Power Rangers: Quantum Odyssey - HQ Quest

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With Earth in ruins, it's up the Odyssey Project to search for a new home beyond the stars. Who knows what lurks in the depths of space? It's up to the Odyssey Power Rangers to find out!
Introduction - the Tunnel Opens
You stand in the embarkation room, a cold place of metal walls, a massive arch before you, seemingly braided of metals of different colors, dotted with glowing lights denoting various functions.

You should be in the command chamber. But for this? You had to be here. For this moment.

You turn to the man next to you. "Are you sure it's ready?"

Dr. Nzara nods, not taking his eyes away from his creation. "The Quantum Tunnel is ready, Commander. It's been through every test we can imagine. The only thing to do now is turn it on."

You give the order. In the command center, buttons are pushed and levers manipulated. Power flows through the archway, and sparks begin to fly. You open your mouth to speak a shutdown order, but you feel a hand on your arm. Dr. Nzara is looking at the Tunnel, but he speaks to you. "No. It'll hold."

More sparks fly, and a keening sound begins to fill the room. The doctor's grip tightens, and you realize he's speaking under his breath. Prayer? Reciting equations? You don't know. You keep staring, wondering how much longer you dare wait.. and then the noise fades, only to be replaced by a thunderous crack as a curtain of gleaming pinkish-white energy settles into place.

You exhale. Dr. Nzara releases your arm and sags. "It's done." He breathes.

No. You shake your hand. "It's just begun."


The year is 20XX. The 21st century saw a series of disasters that nearly brought humanity to its knees, culminating in the near-destruction of the Earth by the evil artificial intelligence known as Venjix. However, thanks to the bravery of the Ranger Operators, humanity overcame its greatest foe and stepped forward into a new age.

Humanity has learned from the lessons of the past, and the new world is one of peace and cooperation. It is not, however, one of prosperity. The toxins produced by Venjix's factories compounded previous environmental disasters, and much of the Earth is tainted by poison and radiation. Sealed arcologies protect those who survived, save those who find themselves unwilling or unable to live their lives within metal walls. Dedicated teams known as Reclaimers, work to clean the world and make it livable again.

You are one of the second generation to live in Gamma Arcology. Your world is one of gleaming steel and filtered air. Your food was grown hydroponically and in vats. You came to know the natural world through small parks and glass ceilings, and the rare trips outside to oversee external installations and Reclamation efforts. Despite the many challenges facing the Arcologists, there is a sense of hope and purpose. Crime and dissent are not unknown, but they are rare. People work for a better tomorrow, for themselves and their children. There is a common purpose, a shared dream - to restore the Earth to that which was.

It is a task of daunting proportions.

Just living on Earth involves a great deal of effort. Despite the Arcology engineers' best efforts, heavy metals, pollutants and irradiated materials do make their way into the Arcology systems. Equipment failures lead to dangerous accidents. Death rates are higher than they should be and population growth lower. While cleanup programs have had limited success, and there are fertile places now where once there was blasted dust, the vastness of the project is overwhelming. Your children's children's children may not see Earth green again.

The Odyssey Project has an alternate plan.

When Dr. Nzara's early home experiments blew power for a whole subsection, he got Command's interest. When he started talking, well, he got someone's attention. His work resulted in the creation of the Quantum Tunnel. A device working on principles far beyond your understanding of science, the Quantum Tunnel that promises to connect Earth to the galaxy by creating wormholes to Space-Time Points - weak spots in the fabric of reality. Somewhere out there, in the vast universe, there must be a planet on which humans can live.

If it weren't for Dr. Nzara getting halfway there on his own, the project would never have gotten off the ground. It's a radical idea. Reclamation of Earth is the official mission of humanity and most people have been raised to consider it their duty. And so the official Project mission description reads that Earth will not be abandoned - to even suggest that feels like a betrayal of a trust. But a temporary home, a place from which the work can continue, where the best and brightest do not have to labor to maintain the systems that keep them alive - that can only help the work.

There is a complication. The Quantum Tunnel has destructive effects on most things sent through it. Developing a means to travel through it safely has been a struggle. The answer lay in study of old research by the legendary Dr. K into the universal bio-electrical field, sometimes called the "Morphing Grid". By marrying bio-field interactions and quantum dynamic shielding, Dr. Nzara has been able to create Odyssey Series Ranger suits, which allow their wearers to pass through the Tunnel safely.

You are the Commander of the Odyssey Project. It is your job to oversee the scientists and engineers and fight for the diversion of materials and resources away from Reclamation efforts and keeping the Arcologies going. You will also command the Odyssey Rangers who will travel through the Tunnel and do the actual exploration.

Physically the Odyssey Project is a remote installation, built in the remains of a Venjix factory, far enough that any accidents involving high energy physics experiments *shouldn't* pose a threat to one of the last bastions of humanity. Consisting of a variety of offices, laboratories and barracks, most of the space is taken up by the Quantum Tunnel itself - several floors of generators, particle accelerators and miscellaneous apparatuses.

The Odyssey Project Commander is what you are. But who are you?

[][Name] Write-In

[][Gender] Write-In

[] You're the closest the current world has to a military brat. Your father worked with Dr. K and the original Ranger Operators to defend Corinth against Venjix, and you've worked your entire life to live up to that legacy. Benefits: Choosing this means Central Command is taking this project seriously, and you'll have to fight with them less. You have a natural command presence, meaning your orders will be more likely to be obeyed on missions. You are straightforward and efficient - you get a small static bonus to rolls to complete projects.

[] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.

[] You are a mutant. The radiation and heavy metals that Venjix unleashed on humanity have lead to a small percentage of humans being born aberrant. In your case, you regenerate from most harm rapidly. Benefits: You have superpowers, which may come up during special story events, and you may have access to special storylines. You have an additional Personal action per turn due to reduced need for sleep. On the downside, mutants face significant prejudice. This could be considered a "hard mode" for the quest, as it indicates Central Command does not have a high opinion of the Odyssey Project.

Each turn will be divided into three phases: Mission Control, HQ, and Personal.

During the Mission Control phase, you will choose a mission to send your Odyssey Rangers on. In the start, this will involve stepping through the Quantum Tunnel to locations unknown, with only limited information available to you as to what lies on the other side. In the future, things may get more complicated - you will encounter allies in need of aid, enemies in need of fighting, quests to recover hidden treasures, and more. Depending on the mission, this may resolve automatically, or there may be subvotes for giving orders to the Rangers when the encounter unusual situations

During the HQ phase, you run the Odyssey Project. You will have a certain amount of resources to allocate to various goals, such as improving the Project's HQ and assigning research and development of new Ranger technology. At the start, that will take the form of a limited amount of funding and materials diverted from Gamma Arcology. In the future, should the Odyssey Project go well, you will be able to draw on resources and technology derived from alien worlds.

Go Go Power Rangers! In this case, it's Power Rangers meets Stargate. Don't worry, you'll be selecting the actual rangers come the next update. You will not be one yourself... At least to start. But yes, this is a Power Rangers Quest inspired a bit by Light Speed Rescue, RPM and other series where there's a civilian command behind the Rangers, and that's who you'll be playing. There will be basebuilding and R&D type elements including pumping out new toys for the kids in the audience Rangers, some light RPG style advancement mechanics, and you'll be the voice on the radio for actual missions, which may, despite the Odyssey Project's professed mission of exploration, involve beating up evil aliens. Should be fun!

Gonna reserve some posts real quick, then voting will be underway!
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Character Sheets
Character Sheets

Commander Clara Dorsett
: Civil Service/High Command
  • Wheel and Deal: Gain one additional Basic Resource per HQ phase
  • Flexibility is Important: Can exchange two Basic Earth Resources for one Rare Resource, or vice versa
  • People Person: Easier time dealing with people
Talia Jordan
Red Ranger
Skills: Endurance Lvl 1, Ecology Lvl 1, Tae-Kwon Do Lvl 1, Combat Tactics 2
Quantum Saber (Use for one fight per mission. +2 combat bonus, for the first round, do one extra success on combat challenges).
Quantum Blasters (Use for one round per mission. +7 static bonus, enemies usually do not have the opportunity to respond unless they have ranged weapons.)
Handheld Scanner (+3 to any scientific analysis roll in the field to which they are applicable, and may unlock additional opportunities)
XP: 150/225

Lewis Coleman
: Yellow Ranger
Skills: Boxing Lvl 1 (4/5), Medicine Lvl 2
Quantum Saber (Use for one fight per mission. +2 combat bonus, for the first round, do one extra success on combat challenges).
Quantum Blasters (Use for one round per mission. +7 static bonus, enemies usually do not have the opportunity to respond unless they have ranged weapons.)
Handheld Scanner (+3 to any scientific analysis roll in the field to which they are applicable, and may unlock additional opportunities)
Medical Kit (+2 to Medicine checks in the field)
XP: 150/225

Nico Andon
: Blue Ranger
Skills: Street Fighting Lvl 2, Super Strength Lvl 2, Underworld Connections Lvl 1
Quantum Saber (Use for one fight per mission. +2 combat bonus, for the first round, do one extra success on combat challenges).
Quantum Blasters (Use for one round per mission. +7 static bonus, enemies usually do not have the opportunity to respond unless they have ranged weapons.)
Handheld Scanner (+3 to any scientific analysis roll in the field to which they are applicable, and may unlock additional opportunities)
XP: 175/225
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Base Information
Base Facilities

Quantum Tunnel
: The reason you're here. Allows the Rangers to explore Space-Time Points and go on missions!
Dormitories: Where your Rangers, civilian workers and engineers sleep.
Workshop: Where Dr. Nzara makes the magic happen.
Proving Ground: +2 per die to rolls for personal gear for the Rangers
Training Ground: +2 to Training Rolls for the Rangers
Medical Lab: Dr. Rose's personal domain. Reduces healing time from injuries.
Research Facility: +3 per die to rolls to research scientific mysteries

Projects in Progress
Combat Vehicles: 22/25
Translate Nik-Nik Language: 2/10
Analyze the Alien Artifact: 2/5
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People of Interest
The Varanians (1): These lizard people have a fairly agrarian lifestyle with smaller cities, and technology roughly equivalent to early 20th century Earth. They like you, even if they think you're a bit scary with your pale, scaleless skin.

The Nik-Niks (3): The people of STP-R19, these small, furry creatures mostly lived in caves and scavenged from ancient battlefields. They have stories of the Power Rangers of the past, and who knows what lies buried on their world? Thankfully, they seem to hold the Rangers in incredible esteem for saving their people.

Harlequin (-5): This jester-like monster fought the Rangers on their first mission. He ran, and he's not happy about it. Reports to Lord Pluton.

Lord Pluton (???): Some sort of space warlord who rules an interstellar Empire. Little known about him so far.
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Mechanics Post
Quantum Odyssey's core mechanic is: roll a d10, add modifiers, compare to a DC. That means, when a Ranger attempts an action on a mission, they will generally roll a d10, add their relevant skill if they have it, and compare to a set DC.

During combat, it gets a little more complicated. First, most fights require multiple successes to clear. For example, the first fight, versus a smallish swarm of basic footsoldiers, required three successes at DC 6 to clear. The second fight, against a real monster, required five successes at DC9. When the Rangers fail a roll in combat, they take a hit. If a morphed Ranger takes three hits, they must demorph. Taking a hit while demorphed is more narrative than strict numbers (it's one thing to get swarmed by Carrionoids and be forced to morph, it's another to charge a giant monster in your civvies) but try to avoid it, it's bad.

During the HQ phase, you spend Resources to accomplish projects. Each Resource assigned to a task gives 1 die. For each project, you roll the number of dice assigned to that project, add modifiers, and the total number becomes your progress on that project. Hit the DC and you finish it, exceed it by enough and you may get a better version of the project as a result.
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[X] [Name] Clara Dorsett
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.

No Clara, your father is still alive!
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Man, I sure used to watch that show a lot back when it first came out.

We're... not going to be using teenagers for this, right? That seems a little unethical. :D

And maybe let's not color-code their suits to racial stereotypes, lol.

[X] [Name] Grayson Scott
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.
Man, I sure used to watch that show a lot back when it first came out.

We're... not going to be using teenagers for this, right? That seems a little unethical. :D

And maybe let's not color-code their suits to racial stereotypes, lol.

[X] [Name] Grayson Scott
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.
The Rangers will be of an ambiguous age similar to, say, Lightspeed Rescue, RPM, Time Force and other series where they're probably supposed to be younger than makes sense for their responsibilities, but also using actors older than the Rangers are supposed to be, so it all works out somewhere in the middle.😅

As for Ranger color assignment, as Project Commander, that's your job! Will be coming in the next update.
[X] [Name] Damas Steelix
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] You are a mutant. The radiation and heavy metals that Venjix unleashed on humanity have lead to a small percentage of humans being born aberrant. In your case, you regenerate from most harm rapidly. Benefits: You have superpowers, which may come up during special story events, and you may have access to special storylines. You have an additional Personal action per turn due to reduced need for sleep. On the downside, mutants face significant prejudice. This could be considered a "hard mode" for the quest, as it indicates Central Command does not have a high opinion of the Odyssey Project.

Challenge Mode Activated?
[X] [Name] Damas Steelix
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] You are a mutant. The radiation and heavy metals that Venjix unleashed on humanity have lead to a small percentage of humans being born aberrant. In your case, you regenerate from most harm rapidly. Benefits: You have superpowers, which may come up during special story events, and you may have access to special storylines. You have an additional Personal action per turn due to reduced need for sleep. On the downside, mutants face significant prejudice. This could be considered a "hard mode" for the quest, as it indicates Central Command does not have a high opinion of the Odyssey Project.

edit honestly I like the idea of the mutant running into the time force and being like "Yeah I'm a Mutant and i am still a productive member of society, maybe the reason so many mutants are criminals is that society never gave them a choice. Look at me I still look human and i still had to fight ten times harder for half of what a normal human would get. I don't think society needs to break like that prick does but it sure as hell needs to change."
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[X] [Name] Grayson Scott
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.
So like is the mutant like a kinda mutant who looks human with with superpowers or mutant mutant like Bluefurz?
Should have specified. Human in appearance for the commander, though some mutants have little touches that let you know something's off, or special effects like glowing eyes when they use their powers - the mutant commander's wounds glow when he regenerates.
[X] [Name] Grayson Scott
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.
[X] [Name] Clara Dorsett
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] You're the closest the current world has to a military brat. Your father worked with Dr. K and the original Ranger Operators to defend Corinth against Venjix, and you've worked your entire life to live up to that legacy. Benefits: Choosing this means Central Command is taking this project seriously, and you'll have to fight with them less. You have a natural command presence, meaning your orders will be more likely to be obeyed on missions. You are straightforward and efficient - you get a small static bonus to rolls to complete projects.
[X] [Name] Clara Dorsett
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.
[X] [Name] Grayson Scott
[X] [Gender] Male
[X] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.
Adhoc vote count started by Wynter on Sep 16, 2021 at 10:56 AM, finished with 20 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] You crawled your way up from the bottom. Your father died in an accident when you were too young to remember, and your mother worked in hydroponics your whole life. You studied and learned how to work the system, and you joined Central Command because you know just how important the Odyssey Project might be. Benefits: You have an easier time dealing with bureaucrats and civilians. You are more personable and less overbearing, which may help team dynamics. You are adept at working the system - you will gain more resources and have access to the black market and other unusual opportunities.
    [X] [Gender] Male
    [X] [Name] Clara Dorsett
    [X] [Gender] Female
    [X] [Name] Grayson Scott
    [X] [Name] Damas Steelix
    [X] You are a mutant. The radiation and heavy metals that Venjix unleashed on humanity have lead to a small percentage of humans being born aberrant. In your case, you regenerate from most harm rapidly. Benefits: You have superpowers, which may come up during special story events, and you may have access to special storylines. You have an additional Personal action per turn due to reduced need for sleep. On the downside, mutants face significant prejudice. This could be considered a "hard mode" for the quest, as it indicates Central Command does not have a high opinion of the Odyssey Project.
    [X] You're the closest the current world has to a military brat. Your father worked with Dr. K and the original Ranger Operators to defend Corinth against Venjix, and you've worked your entire life to live up to that legacy. Benefits: Choosing this means Central Command is taking this project seriously, and you'll have to fight with them less. You have a natural command presence, meaning your orders will be more likely to be obeyed on missions. You are straightforward and efficient - you get a small static bonus to rolls to complete projects.

So, this is my fault for not having people vote by plan, but we now have a male named Clara in the lead. I could say it's a man with a feminine name, but I'm not sure that would fit with what people actually wanted. It's too early in the quest for me to want to risk losing momentum by doing a run-off and this is going to set the tone of the quest for a while, so I'm going to make an executive decision and say the MC is Clara Dorsett, female.

Anyways, next update will be coming sometime in the next day or two most likely.
Three Morphers
You are Commander Clara Dorsett.

Everyone is equal in the Arcologies. Still… there are jobs that give access to natural sunlight (through windows) cool air and clean corridors, and there are dirty, grubbing jobs in the depths. There are people who make decisions, and people who carry out orders. And there are people who have more, and people who have less. You were born to one of the latter.

Hydroponics wasn't the worst of the jobs, but it was hardly the best. Your mother worked hard, and took pride in making the food that you ate. But you wanted to do more. You wanted to make a difference. So you studied, and made plans and connections. You signed up for volunteer cleaning duties, and you studied the officer who handled the assignments. You caught his attention through hard work and finding him a delicacy - a package of peanuts. Volunteering turned to something of an internship, maintained alongside a demanding schooling schedule where you earned top marks. On graduation, you were selected to enter the Arcology's civil service, and you rose through the ranks at a satisfactory pace. Soon enough, you were established, and looking for a project to call your own. You found it.

You'd seen the files on Dr. Nzara's work. Central Command had noted his little at-home experiments, and the time he'd knocked out power to a subsection of the Arcology, and had "solved" the problem by giving him a lab where he could tinker safely, with limits and a modest budget.

It soon became clear that whoever had touched his files before had no idea what he was really working on, or they probably would have stopped it cold.

His prototypes for the Quantum Tunnel could literally change the world. It was an escape and a hope and a promise, all in one. It was a way that you might live outside the bounds of the Arcology one day.

You spent weeks refining your proposal. The Council was skeptical, but you had a reputation for getting things done, and not wasting time on useless projects. You called in favors and made promises you didn't know if you'd be able to keep.

Finally, tentatively, approval. At that point, the miracle of science became surprisingly mundane. Requisition forms, budget reports, all lead you here, to the moment where the Quantum Tunnel had opened, and you were staring at three Odyssey Morphers and trying to decide what to do with them..

There is a stack of files of likely candidates. Some have come from Central command, some have come from your own sources. Each one describes a potential Odyssey Ranger. The Odyssey Rangers will have a demanding job. They must be able to function as a team, act with courage under pressure, and attune to the Morphing Grid, which generally involves intangible qualities of heroism (and allegedly, "attitude"). The fate of Earth may literally be in these young men and women's hands. But it's up to you to put it there.

You have three Morphers, a Red, a Yellow, and a Blue. Once attuned, a Morpher cannot be used for another Ranger. Please select your team by plan vote, including which three candidates you choose and what colors they are assigned. The Red Ranger will be the group leader by tradition, the other roles are less well defined.

I'm wavering on how much you will be the "guy at the desk" during missions. I will definitely be narrating the action so you will get the Power Rangers experience, but I'm having trouble deciding whether the votes will be from the Red Ranger's perspective vs. Clara's. It might come down to mission by mission, depending on what the natural vote points are. So keep in mind, Red may be a sort of secondary MC.

[] Gavin Rook: Gavin is a worker in the Power division of the Arcology, one of the most stressful and demanding divisions of civil service. The fusion engines powering the Arcology require constant maintenance, and accidents and equipment failures can have dramatic consequences. His ability to work with technology might help if the Rangers run into any alien devices, and he has an odd talent for turning up with useful things. Skills: Engineering, Scrounging. Personality: Dutiful, Stubborn

[] Talia Jordan: Talia's parents were Dissenters who lived outside the Arcologies, until she was born and they decided their daughter needed safety. Her primary passion is Reclamation, travelling outside the Arcology to work on cleaning up hazardous waste and doing the planting that will one day turn Earth green again, and is currently working as a Reclaimer. Of all the candidates, she has the most idea of what surviving on an alien world might be like. Skills: Endurance, Ecology. Personality: Fiery, Optimistic

[] Lewis Coleman: Lewis was always one of those people who ran towards a disaster rather than away, joining a volunteer firefighting brigade as a youth and eventually becoming part of emergency medical services. Having a medic on the team has obvious advantages, and you know he can keep his head in a crisis. Skills: Medicine, Boxing. Personality: Analytical, Compassionate

[] Dara Arthit: Dara is part of Civil Protection, the department that acts as the Arcology's police force and, should it ever become necessary, the nearest thing the Arcologies have to a military. She's distinguished herself with several heroic actions. Needless to say, someone with her skills might be useful if the Rangers encounter… trouble. Skills: Investigation, Weapons Personality: Suspicious, Courageous

[] Nico Andon: Nico's been in and out of detention for years, usually for petty crimes, but somehow has managed to convince a series of parole officers that he deserves another chance. A mutant with super-strength, Nico's abilities might prove useful, if he can learn to control them - and control himself as well. Skills: Underworld, Street Fighting, Mutant Power. Personality: Cynical, Loyal

[] Lina Madan: Lina's ancestors were lion tamers, and they've adapted their skills to the new world, combining the mission of preserving Earths' animals within the Arcologies while also putting on amazing performances. Her ability to keep large, dangerous beasts under control shows courage and ability to act under pressure, and one never knows what alien life one might encounter. Skills: Veterinarian, Performance (Acrobatics). Personality: Flamboyant, Generous

[] Shun Ikeda: The Ikeda served with distinction in the resistance against Venjix and been part of Central Command since it was formed. Shun looks to be an upholder of his family's legacy. You've no doubt he would bring a talent for command and military precision to the team. Skills: Kendo, Tactics. Personality: Disciplined, Aloof.
[X] Plan: Well Rounded Team
-[X] Red Morpher
--[X] Talia Jordan: Talia's parents were Dissenters who lived outside the Arcologies, until she was born and they decided their daughter needed safety. Her primary passion is Reclamation, travelling outside the Arcology to work on cleaning up hazardous waste and doing the planting that will one day turn Earth green again, and is currently working as a Reclaimer. Of all the candidates, she has the most idea of what surviving on an alien world might be like. Skills: Endurance, Ecology. Personality: Fiery, Optimistic
-[X] Yellow Morpher
--[X] Lewis Coleman: Lewis was always one of those people who ran towards a disaster rather than away, joining a volunteer firefighting brigade as a youth and eventually becoming part of emergency medical services. Having a medic on the team has obvious advantages, and you know he can keep his head in a crisis. Skills: Medicine, Boxing. Personality: Analytical, Compassionate
-[X] Blue Morpher
--[X] Nico Andon: Nico's been in and out of detention for years, usually for petty crimes, but somehow has managed to convince a series of parole officers that he deserves another chance. A mutant with super-strength, Nico's abilities might prove useful, if he can learn to control them - and control himself as well. Skills: Underworld, Street Fighting, Mutant Power. Personality: Cynical, Loyal

Placed Talia at the head of the team because she has the best chance of guiding the project to a good place. Optimists are 👌

The other two are going to be useful in keeping her grounded. The medic is there for obvious reasons and an underground connection with superpowers sounds hella useful.

Also, Lady Reds are underrated.
Voting is open