[X] Investigate! What makes that terrible crunching of bone? Did it drive the goblin into your tomb? Or is it unrelated? You cannot know without seeing. (Test Awareness, success: Learn of outside, gain Awareness. Failure: ???)
[x] Try to remember. You're not a goblin, you know it. You dislike goblins, the pests. But... what are you? Fog hangs heavy on your thoughts... But surely you can recall something? (Test ???, success: remember. Failure: ???)
[X] Investigate! What makes that terrible crunching of bone? Did it drive the goblin into your tomb? Or is it unrelated? You cannot know without seeing.
The rolls for success are really now right now for awareness and fury, 10% and 30% respectively. I want to pick something that has a decent reward off of failure, since that's the most likely occurrence.
[x] Halt! Focus! (Trade Soul for Awareness. Test Awareness: Success: Learn about intruder. Failure: Gain Awareness.)
[X] Strike! Kill! Fury rises, what lies beyond the tomb is not your concern! Destroy the intruder! (Test Fury, success: Kill intruder. Failure: Gain Fury. Intruder escapes.)
[X] Investigate! What makes that terrible crunching of bone? Did it drive the goblin into your tomb? Or is it unrelated? You cannot know without seeing. (Test Awareness, success: Learn of outside, gain Awareness. Failure: ???)
The rolls for success are really now right now for awareness and fury, 10% and 30% respectively. I want to pick something that has a decent reward off of failure, since that's the most likely occurrence.
While only relevant to the 'Halt! Focus!' vote right now, if I list more than one effect and order of application would matter, it's left to right. In this case, that option trades an (intentionally unspecified) amount of Soul for Awareness, then tests Awareness.
[X] Try to remember. You're not a goblin, you know it. You dislike goblins, the pests. But... what are you? Fog hangs heavy on your thoughts... But surely you can recall something? (Test ???, success: remember. Failure: ???)
[X] Investigate! What makes that terrible crunching of bone? Did it drive the goblin into your tomb? Or is it unrelated? You cannot know without seeing. (Test Awareness, success: Learn of outside, gain Awareness. Failure: ???)
Adhoc vote count started by Terrabrand on Nov 13, 2021 at 2:52 AM, finished with 11 posts and 10 votes.
[X] Investigate! What makes that terrible crunching of bone? Did it drive the goblin into your tomb? Or is it unrelated? You cannot know without seeing. (Test Awareness, success: Learn of outside, gain Awareness. Failure: ???)
[x] Try to remember. You're not a goblin, you know it. You dislike goblins, the pests. But... what are you? Fog hangs heavy on your thoughts... But surely you can recall something? (Test ???, success: remember. Failure: ???)
[X] Strike! Kill! Fury rises, what lies beyond the tomb is not your concern! Destroy the intruder! (Test Fury, success: Kill intruder. Failure: Gain Fury. Intruder escapes.)
With the vote in not too much motion and the winner clear, gonna go ahead and close and start on the update making.
Scheduled vote count started by Terrabrand on Nov 11, 2021 at 11:54 PM, finished with 11 posts and 10 votes.
[X] Investigate! What makes that terrible crunching of bone? Did it drive the goblin into your tomb? Or is it unrelated? You cannot know without seeing. (Test Awareness, success: Learn of outside, gain Awareness. Failure: ???)
[x] Try to remember. You're not a goblin, you know it. You dislike goblins, the pests. But... what are you? Fog hangs heavy on your thoughts... But surely you can recall something? (Test ???, success: remember. Failure: ???)
[X] Strike! Kill! Fury rises, what lies beyond the tomb is not your concern! Destroy the intruder! (Test Fury, success: Kill intruder. Failure: Gain Fury. Intruder escapes.)
[X] Investigate! What makes that terrible crunching of bone? Did it drive the goblin into your tomb? Or is it unrelated? You cannot know without seeing. (Test Awareness, success: Learn of outside, gain Awareness. Failure: ???)
You lurch into motion, ignoring the goblin and trying to go outside to look.
Awareness Test: 7. Failed
Automatic ??? test. Automatic success.
Your hurried rush for the unfamiliar outside is interrupted by being unexpectedly wrenched to a halt. Blindsided as you are, you feel pain and scrabble at the ephemeral strand of something that halted you.
Awareness +1
Soul -1
Fury +1
Anchor stat revealed: 10/10
With the barest sense something is wrong, you lurch back , barely in time to avoid the snapping of white jaws.
Awareness Test: 2. Success!
You glare with fury at the beast that just tried to bite you. Who even tries to bite a ghost??
Well, the 'who' in this case is some sort of hulking, thickly armored four legged beast with a bone white mask, or perhaps a face that merely resembles one, and terrible, terrible jaws. It's nigglingly familiar, but you can't put a name to the species. You note the crunching has stopped, and suspect you've found the culprit.
It paces to the side, craning its head as if to get a better look at the now gibbering goblin in your tomb...
[] Attack! Kill! This beast hurt you, you'll make it pay! (Test Fury: Success: Injure White Masked Beast. Failure: White Masked Beast acts unimpeded, causing unknown consequences. Repeat test Fury until Beast is dead or gone.)
[] Spite! Defend! If it wants the goblin, you're not inclined to let it have it. Drive off the White Masked Beast without allowing it to hurt the intruder! (Test ???, Success: Injure and drive away White Masked Beast. Failure: Lose Soul and drive away White Masked Beast)
[] Capture! Ensnare! You're not sure what the ephemeral thing that stopped you is precisely, but it seems pretty tough. Perhaps you can trap the beast to do something? (Test ??? Success: ???. Failure ???.)
[] Write-in. (have an idea? Give it a go. Outcomes not guaranteed to be useful, better ideas help)
(QM Notes: Okay embarrassingly the update was nearly complete in less than a day and then just... didn't quite find the time to do finishing touches. Not real satisfied with the result but the show won't go on if I agonize about how delayed the show is lol.
Will probably wind up leaving vote open longer this time for various reasons. Hopefully things are reasonably clear cause I'm fairly fried even now.)
[X] Attack! Kill! This beast hurt you, you'll make it pay! (Test Fury: Success: Injure White Masked Beast. Failure: White Masked Beast acts unimpeded, causing unknown consequences. Repeat test Fury until Beast is dead or gone.)
[X] Attack! Kill! This beast hurt you, you'll make it pay! (Test Fury: Success: Injure White Masked Beast. Failure: White Masked Beast acts unimpeded, causing unknown consequences. Repeat test Fury until Beast is dead or gone.)
[X] Attack! Kill! This beast hurt you, you'll make it pay! (Test Fury: Success: Injure White Masked Beast. Failure: White Masked Beast acts unimpeded, causing unknown consequences. Repeat test Fury until Beast is dead or gone.)
[X] Spite! Defend! If it wants the goblin, you're not inclined to let it have it. Drive off the White Masked Beast without allowing it to hurt the intruder! (Test ???, Success: Injure and drive away White Masked Beast. Failure: Lose Soul and drive away White Masked Beast)
[X] Capture! Ensnare! You're not sure what the ephemeral thing that stopped you is precisely, but it seems pretty tough. Perhaps you can trap the beast to do something? (Test ??? Success: ???. Failure ???.)
[x] Spite! Defend! If it wants the goblin, you're not inclined to let it have it. Drive off the White Masked Beast without allowing it to hurt the intruder! (Test ???, Success: Injure and drive away White Masked Beast. Failure: Lose Soul and drive away White Masked Beast)
[X] Attack! Kill! This beast hurt you, you'll make it pay! (Test Fury: Success: Injure White Masked Beast. Failure: White Masked Beast acts unimpeded, causing unknown consequences. Repeat test Fury until Beast is dead or gone.)
[X] Spite! Defend! If it wants the goblin, you're not inclined to let it have it. Drive off the White Masked Beast without allowing it to hurt the intruder! (Test ???, Success: Injure and drive away White Masked Beast. Failure: Lose Soul and drive away White Masked Beast)
[X] Attack! Kill! This beast hurt you, you'll make it pay! (Test Fury: Success: Injure White Masked Beast. Failure: White Masked Beast acts unimpeded, causing unknown consequences. Repeat test Fury until Beast is dead or gone.)
[X] Capture! Ensnare! You're not sure what the ephemeral thing that stopped you is precisely, but it seems pretty tough. Perhaps you can trap the beast to do something? (Test ??? Success: ???. Failure ???.)
[X] Capture! Ensnare! You're not sure what the ephemeral thing that stopped you is precisely, but it seems pretty tough. Perhaps you can trap the beast to do something? (Test ??? Success: ???. Failure ???.)
I don't know what this will do, but it sounds interesting and that's my only concern. Also, cool quest! I hope you'll continue it.
[X] Spite! Defend! If it wants the goblin, you're not inclined to let it have it. Drive off the White Masked Beast without allowing it to hurt the intruder! (Test ???, Success: Injure and drive away White Masked Beast. Failure: Lose Soul and drive away White Masked Beast)
I have been somewhat attempting to get back to this, just had a somewhat unexpected move lead to me not having a real chance to seriously write at all until a few weeks back and still haven't gotten to it.