I'm thinking of removing the of the trap room between the Plague warren and the stairs. And then changing the location of the entrance to C or the ant nest south of the stairs.

EDIT: foot in my mouth. I should this might be more clear.

I'm thinking of removing the of the trap room between the Plague warren and the stairs. And then changing the remaining connection to C or the ant nest south of the stairs.
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Map looks good, though I'm a little worried about how it will look if there are too many more crossover passages.

If we can remove tunnels, next turn we might want to remove the link to the west of the surface stairs, that way delvers will have to go through twice the dungeon.
[X] Turn basic room B (next to boss room) into trap room

I want to upgrade it to spread traps next turn, to see if that would give boss room traps too
Turn 4
Again the voices direct a room to shift into the warren of a rat the dirt parted with a small pit filled with moldy discarded food as swarms of rats scurry over the nearby rooms. In the room of the great plague rat, new rat swarms scurry around while the great one sits on an outcropping that is hard to hit from the ground. One of the rooms is filled with ants another hive generating from newly made loam. Five new rooms are built by the will of the dungeon. In the will of the dungeon, one of the rooms is filled with a handful of barrels and cests. Three times the dungeon gains a room with a layer of leaves spikes hiding underneath the camo of the three new trap rooms. One of the ant nests is then touched expanding with power the ants growing small embers and ash replacing the loam. The ant's black carapace turns from black to a vibrant red, flames licking out from their mandibles as they click them.

Then the dungeon expands a new floor growing below the new one. The ceiling of a stone hall broken in the ruins opening up to the cave above dust falling from the open hole in the ceiling. The dungeon feels as the man returns looking over the stairs before hitting an ant with his staff he mudders to himself as his dog tears apart another ant. "It's growing quick, guild won't pay me enough to map it. I will see if any of the youths would do it for some coin." He whistles and his dog follows him out of the cave's entrance. +1 Point the dungeon again considers it's options new spawner rooms are open to it. The slime pond, and the bee hive. It can feel a new trap room, the bridge room, and the new loot room of the vault room. In addition a new breed of rats, the Brood Rat Warren, and a new upgrade for the ant nest in the army ant nest.

[X] Turn Basic Room D, second floor, into a loot room
Best to give the adventurers something after beating the boss boi.
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@Planetary Tennis so it might be a good idea to give trap and loot rooms designations since I want to make a Puzzle room and obviously that needs the ability to designate which ones I am turning into that.
[X] Make A Room {Floor = "1", Interposing Connections 1 & 2 = "Cave Mod Room / Plague Rat Warren", Interposing Connections 2 & 3 = "Trap Room D / Plague Rat Warren"}

Might as well run a test. See if I can isolate segments of the dungeon a little. Lets see how far I can take this...