[X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you never asked for this. The mantle of Shielder was given to you, forced on you by circumstances beyond your control, but every single day before then you fought and kicked and clawed for every scrap of strength you have. You are who you are, and the knight inside you doesn't change that.

This is the natural continuation of the logic that awoke Edward to his Pseudo-Noble Phantasm's activation, and I see no reason to change it now.
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[X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you are already sick and tired of this question. You refuse to answer, refuse to take part in Caravaggio's insane judgement. If he wants a fight, you'll fight.
[X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you never asked for this. The mantle of Shielder was given to you, forced on you by circumstances beyond your control, but every single day before then you fought and kicked and clawed for every scrap of strength you have. You are who you are, and the knight inside you doesn't change that.
[X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you never asked for this. The mantle of Shielder was given to you, forced on you by circumstances beyond your control, but every single day before then you fought and kicked and clawed for every scrap of strength you have. You are who you are, and the knight inside you doesn't change that.

This just feels the most right to me. Hiding behind the justification that Shielder's power was given to him and so he might as well use it just doesn't feel right, and neither does ignoring the question altogether. It may be playing into Caravaggio's madness, but I still think this is the answer that Edward needs to have. Whatever power Shielder grants him, whoever that Heroic Spirit turns out to be, Edward is choosing to remain himself. And that's a power in and of itself.
"I'm a human, being a Demi-Servant doesn't make me not Edward Dempsey" feels like the obvious good answer, which is exactly what makes me suspect it might not be that simple. Unfortunately, I'm not smart enough to do, like, a proper analysis of all the options and what they could mean, and we have been selecting the 'Edward' options rather than the 'Galahad' options every time something like this came up previously, so...

[] You are Edward Dempsey, and you never asked for this. The mantle of Shielder was given to you, forced on you by circumstances beyond your control, but every single day before then you fought and kicked and clawed for every scrap of strength you have. You are who you are, and the knight inside you doesn't change that.

EDIT: Zerban makes a good point as always, plus refusing to engage is always entertaining.

[x] You are Edward Dempsey, and you are already sick and tired of this question. You refuse to answer, refuse to take part in Caravaggio's insane judgement. If he wants a fight, you'll fight.
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A shower of steel rains down on all three bears from five separate directions, and you spare a single glance at the nightmare scenario of five separate Goemons wielding kunai all darting around the ursine family. In all fairness, you can't exactly think of anything more distracting, and that feeling only grows as you watch the shadow clones start to unleash ninjutsu of their own, scorching flames and dicing wind harrying the too-slow to react bears, every swipe of their paws finding nothing but emptiness as the ninja prepares his next assault.
Ed: "You like Naruto? That's kinda cringe."
Goemon: "You're cringe!"

"You don't smell like a person, miss. But you don't smell like a wolf either. You're not a person or a wolf, like Princess Mermaid. Why are you playing nice with all these grownups?" Archer doesn't reply, but you can see her brow furrow, the girl continuing undaunted. "They're all wolves in disguise, pretending to be people. Aren't you scared that they'll betray you? Wolves will eat you up even if you aren't a person. You should be a good girl and not trust strangers. You should kill them and cut their bellies open and fill them with stones and throw them in the river. That way they can't trick you and eat you anymore."

"My Master will not betray me, and I will not betray him. That will not change." There's not the slightest hint of doubt in Archer's voice, no wavering or wobbling. She didn't even have to think about it—had she remembered the night before, your explanation to Matthew? You have to fight to keep down the surge of warmth that starts rising up inside you. You haven't done anything yet to deserve that sort of faith, but if she has that much in you then you won't complain. You just need this conversation to be over so you can keep moving, but it seems like the girl has other plans.

"That's silly. You're silly. All the grownups are wolves. That's why it's best not to grow up. I want to stay little and be together with my grandmother. You're not a person, but you don't seem much bigger than me. Don't you want to stay little too?"
Imagine getting your vibes checked by a preschooler, Archer in shambles

As if on cue, a house a few dozen metres ahead of you simply explodes into dark red fire, the Witch of Orléans leaping out of it and gathering another torrent of flame around her pitch-black blade, roaring to the heavens as she lashes out and sends a lash made of flame scorching through wood and stone below her.

"Come out! Come out, Jeanne! Come out so I can burn you ag-urk!"


Circe's voice comes from Melusine's mouth, and you watch as five tongues of green fire erupt from her hand, one from every digit. The conflagrations meet and devour each other, the flames sputtering out as Circe flies closer, and you see shock flit across her face for just an instant before it's replaced with understanding.

"The nymph. You stole Echo's essence, didn't you? That's how you copied my incantation." Despite the situation, Circe almost sounds impressed at the audacity, and you can't blame her. Alter Ego is a strange class, but a European water faerie somehow merging with the essence of a Greek nymph?
Circe: "What the fuck why is your kit so overtuned?"
Melusine: "I'm a limited 5* with titties"

I hope that Melusine turns out to have a truly embarrassing weakness. Like after all this runabout trying to do something to her, in the end she just gets clowned on like a DBZ villain after Goku turns his hair a new colour. She could do with having to cope after the showing she's had.
The first thing you see is a slender leg covered in scarlet scales, ending in a three-taloned foot with a single dewclaw acting as a heel. The thing steps forward again, bringing more of its body into view—all covered in the same scales, all built with the same wiry strength as the first limb you saw. It lacks any sort of anatomy you might expect from something bared to the world like it is, scales covering its groin as they cover every other inch of the thing's body. A long tail curls behind it as it walks forward, two batlike wings stretching out a long as it is tall either side before curling in some approximation of a cloak around its shoulders, and when it leans forward to dip its head out of the flames you see that it has a long, reptilian snout instead of a human face. The dragon-man takes one last step forward, bringing his hands together once more, and on his bare, scaled chest you see—
A) oh no he's hot and B) I am forced to imagine this being executed as a Dr. Frank N Furter style reveal. Bune's about to take Ed up to the lab to see what's on the slab.

"I think it's time you stopped playing dead, my dear partner. You haven't lost your good head."

Buné's voice snaps you back to reality, and that comment makes your blood freeze. You were never much of an expert at demonology, but you can't go through the Clock Tower and not pick up the basics of Solomon's demons, not when he's the progenitor of magecraft as you know it. Buné was a three headed dragon, and yet he stands before you with only one. Gilles was able to fight evenly with two Servants, despite being mortal. And Jeanne's Alter always at his side…

You need to find Jeanne. You need to help Sanson and Marie. You need to stay and ensure that Melusine does not counterattack.

You need to be everywhere at once, and you can only be you.

Blood and bone erupts from Gilles's neck, muscle and sinew winding around the draconic skull that grows more defined with every crack and creak you hear. Pale human flesh gives way to scarlet scales just like Buné's, growing to cover the brand-new head that Gilles grows in the span of seconds. His teeth burst from his new gums, all sharp as knives, and the low, lizardlike groan he lets out is accompanied by embers and ash flitting through his maw. When he opens his eyes, they are the only part of his head left human—and he turns them to Buné immediately, raising his sword in a salute.

"T-Thank you. I am grateful." His voice is halting and uncertain, his new head struggling to form the words, but Gilles de Rais still stands—the second of the demon Buné's heads. That he doesn't follow after Sanson and Marie as they back away is a blessing, focused on reaching up to touch the lizardlike head that he now bears, before glancing towards another part of the city.
Damn... Bune turned him into a scalie... don't let him do it to you too Ed that would just be awful...

Everything is falling apart.

Goemon and Niamh are nowhere to be seen, and even if you knew they were alright you'd be paralyzed between calling them to help and warning them to stay away. Melusine is injured but Buné's presence has stopped you all from taking advantage of it, and she's already retreating back towards the Seine. The moment she touches the river you're sure she'll heal her way back to full strength. Gilles is still a threat, and for all Jeanne's assurance that she could handle her counterpart, she barely seems to have been able to keep herself alive, let alone actually hurt her. You're out of options.

You don't know what to do.

"Well!" Buné speaks again, sitting down on empty air and crossing one leg over the other, maw twisted into some approximation of a smile as he glances around. "This does promise to be something special. With the dear red child back in her woods where she belongs...Matchstick, we have everyone else, don't we?"

"Why are you asking—?" She lets out an exasperated little sigh, before evidently deciding just to answer. "Knight princess. Painter's in the city." The little girl stands at Buné's side, curt as ever, and Buné snaps his fingers in recognition as she finishes speaking.

"I knew I was forgetting someone. She's meandered away, hasn't she? No matter." He raises his left hand, and you watch in disbelief as one of the scarlet claw-marks, so hard to see against his scales, begins to burn away as his Command. "By the power of my Command Spell, I order you. Avenger, appear before me."

The half-miracle burns away into nothingness as space itself twists and tears in front of you, and your heart lurches as Avenger steps through the rift, reality snapping back to normal the moment she arrives. Her smile is nowhere to be seen, and after a quick glance around—eyes lingering as she meets yours, just a second—she turns to give a foul glare to Buné.

"Merely to bring me where I am unneeded, you would pay the price of a Command Spell, my Master? How truly assured of your happy ending you must be, to be so frivolously indulgent "

"This is the finale, Avenger." He moves his hand to rest on the arm of his invisible throne, leaning against his closed fist and letting you see the dull marks of two Command Spells. At a glance, they had looked like claws, but now you think they might be thorns instead. "I would be a terrible Master indeed if I allowed you to miss the moment of triumph."

She says nothing. Nothing at all.

Seeing her hurts. Your broken psyche left you pitifully vulnerable to betrayal, and remembering the way Avenger blocked your strike, saved the faerie who almost killed you and your sister...it's salt in your wound that makes you bite your lip hard enough that you taste blood. You wish that you could simply feel fury instead, that you could fan the anger you feel at seeing her again, but it's not that easy for you. It aches, and you can't cauterize it by getting mad.

"Now then…" Buné begins again, slowly casting his gaze across you all—no one moving an inch in his presence. The way he smiles, you can tell he's enjoying that. "How should we begin? Jeanne and Gilles haven't had the chance to show off for us in a while, but Melusine does have a grudge...the bears are nearly dead, but I can make more with a little time. Such an easy legend to twist—did you like them? Fine work, if I do say so myself!"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXv2hWgfSPU


A familiar voice cuts through Buné's speech, the demon blinking in surprise as he glances towards one of the side streets, and as you follow his gaze you are met with the sight of Caravaggio, holding a gleaming steel rapier in his hand and staring straight at you, through you as he strides forward, his painter's clothes fluttering in the wind caused by the bonfire.

"Silence, you insufferable fucked-over cuckold of a patron! I have endured your drivel, your mediocrity, your disrespect towards a valent'huomo all this time, but no longer! I've unfinished business with my muse, and you can shove whatever abomination of yours that passes for a cock up your own arse if you think to kill him before it is concluded!"

He comes to a stop before you and you scramble to your feet, shield and chain-blade held at the ready, but he doesn't strike. Instead, he turns to Buné for the first time, ink-black hand curling into a fist as he holds it before him.

"I shall duel this man, and I shall hear his answer to the question that I posed to him in the evening hours of yesterday! And should I kill him, then we shall all be done with the matter!"
holy shit, and i thought caravaggio was a sigma male before. he really walked in and called bune a cuck, refused to elaborate and demanded a homosexual duel. what an icon, absolute legend.

[x] You are Edward Dempsey, and you are already sick and tired of this question. You refuse to answer, refuse to take part in Caravaggio's insane judgement. If he wants a fight, you'll fight.

I consider this more than the usual 'middle-ground/refuse to engage' type choice, mainly because Ed is a guy who lives in emotional extremes even if he pretends he doesn't, and boy has he gotten all up in his own head plenty of times in the quest already. I think if he tries to actively answer this question right now he's gonna overcommit and force it and probably give himself depression because that's just the kind of guy he seems to be, and that might make Caravaggio happy but let's be honest, the dude's nutty and extremely pushy, maybe Ed should think twice before trying to appease him just because they've had multiple conversations and "oh no the trauma Origin curse is kicking in".

I think Ed should fight Caravaggio for being just another asshole trying to put him in a box for easier categorization, and odds are good that'll reveal something about him and Galahad on its own.
[X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you never asked for this. The mantle of Shielder was given to you, forced on you by circumstances beyond your control, but every single day before then you fought and kicked and clawed for every scrap of strength you have. You are who you are, and the knight inside you doesn't change that.

The "fuck you" response does appeal to me in a lot of ways, but I am very curious in the consequences to this choice, and how Edward will express himself.
Voting closed, winning vote was to reject the idea of being a vessel. Next chapter soon.
Scheduled vote count started by Squirtodyle on Oct 30, 2021 at 11:54 AM, finished with 14 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you never asked for this. The mantle of Shielder was given to you, forced on you by circumstances beyond your control, but every single day before then you fought and kicked and clawed for every scrap of strength you have. You are who you are, and the knight inside you doesn't change that.
    [X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you are already sick and tired of this question. You refuse to answer, refuse to take part in Caravaggio's insane judgement. If he wants a fight, you'll fight.
[X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you are already sick and tired of this question. You refuse to answer, refuse to take part in Caravaggio's insane judgement. If he wants a fight, you'll fight.
Voting closed, winning vote was to reject the idea of being a vessel. Next chapter soon.
Scheduled vote count started by Squirtodyle on Oct 30, 2021 at 11:54 AM, finished with 14 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you never asked for this. The mantle of Shielder was given to you, forced on you by circumstances beyond your control, but every single day before then you fought and kicked and clawed for every scrap of strength you have. You are who you are, and the knight inside you doesn't change that.
    [X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you are already sick and tired of this question. You refuse to answer, refuse to take part in Caravaggio's insane judgement. If he wants a fight, you'll fight.

I am glad that the voters chose the only correct choice out of those options

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXpuRIZzJog

Can't wait for Ed to lose some limbs so he'll become more attractive to Penthesilea
Okay. Well. We know (possibly) another one of Melusine's gestalted components.
During that battle, Melusine revealed the ability to quite literally 'echo' Magecraft by the act of echoing the incantation. Considering that Echo was a greek nymph (originally of the mountains, then later of the water following Juno's casting her out of Olympus), an entity from the Age Of Gods being sublimated would give a good deal of power. More unfortunately however, it is means that magecraft requiring verbal incantations against Melusine just won't work if she's able to echo it, or the effect is one that she can't turn to her own advantage. So not only is she a monster (even by Servant standards) in physical combat, she's arguably harder to deal with on the magical side because she can throw your own spells around as well.
Not a chapter update, that's coming tomorrow, but something nice regardless: the very first piece of art that I've commissioned for this quest, courtesy of the extremely talented Mayu! Please check them out, they're fantastic, and I think they've done a downright stellar job!

This is Niamh thirty seconds before she realizes that Cain has started firing mortars at her mansion right
[X] You are Edward Dempsey, and you are already sick and tired of this question. You refuse to answer, refuse to take part in Caravaggio's insane judgement. If he wants a fight, you'll fight.

Not a chapter update, that's coming tomorrow, but something nice regardless: the very first piece of art that I've commissioned for this quest, courtesy of the extremely talented Mayu! Please check them out, they're fantastic, and I think they've done a downright stellar job!
incredibly based unfortunately her vibes don't feel quite atrocious enough to truly capture the essence of Niamh
Chapter Thirty Nine: Chiaroscuro
Pushed for an answer, you can't help but think about it.

Are you a man, or are you a vessel?

The question resonates with you in ways you didn't expect, didn't have the time or energy to think about when Caravaggio posed it to you the night before. Perhaps he'd thought you'd have more time to ponder, or perhaps he'd simply lost patience. Perhaps he'd simply realised that you'd be dead if he hadn't intervened, and he wasn't going to stomach that before he got his answer. You consider it, but after a moment you realise it doesn't matter.

Are you a man, or are you a vessel?

It's a familiar question—Caravaggio just asked it differently. A vessel is little different to a spare at the end of the day, after all. Neither worth anything beyond a beating heart and a working mind, both an afterthought compared to the real thing.

Are you a person, or are you just a spare?

You asked yourself that question every day since you were old enough to understand your circumstances. You finally answered it the day that you left—the day that you escaped.

did that. Not Eamon Ó'Díomasaigh, spare to the heir. Not Edward Demspey, Demi-Servant and host to a knight. You.

"I didn't ask for this." You spit your answer through gritted teeth, the terrible situation you found yourself in falling away in the singular focus of revelation until it's just you and Caravaggio, dull red meeting pitch black with equal intensity. "I fought my whole damned life for the chance to be me—I haven't stopped just because I got lucky."

You kicked and screamed and bled for the power you have. You worked until you couldn't breathe, trained until your body couldn't move, tore out your own blood and bone to forge them into a weapon. You won't allow him—won't allow anyone to forget that. You raise your hand and level your blade towards him, breathing as even as can be as you give him your final answer—the same answer you gave yourself the night you ran.

"My name is Edward Dempsey, and you're dueling me. Not whoever it is inside me."

Buné gives a mocking clap, but you don't care. Avenger looks at you with an inscrutable gaze, but you don't care. All that matters is how Caravaggio reacts—and a moment later, he gives you a wild, savage grin.

"Good. Good! At last you bare your bitterness, speak the seething feelings in your heart! Oh yes, a fine answer! I knew you would not leave your truth to be decided by another—knew you were a worthy muse!" He swings his rapier wide, reaching out to you with his ink-black hand before clenching it into a fist. "But I would have more of it—more of your truth, Edward Dempsey. I will have my inspiration. Buné!"

He whirls once again, jabbing a finger towards the demon who regards him with the draconic equivalent of a raised eyebrow.

"You and yours will not interfere! There will be no negotiation on that point!"

"You are one of mine, Caravaggio." You think you see a flash of annoyance in Buné's eyes, but a moment later he waves a hand and it's gone. "Yes, yes, we won't interfere. Isn't that right, Melusine?"

The water spirit says nothing at all, and worry worms its way through your focus. Question or no question, you can't forget why you're doing this. You need to buy time, and if Melusine won't play ball…

"By the power of my Command Spell, I order you. Alter Ego, do not interfere."

For the second time in so many minutes, the crushing power of a miracle surges inside the city centre, and Melusine's eyes widen as a faint red glow outlines her body. Her muscles tense as she tries to move, but even with all her power, a Command Spell is beyond her to resist—all she can do is snarl at her Master. Buné settles back in his invisible throne, looking down at Caravaggio expectantly, but the painter has already turned his back on his patron.

"I will duel you, Edward Dempsey. And you will duel not Saber, but the valent'huomo Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio! I will have our battle, and I will have it true!"

Caravaggio reaches out with his dark arm, as if grasping reality itself—and then he speaks.

"La Morte Della Virgine!"

Caravaggio rips through the world, and darkness pours in.

For a moment, it's all you can see—all you can't see. Endless darkness, swirling and surging around you as if to swallow you whole, raging like the sea—then, dead calm. The darkness that enveloped you both freezes in place, but it doesn't blind you to Caravaggio's presence, far from it. It's as if the shadows cast their own burning light, illuminating you both as fiercely as they obscure everything else. Caravaggio raises his rapier and the shadows move with him, his form outlined in flawless chiaroscuro just like your own, holding the blade in a salute as he stares you down.

"I will duel you. No other."

Your shield vanishes.

The sudden lack of weight on your arm throws you off balance—but it's more than that. The aches and pains of the battle are magnified somehow, the wellspring of energy you had mere moments ago suddenly nowhere to be found. Panic scratches at the inside of your mind as you reach for that power that had grown so familiar to you, and it claws at your heart when you realise that you cannot grasp it, cannot reach it. As if you were never chosen at all. As if you had never become Shielder.

As if you were simply Edward Dempsey.

"As a Servant, you eclipsed me. As a magus, you would eclipse a mere man. I despise this necessity—would that I could have used it on myself." Caravaggio's voice is low and venomous, spitting the words almost hatefully. "This is as balanced as we shall ever be, Edward Dempsey—A Servant as weak as one can be, and a magus who fights as fiercely as Judith!"

Pure terror stabs into your chest like a knife carved out of ice as you realise what Caravaggio has done, what Caravaggio has planned—what Caravaggio was capable of this whole time.

Class: Saber

True Name: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio


STR: C -> D
END: D -> E
AGI: D -> E
MAG: C -> D
LCK: C -> D

Magic Resistance: E
Class Skill of the Saber class, expressing a resistance to all forms of thaumaturgy. Saber possesses this Skill solely due to his class, and has no particular aptitude for it. The damage from hostile magecraft is blunted somewhat, but the effect is not cancelled out.

Riding: E
Class Skill of the Saber class, expressing the ability to ride a mount. Saber possesses this Skill solely due to his class, and has no particular aptitude for it. At best, he is capable of riding a domesticated mount for a short while to make a getaway, but is at risk of being tossed from the saddle should his concentration slip.

Item Construction (False): E
A Skill that acts as an equivalent to Item Construction for those who lack the aptitude of a magus. Saber was not a magus in life, nor does his Saint Graph possess any particular abnormalities, and thus he would normally lack the Skill of Item Construction entirely. He has been granted this Skill solely to denote his ability to produce paintings. Saber is capable of producing paintings at a blistering pace and with little preparation beforehand, and even do so under the harshest of conditions. However, the paintings he produces with this Skill possess no unusual attributes, not differing at all from those made by a human; they serve no practical use whatsoever.

Saber was an infamous and unorthodox painter nevertheless possessed of undeniable prowess. Uniquely among artists of his era, he made no preparatory drawings, painting directly onto the canvas with daring improvisation. He was well known for his preference to work quickly and take shortcuts whenever possible, impatient enough even to paint wet-in-wet rather than wait for the layers to even dry.

Territory Creation: E
A Skill that denotes the ability to create a terrain advantageous to one's self. At this Rank, the setting of a 'Scene' can be performed. Saber is well capable of the arrangement of props and lighting in a given area, especially around a model, heightening the dramatic realism of his paintings. While it is possible that the setting of a scene could be useful in rare situations, this Skill generally serves little practical use.

Saber did not have a studio or workshop in the conventional sense, generally painting wherever he might be lodged at a given time. He did however take a uniquely theatrical approach to the composition of his paintings, making careful use of props, models, and especially the lighting to create scenes and fragments of scenes, joined together by shadow upon his canvas. His methodology can genuinely be deemed a prototype to cinematography.

Tenebrism: A
A Skill that denotes the unique style of painting that Saber especially pioneered, encompassing as well the techniques that Saber used in order to realize it. As the true form of Saber's Human Observation, it is a composite Skill that includes Human Observation and Human Anatomy Research equivalent to Rank C. Saber's painting style is defined by dramatic illumination, the use of intense darkness to effect equally intense lighting to dramatically highlight the realism of his subjects. Saber was well known for his finely tuned sensitivity and observational skills, missing not the smallest detail when looking at a face. In order to depict human bodies as realistically as possible, Saber frequently made use of actual corpses, studying carefully the anatomy and wounds of criminals executed in Rome.

Self-Preservation: A-
A Skill that denotes the ability to escape from most dangers in exchange for a reduction in combat ability. After committing a murder, Saber was a fugitive on the run for the last four years of his life, audaciously continuing to produce paintings for the various patrons that sheltered him all the while. Most prominently, he even managed to escape from the guva, an underground cell carved into the rock of Malta that, prior to Saber's flight, none had ever escaped from. However, his pursuers eventually caught up to him after three years, ambushing him as he exited a bar. They inflicted sfregiato upon him, a disfiguring facial scar to avenge his insults and mutilate his honor, a festering wound that would contribute to his death a year later.

Though his parameters are lowered so long as the Skill is active, Saber is capable of getting away from virtually any dangerous situation, shake off any pursuers, and remain at large even when prominently present somewhere. A bonus is added to attempts to ingratiate himself with any who would shelter him, and he is even capable of breaking out of imprisonment with some effort on his part. However, this Skill has a limit. Eventually it will cease to function, and he will be forced to stand his ground and fight. Saber receives no warning when this failure occurs, and as such cannot plan his final stand in advance.

Noble Phantasm:-

La Morte Della Virgine: Darkness Illuminating Reality (Anti-Unit – C)
Saber's sole Noble Phantasm, the crystallization of a lifetime pursuing naturalism in his paintings and a refusal to idealize even the great Christian figures his contemporaries depicted without flaw—to go so far as to paint the holy as meek and poor.

In order to activate this Noble Phantasm, Saber must observe the subject to his satisfaction—a timeframe dependent solely on Saber's own impressions and temperament, though usually relatively short with the aid of Saber's Tenebrism. Once this condition has been met, Saber is capable of invoking it upon the target, calling forth a surge of darkness from his right arm that envelops them and the area around them, altering their vision to view the world in the extremes of light and darkness that Saber painted in life. However, this is merely an aesthetic effect, the true nature of this Noble Phantasm manifesting moments after invocation.

Echoing Saber's own rejection of the ideal in favor of the natural, this Noble Phantasm forcibly rejects the idealization and lionization inherent in a Servant, peeling away the layers of legend to reveal the figure beneath. When used upon those legends from centuries past whose own power and prowess far eclipse what can be manifested as a Servant, or when used against those who are wholly inhuman, this Noble Phantasm is effectively useless, as it cannot reduce the true strength of the subject. However, when used upon a Servant who has been empowered far beyond what they were capable of in life, it becomes a devastating debilitation. Parameters are forcibly lowered to the level the target possessed when alive, and any and all Noble Phantasms and Skills not intrinsic to the target are forcibly sealed for the duration of Saber's Noble Phantasm. There is no way to resist this effect once it has been enacted, though Saber must maintain close proximity or it will fade. Aside from this, only Saber's own will or death can dispel this forcible reminder of humanity.

Finally, as this Noble Phantasm reflects "Saber's truth" rather than "objective truth", it possesses a curious side-effect for Servants who have no true basis in legend, or created through the fusion of Phantoms. In recognizing these beings as individuals and eschewing whatever legend empowers them, Saber inadvertently provides Servants of these varieties with a stronger foundation in the world, granting a significant boost to the stability and power of the created being—an unexpected implementation of this Noble Phantasm that Buné has thoroughly taken advantage of in the creation of his Servants.

You are going to die.

Instinct—plain old instinct rather than its supernatural cousin—is all that keeps you alive. One moment Caravaggio stands and the next he's lunging towards you fast enough that you can't keep track without Reinforced eyes. A moment ago, he would have seemed sluggish, but without a Servant's abilities you're left frantically pumping mana into your limbs to throw yourself to the side, just barely escaping the tip of the artist's rapier. He doesn't slow down, whirling on his foot as the painfully bright darkness shifts and swirls around the storm of motion the two of you create, thrust and lash and strike met with sway and twist and parry. Your blades were in your hands before you could think, long years spent in the thick of battle ensuring you wouldn't go defenseless, but each and every time you deflect the point of Caravaggio's blade with your own it sends tremors up your arms, makes you fear that the chains you've spent so long relying on will just shatter. After four seconds that felt like hours, you finally manage to disengage—no, Caravaggio lets you, glancing down at his own hand and scowling as you gasp for breath, your throat raw and your lungs burning from the effort. A few days and you'd forgotten what it was like to be human—to be so weak. So vulnerable. Fighting a Servant was the absolute worst case scenario for an Enforcer, and now here you are, face to face with proof that even the least among them were beyond you, so far beyond that it simply wasn't possible to win—you need to run, to leave, you're going to die if you keep this up and you can't—

"It's beautiful, isn't it? My flame. My pyre." Buné's voice rings out even through the hazy darkness, and though you don't dare take your eyes off of Caravaggio for an instant, you snarl in fury as you realise that even this duel to the death won't stop him talking. "A little dragon's fire to get it started and a little human kindling, so kindly provided by my partner the knight, and we were in business."

"Don't heed his ceaseless fucking prattle. I am the one before you, Edward." Caravaggio's voice is as sharp as his blade, and you only have a moment to ready yourself for his next assault—A moment more than you thought you had. He's still faster than you, but he's not as fast as his initial rush. You don't have time to speculate as to why, not when you're doing your best to not get stabbed. Caravaggio whips the rapier up towards your throat and you just barely deflect with your left blade, but before you can step in to retaliate with your right he drops the sword, catching it with his free hand and slicing upwards so quickly that even with your last-moment evasion, you can still see the gash carved into the leather of your armor. A heartbeat slower, and he would have gored you hip to shoulder.

"After the other three gave themselves to me, I got to work. The little girl in red was an abject failure, albeit a useful one—that's how I knew I needed a little help. The painter provided, once pushed."

The demon's deep voice rumbles in your ears and you know you can't ignore it, but you don't have time to give it thought, not with Caravaggio closing in once again. Again and again the tip of his blade fires towards you—half of them feints, deliberately too far to hit, but meant to provoke and confuse you so that his real attacks land true, and for all your experience you still can't tell them apart in time to avoid dozens of nicks and shallow cuts that slip between the chain-links on your arms. Scarlet blood runs down your arms, staining the silvery metal red as you miss yet another chance to strike back, Caravaggio simply dancing backwards faster than you can reach—and to make things worse, Buné won't shut up.

"Things fell into place after that—Melusine was oh so helpful, and my thorny princess here was proof positive that my Phantom experiments could bare fruit. And Matchstick...oh, Matchstick made it all happen. A little girl whose flames created illusions, a will-o-the-wisp to trick the outside world, and a blaze strong enough to spread the fantasy throughout all of France!"

You—you have to listen, have to make sure you learn his plans as he gloats, but you can barely breathe let alone think, not with Caravaggio bearing down on you. You're bleeding already and you'll only bleed more if you keep letting this happen, the scowling artist whipping his sword to the side and painting the shadow-covered cobblestones with your blood that had been on the rapier—still outlined in sharp light by the burning darkness. If you keep letting him control the flow of things you're going to die, but without the strength of a Servant you can't clash with him and come out on top.

Something in Caravaggio's eyes flickers, be it rage or pity or disappointment and something inside you clicks.

If you fight like Shielder, taking in all the information around you, formulating a plan as you listen to Buné outlining his own, thinking about how you can fix everything—you'll die. But you've only had to do that since the disaster a few days ago. Before that—

You approached every job assuming you'd be on the back foot—it was prudent, even if it usually wasn't true. Your magecraft is weaker compared to what you could put out before, your binding curse won't work for long against any Servant with Magic Resistance, and no matter how hard you push you can't Reinforce yourself to his level. Get distracted and you're dead, get thoughtful and you're dead, get shaken even a moment and you're dead. Think of nothing but victory, nothing but survival.

If you fight like Shielder, you'll die. So you'll just have to fight like you instead.

You let out a breath and the world dims around you, the shadows that cast you and Caravaggio in their burning light helping you to tune it all out. The chains around your right arm loosen just a little, your blade still held tight, and when Caravaggio charges once again you hold your ground. His sword traces a silver arc in the dark light of his Noble Phantasm, a slice aimed once more for your throat, and when he's just a single step away from you the earth around his feet shifts as your circuits thrum with power. You can't pull off anything like the wall you did back at Orléans, but you don't need anything that flashy. Three inches of uneven footing is enough to throw off his aim, and you dive in under the strike, preparing for the follow up you know he's fast enough to make. It comes in the form of a fist whistling through the air from your right, nothing remotely as gentlemanly as a duel would imply, but that's fine. Playing dirty is your style.

You're not fast enough to deflect it with your blade, so you don't even bother, swaying backwards out of the way and throwing your arm up, chain unravelling and winding around Caravaggio's arm and making him grunt in surprise. You don't give him time for more than that, diving to the right and yanking him off balance once again before releasing him—if he gets a proper grip on the chains, you're dead. Even now, his blade is whistling towards you in retaliation, but it's a clumsy strike. You've earned a single moment of weakness, and you intend to capitalize on it. Moving low to the ground, you dart in close and stab upwards with the blade in your left hand, close enough that Caravaggio can't avoid it fully. The moment you feel the tip cut into his flesh, you send a surge of mana through, the binding curse racing to paralyze the artist just as quickly as his Magic Resistance starts to purge it. For a split-second, he can't move—but you still can. You let go of the blade to reverse your grip, plunging the knife deeper into Caravaggio's side before wrenching it out with a twist as you duck backwards just in time to avoid the blow he sends your way.

You're breathing hard and fast, lungs burning and throat rubbed raw, watching as Caravaggio raises his hand to his side, lifting it and staring at the crimson-covered flesh before giving you a savage smile. He doesn't speak, but he doesn't need to. You know exactly what he's thinking—that's more like it. You hear voices again, Buné's grandiose bragging from without and Goemon's sharp tone from within, but you tune them out without hesitation. You've drawn blood, but the fight isn't nearly over.

He moves and you move with him, drawing up everything you have and more as you clash with a legend made flesh. The next time your magecraft shifts the earth, Caravaggio leaps at you instead, committing himself to the air and thrusting towards you with a downward stroke that scores your side and makes you hiss with pain. In return, you call on the air to sheathe your blade in cutting winds, taking advantage of the artist bracing himself for the curse to simply slice deeper into his arm and dart past him rather than follow up. The inky limb bleeds black ichor, but Caravaggio's grip stays firm as he approaches you once more. Again and again he strikes, and again and again you sway and weave, whirling chains coiling like serpents as you manipulate their paths—he's seen how they work, but the ever-shifting direction from which they strike towards him takes him a split-second to react to, and a split-second he's not trying to kill you is a split-second you're still alive. You duck low again to avoid the high strike he aims at you the moment he slips through your guard, but he expected the move—you're met with his rising knee, and you have to wrench your body to the side to avoid it smashing into your face, instead taking the blow to your shoulder. It feels like being hit with a sledgehammer, even rolling with the blow you worry that he's shattered the bone with a single strike, but you got lucky—it's dislocated, not broken.

You throw yourself to the ground half to slam your shoulder back into place and half in a desperate attempt to avoid his next strike, taking a worryingly deep cut to your leg in the process, and as soon as you do you have to roll to the side to avoid him plunging his blade through your neck. The force of the blow shatters the cobble beneath it and you grab a handful of fragmented stone on your way to your feet—he saw you, his eyes dropping to your fist as he raises a hand to cover his eyes—exactly what you'd hoped for. Gravel slips to the ground through your fingers as you lunge forward, and you see Caravaggio's eyes widen in shock at the sudden swerve in your tactics. The man is an excellent duelist, enough to see how it is you really fight when stripped of your Servanthood and predict you after just a few clashes—but a duelist and an Enforcer are not the same thing. He spent his life learning how men fight, the style with which they wield their blades, how to dissect it and respond to it in instants.

You spent your life learning to kill things stronger, faster, and tougher than yourself.

Your eyes lock and you see fire inside his gaze, thrusting his sword forward as he wrenches his hand towards your own, ready to bat aside your right blade as you go for the obvious strike to his gut, but it's not that one you raise. Shock flickers through Caravaggio's eyes as you bring your other blade up to deflect his rapier, his steel biting into your own as you catch the blow along its edge, pushing it out so it cuts a deep furrow in your cheek rather than skewering you. It feels like a physical pain as you watch Caravaggio's sword carve a centimetre-long chip in your blade, but you know you won't get another chance—you can't waste this one. With one blade occupied, and Caravaggio ready to deflect the other, you do the only thing you can.

Drawing your mana right to your skull, you slam your head forward, smashing your forehead into his nose with a crunch.

The impact makes you see stars even with your eyes closed, but Caravaggio's howl of pain is too real to be bait—there's nothing left for you but to do it. You let go of your blade and slam your fist into his outstretched arm as hard as you can from below—the joint bends unnaturally just long enough for his grip to weaken—you wrench your chain away with the rapier still caught in the blade while Caravaggio takes a step back to try right himself and you spin the thin sword and thrust forward—

The tip of Caravaggio's rapier emerges from the back of his shirt with a wet hiss, the silvery steel stained a deep scarlet with the painter's blood. You don't need to look to know you pierced his heart, and as the shadows begin to burn away, their baleful light replaced with the dull oranges and reds of the bonfire, you hear Caravaggio laugh, a wet noise thick with blood.

"So that is how you fight, Edward Dempsey."

You open your mouth to answer and cough once, twice, three times, each time spraying droplets of blood on the cobble beneath you. Your chest burns from exertion and overuse of your circuits—your lungs and throat are raw and bloody, your shoulder feels like it's on fire and your leg is bleeding still. Weakness takes hold of you so quickly that you can't keep steady.

Your grip on the rapier falters, Caravaggio taking a step backwards in surprise, and as you sink to your knees and gasp for breath everything happens all at once.

Through blurred vision, you see Circe and Archer clashing with Jeanne Alter, Melusine still standing still to their side. You see Buné's draconic visage contorted with rage as the bonfire roars in response. You see Goemon with his arms wrapped firmly around Niamh to keep her in place as she looks at you in horror.

You see Avenger approaching you, blade in hand.

"Jeanne! Do it, now!"

Marie's voice cuts through the dull drone of your heart in your ears, and you realise that she was sprinting towards the bonfire, Sanson just a half-step behind her. The saint casts her gaze towards them and raises her hand high, one of the three fiery marks carved onto it glowing like a second sun as she issues her command.

"By the power of my Command Spell, I order you! Marie, consume only the flames!"

It doesn't matter that you don't understand it. Marie does.

Mana gathers around Marie, raw power growing so dense it could be nothing but a Noble Phantasm, and from your position on the ground you watch as her back splits apart—no, as bloody garnet tears through her skin, growing from her spine and twisting into shape, colours shifting as the gemstone multiplies like a cancer, bloating out before narrowing into a tapered point, then exploding outwards again. Two narrow branches of crystal emerge and sprout to the side as another bulge erupts from atop the tapered, triangular growth in the middle, and in mere moments it shifts and cracks and flows into something you recognize—Marie's face, bloated and smiling greedily, carved in perfect crystal. The two branches twist in on themselves into long, spindly arms tipped with claws made of diamonds, the crystalline stomach an emerald bulging larger than any other part of the body, and you watch as it splits apart, a vertical line opening into a maw full of ruby teeth, a crystalline sapphire tongue lolling out as Marie speaks, throwing her arms wide to match the gemstone creature growing from her spine.

"Madame Déficit!"

The crystalline caricature howls with pleasure, and you hear Buné scream in rage as the figure begins to tear into the bonfire, flames freezing into gemstones at its touch before that stomach-tongue drags them into the depths of Marie's Noble Phantasm. The glittering maw swallows greedily, creating swirling winds that collapse into a vortex converging into the gemstone Marie—even with Jeanne's Command Spell, you can feel Marie's Noble Phantasm tugging at your mana. You need to move, have to move, have to help the others—but your power comes to you slowly, and as you force yourself up onto one knee, you feel it flowing back into your soul—feel a hand on your shoulder, and when you turn to see Avenger you see—

[ ] A young boy sitting at a table too big for him, tawny hair hanging low over his face, almost enough to cover his deep red eyes.

[ ] A young knight, strung up at a crossroads, bound in thorns and covered in thousands of tiny, bloody pinpricks.

[ ] A young villain, standing over two corpses and howling at the sky.
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[X] A young knight, strung up at a crossroads, bound in thorns and covered in thousands of tiny, bloody pinpricks.
[X] A young knight, strung up at a crossroads, bound in thorns and covered in thousands of tiny, bloody pinpricks.
Interesting, so the trade off for that Noble Phantasm when used against a Demi-Servant is that it empowers the human host even as it diminishes the Heroic Spirit...
[X] A young knight, strung up at a crossroads, bound in thorns and covered in thousands of tiny, bloody pinpricks.
[X] A young knight, strung up at a crossroads, bound in thorns and covered in thousands of tiny, bloody pinpricks.
[ ] A young boy sitting at a table too big for him, tawny hair hanging low over his face, almost enough to cover his deep red eyes.
Assuming for a moment that Avenger is some sort of unmentioned sister of Galahad, as has been theorized, this would probably be some sort of important childhood interaction between the two. Possibly the catalyst that started souring their relationship, whatever that may be - Galahad having one last breakfast before leaving for training, perhaps? Who knows.

[ ] A young knight, strung up at a crossroads, bound in thorns and covered in thousands of tiny, bloody pinpricks.

This, then, would presumably be the souring of their relationship, the moment things could no longer be repaired. Galahad choosing his duty as a knight of the round over his relationship with his family/Avenger or something. Maybe (also?) Avenger being trapped in her tower/struck by her curse.

[ ] A young villain, standing over two corpses and howling at the sky.

And then I suppose this would be the culmination of their relationship. I don't quite know what the event would be - I don't recall anything in either legend which could be understood as a confrontation or fight to the death between family, which is what the text makes me think happened - but I'm also not particularly well versed with either Sleeping Beauty or the Galahad part of the Arthurian mythos. But yeah, this would presumably be Avenger's death at Galahad's hands.

I don't quite know which would be the best option to see, right now. I'll edit in my vote later, I suppose.

In the meantime, RIP Edward's rude Italian boyfriend you will be missed. </3