[X] APC and Infantry Squad (both veteran)
[X] Falmouth, Cape Cod (northeast US); visit your mom. Go biking, ride the ferry.
Absolutely we want to keep the squad that went through all this with us. They've proven they can take on all kinds of threats, and have veterancy bonuses to boot.
"... on August 27th, 2058, at 1100 hours local time, the main armored column of the 358th Mechanized Infantry Platoon engaged Brotherhood of Nod forces in an attempt to recover a transport vehicle containing a large amount of Tiberium. In the course of this action, Private First Class Nathan Lee disembarked, engaging... "
You shake your head, then look away from the G-Pad, staring at the wall of the V-35 Ox carrying you to Portreath AFB, your eyes slightly unfocused. How in the hell are you supposed to tell a guy's parents that he got melted down by an acid-spewing alien blob consisting of organic material from dead Nod troopers combined with random dirt and Tiberium crystals?
You sigh, shutting the G-Pad down and pull up your personal G-Phone, reading the text message from your dad - "I'll meet you when you land" - in response to your announcement that you're coming to visit. His picture shows next to the message, a heroic-looking dude with a wide chin, giant moustache, beret tilted slightly to the side (part of the 2nd Tiberium War orbital jump trooper dress uniform), a small amount of blond hair visible from underneath. The aircraft hisses as it lands on the tarmac and you shoulder your duffel bag, checking to make sure your sidearm is present in your holster and that the safety catch is on. It wouldn't do for you to get dinged for "failure to have an operable weapon on your person at all times" or, even worse, "accidental or intentional discharge of service weapon in non-military area while off-duty". You briefly wonder why the regs are that way, but put the thought aside as the rear ramp opens and your fellow passengers file out.
Arrival in a blue zone is a welcome change from constantly having to have your body armor and a fully-sealed helmet on. It's a foggy day out, as usual for England, and you spot your dad waiting for you. He's aged quite a bit since that picture was taken - the hair is now a widow's peak, the moustache is graying, wrinkles cross his forehead, and he has deflated quite a bit from his peak years. He still dresses sharply, although you note that he's no longer wearing his full dress uniform. His eyes are still sharp and focused, blue, like yours, and twinkle a little bit as he sees you.
"Violet." He greets you, impassively, as you approach.
"Dad." You respond.
You break first, throwing your arms around him in a hug. Eventually you let go, and ask him about his uniform.
"I've been retired." He states, smiling wistfully while looking at you. "You're looking pretty sharp, though." He adds, with no small amount of admiration. "Come, let's get you settled in, I'll tell you all about it over dinner."
"... and so, I have to go down to the hospital every week." your dad explains, devouring the chips from his plate. Of course, he ordered fish and chips. "They strap me into a chair, then blast me with mini sonic emitters to break the crystal growths up."
You frown. "Are you going to get better?"
He shakes his head. "No. But as long as the emitters keep working, I'll be fine. GDI medical care isn't too bad." He adds, grabbing another handful of chips.
"Geez, dad. You tell mom yet? When did it happen?" You ask.
"Yes, and hell if I know." he replies. "Maybe it was the time that Nod guy shot me five times with a tib rifle, or that time that cyborg blew up in my face and breached my armor." he smirks. "Couldn't have been when the Scrin showed up though, they never even came close to my base."
"I thought it was four times." You counter, smirking, hoping to overcome the unpleasant feeling in your chest with a little verbal sparring.
Your dad laughs. "Four, five, sixty, what's the difference?"
You scoff. "Every time you tell it, the number gets higher. Next thing you'll be telling me that they had to have a harvester take all the Tiberium off of you, then install a spike."
The man grins. "Who says they didn't?"
"Goddammit, dad." You reply, shaking your head as you resume what was advertised as shepherd's pie, but you're pretty sure is re-constituted fungus bar with 'sauce #82' - for one, it's not like there's any beef around. It tastes all right, though, that sauce #82 makes all the difference, really.
A couple of hours later, you're sitting at a waterfront pub, drinking their locally-brewed rice beer. You don't remember the name, either of the pub or the beer, probably something to do with hogs and heads and inns. The beer's all right. Well, it doesn't taste like piss and has some alcohol content, anyway, and you find yourself thankful that the central economic planning people have seen fit to a) allow for the production of the necessary crops and b) aren't giving people a hard time about wanting to brew and sell hooch.
"... and they let you drink alcohol?" You ask, incredulously.
Your dad's face scrunches up in disdain. "Pfft, I'm pretty sure that shaving five to ten years off my average life expectancy isn't going to make a difference." He looks at you. "But enough about my decaying, decrepit old self, I see you've already got a souvenir." He gestures with his head and gaze at the small scar running along your left temple.
"Yeah." You rub the scar. "Nod machinegun fire got through my Guardian's armor. You should have seen that buggy, though."
"Yeah?" Your dad looks at you.
"Yeah, not a scratch on it." You say with a chuckle.
Your dad laughs, ruffling your hair. "That's how it usually goes, yeah. Slippery bastards." He takes a big swig, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "I remember one time, we dropped on a Nod position to relieve pressure on some big-shot whose command vehicle got grounded by an ion storm. Think it was named after some kind of bear? Anyway, we land, knock out a few cyborgs and regular guys, blow up a couple artillery pieces, then run out of grenades trying to nail this one stupid buggy that kept driving around us and keeping us pinned." His eyes light up as he recounts the memory. "Lucky for us, he ran out of ammo too."
You put your mug down. "I've been meaning to ask, how come you guys didn't have rockets back then?"
He shrugs. "Not sure, to be honest. I think command thought we could just set our grenades on impact mode and they'd fly fast enough. Bunch of wankers with their heads up their... "
A couple more hours later, you're at the last pub in town that's open that late. Real beer, to your surprise, glasses that look like they haven't been washed since before Tiberium first came down from the sky, despite the bartender's obsessive insistence on non-stop polishing.
"... so your mother has asked me to inform you that you should, a, let your hair grow out, which will make it easier to, b, find a boyfriend as she is apparently interested in seeing grandchildren." your dad says flatly, looking at you.
"Dad." you say, mortified despite (or maybe because of) being several beers in by this point.
"Sorry." He chuckles, smiling and rolling his eyes. "You know I'm just passing the message along. It's either have a couple of sentences of awkward conversation or get lectured for a week straight." He takes a swig, grimacing. That beer is definitely all kinds of bitter. "And you know she'd find a way, even though she's across the Atlantic."
You roll your eyes in return, a perfect mirror of his gesture. "Sorry I haven't had time to date. I get people killed for a living." You say, staring into your mug with a sudden realization. Well, it's not that sudden, or a realization, it just boils up. "I made a mistake, and six people died. Then, I didn't do anything wrong, and another six people died." you sniff, feeling your eyes puffing up.
Your dad puts his arm around your shoulder, holding you close. "I'm sorry, Violet. It sucks."
You look up at him. "How did you deal with it?"
He smirks, looking suddenly older, then gestures with his head towards the mug. "That, and I complained to my friends a lot."
You look at him skeptically. "You have friends, dad?"
He scoffs. "Had, I suppose. They're all gone now, or might as well be, given how far away they are."
"What about mom, did you ever tell her about it?"
Your dad shakes his head. "She doesn't get it, still has her head buried in her marine biology work most of the time." he shrugs. "I wouldn't expect her to, either."
You sigh, taking a long pull of your very, very, bitter beer. "You know, instead of bugging me about grandkids, maybe you guys could have had another one of your own." You muse, not entirely sure it's an appropriate line of conversation, but wanting to switch subjects.
Your dad cackles. "Violet, I love you, but there was no way in hell I was going to go through that experience again. Those first few months... " he downs what you think is an incredible amount of his beer. "... I dropped into multiple firefights in Tiberium fields from orbit. I had to fight cyborgs, run away like a little bitch from swarms of Visceroids and those stupid Tiberium dogs..." he raises a finger. ".. by the way, I'm glad I haven't seen one since then." He puts his hand back on the beer mug. "But you know what, when the fight is over, you get to shuttle back up to orbit and rest."
You raise an eyebrow.
"Look, I spent three years changing diapers and wiping your ass, non-stop, putting up with your *ahem* food preferences *ahem* and even now, twenty years later, I can still hear that stupid 'Tibby the Tib' song playing in my head."
"Too doo dee doo doo da-dee-da-dee-doo doot." you laugh as you belt out the theme song. You remember it too. "What's wrong with Tibby the Tib? I loved that show! And the stuffed toys. And didn't they have a figure with 'realistic Tiberium action' that had an actual Tiberium crystal that I always wanted but you guys never bought me?"
"Nothing's wrong with it, Violet, unless you hear it twenty times in a row and then you have to read the book four times." Your dad laughs. "And what the hell were they thinking putting a real Tiberium crystal into a children's toy? But yeah, between that and our jobs, we neither wanted to, nor could find the time. Sorry?" He asks, shrugging.
You shrug as well. "I'm not sure I'd get along with myself, anyway." something drags you down an unpleasant train of thought again. "... probably just get twice as many people killed."
Your dad puts his hands on your shoulders. "That's enough of that, Violet. You did the best you could, and nobody blames you for what happened. You got the job done, after all." He says, his face serious. "Just stay focused, pay attention and don't screw around. But you don't need me to tell you that, you're a smart young woman, and even if you don't know what you're doing, you can figure it out."
He smirks. "Oh, and when telling people about tib lifeforms, I like to use the phrase 'active environmental factors'. It sounds less silly than 'ambulatory, acid-spewing, tiberium blob'."
You chuckle. It does sound less silly.
He grunts, lifting himself off the stool as he downs the last of his beer. "Come on, let's get you home."
The next two weeks go by all too quickly. You accompany your dad to the hospital for his weekly sonic treatment; the two of you spend a lot of time hiking along the rocky shoreline that alternates between gentle slope and steep cliffs. Some of the time you spend playing coop video and tabletop games (even now, when you're at your physical and mental peak, you still can't beat your dad at anything, and he doesn't seem to enjoy competitive games anyway, muttering about teenage cyborgs). You fire up your G-Date profile and take the train into town to meet up with a couple of people, but the ones you do meet are either unbelievably boring or creepy (or both, in one case). Kind of slim pickings out here - between the population density being 1/10th of what it used to be pre-war and this being a random backwater in the middle of nowhere.
Most of your time, though, you spend sitting on the shore, looking at the Atlantic ocean washing up against the southern coast as it has been for millions of years. You wonder if it will continue to do so, or if it'll all turn a sickly neon green.
You hug your dad goodbye as he escorts you back to the airbase, your Ox waiting for you.
"Are you and mom ever going to live on the same continent again?" You ask wryly.
"Sure." your dad says. "I can't fly any more, though, 'cause of the..." he motions vaguely to his torso. "... well, you know. And your mom's still doing her marine biology research stuff." he shrugs. "One of these days, maybe I'll pack it in and sail over there." He shudders. "I really don't like the climate, though. Too hot and humid."
You stare. "New England is too hot and humid? What are you even... " you let out a breath and look around as the fog rolls in, again.
"Look." your dad responds. "I'm old and I don't like change. I've just gotten used to my post-retirement routine, I don't need to introduce a screeching harpy interrupting me every five seconds. Trying to write a book takes a little concentration, you know."
"Dad..." you begin a protestation, more as a formality than anything else - mostly seeing as how you don't really feel he's wrong.
"You better get going, don't want to keep that Ox waiting too long." Your dad motions to the aircraft revving its engines up as the pilots take it through the pre-flight checklist. "Those guys tend to get cranky."
He encloses you in another hug.
"I'd wish you luck, Violet, but you know what I always say..." he looks at you expectantly.
"People make their own luck." You finish. "Later, dad." You pull your cap down to tighten it as you walk towards the Ox.
September 25, 2058
Oran, YZ-13 (formerly Algeria)
"Hope you had a good vacation, Lieutenant." The Captain greets you as you report to his office, located.
"It was pretty good, sir." You respond, saluting.
"Great, great. You'll be happy to know, your APCs finished refits, and we've got some new toys to play with, too." The Captain swipes on his G-Pad and yours 'pings'. "Data's in your inbox, but the gist of it is the techs got the mine-laying equipment and IFF systems back into working order, so I had them take the tape off the mine-layer button."
You nod - that'll be useful.
"We've also got our main satellite uplink back up and running. It takes some serious juice to crunch through all the data and the ambient Nod jamming, so it's not free, but if you absolutely need to figure out what's in a particular area, you can route the necessary comms through your command posts."
You nod again - improving your reconaissance and early warning capabilities, knowing ahead of time what Nod has waiting for you - all great for planning purposes.
"Oh yeah, and they're starting to roll out those new railgun-model harvesters. Everybody and their mother is asking for one, so it'll take some doing, but if you wanted, you could probably hook some up."
"Now, I've got two jobs lined up, of roughly equal value, so I'll let you pick."
"First." He points to the map projection on the nearby wall. "We've got a processing camp for Nod prisoners - InOps sorts them out, do they go to trial for war crimes, interrogation, defector processing, etc."
You look at the map - a pretty well-built GDI base stretching out over two grid sectors, surrounded by broken terrain. Plenty of garrison forces indicates a serious commitment to security, although you'll need to adjust patrol routes for better coverage than what they look like they have right now.
"We've got word that some guys low on the totem pole are trying to get into Alazar Mehretu's good graces, and are planning to raid these prison camps. I need to rotate someone competent to be in charge of military security in the area - InOps will handle camp security, but they don't have the capability to take down a serious assault. Oh, and you'll have to manage relations with the local forgotten, I understand they've had some complaints about the person I'm rotating out."
You smile. "And the other?"
"Here." The Captain points to another area, further south and east. "Nod has a cluster of surface-to-air missile sites in this area, so our Apollos can't enforce the no-fly zone, and our Firehawks can't provide ground support." He scoffs. "And forget about Orcas or air transport."
"You want me to take the SAM sites out, sir." you state.
"Damn straight. Grab an MCV, roll out, set up a base in the region and remove any Nod forces."
"Sounds simple, sir." You respond. "I'll take..."
Which assignment do you pick?
[] Guarding a GDI prison camp from an unspecified threat or threats while supporting Forgotten villages
[] Spearhead into Nod territory to take out SAM sites, enabling area air support
So thoughts:
Tib infusion treatments will be available the beginning of next year, so that is a plotline to explore with dear ol' dad.
As for the prison camp mission we will need to be on the lookout for two things: shadow teams infiltrating and Nod's cloaked arty units. Those are the wrinkles that can mess up an otherwise solid defensive plan.
So we just showed up at the Middle East as the Planned Cities Glacier Complex is being completed and the Battle of St. Petersburg just happened this month.
Let's see what did we do in the main quest during Q3:
- Found out about the Shah of Atom Ibrahim al-Isfahani. So do the grunts on the ground know that the main guy in their neighborhood likes to play with nukes at this point? Like that it wasn't a fluke that during the Glacier Complex's construction there were conflicts that went nuclear hot.
- This is the Quarter where Seo goes full mad scientist and tries to turn the Tidal Power Plants into Sea Tiberium Spikes. We will be hearing about this at some point from our mother if no one else.
- Automated Civilian Shipyards. Oh Civilian Ships usually get converted by marine biologists into research vessels so another topic for Mom Talk.
- We can expect no catalyst missiles at least until the end of October. Seriously that is canon in the main quest. So keep in mind that we will come off as reckless idiots if we try to play chicken with NOD on their catalyst missiles in character because NOD saboteurs are still capable of triggering catalyst demolitions in other ways.
- We only have the Railgun Harvester option if we are operating around Chicago or Mecca for now.
- Orbital Communications Network will be completed by the end of the year so we will be seeing it stabilize and be useful in real time with this quest.
- Nanotube Hull Paneling gets completed by October. Dad Talk topic.
- This is the point we did the Wartime Factories Refit Phase 2 so expect Apollos to become available at some point as air support.
So we have our commander being part of the rear guard for the completion of the Middle East Glacier Complex. This is going to get properly Britishly interesting. In fact we have been part of the MEGC from the start of the quest. Hm... hey @NickAragua are we following our Lieutenant through the various GDI Treasury Military actions? Or will she be staying in/around the MEGC?
Edit: Ah crap missed the most important part: This is the quarter in which the Negotiation Corps are formed which means that this choice of missions is actually a choice of carrier: We can pick the Forgotten Diplomacy option to work towards the Negotiation Corps membership or we can advance in leadership the usual GDI way and take the fight to NOD.
So we just showed up at the Middle East as the Planned Cities Glacier Complex is being completed and the Battle of St. Petersburg just happened this month.
Found out about the Shah of Atom Ibrahim al-Isfahani. So do the grunts on the ground know that the main guy in their neighborhood likes to play with nukes at this point? Like that it wasn't a fluke that during the Glacier Complex's construction there were conflicts that went nuclear hot.
- We only have the Railgun Harvester option if we are operating around Chicago or Mecca for now.
So we have our commander being part of the rear guard for the completion of the Middle East Glacier Complex. This is going to get properly Britishly interesting. In fact we have been part of the MEGC from the start of the quest. Hm... hey @NickAragua are we following our Lieutenant through the various GDI Treasury Military actions? Or will she be staying in/around the MEGC?
As far as railgun harvesters go, they'll cost more (it's an abstraction to represent their relative scarcity compared to demand), but I don't really read it as being limited only to Chicago or Mecca - more like one of those things where if you want to get some, you have to "grease the wheels" a little. With all the extra Tiberium we secured, our captain was able to do just that.
We're on the northwest side of Africa, so think Mehretu, Ten Rings and "regular Nod scrubs" for opposition. We're operating on a tactical level, so we don't really have much of a strategic impact, but we'll be chipping away at the yellow zone west of the African red zone as much as we can. As far as participation in major Treasury-funded military operations, I'll leave that possibility open, but not guaranteed.
Looks like we're gonna be doing some "diplomatization"
Scheduled vote count started by NickAragua on Dec 9, 2021 at 12:18 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Guarding a GDI prison camp from an unspecified threat or threats while supporting Forgotten villages
September 26, 2058
En Route to Prison Camp AA45, Near Ain Maabed (formerly Algeria)
"Hey, you guys hear about that crazy big fight over in Russia?" One of the APC's passengers asks.
"Yeah." chuckles another. "Glad we're out here in the middle of nowhere. With the amount of metal being thrown around up there, we wouldn't have lasted five seconds. Mechs, tanks, artillery..." he rattles off a list of the equipment and ordnance that was used in the battle of St. Petersburg.
"Still, sounds pretty awesome. Hey sarge... " the first one motions over to Sgt. Rei, who's busy inspecting his combat rifle. "... you gonna tell us why we're heading out to babysit some Noddies in a prison camp?"
The sergeant scoffs. "'cause the Lieutenant got told to, and she told us to, Private."
"Yeah, but come on, we're never gonna get any action doing that." The aforementioned private responds.
The sergeant rolls his eyes. "Private, trust me when I can say I make sure you get plenty of things to do when we get there, especially if you don't quit your bitching." he looks over at you. "From what I can tell, the Lieutenant doesn't get assigned jobs where command doesn't expect any action."
You smirk slightly, intently focusing on your G-Pad as the APC trundles forward.
September 27, 2058
The three of you appropriate a small workshop in the grid A5 construction yard as a briefing room, exchanging data packets on your G-Pads. The three being Captain Leila Amir from InOps, Representative Anatoly Karpov from the newly formed diplomatic corps and yourself.
"All right, I'll start." Captain Amir states. Her long, black hair is pulled into a tight ponytail and her eyes flit between the two of you, evaluating... something. "Details are on your G-Pads, but the basic outline is that A4 and A5 are no-go, no-build zones. If we need something built, or a unit detached for escort or guard duty, I'll make a request. Otherwise, please keep your vehicles and personnel clear. Nothing against you or your personnel, but, for security reasons, we just can't have people driving around the prison complex." She takes a breath. "Additionally, we will require that this power plant here... " she points to a structure icon in sector A5. "... remain fully functional and all of its power be available for use by our facilities."
She spears you through with her gaze. "I understand that we're not in each other's direct chain of command, but I think we'll get along better if we can help each other out without going all the way up the chain."
You nod, not disagreeing.
"Now." She looks at Karpov. "What brings you out here, representative?"
Karpov clears his throat. "Well, we have three semi-permanent settlements in the area inhabited by the Forgotten. I understand the previous outpost commander had some territorial access disputes that he was unable to resolve?"
Captain Amir nods with a smirk. "That is a very diplomatic statement. I'm surprised they didn't start shooting at each other."
Karpov nods. "Yes, well, that is what I have been sent here to prevent." He looks at you. "I will require transport to each of the settlements, so that I can negotiate with the inhabitants - see what they need from us, and see what they can give us." he sighs. "The last thing we need is for them to look to the Brotherhood of Nod for what they need."
You nod, not disagreeing with that, either.
"Very well." Captain Amir responds. "If there's nothing else, we'll be in touch."
As the two get up and leave, you remain, swiping notifications aside on your G-Pad before you get to work. You've got a lot of forces scattered around the area, your base layout is complete crap and the nearest Tiberium fields are two days' drive from your refineries. On the plus side, your base has some basic defenses in place.
Initiating Command Protocols
Battlefield Control... Established
Current Objectives:
Prevent unauthorized ground access to grid sectors A4, A5 (primary command directive)
Protect Power Plant, Prison Complex in sector A5 (primary command directive)
Protect Prison Complex in sector A4 (primary command directive)
Provide any reasonable assistance to InOps (secondary command directive)
Provide any reasonable assistance to Diplomatic Corps (secondary command directive)
Re-establish requisition capability (self-entered)
Move out of appropriated construction yard workshop (self-entered)
Rules of Engagement are in effect for grid sectors A7, C5, A2; entering or engaging targets in these sectors is absolutely prohibited. Additionally, no minefields or automated fixed defenses may be placed adjacent to these sectors; no Tiberium extraction operations are allowed adjacent to these sectors; access is denied to Tiberium spikes adjacent to these sectors.
Base Status:
Power: 30/200
Housing: -10/16; Hot bunking; No further requisition possible
Building Slots B4: 0/8
Building Slots B5: 0/8
Credits: 6000
Infantry Requisition Capacity: 0 (normally 2)
Infantry/Engineers can change loadout at B4 or B5.
Tiberium Storage Capacity: 6000/6000
- Prison Complex, MG Sentry Tower, Sandbags at A4
- Power Plant, Prison Complex, Sandbags at A5
- Construction Yard, 2x Silo, Power Plant, Barracks, Refinery, Sandbags at B4
- Construction Yard, 2x Silo, Power Plant, Barracks, refinery, Sandbags, MG Sentry Tower at B5
Construction Options (Pick 2, may double up):
[] Dismantle Tiberium Refinery: +750 Credits, +40 Power, +2 Building Slots (does not take a construction slot)
Your refineries are not optimally placed - dismantling existing ones will allow you to both build other facilities in your main complex and set other refineries up closer to the actual Tiberium - currently, your harvesters have a four-day round trip to the nearest deposits. You will want to keep at least one active at a time, however, if you intend to build a War Factory or a Command Post (you still don't really understand why the construction people can't just have all the necessary equipment stored in the construction yard).
-[] Sector B4
-[] Sector B5
[] Dismantle Tiberium Silo: +50 Credits, +10 Power, +1 Building Slot (does not take a construction slot)
Maybe you don't want to dismantle *all* of them, but taking a couple down would free up a little space to put other buildings without having to expand your base to other grid sectors.
-[] Sector B4 (up to two)
-[] Sector B5 (up to two)
[] Barracks: +4 Housing, -15 Power, -1 Building Slot, -500 Credits
With your troops hot bunking, you will be unable to requisition any additional forces until you find some place to put them. You roll your eyes - even without you and your troops, this would still be the case.
-[] Write-in sector(s)
[] Surveyor: -1500 Credits; Allows set-up of remote bases in grid sectors without construction yards
Your two main bases are completely full. One option for expansion is for you to build a Surveyor or two and expand to the south or north - there are plenty of Tiberium fields where you could set up rapid harvesting operations, and plenty of locations where you could place additional facilities.
[] Command Post: -1000 Credits; -50 Power, -1 Building Slot, +Commander Bonus, Detection of Non-Cloaked units within 1 grid square; Unlocks one RADAR Scan ability use per command post per turn.
The current base is very pretty, but what it doesn't have is even one command post where you can have a place to sit that's not a re-appropriated workshop with construction workers coming through every five minutes. In addition to that, building one will expand your sensor coverage to give you a little heads up about any hostile units coming in. You also need the processing power to set up any additional automatic static defenses.
-[] Write-in sector(s)
[] War Factory: -2000 Credits, -40 Power, -2 Building Slots, +2 vehicle requisition capacity, repairs all vehicles in grid square, allows vehicles in grid square to swap loadout
There's a "mechanized" component to "mechanized infantry". Not only do you need to be able to swap out weapons on your APCs to respond to threats, but being able to requisition Pitbulls and Predator tanks won't go amiss. Being able to install ablative plating on your vehicles won't hurt either, in case some of the Nod units come equipped with laser weapons.
-[] Write-in sector(s)
New Structure Introduced:
Tiberium Spike
Unlike the pre-fabricated structures you use, this cannot be built over the course of a day, but must be hand-constructed and calibrated for the local terrain over several weeks. The ones in this area have been abandoned for some time, and thus contain a substantial amount of Tiberium.
+750 Credits on capture
+25 Credits per turn
Graphical Representation of Operational Area:
----------------------- = no access
---------| |---------- = bridge, may be destroyed by engaging it in combat with a unit using explosives
Forgotten Territory Update:
GDI Access is forbidden to the following sectors: C5, A7, A2
Tiberium harvesting is forbidden in the following sectors: A1, A3, D5, A6
Attempting to capture Tiberium spikes is forbidden at this time.
Your have a lot of troops, but they're kind of spread out with no rhyme or reason as to how they're placed. Two decisions you have to make.
First, where are your "strike force" of 4 APCs, 3 Infantry Squads and 1 Engineering Squad, and, by extension you camped out?
[] B4
[] B5
Second, you've got a bunch of infantry squads and APCs scattered all over the area. You can either spread them out further, patrolling aggressively, or consolidate today and then execute a recon in force on a subsequent day.
[] Aggressive patrols
[] Consolidate in B6 to the south, B4 to the north
[] Write-in specific instructions
You may also swap out the loadout of your non-garrison strike force on the first turn. This is all the non-garrison APCs, infantry units and engineering squad.
[AN: Trying out a new form of map, since the old format wasn't really conveying all the info I wanted it to. If anyone has any thoughts on how I can improve it, feel free to chime in.]
[x] Plan Cleaning this mess
-[x] Dismantle Tiberium Refinery: +750 Credits, +40 Power, +2 Building Slots (does not take a construction slot)
--[x] Sector B5
-[x] Surveyor: -1500 Credits; Allows set-up of remote bases in grid sectors without construction yards
--[x] D4
-[x] Command Post: -1000 Credits; -50 Power, -1 Building Slot, +Commander Bonus, Detection of Non-Cloaked units within 1 grid square; Unlocks one RADAR Scan ability use per command post per turn.
--[x] B5
Military Options:
-[x] B5
-[x] Aggressive patrols
Reasoning: Without any starting credits, we need to kickstart our income, so I junked both Refineries to allow us to build a new one on site at the largest patch we can access. That should earn us a steady 1500 credits a turn to turn to building a Command Center and a barracks next turn.
Edit: With credits confirmed I am building a Command center in B5 to get the bonus and Scanning online, next turn will be focused on building up a refinery outpost at D4 and potentially building a War Factory.
As for aggressive patrols: I want to get an idea as to what is out there early on so we can format a better build strategy (i.e. should we go for a War Factory or instead double down on defenses)