Sapere aude (Imperial Russian Mythos Organization Quest)

@Slayer Anderson
Not trying to tell you how to write but it may be necessary in the future to repeat warnings about disturbing scenes.
Also was there a need for such practices?
Sorry I just found the scene unsettling despite beingwell written.

Would this be standard practice or vary. Because I cant imagine there is always a convenient target for recruits to prove their loyalty on.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
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[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
[X] The cult should hand the steel process over to Peter III and see how the university is rewarded for its efforts. More than any reward, though, the emperor's aims are in line with what the cult believes will allow Russia to prosper.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
@Slayer Anderson
Not trying to tell you how to write but it may be necessary in the future to repeat warnings about disturbing scenes.
Also was there a need for such practices?
Sorry I just found the scene unsettling despite beingwell written.

Would this be standard practice or vary. Because I cant imagine there is always a convenient target for recruits to prove their loyalty on.
I'll take it under advisement, though the thread is marked as mature with horror and dark fantasy tags for a reason. A certain level of disturbing material is inherent in the subject matter. For the sake of SV's rules as a whole I did make an effort to avoid any explicit depictions for the content involved as well.

And, as a reminder for this point in history, Russian peasants are serfs. That is, they are slaves. Who can be put to death by order of the person who owns their land. Peter III is actually the Tsar who strips nobles of the ability to do so without a trial during his brief reign. Catherine rolls that reform back, though.

My point being that life is cheap in certain times and places in history. Having members of a secret society torture and/or kill to prove their commitment to the group is a standard of the genre for a reason, really.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.

This is a pretty cool quest! Let's go with Catherine.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
[X] The cult should hand the steel process over to Peter III and see how the university is rewarded for its efforts. More than any reward, though, the emperor's aims are in line with what the cult believes will allow Russia to prosper.
[X] The cult should hand the steel process over to Peter III and see how the university is rewarded for its efforts. More than any reward, though, the emperor's aims are in line with what the cult believes will allow Russia to prosper.
[X] The cult should hand the steel process over to Peter III and see how the university is rewarded for its efforts. More than any reward, though, the emperor's aims are in line with what the cult believes will allow Russia to prosper.

Maybe it's not the best option. Hard to say - we all know that history is written by the winners. But at least it would be something different. Different we can change. Can improve. And yet, with the current votes, it seems that, as the Emperor is playing his violin, the state is leaving his hands...
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.

If we hand steel to the government for mass production now, then soon it would become known to other nations through spies and other means. If we hold onto it we can either establish our own production with due secrecy or release it at a more appropriate time, for example before Napoleon invasion so we can meet him with unexpected rainfall of steel.
Here's the current tally. Voting will be open for at least six more hours.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Aug 20, 2021 at 3:12 PM, finished with 38 posts and 20 votes.
[X] The cult will hold out for the possibility of a palace coup by Catherine. Her views are more in line with her predecessors and favor a more traditional expansion of the empire. It is likely that she will be more generous than her husband as well.
Random question, is this a weird thing for Universities to do during this period of time? It feels like it would be weird for a University to set up an orphanage just for free rather than just donate to an orphanage who would do the work for them
Random question, is this a weird thing for Universities to do during this period of time? It feels like it would be weird for a University to set up an orphanage just for free rather than just donate to an orphanage who would do the work for them
It might be - but, as it seems that half of our curriculum isn't studying the Bible, we aren't exactly an orthodox (or Orthodox, for that matter) university. Perhaps it is seen as a form of charity - both from the university as an organization and professors as people, who donate not money, but their time and knowledge - and is useful to assuage the Church's suspicions.
Random question, is this a weird thing for Universities to do during this period of time? It feels like it would be weird for a University to set up an orphanage just for free rather than just donate to an orphanage who would do the work for them
It might be - but, as it seems that half of our curriculum isn't studying the Bible, we aren't exactly an orthodox (or Orthodox, for that matter) university. Perhaps it is seen as a form of charity - both from the university as an organization and professors as people, who donate not money, but their time and knowledge - and is useful to assuage the Church's suspicions.
It's a little of column A and a little of column B, here, tied in with the idea that the school is essentially 'raising their own workers' or 'getting them young.' It can, and usually is, seen as a more socially acceptable form of brainwashing/indoctrination from the outside. IE: you're conditioning children who'd otherwise have few options once they aged-out of orphanages, especially those with debilitating injuries, into becoming productive members of society.

Most of the kids won't be seen by the students at the university, though, they'll be working behind the scenes to clean, do laundry, make simple repairs, etc... a select few who seem to be intelligent (for their social position at least), will be serving as scribes for professors or wealthy students. These are the ones most likely to have been inducted as acolytes so that they can serve as a secondary security measure and relay rumors and gossip.

All in all, it's somewhat weird to do in this day and age, seen as something of a throwback to more medieval religious universities to recruit/purchase orphans to work the grounds. Still, it's not entirely without precedent and can be seen as something of a charitable contribution since you're picking so obviously-disadvantaged children to 'raise up' with the initiative.

A bit strange, yes, but not overly so, nor harmfully so to your reputation. It helps that most who are critical of the practice just think that it's going to fail and make the school look foolish for trying, with most of the kids turning out to be thieves or hooligans of some type and running off into the night to sell stolen stuff from the school. It will be surprising when they don't end up doing that, but not alarming.