Blood Raven Quest in Warhammer Fantasy

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Blood Raven Quest in Warhammer Fantasy
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You continue the adventures of Commander Hairgel of the Bloody Magpies in the World of Warhammer Fantasy. What happens is up to you.
"There is a Magical operation of maximum importance; the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood..."
--Some random cultist uttering lunacy before getting burned.

"Long ago, the Emperor foresaw the need for Humanity's need for warriors unlike any others. Warriors who could face the unbearable horrors lurking among the stars. Who, on the day of certain defeat, would be victorious. You and your space marines are those warriors, Commander."
--Captain Gabriel Angelos of the 3rd Company Blood Ravens addressing Force Commander Aramus's defense of Typhon against the Tyranids.

"Commander?" Thaddeus's voice breaks through your melancholy about the turn of events that lead to this moment. So this is what the Heroes of Typhon ended up as, after the machinations of the treacherous Black Legion, the survivors deemed by Captain Angelos to be pure stayed with him to plan against Kyras while you and the rest were on a penance crusade as glorified guardians to a tech adept inquisitor who was also a rogue trader oddly enough. To think you Aramus and your promotion as Force Commander by the now traitorous Chapter Master lead to this? Truly whatever he touched was planned to break the Chapter for his own plans despite your efforts leading understrength companies in defense of their recruiting worlds from orks, tyranids, eldar and chaos. Maybe you should have died on Typhon instead of suffering this.... indignity.

Force Commander Aramus took view of the current situation on his command throne on his strike cruiser the Retribution before addressing his subordinate Sergeant Thaddeus. Thaddeus ever so idealistic and brash it brought him to follow Aramus into what's tantamount to exile along with what's left of your strike force deemed to be tainted. "Continue Thaddeus, I was lost in thought about our journey to here."

"Do you believe in the veracity of Inquisitor Mobeius's directives? By his inquisitorial authority superseding Captain Angelos's we shall not have to pit ourselves against Abaddon and his traitors in the Segmentum Obscurus but would our penance be better served there than traversing beyond the Imperium's borders?" Thaddeus replied his face expressing skepticism about the nature of their new mission.

"I do not doubt the inquisitor's beliefs or his orders. The influence and favors he used with the backing of the Korianis Conclave forced Captain Angelos to concede our penance to be..... altered to assist in the work of the Mallus Cabal's investigation into a new world in the frontier they require space marines for. Do not forget Thaddeus that the inquisition derives their authority from the Sigilite himself and has the right to press any subject of the Imperium to their service. If service to them is to be our penance so be it." Thaddeus nods in acknowledgement and leaves you to your observation of the world Mobeius desired an escort to with his Ark Mechanicus Class Ship the Journey of the Machine. It was a peculiar system you noted as the auger scanners initial readings showed ominous results. The green moon and the planet's magnetic poles were clearly wrong to the eye and corrupted by the warp as the ship's crew made the sign of the aquila beseeching the blessed emperor to protect them from the planet's dangers while the ship's void shields protected them from the green moon's gaze. What was Inquisitor Mobeius getting your battle brothers into?

Before your next course as the inquisitor hails you for your next assignment you consider what happened in your past to work for the inquisitor:

How did your penance happen?

Choose 1:

[ ] Captain Angelos sent you and your brother judged to be tainted on a penance crusade against the ongoing Black Crusade by Abaddon. As space marines are wont to do you did your duty. Killing xenos and the forces of chaos during your penance as casualties in your strike force continue to build even as you rescue stranded Imperial forces and scavenge leftover Imperial stockpiles left behind before one final last stand against the Black Legion on a random planet changed when an inquisitorial force lead to your surprise by a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron arrived to turn the tide and conscripted what's left of your forces to continue their penance elsewhere.
(Get random numbers from imperial guard, sisters of battle and marines of your choosing. Half of your force you started with is gone to be replaced with a miss mash of Imperial forces you lead as the force commander)

[ ] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.
(You keep your marines you started with and keep the Retribution primarily with an Explorator Retinue)

So.... I made this quest because the Griffons won but I still want to play the bloody magpies with Commander Hairgel despite my previous failure in my first quest to think up something. However I saw people who don't write well keep on going so I might as well take from their example and try and keep going the second time with power of artistic license. I just don't get payed unlike writers who can make a mess and still get payed.

Anyway the vote decides what composition you take with you on the strike cruiser. The 2nd allows you to play a generally pure Blood Raven campaign with admech support. The first allows you to add forces from the three who will also have experts to replace the blood ravens who die during the penance crusade in exchange.

I'll wait until tomorrow for the votes before I'll sit and stubbornly generate the expedition to a location on the planet you want to set up a base on.
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[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.

Just FYI. As long as there's one vote because I didn't write it good but it's still fun for you I will try and update it after I choose a day to put my time to it.
[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.
[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.
[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.

Following purely because I've spotted a fellow Legacy of Kain fan and a Janos Audron expy sounds fucking amazing.
[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.
Following purely because I've spotted a fellow Legacy of Kain fan and a Janos Audron expy sounds fucking amazing.
I don't know how amazing I can do but I will try. Emphasis on try.

I already have a Grey Knight attachment lead by Malek when it's time to get serious with Chaos business.

Since votes are overwhelmingly going for a majority Blood Raven campaign, I'm happy to say I can update it again tomorrow for the force creation and then location deployment.
[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.
What First quest would this be, by the way?
Mortal Kombat Konquest Quest.

I was younger then and less confident in my writing. Now I just realised I just need to take one day off and write it out no matter how bad I find it and call it a day and be less conscious of my writing structure.

People with bad grammar can keep writing entire chapters compared to me so I don't see why not spend at least a day and see what comes to mind.
[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.
[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.
Choosing your location
[X] To your surprise, just when you were preparing your penance the captain recalled you before the Retribution activated the warp drive. It turns out he received a communique from a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron from the records had been sent to the Death Watch bearing inquisitorial authority to demand your services for a special mission the Korianis Conclave decided your forces can conduct their penance at.
(You keep your marines you started with and keep the Retribution primarily with an Explorator Retinue)

"My lord, the inquisitor is hailing us." a serf operating the Retribution's communications informed Aramus in an nervous but awed tone. Admittedly Aramus conceded even as a space marine any inquisitorial business usually entails trouble wherever they go and this Inquisitor was even more ominous with his background.

"Put him on. It's time to see what our benefactor wishes of us in this system." ordered Aramus and the serf nodded before beginning the necessary protocols for inter-ship communications. In a few moments, the bridge's pictorial display showed Inquisitor Moebius appearing with no emotion on his cybernetically modified body as expected of any adherent to the Adeptus Mechanicus except on his eyes that was full of steely determination and his fingers were folded beneath his face wearing the hood identifying him as part of the inquisition while the mechandrites in the background were fiddling and tinkering on the numerous mechanisms and interfaces surrounding the inquisitor on the throne like contraption he sat on. While Aramus was not as experienced in the rites of Mars as the dearly missed Brother Martellus, he knew from observation Moebius with his knowledge gleaned as a former member of the tech priests of Mars was communing with the machine spirit of the Journey of the Machine almost in sync to ensure maximum efficiency in ship and crew operations. Very impressive even to a space marine.

"Commander, I trust your journey through the warp has been comfortable? I must admit I was surprised the coordinates calculated painstakingly from decades of work by the Mallus Cabal finally reached it's fruition. I calculated an 80% probability our journey would end up with sabotage, the gellar fields being breached or an attack on our journey but we made it in that 20%. The Omnissiah is clearly in our favor." Mobeius said in a nonchalant tone expected of a tech priest.

The Retribution's bridge crew composed of serfs pretended to work while listening in on the Inquisitor immediately began making signs of the aquila in thanks to the Emperor for the safe journey while the marines on the bridge including Aramus frowned before he replied back "Before we left you could have told us this Inquisitor. Our duty is to serve and we do appreciate your intervention on our behalf but my brothers would be more prepared knowing what it is we're exactly doing on this system. We have prepared both our void ships for this expedition with astronomical resources. What exactly is the goal of of our journey that you decreed our penance would be conducted for?" Aramus lost in himself in thought before composing for a more conflicted question "Why choose an understrength Astartes company found wanting in redemption when you can find other marines more pure to assist you?"

Without expression, Moebius's mechandrites continued its functions and the bridge's pictorial display changed to show the planet and the two moons both ships were in the vicinity of. "Answers indeed. I have some I can share but unless more data is found I can't be fully upfront on the truth of our mission here. Knowledge is power after all Commander and I must guard it well until you are ready to receive it." Aramus could only frown "Very well Inquisitor, answer what you can before we begin."

The pictorial display changed to include numerous data and gothic texts the marines examined in detail. "To begin with the reasons for why we're here, it is a mission of knowledge for the Ordos Xenos at the behest of the Mallus Cabal to investigate traces of an ancient xenos races called the Old Ones. How our investigations lead to here you do not need to know but I can tell you why the Cabal chose you Commander despite your mistakes you displayed tactical and strategic acumen in rallying an understrength chapter in repelling a Tyrranid Invasion despite difficulties from orks, eldar and your own governor deserting his post. Regrettably such acumen that suited you well against such enemies made it easier to be led astray in repelling the traitor forces of the Black Legion." Aramus could only look down on the floor in shame "It led to a traitor among your ranks which you disposed of as are the fates of a traitor but despite your less than stellar conduct you did deal considerable casualties among the Black Legion by killing their champions and banishing Ulkair so you are loyal enough to the golden throne which leads to where we are now."

The pictorial display changed to three zoomed in planetary bodies. The normal moon, the green moon and the planet the ships were in the vicinity of. "I'm sure your ship's auger arrays had some interesting readings on this system. Like Aurelia the taint of the warp is evident in that green moon and the habitable planet's magnetic poles. This clearly validates the Cabal's interests in this coordinates. With my ship's more advanced auger arrays I have some suitable locations I leave to you to set up a base for our operations here to find out why for a planet that would be engulfed by the immaterium is still bearing life the farther it is from both poles. Meanwhile I will be setting up a base on the normal moon that will be of strategic advantage to our expedition when the local inhabitants is comparable to a feral world with no knowledge of space travel. Good hunting Commander, Moebius out." The pictorial display closed and a serf immediately sensing the mood uploaded the Inquisitor's data into the pictorial display which Aramus examined before grimacing. Truly wherever they go orks and chaos are there. Even with the Inquisitor's more advanced sensors it did not pick up the entirety of the planet's geography but it picked enough to notice here and there the earmarks of orks and chaos activity especially battle and wars between civilisations of recognizable human cultures and unrecognisable life forms possibly mutants or something else? The locations provided were mountains that would prove to be remote from any civilisation nearby to discover and should prove quite defensible under space marine hands should contact with them lead to hostilities.

It was time to choose. Where will the Blood Ravens land?

[] In a desolate region of barren rock, plains and searing desert is a mountain with access to the sea but inhabited and surrounded by greenskins. Unlike orks you have fought, these ones have yet to master any recognisable ramshackle and slapped-together weapons except perhaps their choppas. They will bde no match for you and kicking them off the mountain will be child's play.

[] Perhaps this will do? An area consisting of deep, ice-cut valleys, frozen glaciers and towering heights surrounded by mountains and forests. Despite evidence of settlements, it is clear the higher the peak the more remote it is and thus a good location to quietly set up a base without interruption.

[] A rocky highland inhabited by greenskins but surrounded by a human civilisation. The sensors indicate the mountain was desolate. No mineral wealth or fertile land to use. It would not be a base that would last unless the human civilisation is more than friendly during contact.

[] You are reluctant about this one establishing a base close to the North Pole but the mountain here indicates surprisingly an area deemed to be unaffected by the immaterium's energies and in your heart you wanted to redeem yourself by finding opportunities to fight the servants of chaos once again from a position where your blood raven's will be close enough to strike out and retreat back in safely.

[] Write in (There's a mountain better suited to the Blood Ravens the Inqusitor has attached)

So.... I was hooked on Inquisitor Martyr and kept playing too much and was late in updating. Which is why I'm going to need more time in generating the expedition's crew when I'm free on Saturday. I have to work tomorrow.
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[X] In a desolate region of barren rock, plains and searing desert is a mountain with access to the sea but inhabited and surrounded by greenskins. Unlike orks you have fought, these ones have yet to master any recognisable ramshackle and slapped-together weapons except perhaps their choppas. They will no match for you and kicking them off the mountain will be child's play.
[X] In a desolate region of barren rock, plains and searing desert is a mountain with access to the sea but inhabited and surrounded by greenskins. Unlike orks you have fought, these ones have yet to master any recognisable ramshackle and slapped-together weapons except perhaps their choppas. They will no match for you and kicking them off the mountain will be child's play.
[X] In a desolate region of barren rock, plains and searing desert is a mountain with access to the sea but inhabited and surrounded by greenskins. Unlike orks you have fought, these ones have yet to master any recognisable ramshackle and slapped-together weapons except perhaps their choppas. They will no match for you and kicking them off the mountain will be child's play.
Sorry today was sort of busy for me. I got a draft made so I have some progress to work up on.

Don't you just hate it when you're ready to do something but then your mom tells you to go pick up something and so you have to do it and waste a couple of hours? It really ruins the mood.
Just wanted to pop in as quickly as I could to say you have my full support!
Well first off all the griffons did not actually win at all it was the lions X-D. Also, don't worry about the progress being imperfect. I follow ISOT in grimdark and that updates like once per month.

[X] Captain Angelos sent you and your brother judged to be tainted on a penance crusade against the ongoing Black Crusade by Abaddon. As space marines are wont to do you did your duty. Killing xenos and the forces of chaos during your penance as casualties in your strike force continue to build even as you rescue stranded Imperial forces and scavenge leftover Imperial stockpiles left behind before one final last stand against the Black Legion on a random planet changed when an inquisitorial force lead to your surprise by a Blood Raven librarian calling himself Janos Audron arrived to turn the tide and conscripted what's left of your forces to continue their penance elsewhere.
(Get random numbers from the imperial guard, sisters of battle and marines of your choosing. Half of your force you started with is gone to be replaced with a miss mash of Imperial forces you lead as the force commander)

I like Mechanicus support since obviously I love the cog boi's but given I have had my fill of them I'm voting differently this time.
I can't resist a chance to have some Argent Shroud lasses show up. Even if it is only a small chance. Heck for all I know we could even end up with mordians and Attilans as well I really really like the unpredicable nature of this one, pluuuus given this is a blood ravens quest should we end up with some high tech artefacts that would be bonus.
A bonus which we might get with more exotic regiments and Soritas prancing around, albeit I confess less likely than with the cog boi's.

Oh oof I guess I missed the chance to vote for that. No Kreigers, Attilans or Shroud Gals for us. Oh well.

[x] Perhaps this will do? An area consisting of deep, ice-cut valleys, frozen glaciers and towering heights surrounded by mountains and forests. Despite evidence of settlements, it is clear the higher the peak the more remote it is and thus a good location to quietly set up a base without interruption.

I love this option so so sooo much either we get to borrow from dwarves or we get the bloody the druuchi, maybe even free slaves from them there is no way this couldn't be fun.
Waay more than wasteland orcs. Having immediate human contact seems like it might be less than stellar narratively, we might cause too much trouble through sheer ignorance of local polities.
Selecting Your Forces Composition and Where You will Assign them.
[X] In a desolate region of barren rock, plains and searing desert is a mountain with access to the sea but inhabited and surrounded by greenskins. Unlike orks you have fought, these ones have yet to master any recognisable ramshackle and slapped-together weapons except perhaps their choppas. They will no match for you and kicking them off the mountain will be child's play.

"So this is the target commander?" questioned Sergeant Thaddeus. "My assault squad will have quite an advantage in the mountains when these orks lack the technologies the feral orks I fought in Calderis and Typhon had when I was a scout. They will never expect us to fly and cut them down in their own forts."

"Indeed Thaddeus, my devastators when we're set up in the field will be ready to unleash the Emperor's fury on these greenskins feral as they are." Sergeant Borus chuckled with anticipation at ending the lives of greenskins. "It will be best if we can lure them into a killzone before unleashing our entire arsenal into their battle hungry gobs!"

"I advise some caution Borus. Feral and despite how the scanners indicate not even the unmistakable presence of ork generators powering advanced greenskin assets we should take the mountain cautiously. Commander while we could take on the orks piece by piece with our current advantages it would be wiser to lure the majority of them away by taunting them to do battle in a field of our choosing while our scouts infiltrate their strongholds and open the way for our terminators to teleport in and annihilate them in close quarter combat." Epistolary Vorador the Deathwatch librarian liaison to the Blood Ravens suggested. "When the way is clear our Explorator if she wishes can join us with her forces in assisting our attack."

"I agree with you but will she even be of assistance to us? Ever since her arrival with you, she has sequestered herself in her own quarters tinkering with her own personal projects." raised the skeptical Scout Sergeant Akos. "I am in favor of your way of fighting but perhaps it would be better to take over that tower north of the mountains? It will be much faster to establish a base with access to the sea and we can easily deploy the Retribution's heavier vehicles into battle like the landraider when it's time to crash through any of their fortifications into the mountains."

"Bah! Let's just use the Retribution to open the way for us to get in their strongest hideouts! They will never expect death coming from above!" dismissed Sergeant Ral leading the Assault Terminator Squad. "The Inquisitor was quite generous in resupplying our armoury and wargear even if he had to confiscate some of them which I won't miss when it lead us here and I'm eager to test it on these greenskin scum."

"Enough." At this single utterance before Sergeant Razikale banged his fist on the table. "It will be our commander who will decide. Commander, as you can see there are three options to choose. As space marines this will not be the difficulty but the question is rather the efficiency of the operation. In all of them we shall have the element of surprise but to use the ship's own weapons to support our attack will certainly attract attention. Drop pods can be disguised as multiple meteors which the green moon has a a strange tendency to do so it will be less conspicuous to any primitives with knowledge of the stars. We can even combine those options together to attack multiple locations after you assign us our targets. If you wish to get the Explorator's help you should see her yourself."

Aramus took it all in stride and mulled it over. Where shall his forces take and hold? Assign your forces however you want.

[] The tower north of the mountains. Full of flat land and with access to the sea it will make it easier to setup a base for future operations and initiate faster contact with the locals.

[] The greenskins will be no match for you. You will take this mountain starting from this position well suited to setting up a defensive position before advancing.

[] Nay you are the Emperor's angels of death! Your presence to this world will be introduced with the Retribution's weapons to crack open the greenskin's strongest mountain fortification with an orbital bombardment before assaulting it from above.

The Inquisitor's gifts to the Retribution was very generous. The Blood Ravens can equip their squads to reflect the situation at hand with general loadouts eg. plasma guns, shotguns for scouts, more flamers, power weapons that sort of thing so if you want an assault terminator squad with lightning claws go ahead but there was some even more generous donations provided that will benefit the Blood Ravens even more. What was it?

[] Contemptor pattern dreadnought. Replaces Vhailor's current dreadnought with the Contemptor. The old one is kept in storage until it's brought out when a space marine's life is in danger.

[] 5 suits of centurion exoskeletons ready for devastator or assault loadout.

[] 5 scimitar pattern jetbikes.

[] 3 suits of Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armour to be given to leaders of your squads or Aramus.

There is also the matter of the Explorator. Do you wish to invite her and join you in the attack with her Mechanicus detachment?

[] Yes

[] No

Starting Composition:
Veteran Tactical Squad Bulwark [10/10] (3rd Company)
Veteran Devastator Squad Retribution [10/10] (2nd Company)
Veteran Assault Squad Meridian's Angels [10/10] (4th Company)
Scout Squad Eternal Duty [10/10] (10th Company)
Veteran Tactical Terminator Squad Armageddon [5/5] (1st Company)
Veteran Assault Terminator Squad Wrathbringer [5/5] (1st Company)
Venerable Tomb-Brother Vhailor [Mk-V Castraferrum Dreadnought] (5th Company)

Leaders of Note:
Force Commander Aramus
Sergeant Thaddeus leading Meridian's Angels
Sergeant Borus leading Retribution
Sergeant Ral leading Wrathbringer
Sergeant Akos leading Eternal Duty
Sergeant Razikale leading Bulwark
Sergeant Castor leading Armageddon
Epistolary Vorador
Apothecary Lorian
Techmarine Orion Pax
Chaplain Pious Augustus
Explorator Xen

Land raider
2 predators
1 rhino
3 landspeeders
1 whirlwind
Multiple Thunderhawks
Multiple Droppods

Base Droppods:
1 stronghold
1 chapel barracks
1 armory
4 plasma generators
4 heavy bolter turrets

So I did it. Void crusading and being asked to do more chores took my time away.

I love this option so so sooo much either we get to borrow from dwarves or we get the bloody the druuchi, maybe even free slaves from them there is no way this couldn't be fun.
Waay more than wasteland orcs. Having immediate human contact seems like it might be less than stellar narratively, we might cause too much trouble through sheer ignorance of local polities.
That was the vaults.
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Are the Vaults a dwarven settlement?

[X] Nay you are the Emperor's angels of death! Your presence to this world will be introduced with the Retribution's weapons to crack open the greenskin's strongest mountain fortification with an orbital bombardment before(?)
[x] N5 scimitar pattern Jetbikes.

There is also the matter of the Explorator. Do you wish to invite her and join you in the attack with her Mechanicus detachment?

[x] Yes

I can see no drawbacks from inviting the Mechanicus along whatsoever.
Are the Vaults a dwarven settlement?
Yes to some parts of it. Goblins also live there and the highest peaks are untouched.

The Vaults

Not to be confused with the Grey Vaults. The Vaults are a mountainous region of the Old World consisting of deep, ice-cut valleys, frozen glaciers and towering peaks that form the junction between the Black Mountains and the Grey Mountains. Its immense mountains geographically divide the lands...
[X] Nay you are the Emperor's angels of death! Your presence to this world will be introduced with the Retribution's weapons to crack open the greenskin's strongest mountain fortification with an orbital bombardment before(?)
Whoops I forgot about the missing bit. Let me fix that.
[X] Nay you are the Emperor's angels of death! Your presence to this world will be introduced with the Retribution's weapons to crack open the greenskin's strongest mountain fortification with an orbital bombardment before(?)
[x] N5 scimitar pattern Jetbikes.

[x] Yes
Voting is open