Land of the Free (XVII century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Quest)

[X] Officer - A cut above the common sellsword, European armies are full of foreign officers, the military of the Commonwealth as well. Using whatever knowledge and training you had, you managed to get yourself promoted to the posistion of an officer and put in command of a unit. Since you're still alive, it is safe to assume, that you did well. Remember, there are no bad soldiers, only bad officers and a good soldier has to learn to kill them quickly, since they are better off dead. With experience behind your belt and battles fought, you can safely say, that you know what you're doing. Having learned to organize your troops, drill them and lead them into battle, you have a better understanding of logistics, tactics, strategy and battle does not frighten you as much as others.
[X] Officer - A cut above the common sellsword, European armies are full of foreign officers, the military of the Commonwealth as well. Using whatever knowledge and training you had, you managed to get yourself promoted to the posistion of an officer and put in command of a unit. Since you're still alive, it is safe to assume, that you did well. Remember, there are no bad soldiers, only bad officers and a good soldier has to learn to kill them quickly, since they are better off dead. With experience behind your belt and battles fought, you can safely say, that you know what you're doing. Having learned to organize your troops, drill them and lead them into battle, you have a better understanding of logistics, tactics, strategy and battle does not frighten you as much as others.
[X] Courtier – By some strange twist of luck it seems, you managed to sneak into a few courts and palaces as a minor noble of no importance and sycophant your way into some kind of existence. You were not the only one of course, therefore you had to fight tooth and nail for your part of the scraps. A brutal and merciless battle indeed, for the loser doesn't get to eat or is thrown out into the mud and rain. Nevertheless, you prevailed, since you ate regularly and slept in a good bed, a major improvement over what you were used to. But what's more important, you've learned how to move about in a court with dignity and grace, to scheme against your peers or even your betters and to have a keen eye for recognising any lies and manipulations.
[X] Courtier – By some strange twist of luck it seems, you managed to sneak into a few courts and palaces as a minor noble of no importance and sycophant your way into some kind of existence. You were not the only one of course, therefore you had to fight tooth and nail for your part of the scraps. A brutal and merciless battle indeed, for the loser doesn't get to eat or is thrown out into the mud and rain. Nevertheless, you prevailed, since you ate regularly and slept in a good bed, a major improvement over what you were used to. But what's more important, you've learned how to move about in a court with dignity and grace, to scheme against your peers or even your betters and to have a keen eye for recognising any lies and manipulations.

Time to learn how to abuse "Liberum Veto"!
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[X] Highwayman"It's either this or starvation". These are the words one noble brigand told me, before I shot him dead. You were forced, like many other poor nobles, to seek your fortune by robbing innocent travelers at gunpoint while roaming the countryside. A sad and inglorious career for a knight, yet one you took up out of necessity. Having taken money, jewels and whatever else you could get your hands on from merchants, other nobles and even armed soldiers, you managed to survive long enough to move somewhere else, before the inevitable crackdown of local forces comes crashing down on your head. As such, you improved your survival skills, intimidation techniques and even learned the art of torturing people. What's more, you have a certain rapport with other scoundrels, of which there are many in the Commonwealth. Yet expect no sympathy from honest people, who know what you've been doing for a living.

The tales of the Irish bandit King on the Polish lands...
It does have a nice ring to it.
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No surprise here, another clear winner.

We join the fray as a leader of men!

Scheduled vote count started by Sertorius on Aug 23, 2021 at 6:20 AM, finished with 25 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X]Officer
    [X] Highwayman
    [X] Officer - A cut above the common sellsword, European armies are full of foreign officers, the military of the Commonwealth as well. Using whatever knowledge and training you had, you managed to get yourself promoted to the posistion of an officer and put in command of a unit. Since you're still alive, it is safe to assume, that you did well. Remember, there are no bad soldiers, only bad officers and a good soldier has to learn to kill them quickly, since they are better off dead. With experience behind your belt and battles fought, you can safely say, that you know what you're doing. Having learned to organize your troops, drill them and lead them into battle, you have a better understanding of logistics, tactics, strategy and battle does not frighten you as much as others.
    [X] Courtier – By some strange twist of luck it seems, you managed to sneak into a few courts and palaces as a minor noble of no importance and sycophant your way into some kind of existence. You were not the only one of course, therefore you had to fight tooth and nail for your part of the scraps. A brutal and merciless battle indeed, for the loser doesn't get to eat or is thrown out into the mud and rain. Nevertheless, you prevailed, since you ate regularly and slept in a good bed, a major improvement over what you were used to. But what's more important, you've learned how to move about in a court with dignity and grace, to scheme against your peers or even your betters and to have a keen eye for recognising any lies and manipulations.
    [X] Mercenary
    [X] Swordmaster
    [X] Highwayman"It's either this or starvation". These are the words one noble brigand told me, before I shot him dead. You were forced, like many other poor nobles, to seek your fortune by robbing innocent travelers at gunpoint while roaming the countryside. A sad and inglorious career for a knight, yet one you took up out of necessity. Having taken money, jewels and whatever else you could get your hands on from merchants, other nobles and even armed soldiers, you managed to survive long enough to move somewhere else, before the inevitable crackdown of local forces comes crashing down on your head. As such, you improved your survival skills, intimidation techniques and even learned the art of torturing people. What's more, you have a certain rapport with other scoundrels, of which there are many in the Commonwealth. Yet expect no sympathy from honest people, who know what you've been doing for a living.
    [X] Write-in: Monk
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Character Creation VI
[X] Officer - A cut above the common sellsword, European armies are full of foreign officers, the military of the Commonwealth as well. Using whatever knowledge and training you had, you managed to get yourself promoted to the posistion of an officer and put in command of a unit. Since you're still alive, it is safe to assume, that you did well. Remember, there are no bad soldiers, only bad officers and a good soldier has to learn to kill them quickly, since they are better off dead. With experience behind your belt and battles fought, you can safely say, that you know what you're doing. Having learned to organize your troops, drill them and lead them into battle, you have a better understanding of logistics, tactics, strategy and battle does not frighten you as much as others.

Well, well, well.

So you sir, are a military man? You certainly don't look the part, but I'll take your word for it. Nevertheless, anyone wishing the shed blood for the good of the Commonwealth is a friend of mine! I do hope, that your service here, wherever it may be, leads you to riches and glory!

You see, our professional army is… small, to say the least. A few thousand good men at most. Usually stationed in Ukraine to repel Tatar incursions. Some are garrisoned in various fortresses. You ask why such a token army despite the country's size? No money, simple. The king can't levy new taxes, only our parliament has that right. Since nobody likes to tax himself, the nobles almost never do so, unless in times of emergency. Besides that, the magnates have their own private armies, which are, funnily enough, stronger when combined than that of the king! Welcome to our world, sir, where the nobility is rich and the king poor!

But enough of that!

Tell me, what branch did you serve in?

[X] Infantry - You commanded infantry units during your military service, huh? Can't say I'm too surprised. Most foreign officers I know belong to this branch, you being no different. Not that there's anything wrong with it, mind you. The Commonwealth needs good infantry officers more than anything. Since foot troops play second fiddle to our mighty cavalry, anyone who can bring them up to Western standards is a welcome addition to our ranks, since I have a feeling, we are going to need them. Oh, did you know that our infantry almost never uses pikes? That's right, the more muskets, the better. As for enemy cavalry, that's what our cavalry's for! Besides, infantry officers are never as respected as those leading cavalry units mind you.

[X] Cavalry - Hah, what a surprise! So you think you actually know how to command cavalrymen? Sir, this is the Commonwealth, home to the finest horsemen in the world! Our cavalry can beat the crap out of any of its Western counterparts without breaking a sweat. You probably order your men to trot towards to enemy, fire away with pistols and return to the back of your formation! Bollocks I say! Our men charge right home and crush anyone doing that silly caracole dance! You better have an answer to that or you are hardly worth your salt, sir!

Sadly, being the son of a poor noble and having no wealthy patron, you couldn't afford going to a proper gunnery or engineering school. There are things you cannot simply learn all by yourself. Even if you could, no sound commander would ever hire you without proper recommendation and I am yet to see one be given to the likes of you.

Now sir, inform me of where did you serve, what wars have you fought in, what field can claim to own a drop of your blood!

You can tell a good officer by his service record.

[X] Danish Army - You served in the Protestant Danish army when king Christian IV launched his ill fated intervention in the war, that's tearing apart the Holy Roman Empire. Denmark made heavy use of Western mercenaries for the first time in the war. The more you stay here, the more mercenary contacts in the West you have.

[X] Imperial Army - At some point you served in the Emperor's Catholic armies fighting battles against enemies of the Empire from Mantua in the south, to Denmark and Sweden in the north as well as everything in between. The Emperor made good use of mercenaries and allies from the Commonwealth and beyond. The more you stay here, the more mercenary contacts in the East you have, plus you gain more knowledge about the Commonwealth and its military you wouldn't normally have.

[X] French Army - While serving in the Catholic French army, you saw action against Huguenot rebels and their English allies in the south, maybe even fought in Mantua and Switzerland. France always paid well and financed other wars. The more you stay here, the more money you start with. Not only that, your glory shot will come with a bonus. Why, you ask? Didn't I mention the English?

[X] Spanish Army - In the service of the Catholic Spanish Crown you fought in the neverending war against the Dutch with Mantua and Switzerland also a possibility. Spain was the foremost military power in Western Europe for over a century. The more you fought there, the more trusted men whom you served with will join you on your new venture.

[X] Swedish Army – It seems you served in the Protestant army under Gustavus Adolphus during the early stages of their intervention in the Holy Roman Empire, maybe even during the wars with Poland earlier. The Swedish king is a renown commander and reformer. The more you served him, the more tactical acumen you gained and military innovations you know. Serving for at least 2 out of 3 possible glory shots also gains you knowledge about the Commonwealth and its military you wouldn't normally have.

[X] Dutch Army – While serving in the Protestant armies of the Seven Provinces you fought in their neverending war of independence against Spain. Oh, and the English helped too. The Dutch are famous for their heavy fortifications and cannons. The more you served them, the more you know of engineering and artillery. It's just that the English… well... let's just say, that your glory shot will come with a penalty. Because it's the bloody English!

Keep in mind, you can only choose up to 3 armies. Changing employers during our times is nothing to be ashamed of and is perfectly normal, so long as you do so in the proper way and without treachery. The longer you serve in one army, the more of its customs and methods you learn. This can limit your opportunities however, since you only get one shot per each to do something worthwhile. Adequate but mediocre service in one place for too long may leave you stranded in a dead-end job without prospects for promotion or glory. On the other hand, hitting the big one can mean spectacular successes and rapid promotion.

Voting in plan format.​
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