Fallout: Boneyards (Chariots of Steel playtest / New Vegas Sequel Quest!)

NAME: Xiuyuan "Alderesh" Yang
AGE: 41 | GENDER: Male


Fen Yang: She's having a hard time at work/school and are unsure about their future​
(*)(*)( )​
[-1 Stress Per Routine!]
Bronwyn Yang (aka Browny): They're struggling with long-form Warflu and need expensive meds to kick it. Fortunately, you've managed to send some.​
(*) (*) ( )​
[-1 Stress Per Routine!]

Get It Done: Each Routine, hold 3. Spend that hold to get a partial hit on any check before rolling.
Old Reliable: The tank gains +2 Integrity, +4 Safety and +3 Reliability for ground vehicles, and removes Unreliable and gives +1 to Attack for a firearm.
Domestic Bliss: When you're at 0 stress, take +1 ongoing to all rolls outside of air combat. You're not in air combat. Haha. Holy shit. Really, Erika?

Cortex Comrade, a miniaturized personal computer which uses a persistent heads-up display to help workers perform their tasks… or soldiers target the enemy.
A bandoleer with three smoke grenades.
A super stimpack, purchased with your own money. Just in case.

Getaway Mastery: Passive (Every move you take adds +1 Handling in ground vehicles.)
Can't Miss: Reduce your Speed penalty to shooting by -3. When your vehicle attacks at Knife range, +1 AP. At Melee range, +2 AP.​


A9 "Wander Home", M7 Oliver
Speed: 4 | Torque: +2 | Handling: 23
Armor: 4/2/1 | Integrity: 25 | Safety: 3
Reliability: 0 | Fuel Use: 7 | Stress: 1

Festooned with Hatches: Every position on the tank counts as having a Hatch, and any member of the crew can leave from any side or fire personal weapons in any direction.​
Gun Stabilizer: The addition of a gun stabilizer reduces the movement penalty from the vehicle's own Speed by 2.​
Linked: All crew positions have an intercom.​

Yang: Commander | Type: Closed | Visibility: +1 | Escape: +2
Drives-Fast: Driver | Type: Closed | Visibility: -1 | Escape: +2
Trudy: Main Gunner | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 |
1 F. Cannon (AP/HE) | Hits: 1/6 | Range: Long/Extreme | Damage: 24/3 | AP: 4/0 | Specials (Both): Reload 1, Artillery, Heavy 4, Awkward -5 vs Planes. HE Shells gain burst​
Arcs: Fore, Rear, Left, Right​
1 WMG | Hits: 6 | Range: Long | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Special: Rapid Fire (always on rapid fire because there's no penalty while in a vehicle), Braced, Heavy 2​
Arcs: Fore, Rear, Left, Right​
Dora: Bow Gunner | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 | Engine Access!
1 LMG | Hits: 4 | Range: Long | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | | Special: Repaid Fire (see above), Braced​
Arcs: Fore​
Mask: Loader | Type: Closed | Visibility: -2 | Escape: +1 | Assists Cannon Shooting


H2 "Mighty Mighty Man", M2 Dumont - Armed with an MG
Sergeant Baalaji: Commander/Gunner
Private Iron Moth: Driver

P9 "Lil' Mo Action", M2 Dumont - Armed with a Cannon
Corporal Aubrey Angel: Commander/Gunner
Private Caitlyn Smith: Driver


Sergeant Christina Morales: Squad Leader

Corporal Arnold Brick: Second in Command

Lance Corporal Betty "Doc" Tracy: Medic

Private Gordon Xavier: LAW Man

Private Nosejob: LAW Man

Private Samantha Yeager: LAW Man

Private Michael Burnside: Sniper

Private Thomas Barker: Rifleman

Private William Barker: Rifleman

Private Gwendolyn Price: Rifleman

Lance Corporal Zǐhán Quin: Rifleman
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-Close to Knife before shooting
-Shoot first
-Ram the other


(it has occurred to me that I might be coming up with plans better suited for the Legion than the NCR's finest)
Your plan here is the same as another plan, and not formatted to a vote for the tally:

-[X] Shoot first.
-[X] Close to Knife range before attacking.
-[X] Instead of shooting, ram them!
3.1: Crunch
"Drives Fast!" You shout. "Give Trudy her shot!"

"I'll give her a shot," Drives Fast shouts, then throws the Wandering Home forward as you put your hand to your headset.

"Everyone, we have two, I repeat, two PBAs on play, we have Legion PBA, in front of the cinema!" Inaccurate, but close enough.

"Understood, Sandman-2!"

Machine gun tracers started to whip around the two armored figures. You see the one with the gatling laser is bringing it around, trying to bear on your tank - but Drives Fast has taken her name to the upper limit of what is expected or possible. The two of them swell, and they both break apart. The Enclave with the gauss rifle stumbled through the mud and the dust, smoke shrouding him from view.

"Traverse left!" you shouted as the gatling laser swung to aim right at you, bullets sparking from Dora's MG off his chest, shoulders, helmet. It didn't even seem to jar him. Trudy listened to you - and good thing too.

The gauss gunner became visible as smoke drifted apart.

The barrel seemed to line up with him - a mere ten meters apart.


The cannon roared and smoke slapped against your face - and then an almighty rattling crunch. The left half of your tank rocked upwards and Mask grunted as he was flung against your side. The smoke cleared and you saw that there was no Enclave ahead of you - the gatling laser gunner had gone under the tread, though the crunching, rattling, banging noise he had made going under made you wince.

You could barely think about that, though.

To the left, the gauss gunner was standing next to a furrow in the dirt, aimed, almost point blank at the front of your tank.

Oh shi-
[ ] You have taken 6 damage from running over Orion Moreno and 12 damage from the gauss rifle vote!

to be clear, you need to spend the damage separately! they're not added together! this is good because if you take too much damage at once your tank explode!!!

reposted this too

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Fuel leak seems like an obvious one here, at the end of a boss battle. The bow gun also seems expendable. We could distribute some injury if we need to. Probably not engine or tracks, thought. I want to maintain our mobility because it's one of our biggest assets. I suppose we could deal with turret ring failure here, maybe. Ramming worked pretty damn well and canister doesn't care all that much where the gun is pointed under the circumstances. Thoughts, anyone?
Do we still have the pintle MG to lose? It seems to me that we could probably afford to lose that so long as we still have the co-ax.
[X] Plan Oh No, Anyway
-[X] 6 Damage from running over PA
-[X] 3 - Crew Shaken (3)
-[X] 3 - Crew Stunned
-[X] 12 Damage from Gauss Rifle
-[X] 3 - Crew Shaken (3)
-[X] 3 - Crew Stunned
-[X] 6 - Fuel Leak

I can just imagine there's a lot of banging going on beneath the tank, shaking up the crews all over, and when Cannibal Johnson fired his gauss rifle, it luckily didn't hit the most important part of a tank, the crew, it however went through everything else, like the fuel tank, still shaking the crew and instrument quite violently though.

Oh wait just read about damage being taken separately so...

That should work right?
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[X] Plan Oh No, Anyway
-[X] 6 Damage from running over PA
-[X] 3 - Crew Shaken (3)
-[X] 3 - Crew Stunned
-[X] 12 Damage from Gauss Rifle
-[X] 3 - Crew Shaken (3)
-[X] 3 - Crew Stunned
-[X] 6 - Fuel Leak
[X] Plan Oh No, Anyway

This is fun, though it seems like it's just inviting us to get immediately shot again.
Yeah, the gauss gunner at the very least is still active, crew stunned and massively suppressed is game over - we'd just get shot again, allocate more damage, take more stun and shaken, repeat until dead.

[X] Plan Ablative Bow Gun(ner)
-[X] 6 Damage from running over PA
-[X] 6 - Fuel Leak
-[X] 12 Damage from Gauss Rifle
-[X] 3 - Gun Broken (Bow MG)
-[X] 3 - Minor Injury (Dora)
-[X] 3 - Minor Injury (Dora)
-[X] 3 - Minor Injury (Dora)

Sorry Dora. >_>

The bow gun goes silent, replaced with a mass of twisted metal. Dora swears violently, which you didn't know she was programmed for but would fit with the bit of her carapace you're pretty sure just bounced off your leg. And you're pretty sure that you can smell biodiesel, which doesn't bode well. You can only hope that your leaking fuel tank took its revenge by leaking on the armor that punched a hole in it.
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Weird question that just occurred to me, is Wandering Home's M-number classification M7 Oliver, or M9 Oliver? It's listed on the character sheet as M7, but the engagement with the M9 MacArthur refers to Wandering Home as an M9 Oliver, and references the two different vehicles sharing the same M-number. I know it's probably needlessly pedantic, but I was curious.
Weird question that just occurred to me, is Wandering Home's M-number classification M7 Oliver, or M9 Oliver? It's listed on the character sheet as M7, but the engagement with the M9 MacArthur refers to Wandering Home as an M9 Oliver, and references the two different vehicles sharing the same M-number. I know it's probably needlessly pedantic, but I was curious.

It's MX, where X is the number it should be!

(I think I fucked it up a few times.)
I should probably check how durable people actually are under these rules...

@DragonCobolt Is "3 injuries to Dora" going to actually threaten her, or is she just going to need some time at a mechanic to recover?
Ah. Okay. In that case, balls to that plan. Uhhh. That makes things... difficult.

Can we take multiple fuel leaks?

[] Plan Lol Fuel
-[X] 6 Damage from running over PA
-[X] 6 - Fuel Leak
-[X] 12 Damage from Gauss Rifle
-[X] 3 - Gun Broken (Bow MG)
-[X] 3 - Minor Injury (whoever's current least injured)
-[X] 6 - Fuel Leak

Alternatively, we can dump everything on the engine and try to kill the other guy before he kills us:

[X] Plan DPS Race
-[X] 6 Damage from running over PA
-[X] 6 - Fuel Leak
-[X] 12 Damage from Gauss Rifle
-[X] 11 - Immobilized
-[X] 1 - Crew Shaken
You cannot take multiple fuel leaks, sorry!

EDIT; oh also you aren't setting yourself up for stunlocking! Crew stunned only means you have disadvantage forward!
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[X] Plan: Avoid Stunlocks, shoot back
-[X] 6 damage from crash
-[X] Minor Injury: Dora, Mask (6)
-[X] 12 damage from Gauss
-[X] Gun Broken: Front mounted MG (3)
-[X] Minor Injury: Dora, Drives Fast (6)
-[X] Optics Hit: Hull MG (2)
-[X] Crew Suppression (1)

Dora and Mask got bounced into something when the tank listed, the gauss shot gouged out across the armor to wreck the hull MG and caused a bit of shrapnel in the front hull seats. Still full combat viability without losing a crewmember yet.

Though next gauss hit is going to do some serious damage or risk killing crew if we don't finish this soon.
I feel like two injuries to the same person might end up still being pretty dangerous, especially if they already have an injury...