Might want to get that in a proper formant, and a fully loaded plan. There is a lot missing.
I wouldn't mind some Ordos Dialogus translators(even better if they have experiences with map making and the like) and like Hospitalers and their ilk I see them as welcome additions almost anywhere if that's the sort of thing you are talking about?
Some the Ordos Dialogus translators, and a few Hospitalers. But mainly missionaries.
Oh shoot I didn't realize we were voting by plan on the exact options, that makes things more difficult If it means that certain options most widely voted for can lose by not being in the top plan?

Also, what is the proper format? I am not sure of all my votes yet only mostly sure on unit composition.

You have convinced me
Couldn't the influence of the black templars, literally one of the purge-iest legions, sorry chapters I can think of be a very bad influence here, don't they have some of those dudes with them?
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[X] Celestial Lions
The Astartes of this chapter maintain all the nobility and fibre of their progenitor, Rogal Dorn, yet in recent years they seem to have fallen on hard times, and now seek a new life away from the politics of the Imperium.

[X] Battle Damage
While the fleet were valiant indeed, a bout you'd gotten into had proven too much and the emergency Warp-Jump away from the battlefield had led you to this position plummeting into an unknown world's gravity well.

[X]Plan Packed Up Our Things and Went
-[X] 1st Company (1.5CP)
-[X] Battle Company (1CP)X2
-[X] Devastator Company (1CP)
-[X]Assault Company (1CP)
-[X] Scout Company (0.5CP)
-[X] Armoured Company (1.5CP) Unlike other Battle Companies, the Armoured Company has most of it's battle brothers fight mounted in tanks, with only minimal battle brothers taking to the fight as infantry
-[X] Armoury (0.25CP)
-[X] Reclusiam (0.25CP)
-[X] Apothecarion (0.25CP)
-[X] Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
-[X] Divisio Artisan (3CP)
-[X] Questor Mechanicus Knights (1.5CP)
-[X]Acolyte Talmuz Nakal of the Inquisition (.25CP) Aboard ship merely as a familiarization exercise, not in his offical role, and kept very carefully siloed off. Still, he may prove useful.
-[X] Expanded Manufacturing Equipment (2 CP) Venturing far from politics, it was wize to bring additional assets to support your expedition from locally available materials.
-[X] Munitions Vaults (1CP) Spare boarding torpedoes, to specialized missiles, to lasguns enough to arm three regiments. You are nothing if not prepared for war.
-[X] Chapter Serf Auxilia (1CP) A delicate balance must be held here-you cannot command your serfs, yet they long to fight alongside you. In theory, they are purely defensive-in practice, they are somtimes helpful, somtimes a burden that must be rescued.
Couldn't the influence of the black templars, literally one of the purge-iest legions, sorry chapters I can think of be a very bad influence here, don't they have some of those dudes with them?

Contrary to memery, the Black Templar are quite capable of restraint. Such as when they came across some minor xenos worshipping, "The Voice of the Emperor," and they opted not to purge them. They wrecked their temples as and then posted a watch order on them to see what happens, and went on their way. The attached Black Templar wee also there to help them rebuild, rather than to Crusade, which lends itself to different mindsets. And the CLs proper are not purge-happy, which is what got them shit-canned in the first place.
[] Celestial Lions
[] Navigational Incident

[] Plan: Fortress Monestary Building Simulator
-[]1st Company (1.5CP)
-[]Battle Company (1CP) 3x
-[]Devastator Company (1CP)
-[]Assault Company (1CP)
-[]Scout Company (0.5CP) 2x
-[]Armoury (0.25CP)2x
-[]Reclusiam (0.25CP)
-[]Librarius (0.25CP)2x
-[]Apothecarion (0.25CP) 3x
-[]Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
-[]Divisio Artisan (3CP)
-[]Questor Mechanicus Knights (1.5CP)
-[]Misionaria Galaxia (1CP)
-[]Divisio Biologis (2CP)

Ah, yes. A "Navigational Incident." We are... familiar with those.
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Edit 3: Deleting most of this and the other post because it seems almost none of the votes registered in the vote tall and maybe that was from me editing it?

EDIT: Realized the formatting was still probably wrong so here I go trying to fix it again.


i overwrote my plan to become a vote for your plan so a more united front could be formed
I'm not sure that's a good idea, one divergence I made from my original plan for example and the main one in my opinion was removing the knights from my list because I am not sure I could afford them when asking for some adepta staff.
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Resubmitting this after deleting the other stuff because I think It was still broken and realized the software didn't even recognize me voting for the Howling Griffons.

Chapter: [x] Howling Griffons
Damage: [x] Navigational Incident

Plan: Be Prepared(plan axed)
1st Company (1.5CP) (Having Ourwise veterans with us strikes me as very good for cohesion and morale, plus the shock and awe factor of dreadnaughts is not be ignored, nor is their additional wisdom)
Battle Company (1CP) (They seem extremely flexible capable of filling multiple roles, not having them at all feels foolish to me)
Assault Company (1CP) ( I think being more mobile rather than being weighed down with artillery will greatly help us in crossing the Southlands)
Librarius (0.25CP) (These could be our most useful assets and are the largest reason for my investment in the Howling Griffons)
Apothecarion (0.25CP) ( Being able and willing to make new marines while down here could be what saves our bacon in the long term, also I think it's a good guiding principle to never turn away useful medical personnel)
2 Scout Companies (1 CP) ( These duders are likely to be less distanced from base humanity and thus could have the potential to have an easier time not alienating the populace I would think, plus it makes sense for the griffons to have more marines in training than most given the way they rush at everything)
(lack of chaplains in my mind can be justified by other Ecclisarchical/ministorum staff being around but I confess given usual lukewarm feelings towards space marines I don't know if that could work for them, willing to change that if need be)
Divisio Biologis (2CP) ( My reasoning for this one remains the same as before)
Divisio Fabricator (2CP)( My interest here is less in advancing all the stuff and more making sure none of our ships fall apart if nobody finds us for like a century)

This all adds up to 9 points if I can still count which should leave me with five left to spend.

Orders Dialogous
-[x]Orders Hospitaller

{if we can afford these with the point costs?}
(They seem like some of the best imperial support staff I have seen and again we know not for how long we may be trapped in this system. Especially the Dialougous we are going to need to understand at least one local language if we want to administer anything here and it is likely on a weird world like this that low gothic may barely be comprehensible to anyone here)
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Contrary to memery, the Black Templar are quite capable of restraint. Such as when they came across some minor xenos worshipping, "The Voice of the Emperor," and they opted not to purge them. They wrecked their temples as and then posted a watch order on them to see what happens, and went on their way. The attached Black Templar wee also there to help them rebuild, rather than to Crusade, which lends itself to different mindsets. And the CLs proper are not purge-happy, which is what got them shit-canned in the first place.

Raimer led the 90 Black Templars marines aboard the Ophidium Gulf in a crusade into a treacherous part of space in the Galactic South, known as the Veiled Region. Here they discovered some inhabited worlds. The primitive aliens living there worshipped a god they called the "Voice of the Emperor".

While trying to find out what the nature of this god was, Raimer destroyed the alien temples and moved on to the core planets of the system. ''

So did you misremember this or what? I ask because the wiki doesn't mention any sort of rebuilding, heck destroying whole planets seems to be a bit more than just breaking some buildings.
"The attached Templars" was referring to the ones attached to the Celestial Lions.

It seems I forgot that Dark Angels (according to the wiki you brought up) had blown up the core planets, and that the aliens' Emperor was one of the Fallen. Just thought Emperor=Emperor.
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You know, I'm really glad we didn't land in Nehekhara. An endlessly respawning siege of undead would have been quite annoying, to say the least. Well, that and the lack of any food, water, or other needed materials.
[X] Celestial Lions
[X] Navigational Incident

[X] Plan:Our benevolent transhuman leaders are heretics but they're nice? So we'll follow them.
-[X]1st Company (1.5CP)
-[X]Battle Company (1CP) 3x
-[X]Devastator Company (1CP)
-[X]Assault Company (1CP)
-[X]Scout Company (0.5CP)
-[X]Armoury (0.25CP)2x
-[X]Reclusiam (0.25CP)
-[X]Librarius (0.25CP)2x
-[X]Apothecarion (0.25CP) 3x
-[X]Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
-[X]Divisio Artisan (3CP)
-[X]Adepta Sororitas (1.0CP)
-[X]Imperial guard (1.5CP)
-[X]Ecclesiarcy (0.5CP)
-[X]Divisio Biologis (2CP)

Mix of hospitalier and dialogis with a smidge of SOB.

Ecclesiarcy should consist of men and women focused on and devoted to the tenets of the confederation of light/Sebastian Thor. not focused on the whole pain is divine or xenophbia.
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[X] Celestial Lions
[X] Navigational Incident

[X] Plan:Our benevolent transhuman leaders are heretics but they're nice? So we'll follow them.
-[X]1st Company (1.5CP)
-[X]Battle Company (1CP) 3x
-[X]Devastator Company (1CP)
-[X]Assault Company (1CP)
-[X]Scout Company (0.5CP)
-[X]Armoury (0.25CP)2x
-[X]Reclusiam (0.25CP)
-[X]Librarius (0.25CP)2x
-[X]Apothecarion (0.25CP) 3x
-[X]Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
-[X]Divisio Artisan (3CP)
-[X]Adepta Sororitas (1.0CP)
-[X]Imperial guard (1.5CP)
-[X]Ecclesiarcy (0.5CP)
-[X]Divisio Biologis (2CP)

I like this config, seems nice and balanced. Not even the Guard are out of place, as the CL love hearing their vets' stories.
You know, I'm really glad we didn't land in Nehekhara. An endlessly respawning siege of undead would have been quite annoying, to say the least. Well, that and the lack of any food, water, or other needed materials.

We may still have to go past there to reach the old world though, luckily we probably have flying craft and hopefully can just go over?
Damn I'm not going to get my bloody magpies rolling.

Unless..... I write it myself?
If It helps I would have voted for them over the Dragon Lords, Sword Brothers and Brazen claws. They would have gone well with other research obsessed factions but just struck me as less experienced than others in an environment like this.