Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

I would like to say something. I've been thinking for a while about how much influence I've had on the quest, and between all of my omakes and making most of the plans, I feel like I've dominated it to the point where it's not fun for anyone else. Why bother making a plan when TT's going to win, after all? I'm sorry for hogging the sandbox, guys, and after this vote I'll back off for at least a couple of turns. I'll still write omakes, but votes? That's all you.
TirelessTraveler's dice are tireless. Those are some large numbers...

Honestly not the worst thing. Can we all agree on the herb soon though... Or tree.
I did get a plan voted, yours is just the most comprised/agreed upon.
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So in the leading plan. Any reason for why are we meeting Atlantis instead of either of the two ambassador in our land for Diplo and looking for Sinbad in Intrigue?
I don't think anyone wants to meet the ambassadors honestly.

It would be like if Judge Doom sent someone to talk to us in doofquest. We would rather spend our action elsewhere. We will probably get around to it eventually but it's going to take 2 turns if we focus on them.

Honestly, them visiting feels like it should be two interludes instead with their own rolls and subvotes. Meeting them shouldn't be hard to fit into a two month span.

A Green Thumb is 50, the Heart-Shaped Herb is 75, Renewal and Rejuvenation is 90. Leah's personal with Cade is Diplomacy 50, so a 69% chance of success even before XP.

Whoops. I stand corrected. My bad.
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So in the leading plan. Any reason for why are we meeting Atlantis instead of either of the two ambassador in our land for Diplo and looking for Sinbad in Intrigue?
Bit of a sideways approach to the Lemuria problem. They're sponsored by the Deep Ones, who live in the ocean. Their connection to the DVV setting is from supplemental material for the Atlantis movie where the antagonist, Commander Rourke, earned his reputation by blowing up one of their cities. Atlantis knows about the deep ones, and the Leviathan has actually been attacking what I suspect are some of their troops in the sea serpents. If we have them as a brain trust, they will probably be able to help us once we pull back the facade on Lemuria. (Also, I just love Milo and the rest of the crew, and want them to make their in-quest appearance.)

As for Sinbad, I have five reasons for reaching out to him. The first is to forestall any potential raids from his crews on our interests in the Caspian Sea, helping the Northern and Western Protectorates in the process. The second is because Sinbad is just a fun character, and I think he and Aladdin will get along amazingly. The third is because our Stewardship advisor has a personal connection to him, and reuniting them is a gamble I think worth taking. Next, I think it will advance Will's questline. When we sent him on his Intrigue Personal Action, he received intel that Ragetti and Pintel had been seen going westward from the Caspian. Given that they are pirates, I strongly suspect that they ended up signing on with Sinbad or one of his crews, and they just might be able to tell him about the rest of the Black Pearl's crew and potentially even the location of Elizabeth. If we managed that, we would not only get a kick-ass hero unit(s), but also massively boost Will's loyalty. And finally, Sinbad is bros with Nemo, who has been fighting the Deep Ones when he's not busy fighting the EITC, thereby managing another lateral approach to the Lemuria problem.

I hope that helps, I've been putting a lot of thought into the problem over the last few days.
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I hope that helps, I've been putting a lot of thought into the problem over the last few days.

I completely agree with all of that with the exception of the timing.

As near as I can tell there isn't any direct implied threat from Sinbad or risk that we can't meet him next turn.

There is a direct threat from Lemuria and the timer is that they are trying for the Eastern Satraps.

But, to re-emphasize, your logic is completely sound as to why reaching out to Sinbad is a good idea.
Honestly, I'm not quite that worried about the Eastern Satraps? Even if Lemuria gets them, and with the frankly ginormous bandit army that's going take some work, once the facade is revealed they're going to have Ababwa, Agrabah, and Xiang-Wu all pissed at them, to say nothing of the EITC, Atlantis, and the various Pirate Lords in the region (mostly Nemo and Sinbad, but Jones hates them too). I think once that happens, they're going to fall, and quickly. And then we can swoop in and pick up the leavings.

Because nobody likes the fish people. Not even the other fish people. =D

But mind control and eldritch corruption is bad.

Eh, it's just one of my issues. Can't stand that stuff. Would rather not have it happen to them.

No worries though. It's just a game. :D
Honestly, them visiting feels like it should be two interludes instead with their own rolls and subvotes. Meeting them shouldn't be hard to fit into a two month span.
You make a valid point. Up until now I've kind of avoided interludes, but here it's kind of the ideal way to resolve the situation. Plus there's no way that Scherezade would leave them cooling their heels for longer than two months at the absolute most.
You make a valid point. Up until now I've kind of avoided interludes, but here it's kind of the ideal way to resolve the situation. Plus there's no way that Scherezade would leave them cooling their heels for longer than two months at the absolute most.
Yes, please don't be like that one Star Wars quest that left three sets of ambassadors waiting for 18 months (I never did understand the GM's decision on 6-month turns).
Up until now I've kind of avoided interludes, but here it's kind of the ideal way to resolve the situation.

Yeah, interludes can be tricky to manage.

I've enjoyed how you've been doing the plan results with more expanded summaries of more important or meaningful events rather than stand alone interludes for every crit or whatever. Some quests go way overboard on interludes and it bogs down progress immensely.

I think they should be reserved for events that require more input from the questers like surprise situations, for example if because of rival report rolls we need to react to something or due to a crit success or failure we get to pick from a choice of bonuses or detriments. Also if we trigger some secret (or obvious) character interaction which is really impactful and you really want to expand on it.

Stuff like "crit on building a mill, expected income doubled", doesn't really feel like it's worth it to interlude. It might be a great meaningful update but it doesn't really feel necessary, ya know?

On a completely unrelated note I'm super curious how the adventure is going to go and how you write it.

One of my main complaints about doofquest right now is the super long events and adventures that take FOREVER. They are all of excellent quality but they are making turns take months...

On another completely unrelated note, TirelessTraveler, do you think you could add a write in to your adventure plan to talk to the sand witch that was rescued?
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Ultimate Showcoon of Ultimate Destidog (Nega-Quest)
Ultimate Showcoon of Ultimate Destidog

How well do Spike and Ruddiger get along? 1d100-10 (natural enemies): 8! Uh-oh.

Round 1: Fight!
Spike: 1d100+10: 90!
Ruddiger: 1d100+10: 27!
Spike wins!

Round 2: Fight!
Spike: 1d100+10: 73!
Ruddiger: 1d100+10: 86!
Ruddiger wins!

Round 3: Fight!
Spike: 1d100+10: 72!
Ruddiger: 1d100+10: 42!
Spike wins! Victory!

Varian: 1d100+9: 12!
Sinbad: 1d100+18: 35!
Neither makes a very mature showing, Varian loses a lock of hair and Sinbad gets his beard dyed.

Marina interrupt: DC 50, 1d100+25: 53! Success! She keeps the peace for the remainder of the trip.

The masked one observed the slobbering beast with a keen, yet wary eye. It appeared moronic, yet there was cunning behind the dopey facade, to say nothing of how he outmassed the masked one at least three times. And those teeth! The noble Ruddiger had seen his share of stupid dogs during the flight of him and his great master to the salty water, and he had been forced to run for his life on more than one occasion during their age-long separation. But this one had jaws like a vice, and teeth that shone like daggers.

He would have to be very careful in establishing his dominance over the mangy hound. Fortunately, he, Ruddiger, the loyal servant of the great and wise Varian, was far more intelligent than the stupid mutt, and he-

Approximately thirty pounds of slobbering beast bowled Ruddiger over from behind as he realized, too late, that he had been too focused on plotting and not enough on his surroundings. He screeched in outrage as the clumsy beast slobbered all over his fine fur coat, and was unable to escape before suffering the ultimate indignity of having his majestic tail briefly gnawed upon.

Ruddiger scrambled up the mast, accompanied by the laughter of the dumb mutt's two-legged friends. He shook a paw as the dog scrabbled at the mast, but it lacked the dextrous paws and keen claws that all raccoon-kind possessed, clear evidence of their inherent superiority over all other beasts. Vengeance would be his!


At last, the beast had halted his vigilance; as the moon rose over the horizon, it finally settled down for the night in a coil of rope. The ape-like two-legged one who never left the rigging if he could help it was on the front of the ship, looking for obstacles that might endanger the Chimera.


With catlike tread, Ruddiger enacted his plan. As the beast snored into the rope, he carefully hoisted the bucket of fish chum that the Master's bearded friend used to attract fish to the ship. Up onto the railing...pull it along...aim it juuuuust right...and, with a purr of glee, Ruddiger dumped the entire bucket of fish blood and guts on top of Spike.

The dog flailed on the deck, sneezing and barking like a hound possessed. As Rat was forced to restrain Spike from jumping into the sea to get the noxious mixture out of his fur, Ruddiger was beside himself in raccoonish laughter, chittering and squealing as he rolled over the deck while pointing at Spike. Even his good and kind master scolding him and forbidding him from eating apples for three whole days didn't put a damper on his glee. Take that, dumb beast!


Two days had passed, and Ruddiger was at the end of his patience. Surely that dumb captain wouldn't miss one apple, would he? Feigning nonchalance, Ruddiger waited for the old man to slip up in leaving open the door to the galley; with his back turned, Ruddiger took advantage of the lapse in security to slip into the room where Luca prepared the food.

Quietly, he clambered onto the cutting table before leaping across open space to where Luca had left a fruit bowl sitting unattended. It was meant for the Captain, but he had apples all of the time! Couldn't he spare one for poor Ruddiger?

Finally, he was there. The apples were right in front of him! Ruddiger could barely keep himself from drooling as he reached out…

Before a very fast and complicated set of events took place as that brute Spike ambushed Ruddiger from behind, dunked him in the pot of ice-cold water he had been using to wash the fruit, before trotting out from the cabin, pleased as could be, a soaked and squalling Ruddiger carried in his mouth like he hadn't been since he had been a kit being disciplined by his mother!

Oh, the indignity!

"Ruddiger! Why were you getting into the apples again?" shouted the captain.

"Spike! Put Ruddiger down right this instant!" Ruddiger's generous and noble master commanded the hound, majesty in his voice. The dog, proving his utter lack of breeding and manners, just cocked his head at Varian as his tongue half-lolled out of his mouth onto Ruddiger's face. Eww, it was getting drool into his ear! Ewwww!

"Keep your pet under control! He needs to be a better passenger!"

"He can't help being afraid of dogs! Make him leave Ruddiger alone!"

The two continued in this vein for quite some time, or would have if She of the Majestic Ear-Scritches had not taken them both by the ears and marched them down to the deck, Sinbad to contain Spike and Varian to take back Ruddiger.

"And behave yourselves!" she scolded the two. "Varian, you and Ruddiger are our guests, act like one! And Sinbad, you are literally twice his age, stop acting like you're his spoiled twin brother!"

The two men gave each other a side-glance, then looked back at Marina's terrifying visage.

"Yes dear/Yes ma'am."

It would have been the end of it; but Varian couldn't resist tinkering with Sinbad's shaving lotion. Suffice to say he would need to grow a brand-new beard after Varian's concoction got done with it. And that streak in Varian's hair? Or rather, had been in Varian's hair? Yeah, he would miss it while it grew back.

Needed to write something more light-hearted, and this is what came out. I hope it got at least a smile out of you. =)
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[X] Plan West, Sand Witches and Spying
- [X][Martial] A Soldier's Life
With the sudden expansion of territory that Ababwa is now responsible for helping protect has almost doubled. Time to expand out the army in order to fulfill the new demands! Removes extra upkeep cost of maintaining standing forces in the north.
DC: 60
Cost: 4,000 Gold
18 + 11 + 27 (Will) = 56
96% Chance

- [X][Stewardship] Taking Aim...
While this crossbow invention appears to have a lot of potential; right now all that can be produced are a few at a time in small batches. With some luck and some searching around, it should be possible to find the craftsmen needed to start making them in bulk; and from there begin stockpiling the bolts as well as the crossbows for use if needed. Adds a +10 defensive bonus against anyone attacking a city or kingdom that is stocked with Crossbows. Opens up new martial options.
-- [X] Sell the Crossbows: Gain income of 3,500 per turn, risk of individuals reverse-engineering the crossbows.
DC: 55
Cost: 2000, Upkeep Cost of 500 per turn.
11 + 15 = 26
71% Chance (86% Chance with filled Omake bonus)

- [X][Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
Friends help friends, but sometimes a friend needs more help than you can give them as a friend. But if they joined you as a vassal they'd probably be able to get the help they needed. Attempts to convince the leadership of a friendly satrap to join as a protectorate under Ababwa's banner. Sets up a trade office, a diplomatic outpost, inserts spies and scouts the place for any resources that they may not have realized. Gains variable income, resources and possibly Hero characters.
-- [X] Eastern Satraps
DC: 90
Cost: 4000 Gold
18 + 25 + 22(Jose) = 65
75 % Chance(90% chance with filled Omake bonus)

- [X][Intrigue] Hiding in the Mists
The Kingdom of Lemuria is an enigma, the Southern Satraps shouldn't have been able to consolidate so quickly. Nor do they have a history of having access to much gold. Something's going on there, and as spymaster of Ababwa it's up to Haroud to figure out what...
DC: 60/110
Cost: 1,200 Gold
27 + 20 + 20 = 67
99%/57% Chance (99%/72% Chance with filled Omake bonus)

- [X][Learning] A Green Thumb...
Developing natural medicines based on the herbs and plants available to the city is probably a good idea. A lot of home remedies tend to be mostly useless, but there's occasionally a nugget of something to be found. Cuts upkeep of hospitals, Physicians and clinics by -500 Gold.
DC: 50
Cost: 1500 Gold
12 + 30 = 42
92% Chance

- [X][Occult] It's Coarse and Rough and it gets Everywhere
The news of these Sand Witches trying to take Agrabah from the Sultan is rather unnerving. Zummi will delve into what records he has and can find in the libraries as well to see what information can be, ahem, dug up, on the Sand Witches. Reduces DCs involving Sand Witches, new options unlocked.
DC: 35
Cost: 0 Gold
12 + 30 = 42
99% Chance

- [X][Personal] Visit Jasmine
While Jasmine wants to take things slow and do courtship by letter and correspondence, a bit of spontaneity is good for a relationship, right? Drop in on Carpet with a couple of Aladdin's personal guards. She may or may not be happy to see him though... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.
DC: Variable

- [X][Will Personal] A Strong Back
Will is more than happy to assist his newfound friends with their tasks, though his communication skills aren't quite up to snuff. Will assists in a National task, communication trait procs.
--[X] [Martial] A Soldier's Life
We need some more bonus on this action.

- [X][Jose Personal] I'm Old, not Dead
Jose is more than willing to help Aladdin and Ababwa with any tasks that he can.
--[X] [Diplomacy] Attempt to bring in nearby satraps as protectorates
His bonus makes it more likely we axtually can get west.

- [X][Selous Personal] All Creatures Great and Small
The menagerie of Ababwa is an astounding place, truly ahead of its time even if it's also being used to house creatures for warfare. Even then they're cared for well and given comfortable enclosures and good food. Selous is curious to find out all of its inhabitants. And perhaps give this "Frosting" some tips on how to prepare enclosures for even more exotic beasts. Increases Selous' favorable opinion of Ababwa.
Learning DC: 50
Prefer to get him to like us more first of all.

- [X][Adventure] Like Sands Through the Hourglass...
The sinister forces that have been lurking in Agrabah appear to have revealed themselves as a coven of four "sand witches". A diplomatic visit may give them an opening to exploit; but sending in a team to figure out what they're up to, and if needed take them out of the equation, is more than permissible. Jasmine and the Sultan are doing what they can, but it may not be enough. The team may also find magical trinkets and treasures accumulated by the witches that may be of use to Ababwa. Maximum of 4 heroes to a team
--[X] Aladdin
--[X] Iago
--[X] Tai Lung
--[X] Leah
Adventure with focus on Stealth, Theft and Occult.
With some combat expertize too.

-[X][Equipment] Elemental Blade
--[X] Leah
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Yes, easily. Just give me a couple of minutes.
Edit: How does this look?
---[X] Start by interviewing the captive Sand Witch; she might possess valuable information on the capabilities and whereabouts of the other three.
Not needed, you'll make choices in regards to actions within the Adventure during the Adventure mini-turns.
Yeah, interludes can be tricky to manage.

I've enjoyed how you've been doing the plan results with more expanded summaries of more important or meaningful events rather than stand alone interludes for every crit or whatever. Some quests go way overboard on interludes and it bogs down progress immensely.

I think they should be reserved for events that require more input from the questers like surprise situations, for example if because of rival report rolls we need to react to something or due to a crit success or failure we get to pick from a choice of bonuses or detriments. Also if we trigger some secret (or obvious) character interaction which is really impactful and you really want to expand on it.

Stuff like "crit on building a mill, expected income doubled", doesn't really feel like it's worth it to interlude. It might be a great meaningful update but it doesn't really feel necessary, ya know?

On a completely unrelated note I'm super curious how the adventure is going to go and how you write it.

One of my main complaints about doofquest right now is the super long events and adventures that take FOREVER. They are all of excellent quality but they are making turns take months...
Yeah, that's a big reason why I was avoiding them, I didn't want to risk accidentally bogging the quest down. But as they say "Moderation in all things, even moderation".
Completely unintentional, I assure you.
Cade: "But I thought you said-"
Cool it.
Cade: "Chill."
How old are Leah and Cade in this quest? Are we in "Oh, look, such a precious puppy crush" stage, are we in "Oh my lord, two teenagers far from home, how do we prevent them from making mistakes", or are we in "how many XP do I need to gather so I can forge a royal title for Cade and get the ball rolling" territory?