Before I look at the tally and stuff, I figure I can go through this and get a baseline of my thoughts. Starting with the Purviews, I figure it'll help to try and eliminate what I can.
War seems like something that we can kind of dismiss. Sure, it's something that'll doubtlessly get some use in Warhammer. That said, this is the foundation of Valeria as a Scion and it really doesn't look like we're at all interested in turning her into a war goddess. I'm okay with that. In fact, I can see it now as a part of her legend. How Valeria as a preeminent craftsmen, though perhaps with a far more radical bent than Grungni/Morgrim/Thungni, is the daughter of this goddess of war and civilization. Which also makes sense from a story telling perspective, in universe specifically. A strong martial culture enables stability in this world, and specialization comes with civilization.
In a similar vein, I feel like we can get rid of Epic Dexterity. Valeria isn't going to be out there running around, chasing something or being chased herself. It's a Purview that leans into making the individual more physically potent.
All the rest are harder for me to pin down. Artistry seems like the most obvious pick, but I feel bad discarding the others. I'm kind of biased against Order, but it be undeniably useful. More than that, it seems like a good fit for Valeria. She has perfect recall, and this gives her perfect information while also providing her with some protection. Beauty is something that I like when it comes to the flavor text, and it has similar applications to Order as it relates to diplomacy. That said, it seems more in line with something a charismatic fighter would have. Same with Sun.
So, I guess I'm for Artistry and Order.
[X] Artistry. Your artistic performances or creations really speak to people, conveying your meaning with impossible breadth and depth; a painting might convey a speech, or a statue a heartfelt appeal. Such works are always masterpieces, equal to those of the finest artisans or performers in the realm.
[X] Order. You have an intuitive and encyclopedic knowledge of the laws governing any jurisdiction you happen to be standing within. Mortal law enforcement cannot obstruct or punish you for lawful acts, nor may they overreach their authority or abuse their power when you are involved; their bodies betray them in the face of true justice.
Alright, and then there's the talk with mom. It's laid out pretty clearly that there are two different approaches here, and that it'll shape their relationship. There are the technical questions, about limitations and threats. While there's also more intimate questions, about why she left, why she stayed away, and why she was even born in the first place. With that being the case, I'll admit that I favor being more wholesome. This is narratively driven, so I don't really think there are any wrong choices. Meaning there isn't a need to be especially efficient or anything. So I guess I'm feeling Regret and Romance. Let their be brevity, and let mom get something off her chest. While not pressing her about her absence. I feel like it's not ever a question in warhammer wether or not there'll be more foes to face, so I don't think we need to question that too much.
[X] Regret. In that cellar, when you were lost in darkness, Myrmidia said she had hoped to spare you from this. Why? Is there some secret to your power, some drawback to your inheritance, that she would rather you not have?
[X] Romance. How did your parents meet? What was it about your father that drew even the eye of the Goddess Myrmidia? You would never have thought of the divine in terms of love and affection - is it a legacy of her time spent as a mortal?
Looking at the tally… huh.
Regret takes a distant third, but that's alright. It's something that seems like it could potentially touch upon things covered more completely by Enemy and Absence, but even if that's the case maybe the lack of focus would be a problem on it's own. Looking at the Purviews, Sun isn't something I expect to get as much support. I'll have to look through the thread to see the discussion. If it seems compelling, then I'm open to switching my vote on Order to Sun.
E: Yeah, I'll leave it as is. Ra didn't explain Order, but it's a hanging back in fourth place. I don't see anything really compelling about Sun, it's about what I thought it'd be. So I'll keep it as is, because I like Artistry far more.