Blue Swarm (Mass Effect/Starcraft Swarm Control Quest)

The Zerg's whole deal is creating specialized units at need, rather than having all-rounder units that can fill various niches. It feels overly complicated when we already have Behemoths and Overlords.
It specifically is a speciailized brood, that being large scale siege and defense. Porbably didn't explain it well

Great wyrms and Wyrms are classes, greater wyrms are 1.5 times size of void rays and larger, wyrms are 1/2 - 2/3 the size. They have many variants, some serve as mobile shipyards/bases, others combat roles. Wyrms are quicker to build, with smaller ones able to be built by certain great wyrms, able to be built quicker than being built by drones.

For ground units they focus on heavy and super heavy, with smaller roach to hrdya sized units as escort. Specialized Wyrms can build them quite quickly, and more efficiently.

They are big, they are tanky, hit very hard, but are expensive and slow. There forces are good for holding ground, establishing beach heads, and breaking through defenses through sheer durability.

Drop them in first to clear a landing, than bring down more squishy broods. Enemy heavily entrenched, send them in and they can breakthrough, especially with support. They are pretty much a nigh immortal front line, able to take all hell, serving as sheild for squishy forces, or as a hammer.

Edit: Agreed @randomdarf, asari shouldn't be too much of a problem, and if they are? Use meld against them, make parasites psionic alongside being a link to hivemind, to subvert asari who meld with infected. This can creat a lot of good sleeper cells throughout the galaxy. There everywhere, in high postions, and miggle with everyone people, they make perfect agents.
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[X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence

[X]Plan: Build Wide, not Tall
-[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
--[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
---[X]2 Dice (2 Research)
--[X]Vespine Alternatives (0/??)
---[X]2 Dice (1 Growth, 1 Military)
-[X]Growth - Divert 1 die to Research
--[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
---[X]Deep Caverns
----[X]2 Dice (2 Growth)
--[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
---[X]Drone [50] x 8, Cluster 1
---[X] Overlord [100] x4, Cluster 1
---[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x12, Cluster 2
----[X] Send all newly spawned forces except 1 Overlord to reinforce Deep Caverns cluster position.
-[X]Exploration - 1 die
--[X]Alien Watch

Separated out the Parasite and Void Machine votes; but otherwise my logic for my plan stands.

As for the Asari, no one's "freaking out" over them, just advocating caution.
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[X][VM]Consume it


[X]Plan: Expanding the Swarm
Military actions:
-[X]Pobing <??%> 20 Zerglings from Cluster 1
Research actions:
-[X]Geneweaver (61/100+) 1 die
-[X]Vespine Generation (0/??) 1 die
Growth actions:
-[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300] Deep Caverns 2 die
-[X]Sunken Colony (0/25) Cluster 2 1 die
-[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
--[X]Drone [50] x6 Deep Mines
--[X] x6 Overlord [100] 3 at each Cluster
--[X]Zerglings x 10 Split Evenly at each Cluster
Exploration actions
-[X]Alien Watch 1 die
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[X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence

[X]Plan: Hatcheries!
-[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
--[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
---[X]2 Dice (1 Research, 1 Military)
--[X]Vespine Generation (0/??)
---[X](1 Research)
--[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
---[X]Deep Caverns
--[X]Hatchery Near (0/50) [300] - Cluster 1
--[X]Hatchery Near (0/50) [300] - Cluster 2
-[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
--[X]Drone [50] x12 - 3 for new hatcheries, rest in deep mines
--[X]Overlord [100] 3 at Cluster 1
-[X]Exploration - 1 die
--[X]Alien Watch

Ok the goal of this plan is to take advantage of the free +5 growth per turn by getting a bunch of hatcheries started now, if it isn't close we can throw another dice on the far hatch next turn but the other two hatches should either complete this turn or be close and can be left to finish on their own. We should be able to finish the geneweaver this turn and start work on the vespene.
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[X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence
Gain a research option


[X] Plan: Embrace the Void
Military Dice 1/+5
-[X]Defensive Positioning (0/0) 1 die
Set up the zerglings to defend in case of an attack. Though you don't think any attack is near.

Research Dice 2/+10
-[X]Geneweaver (61/100+) 1 die
You have seen Abathur the mind behind much of the swarm, and some small fragments of his genes remain in you. With effort and creativity perhaps, you can remake a similar creature.
-[X]Vespine Generation (0/??) 1 die
You continue to see no sign of the important material but the zerg do not give up. Perhaps a new structure. You can turn biomass into vespine if it has a pressing need, by streamlining that with a specialized metabolism you could have a structure generate its own gas as long as the creep can feed it. Unlock the Vespine Gullet.

Diplomatic Dice 0/-10
no dice here

Growth Dice 3/+5
-[X]Sunken Colony (0/25) [50] /Creep Colony\ 1 die cluster 2
The Sunken Colony is one of the zerg broods' defensive structures and even with the damage to the genes, it is still viable. Though you need to work to ensure nothing happens as it mutates.
-[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die cluster 1
More creep means more area for you to expand and to move, while the hatchery will make more creep, you already know that the colony's genes work.
-[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die cluster 1
More creep means more area for you to expand and to move, while the hatchery will make more creep, you already know that the colony's genes work.
-[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
Grow a member of the swarm.
--[X]Drone [50] x10 (2 into creep colonies at cluster 1, rest into rich mines)
--[X]Overlord [100] x4 (split between the clusters)
--[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x10 (Split between cluster 1 and 2 evenly)

Exploration Dice 1/+5
-[X]Alien Watch 1 die
Your overlords are sensing a large number of radio bursts from the unknown encampment, maybe get close enough to see what they are doing if they show their heads. The signals are growing in power and duration something is happening.
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Random, your formatting is borked. You need to add more hyphens in front of the parts of the plan after the plan name, otherwise they all get counted as their own separate votes rather than together as a plan.
Here's how the current vote stands.
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Jan 10, 2022 at 1:12 PM, finished with 30 posts and 5 votes.
  • 4

  • 4

    -[X]Pobing <??%> 20 Zerglings from Cluster 1
    -[X]Geneweaver (61/100+) 1 die
    -[X]Vespine Generation (0/??) 1 die
    -[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300] Deep Caverns 2 die
    -[X]Sunken Colony (0/25) Cluster 2 1 die
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x6 Deep Mines
    --[X] x6 Overlord [100] 3 at each Cluster
    --[X]Zerglings x 10 Split Evenly at each Cluster
    -[X]Alien Watch 1 die
  • 4

    [X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence
    [X][VM]Consume it
  • 2

    [X]Plan: Build Wide, not Tall
    -[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
    --[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
    ---[X]2 Dice (2 Research)
    --[X]Vespine Alternatives (0/??)
    ---[X]2 Dice (1 Growth, 1 Military)
    -[X]Growth - Divert 1 die to Research
    --[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
    ---[X]Deep Caverns
    ---[X]2 Dice (2 Growth)
    -[X]Exploration - 1 die
    --[X]Alien Watch
  • 1

    [X]Plan: Hatcheries!
    -[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
    --[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
    ---[X]2 Dice (1 Research, 1 Military)
    --[X]Vespine Generation (0/??)
    ---[X](1 Research)
    --[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
    ---[X]Deep Caverns
    --[X]Hatchery Near (0/50) [300] - Cluster 1
    --[X]Hatchery Near (0/50) [300] - Cluster 2
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x12 - 3 for new hatcheries, rest in deep mines
    --[X]Overlord [100] 3 at Cluster 1
    -[X]Exploration - 1 die
    --[X]Alien Watch
  • 1

    [X] Plan: Embrace the Void
    -[X]Defensive Positioning (0/0) 1 die
    -[X]Geneweaver (61/100+) 1 die
    -[X]Vespine Generation (0/??) 1 die
    -[X]Sunken Colony (0/25) [50] /Creep Colony\ 1 die cluster 2
    -[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die cluster 1
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x10 (2 into creep colonies at cluster 1, rest into rich mines)
    --[X]Overlord [100] x4 (split between the clusters)
    --[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x10 (Split between cluster 1 and 2 evenly)
    -[X]Alien Watch 1 die

Edit: @POTDL you need to move the Power vote outside of the main vote in order for it to be counted correctly.
Edit 2: @RookDeSuit there's still the Parasite, Power, and Void Machine votes which I have separated out from the core vote.
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Here's how the current vote stands.
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Jan 10, 2022 at 1:12 PM, finished with 30 posts and 5 votes.
  • 4

  • 4

    -[X]Pobing <??%> 20 Zerglings from Cluster 1
    -[X]Geneweaver (61/100+) 1 die
    -[X]Vespine Generation (0/??) 1 die
    -[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300] Deep Caverns 2 die
    -[X]Sunken Colony (0/25) Cluster 2 1 die
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x6 Deep Mines
    --[X] x6 Overlord [100] 3 at each Cluster
    --[X]Zerglings x 10 Split Evenly at each Cluster
    -[X]Alien Watch 1 die
  • 4

    [X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence
    [X][VM]Consume it
  • 2

    [X]Plan: Build Wide, not Tall
    -[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
    --[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
    ---[X]2 Dice (2 Research)
    --[X]Vespine Alternatives (0/??)
    ---[X]2 Dice (1 Growth, 1 Military)
    -[X]Growth - Divert 1 die to Research
    --[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
    ---[X]Deep Caverns
    ---[X]2 Dice (2 Growth)
    -[X]Exploration - 1 die
    --[X]Alien Watch
  • 1

    [X]Plan: Hatcheries!
    -[X]Military - Divert Die to Research
    --[X]Geneweaver (61/100+)
    ---[X]2 Dice (1 Research, 1 Military)
    --[X]Vespine Generation (0/??)
    ---[X](1 Research)
    --[X]Hatchery Far (0/75) [300]
    ---[X]Deep Caverns
    --[X]Hatchery Near (0/50) [300] - Cluster 1
    --[X]Hatchery Near (0/50) [300] - Cluster 2
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x12 - 3 for new hatcheries, rest in deep mines
    --[X]Overlord [100] 3 at Cluster 1
    -[X]Exploration - 1 die
    --[X]Alien Watch
  • 1

    [X] Plan: Embrace the Void
    -[X]Defensive Positioning (0/0) 1 die
    -[X]Geneweaver (61/100+) 1 die
    -[X]Vespine Generation (0/??) 1 die
    -[X]Sunken Colony (0/25) [50] /Creep Colony\ 1 die cluster 2
    -[X]Creep Colony (0/0) [75] 1 die cluster 1
    -[X]Metomorph Creature |24L|
    --[X]Drone [50] x10 (2 into creep colonies at cluster 1, rest into rich mines)
    --[X]Overlord [100] x4 (split between the clusters)
    --[X]Zerglings 2x [50] x10 (Split between cluster 1 and 2 evenly)
    -[X]Alien Watch 1 die

Edit: @POTDL you need to move the Power vote outside of the main vote in order for it to be counted correctly.
Edit 2: @RookDeSuit there's still the Parasite, Power, and Void Machine votes which I have separated out from the core vote.
Ok I think I fixed the issue.
[X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence
Gain a research option

[X] Plan: Embrace the Void
My pick

[X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence
Gain a research option

[X]Plan: Build Wide, not Tall

We need a good economy and good amount of space before major research
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Were SO close to exponential growth, its crazy. Soon were gonna hit critical mass and never stop.
Were SO close to exponential growth, its crazy. Soon were gonna hit critical mass and never stop.

Pal, once we get 100 drones into that mine and get 10k minerals a turn, we can go on to make fully developed broods with cerebrates at that rate. Add in that we could finance my defensive plans EASILY across the entire continent?

To the point where fighting us on New Char/Zerus is as dumb of a idea as it is in cannon when Kerrigan hadn't unleashed the full swarm on a rampage?

Dumb enough to get you taken out back and shot at best, or get yourself re-educated Terran criminal standard.

Add in that we could then finance entire broods and gave ourselves a grand old time expanding our influence until the entire planet is ours…then start spreading to other worlds…then other star systems…then go fully galactic as we pave the way of the swarm to fully colonize the galaxy and make use of all the resources like the true swarm can be.

Basically our-reaper the reapers in the numbers game. I would like to see reaper capital ships try to withstand a scourge-swarm attack that in game takes about only 12 of the little buggers to knock out a full Protoss carriers shields and health, 5-6 for a BC with the shield given by the science station/ships.

And those two races build themselves TOUGH.
Basically our-reaper the reapers in the numbers game. I would like to see reaper capital ships try to withstand a scourge-swarm attack that in game takes about only 12 of the little buggers to knock out a full Protoss carriers shields and health, 5-6 for a BC with the shield given by the science station/ships.
Here the thing the sovereing from the Mass effect one is not even a the Big guy in the reaper hiearchy and it take the Entirety of the quantarian Fleet or the mother of the thresher Maw To defeat it
Here the thing the sovereing from the Mass effect one is not even a the Big guy in the reaper hiearchy and it take the Entirety of the quantarian Fleet or the mother of the thresher Maw To defeat it

Dude…do you realize how fucking deadly scourge are? Suicidal air units designed to KILL capital ships.

And they can be spawned ENMASS.

There is a reason why reapers fare Poorly against overwhelming numbers, and kinetic barriers don't stop acid.

Also the thresher maw mother killed a destroyer type. The sovereign either takes the entire alliance fleet to kill it before it kills the council, saving them at the cost of said fleet and such.

Basically primitive mass effect tech that the reapers should be specialized against can still hurt and kill them. What about pure biological hell machines with a super hive mind and can hold grudges like none other can believe.

If we hit critical mass and exponential growth the reapers will be stuck fighting a war they can realistically win, since now we can survive and thrive away from their little trap. Which case we can also royally fuck them over and with the power of the void permanently kill them…or worse infect their organic parts with the Zerg hyper evolutionary virus.

We have options dude, don't discount what the Zerg can do when they get nasty…and dear god we're going to make the Zerg terrifying to fight.
whelp another round lost, but hey at least were expanding the swarm to the point where we can safely say no one will want to tango with us soon enough!

(also, the reason why I'm doing creep colonies is because we NEED the defenses if we're going to assault both the worm and the humanoids.)
[X][VM]Try to Replicate the essence
Gain a research option


[X] Plan: Embrace the Void