Legacy of Trajan (EU4-Style Empire Builder, Ahistorical, Renissance)

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Opening post
Hey there, party people. While I'm pretty new here, I've read up on plenty of the CK2 quests on here and honestly found them too...OP. This might go somewhere, but more importantly this is a test-pilot for a quest system based off Europa Universalis 4 instead. Instead of your ruler having 5-6 different stats, it'll be 3.

Link to ruler stats and what they're used for, used for both Monarchies and Republics

The end goal of this quest is to start with a country (this can be anything from a one-province minor to a major country like the Ottomans, France, Castile, etc, in the year 1444) that reside within the historical borders of the Roman Empire at it's largest extent, at AD 117, the year of the death of Emperor Trajan, and and the quest with every single province as part of your polity. If that is achieved, well, who knows after that?

Roman Empire in EU4

The above video will give you a good idea of what entails reforming Rome. I will note that Muslim countries will be allowed as well.

First thing players need to do is vote on an actual country to start with, so it's pointless to bother explaining much more until we got that out of the way. I'll give it some time (about 24 hours) and we'll go from there.
Stat sheet and mechanics

Current Date: November 11th, 1444 (Day after the Battle of Varna, Ottoman Victory, which ended the 4th Crusade)

Diplomatic relations: 0/5

Ruler: To be determined

Administrative points:
Diplomatic points:
Military points:







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.... I'm really fighting the urge to go for the ERE.
But at the same time, it's the most fitting.

Here's a list of Countries that I think would be interesting/fitting for this kind of Playthrough.

[] Eastern Roman Empire
[] Aragon
[] Trebizond
[] The Ottoman Empire
[] Florence/Tuscany
[] Montferrat
[] Venice
[] Spain
[] Granada
[] Naples
[] Aragon
[] Wallachia
[] The Knights Templar
[] The Papal States
[] France
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[X] Georgia

The Caucasus are always quite an interesting place to play in, and a place I don't see explored very often so let's go with that. Maybe, we can even try invading Russia at some point which will certainly be... interesting.
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No takers I guess. Nevermind.
If I may offer some advice: you have given a very vague and open-ended start, in an unfamiliar context too, which means a lot of people won't even know what the options are that they can vote for. A list of the available countries, and/or a map of the 1444 start with Roman borders overlaid, might be useful to give voters an idea of WTF is going on here. Also maybe an indication of what voting turns will look like: 1 year, 5 year, 20 year, context-dependent? What mechanics will the players be interacting with, other than "3 stats" ? Are we expected to guide an actual EU4 playthrough underneath?

With that said,
[x] France
it's not like they're any less "Roman" heirs than half of Europe.
[X] Venice
Venice is a very interesting country, as with a little tweaking Venice could still be a country today. Venice will also allow us to have a bit of everything. We will have both naval and land warfare and decision making.
If I may offer some advice: you have given a very vague and open-ended start, in an unfamiliar context too, which means a lot of people won't even know what the options are that they can vote for. A list of the available countries, and/or a map of the 1444 start with Roman borders overlaid, might be useful to give voters an idea of WTF is going on here. Also maybe an indication of what voting turns will look like: 1 year, 5 year, 20 year, context-dependent? What mechanics will the players be interacting with, other than "3 stats" ? Are we expected to guide an actual EU4 playthrough underneath?

With that said,
[x] France
it's not like they're any less "Roman" heirs than half of Europe.

Most of the above questions would be covered by the link and video, and @Tjakari has a pretty good list of viable countries to start with.
[X] Eastern Roman Empire

I'll break the tie in favor of Byzantium since it seems no one wants to play Georgia.
Venice or Byz?
I'll give it until 6pm EST today for voting, but I have a proposition as well.

I could start a YouTube channel and play the nation you all choose, on a annual or biannual basis as intervals/turns, and post that video on turn results, and pause for big random events. While it'd be easier to get a visual of what's actually going on, it'd lose immersion. I'll leave that as an option.

As for the two nations that are likely to be picked:

Venice: Starts as a Serene Republic with a fairly strong navy and decent army. The Republic mechanic obviously brings elections, which reduces the likeliness that y'all get stuck with a shitty leader. The bulk of your land is in Northeastern Italy of course, with provinces on the Adriatic, the island of Crete and Naxos (an island on the Greek coast) as a Vassal. Venice itself is one of the most lucrative trade nodes in the world, with Genoa and the English Channel being the other two.

The Ottomans are going to be your biggest threat at the start, and it'd be much easier to build a strong alliance against them as opposed to Byzantium, given bigger nations are more likely to ally you if you're a decent size yourself. Austria, Poland, Hungary and even Mamluk Egypt sometimes are options to mutually beat down the Turks.

Byzantium: Has seen better days. Kicked out of Anatolia, all you still hold is Athens as a Vassal and southern Greece. Small army, decent-ish navy, small economy, and it's going to be harder to get bigger allies. Serbia, Bosnia, Wallachia and Albania are viable choices.

If Byzantium is chosen, I'll give a bonus to compensate.

It just depends on what flavor you're going for. Venice would be a better choice if you want to get off to a faster start, Byzantium would be better if you want to stay rigid true to the nature of the quest.
Byzantium is chosen
Adhoc vote count started by Tetrimus on Jul 23, 2021 at 6:08 PM, finished with 21 posts and 8 votes.

So Byzantium wins. Like I said, you'll get a bonus. Choose two between:

[] Improved ruler stats
[] Improved relations with a major power (has to be someone in the region who hates the Ottomans)
[] Additional monarch points
[] Larger initial treasury
[] Write in (subject to rejection/choose something else)
[X] Improved relations with a major power (has to be someone in the region who hates the Ottomans)
[X] Larger initial treasury

Allies, and gold to buy boats with these are probably the two most important things for us in the early days so that we don't get crushed by the Ottomans.
[X] Improved relations with Poland
[X] Larger initial treasury

Do we have to write in which major power we have improved relations with or is it random?
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