We Are Alone: A Space Settlement Quest(Dropped)

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Scheduled vote count started by ProjectUnidad on Jan 10, 2022 at 7:01 PM, finished with 28 posts and 28 votes.
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Thanks for voting folks, update will come later today, tonight, let just in a couple of hours. This upcoming update will be the last prologue, mainly involving which type of planet and the main character we will play as! :3
Looks like I got here too late. Probably would have voted for the Empire, because I love me some space monarchy due to how ridiculous the concept is.
But at least we're not a capitalist democracy.
Prologue: Lastly we went…
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[X] Union of Terran Socialist Republics
During the Environmental Crises, several socialist groups believed that the current system not only was harming the average working person but played a role towards environmental collapse as well. One by one governments would buckle under the proletarian revolution, eventually the whole world united under the red banner. Now the world reorganized as the UTSR, the executive committee has started a space colonization program in search of resources needed to rebuild their world as well as spreading the revolution towards space and beyond.

Political Power: 1
-Sectarian Squabble( - 5 on action slot rolls)
-Workplace Democracy( + 5 on your resources rolls)
-Workers' Solidarity( for every high dc roll on your stability check gives an additional + 10 on your resources rolls and action rolls, while low dc rolls will give - 10 on your resources rolls and action rolls, crits will either autocomplete an action roll or halt it for one turn)

Years of environmental disasters is all it took to bring the world to the brink. Rising sea levels, collapsing economies, broken alliances, and other things cause the people to rise up against the elite and economic system that nearly brought them to doom. With the proletariat succeeding with their world revolution, they begin to adapt to the new normal. Revolutions in energy, desert irrigation, hydraulic levees, and seawalls save coastal cities, reclaim farmland, and rebuild supply chains. But as a consequence of that, they have severely depleted their resources and the climate, though stable, is still extremely fragile and occasionally will produce extreme weather across the world.

In response to this the executive committee has started a space colonization program in search of resources needed to rebuild their world as well as, "spreading the revolution towards space and beyond" as a politician once said. But the truth is that finding another habitable world will guarantee the survival of the race should one day Earth become inhabitable. As more priority is given to extract resources from nearby space rocks, but in 2085 the world would see images of the first planet outside our star system that is habitable for human life, news broadcasts would show the image of a….

[X] Water World
An ocean planet with shallow lagoons, coral reefs and tropical islands make up the majority of this world, with warm temperatures supporting a very large biosphere.

[X] Cold World
A subarctic planet with a variety of boreal trees covering the world's warmer latitude, with tundra and ice near the poles, and with the long and cold winter being the dominant season.

[X] Dry World
A dry planet with tropical savannah and scrub woodland with a few large bodies of water, brief wet seasons in the winter but for the most part long and hot summers.


Meanwhile as plans are drawn to send in more space probes to study further of this exoplanet, the executive committee has already drawn up plans to send the first ever colonists into this new world. Much discussion is being made behind closed doors, the amount of specialized personnel and their families they should send, how many resources they should bring for the journey, are there any threats they don't know about, who should lead the first colony? After going through extreme vetting, the committee were able to choose the candidate that would hopefully lead and build a new home on this new strange world…but who is this candidate?

[X] Write-In
-[X]Occupation, it's previous job before joining the program
-[X]Background, just a brief summary about themselves and why they joined the program.

(A/N: Last prologue I promise and the write in character is optional soooooo good luck :3)
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[X] Write-In
-[X] First Light of Dawn
-[X] An AI based on hybrid system using cloned genemoded neural matter marred to high grade reliable processors.
-[X] Humans have been proven to react badly when conforted with things they didnt evolve to deal with. Alien planet with unknown-unkown dangers is something human sense cant be relied on so its better to let decision making to something created to deal with such while being impartial (long live revolution!) to all. With human advisrs for that human touch it will give us best of both worlds.
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