[X]Deep Caverns
    ----[X]2 Dice (2 Growth)
    --[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    ---[X]Drone [50] x 8, Cluster 1
    ---[X] Overlord [100] x4, Cluster 1
    ---[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x12, Cluster 2
    ----[X] Send all newly spawned forces except 1 Overlord to reinforce Deep Caverns cluster position.
    -[X]Exploration - 1 die
    --[X]Alien Watch
    [X] Plan: Embrace the Void
    -[X]Defensive Positioning (0/0) 1 die
    -[X]Geneweaver (61/100+) 1 die
    -[X]Vespine Generation (0/??) 1 die
    -[X]Sunken Colony (0/25) [50] /Creep Colony\ 1 die cluster 2
    -[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die cluster 1
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x10 (2 into creep colonies at cluster 1, rest into rich mines)
    --[X]Overlord [100] x4 (split between the clusters)
    --[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x10 (Split between cluster 1 and 2 evenly)
    -[X]Alien Watch 1 die
    [X][VM]Consume it
    [X]Plan: Expanding the Swarm
    -[X]Pobing <??%> 20 Zerglings from Cluster 1
    -[X]Geneweaver (61/100+) 1 die
    -[X]Vespine Generation (0/??) 1 die
    -[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300] Deep Caverns 2 die
    -[X]Sunken Colony (0/25) Cluster 2 1 die
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x6 Deep Mines
    --[X] x6 Overlord [100] 3 at each Cluster
    --[X]Zerglings x 10 Split Evenly at each Cluster
    -[X]Alien Watch 1 die
    [X]Plan: Hatcheries!
    -[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
    --[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
    ---[X]2 Dice (1 Research, 1 Military)
    --[X]Vespine Generation (0/??)
    ---[X](1 Research)
    --[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
    ---[X]Deep Caverns
    --[X]Hatchery Near (0/50) [300] - Cluster 1
    --[X]Hatchery Near (0/50) [300] - Cluster 2
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x12 - 3 for new hatcheries, rest in deep mines
    --[X]Overlord [100] 3 at Cluster 1
    -[X]Exploration - 1 die
    --[X]Alien Watch
    [X][VM]Watch It
Lets roll that growth!

question: are the drones going into the rich mines? because thats where they usually go...
RandomDwarf threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Growth Total: 132
95 95 37 37
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Okay Results

[X]Plan: Build Wide, not Tall
-[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
--[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
---[X]2 Dice (2 Research)
--[X]Vespine Alternatives (0/??)
---[X]2 Dice (1 Growth, 1 Military)
-[X]Growth - Divert 1 die to Research
--[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
---[X]Deep Caverns
----[X]2 Dice (2 Growth)
--[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
---[X]Drone [50] x 8, Cluster 1
---[X] Overlord [100] x4, Cluster 1
---[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x12, Cluster 2
----[X] Send all newly spawned forces except 1 Overlord to reinforce Deep Caverns cluster position.
-[X]Exploration - 1 die
--[X]Alien Watch

Planetary Tennis threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ???? Total: 19
19 19
Could also mean their reaction towards us. In which case the Cerebrate is about to be shanked.
Good luck with that, getting to it through even the weakest zerg unit is hard let alone the weakest combat unit.
Even a drone would be a nightmare without knowledge of what it is and its abilities.
Good luck with that, getting to it through even the weakest zerg unit is hard let alone the weakest combat unit.
Even a drone would be a nightmare without knowledge of what it is and its abilities.
We only have the 1 Anti-Air defense. All it would take is pincer maneuver for a distraction, and we get bombarded by their spacecraft.
We only have the 1 Anti-Air defense. All it would take is pincer maneuver for a distraction, and we get bombarded by their spacecraft.

which was why i kept saying to let me build up our defenses...but nope expansion, expansion, expansion without defenses.

yes i get it we snowball hard, but there are only so many growth dice to let us MAKE creep colonies and then Sunken/Spore colonies, or even the fabled Spore-Cannons.

sorry for the rant, but you guys had to know this was incoming right?
We only have the 1 Anti-Air defense. All it would take is pincer maneuver for a distraction, and we get bombarded by their spacecraft.
Are we in the open? I would imagine a lava and molten planet would be difficult to see anyways considering there would be smoke and shit all up in the atmosphere?
Are we in the open? I would imagine a lava and molten planet would be difficult to see anyways considering there would be smoke and shit all up in the atmosphere?
We're not on the 1 piece of stable land; that belongs to the Thresher Maw. However, we have turned our local Rocky Basin into, and I quote:
Which they might have noticed. I don't regret our actions, but we have to be aware that the local Zerg can be rolled over with sufficient firepower as we are.

Edit: NVM I thought it was in reference to our Creeps and not the Worm.
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We're not on the 1 piece of stable land; that belongs to the Thresher Maw. However, we have turned our local Rocky Basin into, and I quote:

Which they might have noticed. I don't regret our actions, but we have to be aware that the local Zerg can be rolled over with sufficient firepower as we are.
W/e, this is fearmongering anyways, a low unknown roll does not an instant gameover make.
also Wormlandia is where the thresher maw is.

we do HAVE stable places, otherwise our clusters would have been devoured/destroyed by now.
Turn 9 A
Geneweaver 135

The essence that made up Abathur in the larva code of the swarm is small with few redundancies that ensured that most of the swarm made it intact. However, many of the important gene control parts are intact. However, the mind behind the manipulators is lost. You need to use an existing template to fill in the gaps.

The simple one would be to have the Cerebrate essence be used, it was the most intelligent it would give the new creature the capacity to control its own brood, however, the nature of the swarm and Cerebrates means there would only ever be the one. This Evolution Master would be a great boon, despite the cost and drawbacks.

The primitive mind of the evolution chamber spliced with a sampling of the intelligent zerg stands can produce a powerful mind subordinate to a Cerebrate that can be spawned in each brood. It would be mutated in an existing evolution chamber and can provide advice to the Cerebrate that it severs, while only one is needed per Brood there is no limit to their number.

The queen as a subordinate controller and battlefield support. Instead of an advisor, or ally, these geneweavers would be focused on using their capacities in a battlefield role. Healing zerg units nearby, or modifying them slightly in order for them to have the edge against whatever foe they faced.

Of course, you can reach for multiple usages it would take more time and while you are sure you can complete one rather quickly keeping them all around in order to be able to develop them further will stress your abilities.

Gain Spawn The Evolution Master as a Growth Option, operates like Grow Cerebrate, the Evolution master gives 3 research dice and the Art of Essence (Whenever working on genes and essence research roll twice and sum the dice.) Can only have one.
[][GW]Evolution Chamber
Gain mutate the Adaptation Chamber as a Growth Option, the first grants an additional research die, broods are more able to adapt individually to specific threats without aid.
Gain the metamorph Geneweavers as a Growth Option. The Geneweavers require the Queen's nest and an Evolution Chamber. They are battlefield control and support focusing on healing and buffs.
[][GW]Split Focus
Gain 3 research options, one for each, they are at 32 progress. Evolution Master has 300 needed, Adaptation Chamber has 150 needed. Geneweavers have 75 needed.


Vespine Alternatives 91

You don't have time to produce a generator organism, vespine is too important for your growth. You have access to plentiful volcanic gasses on this world and it is possible to refine the raw material into vespine-like gas.

It takes several attempts to find the right mixes to allow the vespine to be produced, you eventually determine the correct mix. The modification of the refinery's respiration to do the catalytic reactions is rather simple after you have that down.

Gas Refinery Unlocked


Hatchery Deep Caverns 142

The deep caverns are wild and twisting for other creatures it would be a maze, but for the swarm navigation to a suitable spot is easy, the hatchery grows with no issue, and now the drones mining here have a much shorter trip. You consider moving here, it is possible without a Behemoth unlike the southern planes, and prevents you from being caught in an ill-positioned lava slide. All boons to be honest.


Metomorph Creature |24L|
Drone [50] x 8, Cluster 1
Overlord [100] x4, Cluster 1
Zerglings 2x [50] x12, Cluster 2

The zerg swell in numbers as 16 new drones hatch heading down into the deep, while 8 overlords take to the sky. The 48 new zerglings are not unmentionable either. You swell with pride at your accomplishment. You are an example for all future broods to grow to such heights after being broken as you had been.

Alien Watch 58

You weren't sure what to expect when you sent the overlord to examine the alien base, the all-out combat between two forces had not been one of them, both are blocky designs. The small ship above the hidden facility's smoking entrance is angular and sweeping in the same arc different then Terrian or Protoss design. The other faction who had the hidden base are being destroyed you are unsure if the larger ship has seen the Overlord yet. You could watch or wait and see.

[][AW]Get out of there
[][AW]Pretend to be Fauna
[][AW]Closer Look

The flesh is consumed only a taste, you know so much more knowledge, the Protoss genes have long eluded your understanding. But now the mixing is before you how the Protoss could be weaved with the zerg in a beautiful way. In a dangerous way, this could prove hazardous.

Hybrid Mind Link (19/5000)
really...gas refinery?

*sighs* fucking dammit.

yeah were kind of screwed then...whelp time to put big boy pants on and grind on the fucking to get the mineral count up so we can subsitute it for biomass and then vespeine! fucking 1000 minerals per vespine gas (10/100/1 ratio...yeah)

edited: okay plan time now that i did my grumbling...

[][GW]Split Focus
Gain 3 research options, one for each, they are at 32 progress. Evolution Master has 300 needed, Adaptation Chamber has 150 needed. Geneweavers have 75 needed.

[][AW]Pretend to be Fauna

wait, no turn yet yeah going to have to wait for that to happen
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I think the chamber is the best option. Subordinated to us, but competent at the desired task. Minimal risk of betrayal and most importantly there can be a lot of them. I always thought only having one evolution master was stupid even with the evolution chambers. The queen type is more likely to get itself killed in combat. At the same time we can't do all at the moment. Resource constraints and all that.