Fire On The Mountain (A Skyrim Quest)

Do'azda's Character Sheet
Name: Do'azda Khrimnin
Race: Khajiit (Suthay-Raht)
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Profession: Shaman
Appearance/Description: She stands at a normal height for a Suthay-raht, that is to say, shorter than most men or mer, but not by too much. Her fur is a warm, rich orange, paler around her muzzle and down her neck, and her eyes are startlingly yellow. Her hair is braided, with rings that jangle faintly when she turns her head too fast. Her robes are basic, and worn from age, but have been fastidiously cleaned.
Level: 7
XP: 0/120

Alchemy: 25
Alteration: 5
Archery: 5
Block: 6
Conjuration: 40
Destruction: 5
Enchanting: 5
Heavy Armor: 5
Illusion: 35
Light Armor: 20
Lock Picking: 1
One-Handed: 21
Pickpocket: 5
Restoration: 15
Smithing: 1
Sneak: 20
Speech: 27
Survival: 13
Two-Handed: 5

They say it kills cats - Do'azda has few restraints on her inquisitive nature, asking whatever questions occur to her, paying little attention to whether this may be considered rude. Whatever else, at least Do'azda never finds herself regretting her failure to ask about something.

Dancing the night away - Do'azda is a fine dancer in the Elsweyr style, where dances are not the slow, ritualised partnering of the Altmer, but instead are a whirling piece of performance art, with the dancer's emotions informing the dance more than any practiced steps. Do'azda can feel the music in her bones, and can dance to only a drumbeat.

In the shadow of the moon - Do'azda was blessed even as she began her journey to become a shaman. A priestess of Azurah, the Mistress of Dusk and Dawn, favoured daughter of Fadomai, received a vision. Azurah's light shines favourable upon her.

Tangled Tails--Do'azda has had flings before, "Tangled Tails" as the euphemism goes, and she's willing to engage in casual relationships or 'one-night marriages' if the opportunity arises.

Racial Perks--

Claws--She has very wicked claws indeed.
Darksight--She can see incredibly well in the dark.

Skill Perks--

Conjuring Efficiency (10): Do'zada knows how to be careful with her Magicka without losing any power when she's Conjuring, and can use such magic more freely and easier when fighting or in other circumstances. (Cojuration)

Mystic Binding (20): Do'azda gains skill at creating bound weapons of magic, so that she is never without her arms no matter what. She also becomes more skilled at creating bound objects of all types, and begins to study that which might allow one to bind a soul into a gem. (Conjuration)

Haggling 1 (0): Everything in Skyrim is far more expensive, and so Do'azda should probably try to figure out how to make do with what little gold she has. (Speech)

Insight (20): One of the key elements of persuasion is knowing what would convince someone. Do'azda now knows how to evaluate what kinds of arguments and reasoning would convince different people if she spends enough time to get a feeling for how they think. (Speech)

Agile Defender (10): Armor is often hard to get used to, so figuring out how to move with light armor so as to reduce how bad a hit is is something you can only learn by doing… and Do'azda has begun to 'do.' (Light Armour)

Rahjin Perks

Laughter-Silvered Wings (Level 5): A flying companion does not simply owe its speed to its physical form, but the strength of its spirit, and so it tends to be faster and more manuverable than its terrestrial version, harder to hit, and a greater predator of the sky.

(Next at Level 8)

Blur - Do'azda knows a spell to obscure her features at a distance, to render her indistinguishable from another Khajiit. Up close, it is almost pathetically ineffective, however.
Clairvoyance - Do'azda is granted flashes of insight into the path to her goal by Azurah - the Goddess of Dawn and Dusk sees much of the land.
Conjure Animal - Do'azda reaches onto Hircine's hunting ground and recalls the imprint of an animal which perished nearby to fight by her side
Conjure Axe - Do'azda can create a hatchet from pure magic. It is too cumbersome for effective use in combat, but for cutting wood, it is more than adequate
Bound Dagger--As she has learned how to better summon such things, she has figured out how to use a Bound Dagger.
Courage - Do'azda uses magic to inspire in another the will to fight, though currently only to instill confidence in victory, not to cause conflict where none exists.
Summon Familiar - Do'azda reaches into her own soul to bring forth her familiar, the falcon Rajhin. No mere shade, Rajhin remains with her until slain and can do far more than just fight, but cannot be summoned for a day and a night thereafter if killed.
Fear - This spell pulls from the mind a fear that the target has, and creates from this the feeling of fear.
Distraction - Creates sounds and sights on the edge of perception. Sights and sounds determined by the caster.
Healing Wounds - The caster uses their magicka to seal the wounds of the target. All healing occurs in a single burst.
Conjure Flame Atronach - Do'azda can call forth a spirit of Infernace, a being of fire, constrained in a form of iron.
Flames - Do'azda can release a gout of fire from her palm, directly setting alight her foe, though only for so long as she feeds magicka to the fire.
Lesser Ward - Do'azda can use her magic to create a shield of magical energy, blocking low level magical attacks, reducing high level magical attacks and mitigating the damage of physical attacks.

Do'azda can make...

Potion of Minor Healing - Bruises fade, cuts close, aching muscles relax, this potion provides a little relief from injuries. The first potion a young shaman will learn to brew.
Potion of Suppress Disease - A potion which will suppress the symptoms of a disease for several days; oftentimes long enough for the body to get the cold or flu from its system. More serious or outright magical diseases will return with a vengeance once the potion's effects wear out, but it is a useful potion to know how to craft.

FUS - Force
WULD - Whirlwind

FUS DAH--Force Push

Gold Septim (365)
Trail Rations (x4)
Fine Rations
A very nice dress for casual-formal occasions.
A lovely dress in the gothic style, with an enchantment of illusory power woven into it.
Iron Axe--An iron axe of low quality.
Steel Axe - A steel axe of decent quality
Iron Dagger--An iron dagger of mediocre quality.
Mage Robes--Increase magical regeneration, but provides little protection, discouraging getting up close and personal.
Leather Armor--Comfortable, lightweight armor, it counteracts the discouragement from getting up close, though as an extra layer it means it can get extra hot.
Lunar Steel War Axe--An Axe which can, in the light of the moon, drink in the life-force of its victims and use it to restore that of its weilder.
Steel Dagger (x2)--A well-worn but very useful steel dagger.
Alchemical Kit--A very fine kit for the creation of potions. One careful owner.
Stormcloak Token--A token from Ulfric Stormcloak himself...
Underclothes--You know.
One Powerful Enchanted Sword (Rusted)--A sword of unknown value, it has a rather potent and interesting enchantment attached to it.

Spell Tome: Illumination--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This allows Do'azda to create a light in the darkness... less useful for a Khajiit, but still a spell of value.
Spell Tome: Thieves Vision--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This simple spell gives one slightly better night vision… but is also notable for being able to see writing hidden by weak illusions, and thus is commonly used by thieves trying to read the secret messages of other thieves.
Spell Tome: Turn Undead--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. A spell of moderate difficulty, it will take several nights of reading to learn it. A spell technically of the "Restoration" school, which puts fear into nearby undead. When cast powerfully, burns them most terribly.
Spell Tome: Sparks--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. Allows a mage to fire sparks of arcane lightning, sapping the magicka reserves of the target whilst also burning through their flesh.
3 Doses of Frostbite Venom in Magicka bottles--Toxic and acidic to living flesh, it has little effect on the glass bottle.
Healing Potion

Troll Fat, other ingredients
100 Septims
3 gems of good quality.
Troll Hide
Troll Skull
Troll Eyes x3
Troll Claws

A Handy Guide to Lockpicks: A book that should teach Do'azda all she wants to know about Lockpicks, and more. Each read will give +1 to Lockpicking, and it can be read thrice to wring out all possible knowledge from it. (2/3 reads remaining)
Journal of a Potema Loyalist: A journal of some historical merit, belonging to one of Potema's most loyal supporters in her early years.
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Aniseed smells medicinal
PRESENTATION! Combined with the display out front, this is definitely a merchant that knows how to play to the crowd.
"Ka'hasa's husband is a hunter, a very fine hunter. He is away now, but he always brings back love, affection… and pelts. A lot of pelts." She looks around for a moment and says, "A hopeless number of them."
'A hopeless number of them.' That is... that's just a delightful way to describe something, I can hear the fond exasperation in Ka'hasa's voice, just about.
stuffed rabbits… as in, caught rabbits then stuffed and used as toys
If all you've got is a hammer, rabbit...
they sew patches with the light and breathe deeply secondhand air
But seriously, phrases like these, they're great, I love it!
This will definitely last forever, and will definitely not end before that long.
Having played the game... I sense a trap, here, but I'll remain cautiously optimistic because, in all seriousness, I would absolutely read a couple hundred thousand words of 'Shanty-town Shaman: a Skyrim Serial' written by the two of you. Hidden heartache with Sha'ki, and gossip with Ka'hasa? Just imagine what we'll learn as we get to know more of the cats here!

You're missing a closing bracket in your vote, FYI.

[X] [Early Morning] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
[X] [Late Morning] The community is bigger than the cats she's just met so far, perhaps she could check out…
-[X] The hunters, trappers, and so on.

If we happen to catch any critters while we're gathering ingredients, we can feed them to Rajhin, or even barter with the hunters, trappers, and so on for fresh treats. Yay, multitasking! Plus, you figure if anyone's got experience with skeevers, it's these cool cats!
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[X] [Early Morning] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
[X] [Late Morning] The community is bigger than the cats she's just met so far, perhaps she could check out…
-[X] The hunters, trappers, and so on.
[x] [Early Morning] Pamper Rajhin to help improve his mood and continue to stay in his good graces.
[x] [Late Morning] Healing has already begun, but spending some time tending to the needs of the injured canine will both look kindly and perhaps help speed the recover.
[X] [Early Morning] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
[X] [Late Morning] The community is bigger than the cats she's just met so far, perhaps she could check out…
-[X] The hunters, trappers, and so on.
[X] [Early Morning] Pamper Rajhin to help improve his mood and continue to stay in his good graces.
[X] [Late Morning] Begin looking for people to gather together to try to deal with the Skeever problem.

Deal with the Skeever problem, before it gets worse...
[X] [Early Morning] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
[X] [Late Morning] The community is bigger than the cats she's just met so far, perhaps she could check out…
-[X] The hunters, trappers, and so on.

Collecting herbs and other ingredients in the morning does have nice sound to it.
[X] [Early Morning] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
[X] [Late Morning] The community is bigger than the cats she's just met so far, perhaps she could check out…
-[X] The hunters, trappers, and so on.

I lean towards paying off our debt faster.
[X] [Early Morning] Pamper Rajhin to help improve his mood and continue to stay in his good graces.
[X] [Late Morning] Begin looking for people to gather together to try to deal with the Skeever problem.
[X] [Early Morning] Pamper Rajhin to help improve his mood and continue to stay in his good graces.
[x] [Late Morning] Healing has already begun, but spending some time tending to the needs of the injured canine will both look kindly and perhaps help speed the recover.
[X] [Early Morning] Pamper Rajhin to help improve his mood and continue to stay in his good graces.
[X] [Late Morning] The community is bigger than the cats she's just met so far, perhaps she could check out…
-[X] The hunters, trappers, and so on.
Adhoc vote count started by The Laurent on Nov 15, 2021 at 2:26 PM, finished with 16 posts and 13 votes.

Vote closed!
The Most Dangerous Game
The Most Dangerous Game

Rahjin was a spirit, not in the sense of being a ghost but in being a soul without a body, a being of light and power that just happened to take the form of a falcon, and that in its pure and unconstrained form had more magic than Do'azada will ever have unless she becomes a Grandmaster Shaman, a once in a generation kind of Mage. And Rahjin is of course not even that powerful compared to the kinds of beings the Gods mingle among. He is in no way the kind of spirit that one should take lightly.

He's also a spoiled brat who loves dried fish and getting his feathers brushed just right, and so Do'azda knows what to do to satisfy him. The good news is that there's always fish around in a Khajiit settlement. Besides the taste, there's the fact that they keep well and are less dangerous to catch.

Once she has a bit of dried fish, she heads outside to feed Rahjin, and begins to tell him about what has been happening.

"So, there Do'azda was, about to be beheaded, and…"

Rahjin pokes at her neck with his beak, as they look closely at her neck. Where Rahjin is from, someone could be beheaded and still live. Of course, he knows in some vague way that that's not the case with mortal beings, but sometimes he forgets.

"Do'azda wasn't beheaded. But a… a Dragon showed up and attacked. I fled with the leader of a rebellion against the Empire, Ulfric Stormcloak. He claimed that the Dragon was Alkhan, and that he was something called a Dragonborn."

Confusion from Rahjin. But without any real understanding of where. She could just feel that something about it…

"Is it Alkhan?"

No, not that.

"Ulfric Stormcloak?"

Warmer? It is just a feeling, a sensation that she's closer.

"He says he's a Dragonborn."

Oh, there's the confusion. Do'azda is sure she knows what Rahjin means. "Do'azda doesn't know what a Dragonborn is either, but he seemed to have the power to… do something called Shouting."

Rahjin screeches in imitation of this 'Shouting' and she runs her fingers through his feathers softly, breathing in the morning air and looking at the bustle. Khajiit are going to their jobs, hurrying to and fro. She knows she'll have to get to work soon enough. Even the most incompetent Shaman is not like the worst of priests, they are not allowed to sleep all day and drink all night, not if they want to stay Shamans.

This is still relaxing, and just what she needs after everything. And it pleases him, she can tell. She just needs to figure out what she wants to do. She needs to deal with the Skeevers, and the only people she can trust to do that are hunters, though of course Ka'hasa, as the wife of a trapper and hunter, probably does have the best traps already. But they're clearly not enough, and so making friends there is important. Plus, it never hurts to know the people who can lay aside a little meat if you're truly hungry.

A Shaman has to be practical. She washes her hands in well water before she leaves, shaking them dry and changing into her robes, and then begins to ask where the hunters gather.


As she expects, they have a shack. It's a small one at the edge of the Khajiit settlement, and it smells faintly of blood and steel. But only faintly. A messy hunter is a bad hunter. She steps closer, expecting it to be mostly empty, and instead she hears talking around the other side.

"Vaz'ara bless us, because the Thanes won't," a female voice, husky with age and experience, says.

"We just need to drive 'em off, but if Bari knew how to do that, she wouldn't be asking for ghosts' blessings," a male voice says, high and a little like a musical instrument, as in it is carefully modulated. In this case towards gentle mockery.

"Sinir is welcome to try, certainly! Once the Thanes are done with him, there will be one less hunter! Convenient for Nahrazad, yes?" Another woman says, youthful and amused.

Do'azda steps closer, raising a hand to knock on the door to the shack.

"Hey! Shut up! There's someone outside." This voice is deeper, gravelly, but it feels almost artificial; as though the speaker is deliberately putting it on.

The door opens, revealing a short ohmes-raht in dark leathers, a suspicious look on his face. "Who is it?" He growls, confirming Do'azda's suspicions - he's deliberately deepening his voice to sound more intimidating.

"Do'azda is a shaman. She arrived in town yesterday, and she needs to speak with the hunters?" Do'azda says.

"How does Do'azda know-"

"Move, cub. Bari will talk to the shaman if you can't," He staggers out of the way, as the first woman whose voice Do'azda had heard forces him aside.

She's cathay, her fur silvery and her eyes like molten amber. The fur around her muzzle has begun to fleck white with age, but she holds herself with an easy strength that belies her age. A web of bald scar tissue and thin strips of bristling fur laces across her neck. Do'azda tries not to stare, but by the lazy smile stretching across her aged face, the old woman knows well what has caught Do'azda's eye.

"Who told Do'azda we needed help? Bari and her apprentices-" A snort from behind her interrupts her, but Bari forges ahead nonetheless. "Bari and her apprentices have things under control. The Jarl's Thanes will get bored soon, no doubt. Men always do, and these do not hunt for food, only for prestige."

Do'azda frowns. "Do'azda gives her apologies, but she does not understand? There is a problem with the Nords?"

"Oh! The shaman did not come to offer help but to ask it! Bari shall not trouble her with trifles any longer."

"Do'azda is in no rush. She would know what the problem is, if she might?"

Bari steps back to allow Do'azda entry. "Do'azda knows the Jarl's declaration, yes?" She begins, as Do'azda passes her.

The shack smells more strongly of blood once Do'azda is inside, but is cleaner than she expected. The ohmes-raht lurks by the door, whilst a dun-furred tojay-raht squats on a stool, fletching arrows. There's a fire in the middle of the shack, and a small black Alfiq is curled up in front of it, emerald eyes regarding Do'azda coolly.

"The Jarl's declaration?" Do'azda echoes as she drifts towards the fire - Skyrim is still terribly cold, after all, no matter that she's beginning, slowly, to acclimatise.

The Al'fiq stretches. "The Jarl believes Skyrim's problems require Skyrim's solutions, as Nahrazad understands it. He supported Tullius and the Empire… at first. When Tullius summons the legion out of High Rock… Whiterun is neutral, he says. All his little soldiers come scurrying back to Whiterun, his Thanes come in from all their little raids on the other holds… All swaggering and full of violence. They come back to Whiterun, where they can't raid any further. Swords back in sheathes, arrows back in quivers… They go to hunt, bored as they are. What they don't kill, they scare far from the city. So little game left, even for Nahrazad. For lumbering Sinir and skulking Ra'zaym… Times are hard, truly."

"Nahrazad is not wrong. Prey is scarce, but Hircine will provide in time, Bari has no fear of this. At any rate, what troubles the shaman? What can we help her with?" Bari says, pulling an earthenware bottle of mead from a crate by the door as she enters.

"Do the hunters know of Sha'ki and Ka'hasa?" Do'azda begins, and watches the room collectively wince.

"The two who bicker on the outskirts, yes? Ka'hasa's husband hunts for weeks at a time, down by the lake, Sha'ki's wife…" Sinir - the Tojay-raht - says, trailing off. "Anyway. Yes, Sinir knows them both. He lives only a short way up the street from them both. What troubles them?"

"Skeevers. They come from near Whiterun. Do'azda has seen them, and there are more with every day that passes. Ka'hasa worries for her children."

"The shaman wants Ra'zaym to hunt Skeevers?" The Ohmes-raht says scornfully, "He is a respected and feared hunter, and the shaman would have him hunt vermin."

"Then stay here, Ra'zaym. For himself, Sinir will accompany the shaman. Ka'hasa and Sha'ki are his neighbours," Sinir says, brushing wood shavings off his lap as he stands and setting aside his arrows. "And it is poor luck to reject a shaman's request, so he hears."

The hunters bicker some more as Do'azda studies their lodge. Though slightly ramshackle, the building is well stocked for hunting, though as she watches, it is clearly lacking in pelts and meats; Nahrazad was not exaggerating, it would seem; there's little game to be had.

Ra'zaym agrees to come along, in the end, though by the way he scowls and drags his feet, Do'azda suspects he is only accompanying her on the urging of his compatriots.

Do'azda now has a team for hunting the Skeevers this evening, but it's not evening yet. So what else to do? As before, go with [Early Afternoon] and [Late Afternoon]

[] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
[] Healing has already begun, but spending some time tending to the needs of the injured canine will both look kindly and perhaps help speed the recovery.
[] Begin looking for people to gather together to try to deal with the Skeever problem.
[] Go up towards the walls and look around, see if you can find anything during the daytime that might indicate where they are coming from.
[] The merchant wants Do'azda to go check things out, Do'azda can do that…
-[] And also spend some time wandering Whiterun and figuring out more about it. (Takes another slot to select.)
[] The community is bigger than the cats she's just met so far, perhaps she could check out… (Choose 1 per time slot.)
-[] The cats of the night and the addicts.
-[] Those without a visible source of income.
-[] Merchants and traders.
-[] Guards and mercenaries…
[] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?

VM AN: Rahjin shout! Terrifying. Men continue to fight over who gets to sit on the idiot chair.

TL AN: Humans, amiright?
[X] [Early Afternoon] Go up towards the walls and look around, see if you can find anything during the daytime that might indicate where they are coming from.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?
[X] [Early Afternoon] Go up towards the walls and look around, see if you can find anything during the daytime that might indicate where they are coming from.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?
[X] [Early Afternoon] Healing has already begun, but spending some time tending to the needs of the injured canine will both look kindly and perhaps help speed the recovery.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?
[X] [Early Afternoon] Healing has already begun, but spending some time tending to the needs of the injured canine will both look kindly and perhaps help speed the recovery.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?
Are they following us through these options or are we meeting in the evening for the hunt?
[X] [Early Afternoon] Healing has already begun, but spending some time tending to the needs of the injured canine will both look kindly and perhaps help speed the recovery.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?
Are they following us through these options or are we meeting in the evening for the hunt?
[X] [Early Afternoon] Healing has already begun, but spending some time tending to the needs of the injured canine will both look kindly and perhaps help speed the recovery.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?

Meeting in the evening.
[X][Early Afternoon] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
[X] [Early Afternoon] Go up towards the walls and look around, see if you can find anything during the daytime that might indicate where they are coming from.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?
[X] [Early Afternoon] Go up towards the walls and look around, see if you can find anything during the daytime that might indicate where they are coming from.
[X] [Late Afternoon] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
The hunters will likely be better suited to finding where the Skeevers hole up then Do'azda is, and we can always check on J'arin after getting back from hunting Skeevers or the following morning, it wouldn't do to fuss overmuch, trust the poultice and let it do its' work. I'm torn after that though... if we go up to Whiterun proper to do the merchant's task, we should definitely make the most of the trip and look around while we're up there and maybe see if we can tell the Jarl about the dragon, perhaps? That, or... we start working off our debt to the alchemist and gather ingredients, explore the cat community, or get more members for the expedition to take out the scavengers. Like, I don't doubt the hunters can take them... but if we had a sizeable group, and the hunters flushed the vermin into the waiting claws and blades of others... it might be safer, overall. What do you all think?

So, I've got three broad strokes thoughts, and they're:
Do'azda the Tourist: Check things out for the merchant, and spend time wandering Whiterun and figuring out more about it.​
Do'azda the Dilligent: Gather ingredients for her personal use/to pay of the alchemist; and begin looking for people to gather together to try to deal with the Skeever problem.​
Do'azda the Personable: Check out the guards and mercenaries, and the cats of the night and addicts.​
But I'm betting the earlier votes have initiative, so I'll try to ride Blademaster's coattails...

[X] [Early Afternoon] There's no time like the present when it comes to gathering ingredients, and it will help pay off the debt to the alchemist.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Begin looking for people to gather together to try to deal with the Skeever problem.
[X] [Early Afternoon] Go up towards the walls and look around, see if you can find anything during the daytime that might indicate where they are coming from.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?
[X] [Early Afternoon] Go up towards the walls and look around, see if you can find anything during the daytime that might indicate where they are coming from.
[X] [Late Afternoon] Try to get a hand on a copy of the Jarl's declaration, and ask around for more gossip about what this all means. He was for the Empire and now he's neutral? How else will that affect the community?

At some point, we should ask Bari & Co again about their problem with the Thanes... Maybe there is something we could do, to help the Hunters.