100k Words Special: Best Girl Poll

  • Higashizawa Reina

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • Maeda Kikuko

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Suzakuin Keiko

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • Melissa Lilian

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Yomogi Tsubasa

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Lauryn

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • Aoyagi Himawari

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • Colette Claudius

    Votes: 27 45.8%
  • Sakurai Tomomi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yamashiro Takako

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aimoto Koyomi

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters
[X] Checking up on Kikuko at the Tea Ceremony Club.
[X] Gameboard (evening):
- [X] Meet the Morrigan at the heart of Himawari's Empire.

I already said my piece about Kikuko. As for the evening, it's not explicitly listed out, but I take it we're now free to meet with the Morrigan whenever we feel like, given that we even got a social link and all to celebrate the occasion? Well, at least our new room makes it easy to access the Gameboard whenever.

As for today's links, Himawari's final had a pretty peaceful vibe to it, which is a good sign given everything she went through to get here. It's good to see her coming in on her own with her herselves into a stronger whole. I'll throw my hat in as one of the people excited to see what she does next from here.
Even Ahriman is interesting in that context, assuming the connection to the reason of Shijima is meant to be somewhat relevant. Although, really more in the sense of a more internal oneness rather than stillness.

Koyomi meanwhile remains interesting, although, I'm starting to think Haruka might be better suited for these conversations if we get around to leveling her Etiquette. Not that I can't feel her for these being tricky topics to talk about.
Er yeah, noticed a slight problem. It appears the previous votes' fusion plan left you one Persona over the limit of Twelve (not counting Mayasura), so you might also have to vote to store a Persona.
Haruka can hold Personae over her limit, but uh, it can cause serious mental strain.
Oh, is that a case of Prospero's effectively free slot not carrying over in fusion? Didn't think about that. Well, looking at some of our new Personas, we might as well get an additional fusion in. Bonus points if it's allowed to say that Haruka managed to go a day with the additional Persona to snag the higher Arcana bonus.

[X] Rebirth Izanagi + Hanged Man Bert = Devil+10 Erlik (Curse and Nuclear) inherit Null Physical.
Or by Gakuto, given that his face claim, and most of Azuma's, are from that VN. I haven't had Azuma at least show up naked and uninvited in Haruka's bed (that happens).
The one naked suprise Azuma we got was already more than enough for me.
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I can definitely throw in the full Devil bonus for Erlik, and will reveal slightly early that Ahriman's fusion recipe requires you to fuse all the Devil Personae you've had (so Erlik + Black Frost + Anastasia), as fitting of an Ultimate Persona.
Hmm, now that you bring it up, do you think Free Slots should carry over being an Omake bonus? I didn't consider it at the time.

Morrigan was also originally going to be Aeon rather than Judgment (well, they're technically the same Arcana), with Judgment originally operating more like in P3 and 4. However, I felt that if I did that, it'd be already too late even by it usually late standards, so I made it Morrigan's.

Of course, the main about the Judgment Arcana isn't so much it coming at the end, but rather being associated with the True or at least Good Ending. Like it only appears once you're on the path to it in 3 and 4, and gets you it in P5, and obviously it'd be weird if the Morrigan wasn't involved in the Endings here.
Then again, Eriko doesn't really fit into this, but hey.
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The extra fusion spot just kind of slipped my mind in general with how long we've had Prospero by now. I can see an argument for handling it either way, depending on how valuable you want the omake rewards to be. Although, with the revalation that we want to fuse Erlik either way, it doesn't matter that much in this instance.

I'm mostly curious to which extend the Morrigan will be an automatic story progression once we start her versus us having to put in the legwork, (well and the meeting in general, but that much should be obvious) but I suppose we'll find out soon enough.
Oh right, what was the benefit of a Himawari full Social Link again aside from the Personas?

Ah yeah, not sure if you were here when Popo revealed it. You're also allowed into the deepest part of Himawari's Empire, where the Morrigan, the Gameboard's Overseer, has agreed to meet with you.
[X] Checking up on Kikuko at the Tea Ceremony Club.
[X] Gameboard (evening):
- [X] Meet the Morrigan at the heart of Himawari's Empire.
Another question. If there was to be a prequel based around the All-Aces from them first discovering the Gameboard to the start of the Quest, who would you like to see as the viewpoint character?

I personally think Eitaro of all people might work best, since he's from a poorer background like Haruka and has gotten the least focus, Haruka could even be his Final Boss. Rin seems natural but would mean not seeing Melissa (and vice-versa), and Himawari could be interesting but would be a fairly passive MC at that point, unless Nightshade became active earlier than normal. Azuma would be a spoiler minefield (more so than this premise already is), Gakuto can join in battle but would mostly be stuck on Navigator duty (plus... they're Azuma and Gakuto), and Kikuko, well Kikuko might work.

However, this is all for speculation, other than a little bit in Omake rewards, I probably wouldn't write this myself, and the two people whose writing styles might be most suited to it are occupied elsewhere
[X] Checking up on Kikuko at the Tea Ceremony Club.
[X] Gameboard (evening):
- [X] Meet the Morrigan at the heart of Himawari's Empire.

[X] Rebirth Izanagi + Hanged Man Bert = Devil+10 Erlik (Curse and Nuclear) inherit Null Physical.

Nice choice with Himawari's Ultimate! And that MAX Link was incredibly satisfying and emotional; well done! But now, the time has come to finally meet with the Overseer, and learn everything that has previously been hidden to us.

As far as potential protag options for a prequel, Eitaro and Himawari are definitely up there! That brief glimpse we got at Past!Himawari in the Industrial Empire Sidestory made be very curious about what happened between then and now. PLus I still want to see more of the Galactic Empire at its Zenith, and given her connection to Rin, Himawari seems like the best choice for that. But I'm also very interested in learning about Eitaro...hard to choose, really.
Another question. If there was to be a prequel based around the All-Aces from them first discovering the Gameboard to the start of the Quest, who would you like to see as the viewpoint character?

I personally think Eitaro of all people might work best, since he's from a poorer background like Haruka and has gotten the least focus, Haruka could even be his Final Boss. Rin seems natural but would mean not seeing Melissa (and vice-versa), and Himawari could be interesting but would be a fairly passive MC at that point, unless Nightshade became active earlier than normal. Azuma would be a spoiler minefield (more so than this premise already is), Gakuto can join in battle but would mostly be stuck on Navigator duty (plus... they're Azuma and Gakuto), and Kikuko, well Kikuko might work.

However, this is all for speculation, other than a little bit in Omake rewards, I probably wouldn't write this myself, and the two people whose writing styles might be most suited to it are occupied elsewhere
The cheat answer would be that there doesn't really need to be a single viewpoint character and it would be easy enough to switch between characters, maybe give each of the Aces their own little arc. Otherwise, there is one big point in Himawari's favour that she has a lot of stuff going on internally that could easily go lost from another character's POV. Her being passive wouldn't be ideal, but then this would be a prequel, so there's something to be said for playing on the fact that everything's more or less set in stone anyway.

I can see the interest in Eitaro though, given that he bit the bullet first.
Vote closed, Erlik intro
Scheduled vote count started by Lapin Lune on Jun 21, 2021 at 12:15 AM, finished with 13 posts and 6 votes.

"I am Devil Erlik, the first and rightful ruler of mankind," rattled out a giant feathered lizard with the tusks of a wild boar and the claws of a bear, skeletal markings down his spine, "They will bow down before us, or be made our diseased automatons."
Elements: Reflect Curse, Absorb Nuclear, Null Ice, resist Psy, weak to Bless and Wind
- Strength: ||||
- Cognition: ||||
- Agility: ||||
- Luck: ||
- Endurance: |
Skills: Freidyne, Stagnant Air, Eigaon, Phantom Show, Vice Gospel
- Inherit Bonus: Null Physical, Makarakarn
- Devil Bonus: Mafreidyne
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July 7th, Empress 7, Judgment 2 & 3
[x] Checking up on Kikuko at the Tea Ceremony Club.
[X] Rebirth Izanagi + Hanged Man Bert = Devil+10 Erlik (Curse and Nuclear) inherit Null Physical.
[X] Gameboard (evening):
- [X] Meet the Morrigan at the heart of Himawari's Empire.

Thursday, July 7th

Meeting with your now fellow All-Aces that morning, all two of them, there was of course the issue of explaining away Melissa's death, plus her upcoming funeral.

"Already taken care of," Azuma smirked and leaned back, "Having what was essentially a gang war between cliques that day, plus several blades already stored in the Tea Ceremony clubroom, turned out to provide the perfect cover for explaining away the Ace of Coins' death. As for the funeral, it was her request to hold it in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Hollywood Hills".

You paused to take that in. "Not, er, Texas State?" you asked, basically the only Texan Cemetery you knew of, and even then only after an Internet search.

"It is not uncommon for the elite to be buried in cemeteries far from their homes, Jim Morrison in France for instance," Azuma commented and shrugged.

"It's a wonder Melissa even took the time to consider her death before our Duel, perhaps she put the slightest thought into it after all," Kikuko had to say, making you flinch at her words.

"Oh come on, you never heard me shit-talking Eitaro after our Duel," you had to protest her, "Show some respect for the dead at least".

"You saw how Melissa fought. She faced death completely without dignity, like a coward," Kikuko sneered, folding her arms, "Why should I respect her?"

"Well er, well y-you're one to talk, your Shadow did most of the work for you," those words came out of mouth in an instant, and you immediately going "Oh God, s-sorry, I shouldn't have said that," afterwards did little to calm Kikuko.

An unstable looked almost ready to draw her sword on you, before Azuma sat her down and said, "Come now, our corporeal Lounge isn't the place for settling disputes".

You had to facepalm. Yet another reason why you should've watched your mouth, that trying to interrogate Kikuko would then provoke her, thus playing directly into Azuma's hands.
"Right, er, does this mean we're gonna have to fly all the way out to America? 'Cause like, isn't it twelve hours flying to LA?" you had to bring up, changing the subject pronto.

"Already arranged. We will be leaving at 9AM Saturday, then returning Monday, giving us an entire day in Los Angeles" Azuma explained, "I imagine it's not every day you get to go on a trip like this, Haruka, and of course it'd be most courteous of you to show up, so I trust you'll consider it?"

Okay, more time off school was at least tempting, especially since you were eagerly awaiting Summer Holidays at the end of next week. But other than your usual issues with flying, there was also that this was all happening over the weekend, the only time your parents were free enough for you to visit them. Yeah, your skeptical self felt that couldn't be a coincidence on Azuma's part, to the point where you started getting paranoid, wondering if he knew of and was trying to control your Social Links.
True, you could always call your friends and family while in the States, even though international phone calls were, well, y'know.

[ ] "Okay, I'll go with you"
[ ] "No thanks, I'm staying here"
[ ] Write-in.

Definitely feeling the need to keep your eye on Kikuko, you followed her down to the Tea Ceremony Club that afternoon to talk to her about, well, things.

For most of the club's allotted time though, it seemed like she was just giving you random tasks to keep you distracted or something. 'Highlights' included sticking you on bonsai-pruning duty, then having you practice precision calligraphy on paper thin enough that it'd rip if you tried to go back and correct anything. At least all that time spent rooming at her place meant that you'd at least had training in these fields, but then came the tea preparation.

This being the first time you'd ever brewed, er, or 'steeped' tea, you kinda stood there with no idea what exactly to do beyond your basic method for making coffee. It didn't help that the normally perfectionist Kikuko had given you next to no instructions whatsoever, almost as if she automatically expected you to know this stuff, being a fellow Ace and one time apprentice, yet would likely yell at you if you so much as messed one thing up.
Like, is she trying to get me back for me questioning her this morning, dueling Melissa first, or can she just not stand another Ace being in her Club? that though went through your head.

Fortunately, while Kikuko wasn't looking, Shion sided over to you and asked, "Heya, just got off sword-polishing. Need any help?"

You instinctively turned your head side-to-side to check Kikuko was still occupied, before saying, "Yes please, I could really use it".

"Okay, so you see, it looks like these are gyokuro leaves, wow did Kikuko go all out. Okay, so with leaves as fine as these, what you wanna do is steep it with the temperature turned down and just for a little while, but here's the thing, you gotta do it in multiple spurts. Got that?" Shion went over.

You were silent for a second, before saying, "Yeah, shorter and cooler, but multiple times. I think I can remember that, thanks," you nodded and smiled.

"Oh, by the way, it's hard not to take two steps around school without hearing you're the new All-Ace. Awesome, so what's that like?" Shion beamed at you.

You had to sigh. "It's really not as glamorous as it looks. Like, I guess 'cause I was only just made All-Ace, the other two still treat me like shit, even though I'm technically their equal," you let out.

Shion at first didn't know how to take that in, but she then whispered to you, "Huh, that does sure sound like Kikuko. Hmm, I guess I can kinda understand now why Ikue ultimately turned them down, the way you put it. Ah whoops, gotta go, but hey, it looks like you've got this!" Shion gave you two thumbs up before ducking out of there, just as Kikuko was about to glance over.

Later once you got the chance to serve the tea, your clubmates seemed to like it fine enough, there wasn't any gagging or 'Excuse me's. True, the tea itself was only one part of the ceremony, but given that everything in it was closely analysed, getting even one part right was something of a relief.

"Hmm, the tea itself isn't bad, Nakamura, quite impressive for your first try," Kikuko complimented you.

Yeah, no thanks to you, you had to think.

[+3 Etiquette]

"However, your pouring of the tea, and the stance you take while serving it, could clearly use work," Kikuko was quick to mutter, though since you'd barely spilled anything, you had to wonder what she was talking about. She then had to add, "I could let this slide coming from a Jack, but it's uncharacteristically poor form from an Ace".

"Hey, like your form is any better, Maeda," you could hear one of your clubmates murmur.

"Look, I'm no Ace insider," Shion finally had to talk some sense into Kikuko, "But have some respect, won't you? Haruka's your equal now".

Even Na-Rae had to react to this. While not saying anything, she still glanced knowingly at you.

Feeling the gazes of at least half the club turn on her, Kikuko, trying to keep herself composed, then said, "Anyway, it is close enough to the bell. Perhaps it would be prudent to suspend activities here for the day".

You were surprised to see that many people question Kikuko back, Wasn't like a third of the school fighting for her sake on Monday, including most of this Club? Or no, that could explain otherwise, that maybe all that stupid fighting, plus Melissa's death finally got people to start being wary of her?

Either way, you waited till everyone else had filed before you had to speak with Kikuko in private.
"Kikuko, look, you lost control of your own Shadow. Like, I know from Niijima-sensei and Kujikawa-sensei that there is a greater Persona-user community out there, I've even seen books on Cognitive Psience. I'm telling you, you need to seek professional help, for your own sake! You've got more than enough money for it" you looked straight at her as you told her.

"Are you insisting I'm weak?" she hissed at you.

"I'm insisting you're gonna end up a vessel for your own Shadow if you keep going down this route! Like, do you wanna hand Azuma the Gameboard on a platter?" you kept pressing on her, before saying "What you're doing, planning to charge back into battle like nothing's happened, that's not courage, that's basically suicide! Please Kikuko, take it from your former Jack".

Kikuko just stood there seething for a minute, before she had to say, "Fine, I'll meet with those teachers on the way out, see if they have anything to say about the subject".

She was soon able to contact Makoto and Rise and have them meet with you two in the Prized Pupil Lounge. Both of them looked kind of awkward accepting refreshments from Na-Rae and Shinsuke, them being a maid and butler after all, but Makoto kept professional as she asked, "Alright, Maeda, I take it there's a reason you brought us here?"

Kikuko didn't know what to say at first, but eventually mumbled out, "You've been told I lost control of my Persona, right? given you have contacts to the greater Persona community, I was hoping you could put me in touch with a professional Cognitive therapist".

Makoto hesitated a little, but then said, "I do know one name back in Tokyo. I did hear something your group going all the way over to Los Angeles for Lilian's funeral, perhaps you could stop by his practice on the way, assuming you have time?" she then wrote down his number and address for you.

"I know quite a few people who could count as cognitive therapists, well, none of them do it professionally, but still. While we still keep in touch, we're kinda scattered all over Japan right now. What's important is our main piece of advice," Rise said to Kikuko, "That, well, at the heart of things, all you have to do is accept your Shadow for who you are, then it'll accept you too. Do that, and you'll have Persona back like that".

"Hoo boy," you had to let out, "Kikuko accepting her Shadow would mean her admitting she's basically Melissa in denial, a person she hated enough to stab. Yeah, you can see the problem there".

"That's..." Kikuko began, leaving you trembling at what she was about to say, "Not even the full extent of it. I don't know what exactly my Shadow said to you, Haruka, but its source of power is proof it comes from more than just whatever I may feel for Melissa".

Makoto groaned at this backtracking, before saying, "Well, that therapist I know is certainly well-versed in his field, I can ensure he'll at least do something".

Kikuko just nodded at that, before calling her maid with, "Yomogi, we'll take our leave now. Niijima, Kujikawa... I do at least appreciate your support".

The easiest thing for Kikuko would be to just not touch that board anymore, you thought, but naturally it occurred to you, Of course, her pride means that's easier said than done. Plus her Shadow's still going off to run around on there, meaning Azuma or anything else could still target her.
I can't put off meeting with the Morrigan any longer, now that the door in Himawari's Empire is open. It may be the only way to get out of this without further deaths...

- The Empress has Journeyed to Rank 7! -

Once everyone had left, you then rang up Himawari for a quick talk. You were now heading into her Empire without her, using it to finally meet with the Morrigan, so you felt getting her approval first was only right.

"Ah, hey there, Himawari!" you began, before taking a more serious tone, "Listen, have you ever heard of The Morrigan, ah, in relation to the Gameboard?"

"...I think I have, vaguely," she mumbled over the phone, "Think I heard Azuma bring her up once or twice, I was eavesdropping on him at the time though".

"She's reportedly the one behind the whole Gameboard, and I managed to arrange a meeting through Popo with her. Thing is, she'll only meet me at the deepest depths of an Empire, and the only one of those I even have access to is yours," you explained "On top of that, she told me I have to come alone".

"Oh wow, that's... probably the best news I've heard about the Gameboard in a while. Sure, go ahead," Himawari said, "I mean, I don't think any of the other Aces would've ever asked my permission for something like, well maybe Rin but, y'know. Besides, you've already seen basically every side of me already, so hmhm, why not?" she then purred.

"Eh, thanks, you've really helped me out," you smiled, even though you were over the phone, "We may be able to resolve the Persona Game without another death... hopefully, anyway".

You then headed into Himawari's Empire, which blanketed by snow looked almost like a town out of a Christmas special. You first made your way over to her Arena, her dethroned Arena, which having unfolded from its concert hall self the last time you were there, now resembled a quaint town square with a bunch of snowmen and ice sculptures, each of which resembled Nightshade, Himawari normally, and all those new alter-egos like Symphonie Metallique she'd brought up, and a rotunda in the middle for a band to perform on.
Right in the middle of this rotunda was a pitch-black iron gate with a dark purple aura, which you inspected the other side of only to find it seemingly didn't lead anywhere. As you approached this gate, the Devil Tarot card flashed in front of it and caused it to unlock itself, revealing...

You gasped, as right through this final gate was that same white void you'd seen in both Azuma's and Melissa's Empires. Your knees were left shaking, but a voice then entered your head and told you, 'Come now, don't be shy. This is the very meeting you've been waiting for, correct?'

Not knowing what else to do, you took a deep breath and then charged blindly into that white void. A way inside your eyes did open again, to see you weren't the only thing in this void. Both that cave-chapel and the mirrored theatre span around you in the blankness as images, and peering further you could also glimpse Gakuto's AI graveyard, and Eitaro's 'library' of burning books.
A little further on, you ran into none other than Melissa, Gakuto, and Eitaro themselves, though with their faces completely blanked out, all their remains could do was float on past you.

Having to catch your breath, having no idea how long or far you'd been running in here, you felt your foot step down on something solid. You turned around to see you'd arrived at what looked like the cobblestone entrance to a vine-strewn café, almost straight out of Paris or Buenos Aires, although with the sign above it written in what you estimated was Irish Gaelic. This wasn't anywhere you'd been to before; the closest thing was maybe a very idealised version of Café Okumura.

Entering, you looked around to see that all the other customers and staff you, er, all Shadows you'd seen before on the Gameboard. For instance, you could see Forneus and Decarabia huddled around a table deciding what to eat, Berith and Eligor riding around to take customers' orders, and Atalanta employed working the coffee machine.

You nervously sat down yourself to look at the menu, having to wait a little for it to translate itself magically or psychically from Irish to Japanese. Once you did, you almost wished it hadn't, as every single item on the menu involved corvids in some way. Raven wings, magpie breast, blue jay omelets, even the coffees and teas all had these birds' eggs cracked into them. Granted, you had heard countries like Sweden and Vietnam did put eggs in coffee, but still...

'Kept you waiting, didn't I?' that voice said again, before suddenly a whole murder of crows flew in and flocked together, merging into a suit of spiked, gothic armour like you'd expect a Dark Lord to wear. Raising their visor, they revealed themselves to be...

"T-Tanizawa-sensei?!" you exclaimed.

What appeared to be your homeroom teacher then removed her dark helmet, before having to giggle. "Hmm, yes and no, Haruka," she started with, before looking down at herself and saying, "Sorry, looks like I'm really inappropriately dressed for a café setting, kinda embarrassing. Hold on a second, won't you?"

Spared the sight of watching your 'teacher' change clothes in front of you, her outfit automatically morphed with a click of her fingers into a sleek red coat with a white blouse and a jet black skirt and knee-length boots. Most strikingly, her hair changed from a straight black to a wavy silver, making her appear much more distinguished.
"Congratulations of making it this far, Nakamura Haruka," she said with a distinctly more Celtic brogue, "Pleasure ta finally be meeting my most accomplished warrior without having to hide behind false identities. Indeed, I am Mor-Rioghain Macha, the High Queen of this Gameboard, as you call it. Hmm, suppose I should probably explain what the whole business with myself being Ryouko, shouldn't I?" she smiled and extended her hand.

"I'll say," you mumbled, while trying to keep smiling and accepting her handshake.

- Judgment has Journeyed to Rank 2! -

"It was no coincidence that Tanizawa Ryouko, the mortal form I take when dormant, first started teaching at Hanataba around the time the All-Aces discovered what my Gameboard truly was. My connection with Ryouko is a little more mystical in nature than being alters like Himawari and Nightshade are. I am fully aware of being her, yet she has no knowledge of being me, or of the Gameboard at all beyond it being some antique in the Aces' possession. Far as she knows, a mere high school teacher with a guitar hobby and a would-be ice skater lover is all she is. If I am to watch over the All-Aces in the corporeal world as well as on the Gameboard, this is the only fair arrangement," the Morrigan elaborated.

All the memories you had of Ryouko came flooding back, each of them now in a whole new light. "Wow, and Nightshade still had to drop you from the band," it came to you.

"Oh, I don't blame her, she likely has enough reasons ta be resentful of me," the Morrigan chuckled, then said, "Of course I know full well that's hardly the only question ya have, but hmm, maybe we could do with a change of setting? Since now I don't think a cafe's the best place for a tell-all".

The café you were in disappeared back into the void, before you found yourself sitting at your desk in class. Looking around, you all the other desks each had a crow perched on them, and while Tanizawa-sensei was by the blackboard as normal, the drawing on it, that of a Gameboard with some writing again in Irish, definitely wasn't.

"Step on up, Class Rep. You had a question to ask?" 'Ryouko' sent chills down your spine just by speaking in her usual voice.

"Er, yeah," you mumbled, your moment having finally arrived, "Okay, since I've grown a lot more popular at the school, ah, how come I still don't have an Empire?"

'Ryouko' had to laugh at that, before she told you, "I can see you haven't done your homework. No Empire? Come on, Haruka, you've been building up an Empire since you got here, even if it's admittedly not as obvious as the others." She then tapped the board and explained, "As you've ventured into each Empire and triumphed over their respective All-Aces, you have conquered swathes of each under your own banner. Unlike the other Empires, you don't command it to conform to any one image and are content, intent, to let your subjects be themselves, for yours is an Empire that values Possibility and Acceptance".

You bit your lip, as the weight of those words flooded into you. Rather than follow up on that, you instead asked something else, "Okay, another. Why was I chosen to carry the Wild Card then?"

"Because no other Arcana would suit you better," 'Ryouko' told you, "Well, guess I could think of a couple of others, but my goddess intuition in the end decided a Fool was what you were the most. In Mirror Form specifically, because well, I'd already gone to the effort of awakening each Aces' Persona and didn't want to see that work go to waste. Okay I had Poe do it, but still.
But I suppose you're wanting to know why I even gave you a Persona in the first place, let alone the Wild Card?" she shifted topic, "Simply put, each All-Ace being locked into a particular vision may be what gives their Empires such power, but it is also what stops them from ever changing, from adapting. As Players on my Board, I felt it only best that a new player be introduced to burst the bubble the Aces had blown up around themselves, to make them interact with and acknowledge people outside their chamber for a change".

It was then the classroom broke apart like a dollhouse being disassembled, as you found yourself standing atop a windswept grassy moor, clouded but without rain, with you surrounded by menhirs. In front of you stood the Morrigan back in her proper form, now clad in the dark gown of a Celtic noblewoman, a raven having perched on her shoulder while another nested in the folds of her dress.
"Well now, Ace of Fools, you see me for who I truly am, an Aspect of Death. But a beautiful, poetic death, which is probably the best one to have, wouldn't you say? Hmhm, I did want you to see me like this before I left, I do have quite the amount of paperwork as Tanizawa-sensei in your mortal realm," the Morrigan smiled at you.

"W-wait, hold on! I still have questions!" you shouted, before you stuttered out with, "W-what are we fighting this whole Persona Game for? What happens when you win the Gameboard?!"

"Rule of All," the Morrigan simply stated, more cryptically than she had before, though she was pressed for time, "If you still desire to know more, you know now where to find me. Oh, and also, I have a little favour to ask. Do give my regards to Gumi, for even if I've had many lovers over my existence, they are still such a dear".

The next thing you knew, you were back at that little pavilion in Himawari's Empire. As you got your bearings, you then saw Popo flutter up to you, landing on a wooden rail, and say, "Ah, well, so how did it go, Miss 'Aruka? The meeting, that is".

You sighed out and said, "I think better than I expected it to go, but still, boy was that a curveball".

- Judgment has Journeyed to Rank 3! -

After that, you had no idea how things could go back to normal. Still, you had Friday coming up, which offered:

[ ] Occult Club.
[ ] Drama Club.
[ ] Hanging out with Reina.
[ ] Class Rep duties for... Ryouko?
[ ] Part-time at the Tabletop store.
[ ] Part-time at the Sweets store.
[ ] The Gameboard:
- [ ] Write-in Empire.
- [ ] Write-in Party.
- [ ] The Morrigan.
[ ] Write-in.

And in the evening:

[ ] Meeting up with Megumi.
[ ] Cleaning with Na-Rae.
[ ] Inspecting Gakuto's stuff with Koyomi.
[ ] Training at the Tsutsuji Dojo.
[ ] Studying.
- [ ] Write-in study partner.
[ ] Sleeping.
- [ ] Write-in sleepover call.
[ ] The Gameboard.
- [ ] Write-in Empire.
- [ ] Write-in Party.
- [ ] The Morrigan.
[ ] Write-in.
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[X] "Okay, I'll go with you"

[X] Occult Club.
[X] Meeting up with Megumi.
[X] Cleaning with Na-Rae.

So I'm torn on the trip. On the one hand, missing out on social link time sucks. On the other, two days isn't that bad and it sounds like pretty important plot time.

What I do know is that I want to get some Colette time in in case we do set off. Both just for the sake of it and because it can never hurt to keep the important people in your life in the loop for these kind of trips and us becoming an Ace and just everything that went down this week.

For the evening, Megumi is kind of over due for us check up with, even ignoring some new details this chapter. However, Haruka also mentioned at one point that she's somewhat bothered by Colette and Na-Rae not even knowing each other, so having them matched on the same day probably can't hurt for a chance of setting that meeting up. The evening option yesterday also mentioned going over our room with her and I do quite like the idea of giving her a hand at decorating it as a call back to how the Social Link got started. That doesn't necessarily need to happen today though.

As for today. It's good to see that Kikuko is at least willing to look for help. That already means a lot in and off itself. Here's hoping she manages to see the attempt through.

Then there's the meeting. A lot of interesting bits and answers, especially concerning Ryouko, which puts a new spin on her feelings about her job. Although it still wasn't the most productive conversation imaginable. Not exactly a big wonder though, given that there's more to the social link still. At least we now know that we do have somewhat of an Empire. That should hopefully stop Azuma from simply sweeping the field as long as we're still standing, even if it's a non standard one.
and Eitaro's 'library' of burning books.
I have to admit the symbolic connection to Qin Shi Huang only clicked for me now.
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Okay, I do feel the need to explain a little more about the Ryouko/Morrigan connection.

If you're familiar with Cardcaptor Sakura, think of Ryouko as like Yukito and the Morrigan as like Yue. As for the reason I made Ryouko the 'dormant' form of the Morrigan, rather than just a disguise like Izanami as a petrol station attendant or Yaldabaoth as the False Igor, it's because having Ryouko be just a disguise would probably raise more questions than it answered, while having her not know she's the Morrigan fits her established character better.
Plus, keeping the Priestess and Judgment links separate makes more sense this way, though I suppose I could've just had Priestess transform into Aeon or something, but oh well.
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While I brought up Yukito and Yue as my inspiration for the Ryouko-Morrigan dynamic, I now realise a much closer-to-home comparison would've been Zen and Chronos.

As for Ryouko and Morrigan though, I still have to wonder if this and this look like they could possibly be the same person, but with their hair parted and dyed? I suppose it does help the Morrigan if they don't though (also, this keeps the Priestess-Judgment connection from P5, just realised that).

Also, been thinking to post this for a while, but Haruka's situation is increasingly looking like this:

Edit: Just reread PA2's Omake The Doll and the Crow (hopefully I'll have the side-story reward for the second Utena Omake soon), and other than the difference Morrigan's personality there and in the Quest proper (though there're usually multiple Morrigan), the other thing standing out was the whole 'Don't say Nyarlathotep in the Velvet Room', given one of our new Personae...
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[X] "Okay, I'll go with you"
[X] Occult Club.
[X] Meeting up with Megumi

I was going to bring up the Cardcaptor Sakura parallels, so damn you for beating me to the punch in explaining your own plot points! But man, I was not expecting that. That certainly puts a very interesting spin on things. As much as I want to jump straight back into talking with the Morrigan, I think Haruka definitely needs a day or so to process all of this, and Megumi is probably a great person to help with that. Plus, getting MAX Moon is absolutely something I'm interested in!

Regarding the sidestory, take as long as you need! You're giving us great quest content; I don't mind waiting for the side stuff. And as for my Velvet Room omake, that's part of the reason why I didn't want Nyarlathotep as a Fusion. Whether he gets involved in this plot or not, I feel like very few good things can come from mentioning his name so close to the Sea of Souls...not that I'm necessarily expecting anything, mind! Or that there has to be something that comes from that; I'd be just as happy if he stayed a cool Persona and a cooler reference. Just something that I was thinking about when that omake was being created.
Ah yeah, it might help if voters could write down any further questions they have for the Morrigan in the future, so that I'll know to have Haruka ask them next time. I feel though that she at least got the basics down in my last update.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Lapin Lune on Jun 22, 2021 at 1:58 AM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.
July 8th, Moon MAX, Empress 8
[X] Occult Club.
[X] "Okay, I'll go with you"
[X] Meeting up with Megumi.

Friday, July 8th

Trying to resume your regular morning routine in your new, most irregular private dorm, you then headed out of the lounge and tried down take the stairs down to Class 2-C as normal, even if being in that class would never feel normal again.

You weren't pleased to see that, on your way there, you were stopped again by Azuma as he said to you, "Good morning, Ace of Fools. To make light conversation, have you had any thoughts about anointing a Jack yet?"

You clenched your teeth as he asked you that. You knew Colette was out, you couldn't do that to her, and part of you honestly didn't want to bring anyone further into the All-Aces period. But your thoughts did keep coming back to:

[ ] Reina.
[ ] Suzako.
[ ] Yuya.
[ ] Takako.
[ ] Hotaru, if possible.
[ ] Ikue, if she'd even accept.
[ ] Mamiko.
[ ] Shion.
[ ] Colette. Yeah she'd hate it, but it might be for her own good, improve her image at school.
[ ] Nobody. If Himawari was in no rush to pick a Jack, why should you be?
[ ] Write-in.

Even still, you felt uncomfortable telling Azuma about your pick, as your mind automatically went to all the ways he could use that info for his own ends. So to him you just said, "No, not yet really," and tried to walk on.

Azuma then grabbed your arm, making you shudder all over. "Haruka, pleasantries over, there is something I've been meaning to tell you. I told you I'd arranged for you to become an Ace due to your ever-rising popularity. That is true, but it's not the whole story.
As Jack of Grails, Kikuko was training you in the way of the warrior, was she not?" he rhetorically asked, "Calligraphy, horse-riding? Well, I presume you'd also be familiar with wakashudo from your History classes, hmm?"

That left you silent for a moment, before you told him, "Yeah. I mean, my roommate, ah, former roommate's X-gender, so of course I'd know".

"It was my deduction that, had I not gotten you out of her grasp, Kikuko would've eventually used you for her sexual gratification," Azuma told you outright, "Notice I did not use the term 'romantic'. I've been acquainted with Kikuko three years now, so I can confirm that 'love' is a feeling she is simply unable to comprehend. But she comprehends power perfectly, hence her desire for a dynamic where she rules over you".

"...Yeah, speak for yourself," you muttered beneath your breath, before saying more clearly, "Er, well thanks for doing that, I guess," Assuming you're telling the truth at all, "Gotta get to class now though".

"Why naturally, it wouldn't do for a newly risen Ace to be tardy," Azuma had to laugh.

Sighing with relief to get away, you walked into Class 2-C and on meeting your teacher again, immediately embarrassed yourself with "Oh hi, er, Good Morning Morr- ah, I mean Ryou- sorry, I mean Tanizawa-sensei!" you bowed deeply.

"...You feeling alright, Haruka?" your teacher asked staring blankly at you.

You sat in silence throughout your classes, ashamed of yourself for almost revealing something of that magnitude. But at least you had one non-Ace person at school you could talk about Gameboard stuff with.

At Occult Club that afternoon, Hitoshi and Ibuki beamed at Colette, Masaomi beaming as much as he was able to, as they said "We've finally got our Haunted House design finished!"

Inspecting the blueprints they had for it, Colette smiled and said, "My, it's quite inspired. Of course, there is the matter of actually constructing it, but we could all use a pastime to fill up our Summer vacation. Great work, all of you!"

You did have to ask though, "Er, what doing your book tour and stuff? Oh wait, uh, guess I shouldn't have brought that up, I don't know if your book's even published yet", you looked down.

Colette chuckled to herself, "That is where you're wrong, my Haruka," she then smiled as she pulled out copies of her first published novel, Sisters of the Blood Moon, "Here you go, my children of the night, a signed copy for each of you. The cover isn't personally what I would've gone with, but I suppose it gets the atmosphere across".

As you took your copy, you noticed Colette had also slipped in a bookmark along with it, in the form of a Tarot card:

[ ] Judgment (Ragnarok)
[ ] Death (Niflheim)
[ ] Fortune (Panta Rhei)
[ ] The Tower (Narukami)
[ ] Temperance (Megidolaon)
[ ] The Sun (Atomic Flare)
[ ] The Hermit (Psycho Force)
[ ] The Hanged Man (Riot Gun)
[ ] The Hierophant (God Hand)
(Available Personae: Arachne, Ishtar, Black Frost, Carmilla, Mayasura)

While so far it was all good times at the Occult Club, mostly spent listening to Colette reading the first couple of chapters, once you had some alone time with her, things took a less sunny tone.

"Haruka, there's- something I must make clear to you," Colette sighed out, "About my book, while it's now out in stores, the publisher told me it's not selling up to the standards they'd projected for the release. Of course, I'll try to keep my spirits up, perhaps it's simply a late-bloomer? Or I'll have better luck with my next book?"

Feeling a little pained to hear that from Colette, you did try to comfort her with, "Hey, I went from total nobody to one of the most popular kids at school, so hey, I ought to know a thing or two about late bloomers," as you smiled.

Colette's expression did slowly pick back up hearing that, as she then said, "Well, it appears you and my clubmates certainly have taken to it, so for now, that really should be all I need to hear".
Spirits having lifted, the two of you leaned in for another kiss. Colette however then had to say, "Well, given your troubles with this 'Gameboard' of the All-Aces', as well as the indignity of now being one yourself, I suppose troubles like this must now seem awfully petty to you", she then chuckled.

Smiling and taking her little joke, you then said to her, "Perhaps you'd like me to show you around the Gameboard? I know it's layout pretty well, so I should be able to take you to all the safe zones on it. Have to be careful the Aces don't catch me sneaking you onto it though".

Colette grinned from ear to ear hearing that, saying, "Ooh, how scandalous! With you, of course I'd love to see it for myself, such a sightseeing tour could in fact put to rest the thoughts I've said since I was first exposed to the All-Aces".

It didn't exactly help though that, as you and Colette walked along the hallways, you attracted quite a bit of attention from the other students, who started whispering amongst themselves.

"Wait, isn't she that creepy girl who got suspended for punching Gakuto?"
"Hold on, if the new Ace is cool with her, maybe... she's not so bad?"
"She definitely has style, I'll say that"
"Heard something about a student here having a book published..."

You sighed with relief hearing some of those words, knowing there was a chance that Colette's unfair reputation at school could finally be improved. Helped you hadn't heard a single nasty whisper about her gender.

Approaching the All-Aces' Lounge, Colette flinching with disgust on seeing that door, you could confirm the coast was clear for now. You walked right up to the Gameboard with Colette, as your right hand held her left tightly, while your card materialised in your left, which you then placed down.

With a rush and a blur, the two of you had appeared right in the centre of the Gameboard, with Colette becoming incredibly dizzy as this was her first time. Once she'd gotten herself back together, she gasped with awe.
"So, so it was true. There truly is a pocket dimension right here at Hanataba Gakuen," she exclaimed with excited energy, before mumbling "Though no surprise that the All-Aces had to hoard it for themselves.
Well now, ahem, as an outsider to this board, I take it there are only so many questions I can ask about this place?" Colette then looked at you.

You shrugged. "No, ask anything you like. Honestly, I still don't know all the secrets of this place myself," you told her.

As you two started walking, yourself grateful that the Morrigan wasn't sending any Shadows specifically out for Colette, she asked off questions rapid-fire, "What is the purpose of this place? Who is behind it? How did it end up at Hanataba?"

"Whoa hey, like I know you're excited, but slow down," you had to say to her, before you breathed deep and then explained, "The Gameboard is, er, don't think there's a non-convoluted way of putting this, a realm manifested from human willpower. the more influence you have, the bigger your own personal realm here, or 'Empire', grows. So yeah, that's why the All-Aces came to rule the roost here. Thing I thought might be up your alley is, even when you die, your Empire can live on as long as your influence does. Like, Rin's Empire is still here, though I definitely wouldn't recommend casually going there".

Speaking of dead Empires, having walking carefully through No One's Land you'd started climbing up the steep hill that led to your first. The crumbled remains and shattered strength of Eitaro's Empire lay spread out before you, its walls broken through, its monuments split in twain, even its mountains dissolving in a series of landslides. The Colosseum that stood at the heart of it was now wracked with the dust of ages, even though it looked brand new at the start of this year.

"Nothing beside remains round the decay," Colette had to quote upon seeing it.

Walking back down to show her next dethroned Empire, you then started upon the subject of the Morrigan with her.
"The Morrigan, well its her title technically, her name proper is Macha. Anyway, she's the Overseer, or 'High Queen', behind this entire Gameboard, an Aspect of Death and War. Even though this entire place is built around conflict, she's a pretty nice person, weirdly enough, if maybe a bit too cryptic," you rambled on. "You've actually met her Colette, she's someone you know quite well, just not by that name".

"Really, who?" Colette leapt to asking, pulse pounding.

"You're not gonna believe it. It's Tanizawa-sensei," you revealed to her.

Colette did have to look at you funny for a second, saying, "Really? Hmm, I feel that raises more questions than it answers".

"Well, you see, the Morrigan knows she's Ryouko, but Ryouko doesn't know she's the Morrigan, her memories are sealed off when she's in that form," you put it the quickest way you could to her, "Says she does it to make the competition between the Aces more 'fair' or something, while still overseeing them in the corporeal world. Yeah, I don't get it either".

Worming through a trench, you then came to the glitchy mess that'd been Gakuto's Empire, which you figured Colette would be especially interested in.
"So goes the lands of the Phisher King," Colette had to remark, "Though were I a subject in a land one with Gakuto, I'd move out immediately, in fact you could say I did. Yes, I know he's dead," she then sighed, "So even after everything he pulled, perhaps it's not polite to be speaking of him like this. I'm still proud of that pun though".

"Thing about him being dead is, you can say whatever you want about him really, and he's not gonna mind," you instead told her, "Besides, if you died and he lived, do you think he'd sincerely say anything nice about you?"

"Ah, good point," Colette responded.

Melissa's Empire was next, as Colette then started asking about how the Gameboard come into existence, and how it'd come to Kuchinashi of all places.
"Absolutely no idea," you put it to her bluntly, "But if I had to guess, it seems like it's been around since forever really, or at least as long human wills have come into conflict with each other. As for what it's doing here, the likely explanation is some rich guy, maybe a one-time All-Ace, came across it in the antiques trade or whatever and stashed it at his alma mater".

[+2 Perception, up to Rank 4!]

Over the rolling dunes, you then reached the dead, lightless chain of malls that was Melissa's Empire. "Hmm, I'm beginning to notice a theme with these Empire," Colette said, "They all appear stuck in the past. Whether it be Eitaro's mashup of various ancient architectures, or more recently Gakuto's and now Melissa's being right out of the 1980s. Guilty as charged of course, given my dress sense".

"Well they're all from like traditional families, I'd be surprised if these places weren't a little old-fashioned," you figured. "I can confirm that motif holds up for the remaining Empires too, though not sure about my own exactly".

"Wait, so you also have an Empire?" Colette exclaimed, "Well why have we not visited there first? Hmm, perhaps you're saving it for last?"

"How to explain... I did show you my Empire. All this, well the parts of the Gameboard we've been checking out so far, apparently all are my Empire, or so the Morrigan tells me. The thing about the Aces that I guess you know already is, they insist everyone and everything conform to their vision. Me, on the other hand, I'm cool with mostly anything, if I do say so myself, so my Empire leaves the constructs here as they are," you told her, "Downside is it's a little more invisible though, like oh God, how many people need to be told that they have an Empire, huh?" you giggled with Colette.

Walking back over, Colette asked you, "If the All-Aces are duelling each other, then what's the grand prize at the end? I imagine there must be one, for all this seems excessive for just rule of the school, or is this really all stress relief for them?"

"The answer I got was just 'Rule of All', which yeah, could use clarification," you muttered out, "Like, what 'All'? All the school, all the world, all the friggin' universe? Yeah, some answer".
You made your last stop on the board at Himawari's dethroned Empire, as you explained to Colette, "Because all these Empires are based on your influence, it's possibly to lose yours without dying. That's what happened here, as Himawari getting expelled meant her reputation took such a hit that her own Empire went kaput. Shame though, as you would've really liked the place before it got dethroned, but who knows. Himawari's looking pretty good right now, so maybe she can get her old Empire back?"

"Indeed, here's hoping," Colette said, before she turned to you, "I take it time doesn't exactly stand still o this Gameboard, does it not? So we'd have to be getting back soon, huh?"

"Yeah, but one last thing," you said, before summoning Theodora over you. "I told you I can use more than one of these Personae, right? And that Shadows and Personae are basically the same things? Well," you then switched your Persona over to Carmilla, "This here's your own Shadow, Colette. She, you helped me out a lot when Gakuto was trying to invade Himawari's Empire, so I thought you two should finally meet".

At the sight of Carmilla, Colette smiled, then rushed over to hug you.

"Thou art I... I art thou
Though thy kingdom fall, thou hast gained a champion who shall not leave thy side
We bestow upon them a piece of thy crown,
And on thou, the road to Aradia, Ultimate Persona of the Moon Arcana"

- The Moon Journeys Anew at Rank 10! -

"Well, guess we should be going, huh Colette?" you then said.

"Oh please, 'Colette' is my pen name," she giggled, then said, "You, my love, can call me Tsukiko. Or Miyabi, like I did tell you it wasn't easy to pick a name, I am leaning more towards Tsukiko though. Though my last name's going to be a whole other issue, no way am I keeping 'Koizumi'".

"How about Nakamura?" you then had to say, before laughing and asking, "Sorry, too cheesy of me?"

Colette just embraced you again.

Materialising back in the Prized Pupil Lounge, Colette then said, "Well Haruka, that was quite the excursion. But alas, it is perhaps time to retire for the night".

"What is she doing in here?!" you could hear Kikuko's voice roar out the instant she spotted Colette by the Gameboard.

Shit, you'd forgotten about being spotted upon leaving the Gameboard. "Leave her alone, Kikuko, she's with me!" you told her directly.

"Ah, thank you, Haruka. I do believe it'd be best to see myself out though," Colette had to say for her own safety, as she scurried out of the room while Kikuko glared right at you.

"Insolent brat! Have I, have we taught you nothing? Is this how you respect the solemnity of the All-Ace title, by bringing the lowest of the low straight into our sanctum?!" she hissed at you.

"Huh, you know you Aces have a habit of doubling down on your awfulness the moment it looks like you're finally improving," you hissed at her, "As for the 'solemnity of the title', listen to yourself, Kikuko. You're part of some high school clique, that's all you're not world-leaders or anything, no matter what the Gameboard tells you. The second you graduate, all this All-Ace shit won't matter anymore.
Besides, I'm your equal now, whether you acknowledge it or not. Therefore, if I say something's appropriate for an All-Ace, it is so," you spat out at her.

Kikuko drew her sword and almost screamed out, before Azuma quickly leapt between you two and told her, "Not here. We have protocols for matters like these, remember?"

Kikuko then paused and took a breath, then said to you in a colder tone, "That's right, there's nothing else for it. Eitaro was a mere commoner, yet upon rising the ran of Ace he knew to show respect. You, however, have displayed every single trait I despise in social climbers".

"Maybe if any of you ever gave me a reason to respect the title, I would," you retorted.

"That does it!" Kikuko seethed, doing the one thing you hoped she wouldn't but feared she would. She called on her Empress card and threw it in front of you, saying "Let's finish this. Nakamura Haruka, I stoop to challenging you to a Duel!"

Aghast, you only gradually said, "Kikuko, you-you moron. Can't you understand this is exactly what Azuma wants? Like, Duel him if you keep insisting on Duelling anyone, that way the Gameboard can be yours or at least won either way. What the hell do you have to gain from duelling me, other than risking your life twice?"

"You're aware I'm right here, aren't you?" Azuma had to speak up.

"It's not only about strategy," Kikuko snarled at you, her sword pointed near your chest, "It's about my goddamn dignity. Whatever world comes about at the conclusion of the Persona Game, it would be an insult for ungrateful vermin to live to see it," she sheathed her blade then strode off.

You could've collapsed. Your only hope right now was that this cognitive therapist Makoto knew would be able to talk some sense into Kikuko, getting her back to a state of mind where she'd realise how stupid this whole Duel was. If only.

"Next Friday, I believe your duel will fall on," Azuma said, "How convenient, it's the last complete day before the summer break. And when Tanabata falls too, fancy that".

You couldn't head over to Megumi fast enough, you need anything to get your mind off this.

Kikuko, please... snap out of this.

- The Empress has Journeyed to Rank 8! -

You probably needed to eat dinner first, like if you were hanging out with Megumi again, maybe you could go for something while you were out together.

[ ] Ramen, help you prepare for college life. [+Perception]
[ ] Cake and ice cream, double as dessert. [+Etiquette]
[ ] Sea urchin, you know summer's the season for it. [+Education]
[ ] Let Megumi decide. [+Resolve]
[ ] Write-in.
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*winces* Jeez, almost immediately into Kikuko's duel.
So, unfortunately, she's likely to pull an Eitaro and engage some sort of dangerous hazard she could run afoul of, I'm thinking. But with any luck, she SHOULD survive this duel. It's feeling like the rouge element that would gimp her is her Shadow, which...If Gakuro is any indication, once that ends the person still lives, even if she's liable to be in no condition to fight in...
Just in case I reccomend having a Persona with high Defensive stats prepared at the end for trying to soak Kikuko's last-ditch actions, since I figure she's probably going to go for one last shot at us, before turning her blade on herself in her disgrace. Feels fitting for someone super-hung up on the 'Samurai' part of Japan's traditions, I think?