100k Words Special: Best Girl Poll

  • Higashizawa Reina

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • Maeda Kikuko

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Suzakuin Keiko

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • Melissa Lilian

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Yomogi Tsubasa

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Lauryn

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • Aoyagi Himawari

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • Colette Claudius

    Votes: 27 45.8%
  • Sakurai Tomomi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yamashiro Takako

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aimoto Koyomi

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters
I was gonna say that "That'd be the most ideal ending I can think of, not his" was a typo, that it's supposed to be 'not this', however you could argue that 'not his' still works anyway.

We've also having something of a milestone conga line here, given the 100 threadmarks, 30,000 views, the end of Arc 3, and that we're about to hit 250,000 words.
[X] "You should've been made to atone, to make up to Reina, to Suzako, to Yuya. That'd be the most ideal ending I can think of, not his."
[X] Himawari.

Well, that could have gone better. Way, way better. So I think it's safe to say we're definitely in the endgame now. And as much as I want to comfort Reina and indeed would be totally fine if that ends up winning, I have to go with my gut here, and my gut says we need to talk to Himawari. She has perspective she can offer us, we're closer to her, and practically speaking, we need to get that Social Link completed ASAP, because a conversation with the Morrigan is way overdue.
We've also having something of a milestone conga line here, given the 100 threadmarks, 30,000 views, the end of Arc 3, and that we're about to hit 250,000 words.
On which note, it's probably worth pointing out that while the result of the duel doesn't exactly have any of us cheering with joy, the last couple of updates were pretty intense in a good way. It's a gut punch, but one that knows where to aim for a clean hit.

Also, as misfortunate as her appearance might have been, Rokujo-Aoi's design is pretty damn metal.
Meeting at the World's End - PA2
Meeting at the World's End

Sakurai Azuma walked into the Prized Pupils Lounge, adjusting the plain-banded ring on his right index finger. As he looked around the gorgeous cream-colored room, he smiled as he saw that he was, seemingly, the only one there. Perfect, he thought. It's only right and proper that I should be leaving them waiting.

A confident grin on his face, he strode towards the middle of the lounge, his sights set the exquisitely modeled diorama placed prominently in the center of a long oaken table. Encased in clear glass was what could only be described as a tower shaped like a rose, its stem made of pristine white marble and its petals of glittering rubies. Carved along the sides of the stem was a massive spiraling staircase, and nestled in the bud of the "rose" was a raised platform, emblazoned with the image of a bright blue Tarot card in the center. Perched above it all, hanging from the top of the cage, was what could only be described as a castle straight out of a fairytale. It was a work of art too beautiful to have been made by human hands. Which, Azuma thought to himself, it wasn't.

When he reached the diorama, Azuma stood over it for a moment, staring down at the magnificent creation. As he did, he noticed what looked to be five small specs moving back and forth on the raised platform, too small for him to discern any further details. After watching them for a moment, the Drama Club Head reached out and tapped his ring, emblazoned with the same Tarot card sigil, against the side of the glass.

In an instant, the glass walls of the cage around the diorama melted away, as did the entirety of the Prized Pupil Lounge, leaving Azuma and the diorama perched in an empty blue void. Before his very eyes, the diorama began to expand, growing larger and larger until it filled the entire space, now as large as life. At the same moment, Azuma's Hanataba uniform shifted and transformed, the plain white top turning a rich, vibrant purple, while the black pants became a bright and bloody scarlet. The jacket became decorated and festooned with glittering jeweled ornaments, matching the scarlet rose pinning his snow white cravat in place. At his hip appeared a sheathed rapier, its green bejeweled hilt shaped like the stem of a rose. As the world continued to expand around him, Azuma slightly withdrew the blade from its sheath, smiling as he looked upon its shimmering blade. It was colored bright white on one side and dark black on the other, and both edges gleamed wickedly sharp.

Lost as he was in admiring himself, Azuma barely noticed when he found himself in a plush cream elevator, moving through the marble "stem" of the tower with incredible speed. However, the light ding as the elevator reached its destination got his attention, and he began neatening his appearance ever so slightly. When the doors open, he strode out confidently, walking towards the large table, a mirror of the one in the lounge, set in the center of the platform and into what seemed to be a conversation already in progress.

"-and so I said to her, 'God Reina, could you be any more pathetic?'" came the voice of Melissa Lillian, its obnoxious drawl at odds with the magnificent gold-and-black ensemble she was wearing. Ostentatious in its finery, the heavily embroidered cavalier's outfit was accentuated by the pair of ruby hilted daggers strapped along either hip. "Seriously, she shows up to class wearing a down to the brand name copy of my outfit! Who does that?"

"I would like to insist you stop talking about this frivolous nonsense, lest I be forced to silence you permanently," threatened Maedea Kikuko, reaching for the elegant katana slung across her waist. The elegant gray silk wrapping on the hilt contrasted beautifully with the red and orange tones of her outer kimono, her sleeves showing the bright hints of color from the eleven layers underneath it. The outfit may have seemed impractical, but Azuma knew from experience that in the midst of combat, the heavy silk hindered the Tea Ceremony Head not at all.

"Oh lighten up, Kikuko," argued Momoi Gakuto, fiddling idly with a stopwatch. Despite the tightness of his sleek green bodysuit, decorated with embroidered circuitry lines, he stopped and started the device with practiced speed and dexterity. Slung across his back was a surprisingly massive broadsword, its hilt golden and its blade jagged like a lightning bolt. "Let the petty people air their petty concerns. It kills time while we're waiting."

"Speaking of which, where is that fucking pretty boy?" Tsutsuji Eitaro growled, drumming his fingers against the table. His militaristic attire was simple and straightforward, lacking the ostentatious frills and decorations of his various companions. The only ornamentation he had was the bejeweled hilt of the jian resting at his side. "He was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago!"

"You know how Azuma is," replied Aoyagi Himawari, seated at the far end of the table. Her hair was completely blue today, a clear sign that it was she who was "fronting" rather than Nightshade, and her attire was designed to match. Her ballgown featured light pastels and cutesy fairy tale motifs compared to the darker colors and more gruesome depictions favored by her Alter, and the cavalry sabre at her hip shone a clear and pristine white, rather than Nightshade's harsher ice-blues. "Always needs to be fashionably late."

"Hardly a fatal sin," Azuma finally spoke up, drawing the attention of the All-Aces. His grin widened as he took in their frustrated looks, before walking to the head of the table and sitting down in front of it. "You lot should try it some time."

"Azuma, why have we been summoned?" Kikuko asked, ignoring the actor's remark. "It's been over a month since the last meeting was convened; not since what occurred with Rin."

"Interesting you should mention her, as she is one of the two topics for discussion today. Namely, what Rokudo Rin has now become," Azuma said cryptically, leaning back in his chair. "I received a letter from End of the World, informing me that it has decided her punishment for freeing the Rose Bride and halting the Revolution."

"Ugh, finally!" Melissa grumbled. "Can't believe we had to put the game on hold for months just because she got a little too sentimental! So, when's the execution?"

"That may be up to you. It has been decided that for her crime, Rin must fill the role she caused to be vacated. She is to be the new Rose Bride," Azuma answered smugly. All along the table, the Aces' eyes widened.

"Oh my, how humiliating," Gakuto chortled, rubbing his hands together. "The one who sought to destroy the Revolution now must serve the very people she betrayed. What delicious irony; a perfect choice from End of the World."

"I'd better get her first!" Eitaro snaped, slamming his fist against his chair. "I won the last Duel; the Rose Bride's mine!"

"Technically, that Duel never finished," Himawari interjected, resting her chin in her hands. "And Nightshade is extremely insistent that if it had, she would have, quote, 'left you whimpering in the dust like the bitch you are.' Her words, naturally," she clarified, blushing.

Before Eitaro could retort, Azuma cleared his throat. "There's more. End of the World also informed us that there is to be a new Duelist entering the game. A transfer student by the name of Nakamura Haruka."

"Whaat?" Melissa asked skeptically. "Seriously, does End of the World just hand these things out like candy or something?" she continued, gesturing to the ring around her finger. It was an exact match to Azuma's, and a similar ring glittered on the fingers of each of the All-Aces.

"End of the World claims not to know who she is, but I've seen her entering the school today. The ring is unmistakable, and I can feel the presence of a Sword within her soul," Azuma answered, raising his hands in placation. "Her introduction is to be made today."

"Tch. Another foolish child dealing with things beyond her understanding," Kikuko scoffed. "She will be an easy victory. But who shall claim the Rose Bride?"

"End of the World has made his determination; the owner of the Rose Bride shall be decided by today's Duel," Azuma said, smiling. "In honor of Haruka's introduction into the Revolution, the outcome of her first battle shall reveal who will first wield the power of the new Rose Bride."

"What, so we just have to beat some newbie and we get first crack at Rin?" Eitaro asked, a grin on his face. "Then I call dibs. I'll mop the floor with her, get my prize, and be one step closer to End of the World!" he declared, pointing at the castle floating overhead.

"Well said, Eitaro. Any objections?" Azuma asked, looking at the All-Aces. Their expressions were a mix of frustrated, annoyed, intrigued, and resigned, but none of them said anything. Smiling, he continued, "Then the decision is made. And indeed, it is truly fitting to decide Haruka's fate so soon. After all, if it cannot break its egg's shell, a chick will die without being born."

"We are the chick, and the world is our egg," Kikuko continued solemnly, her hands caressing the hilt of her blade.

"If we don't crack the world's shell, we will die without being born," Melissa added, her voice for once without its mocking edge.

"We must smash the world's shell," Himawari said quietly, her hair beginning to lighten into pink.

"We must destroy what came before!" Eitaro shouted, throwing his hands into the air.

"We must bring about the End of the World!" Gakuto replied, leaping to his feet and drawing his sword.

As all of the All-Aces followed suit, a single, unified cry swept across the fast blue expanse: "For the revolution of the world!"

Cue Revolutionary Girl Utena theme song! So this is a completely self-indulgent AU, but it's one that's been sitting in the back of my mind since the quest first started. Utena's core concept works so well with the world of The Beautiful, and I wanted to provide my own twist on how the Persona Game might look if it took even more from that setting. Apologies for any overabundance of purple prose, but a) I like fanciful descriptions, and b) this is technically from Azuma's point of view, so I feel like it's accurate to how he actually thinks. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
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"My family's been in law for generations," you heard a mocking voice repeat, as of course Azuma stepped out of the shadows, "Even if you can try someone for the actions of their Shadow, how are you, fired from the force, going to explain what a Shadow even is? Do you realise how out of your mind you'll look when the Gameboard is presented as evidence? Unless you have your own little Persona Court, but what legal authority could they possibly wield?".

The government is aware of Persona though? The Shadow Ops, The whole Phantom Theives thing and Shido getting arrested for his manipulation of the Metaverse, the fact that Cognitive Psience is a proven field of study. This Refuge in Audacity type of defense isn't valid and Makoto herself should be aware of this?
The funny thing is, when I read 'the World's End', at first I thought of The World Ends With You (along with Pirates of the Caribbean and the Edgar Wright movie) before realising it was obviously Utena. Thought I should actually @grommile to see if he'd be interested in your omake?

I do have to wonder how your omake would look to someone unfamiliar with Utena though, given the show's terminology is very... Utena-y. Also, I'm trying to figure out how the Wild Card, let alone the Mirror Wild Card, would even translate given the Personae to Swords thing?
It also reminds me of how I brought up the idea on my Persona Round Robin of having swords as side-arms instead of guns.

The government is aware of Persona though? The Shadow Ops, The whole Phantom Theives thing and Shido getting arrested for his manipulation of the Metaverse, the fact that Cognitive Psience is a proven field of study. This Refuge in Audacity type of defense isn't valid and Makoto herself should be aware of this?

Made a little edit to Makoto's response to reflect this.

By the way, that vaporwave remix that plays upon Melissa's death was a toss-up between what I went with and this (watch-on-YouTube only), went with the one I did since it's less well known:
I do have to wonder how your omake would look to someone unfamiliar with Utena though, given the show's terminology is very... Utena-y. Also, I'm trying to figure out how the Wild Card, let alone the Mirror Wild Card, would even translate given the Personae to Swords thing?
It also reminds me of how I brought up the idea on my Persona Round Robin of having swords as side-arms instead of guns.

Very fair points! If I were to do a continuation of this omake, it'd be from Haruka's perspective, so the readers would be learning what the terminology means as she does. And there's definitely more than needs to be worked out to make this a fully fleshed out AU, which I may or may not put in. I had a lot of fun writing this one, and if people enjoyed it, then I'll definitely consider writing more!
I'll likely be working on the arc recap first before I get to the side-story reward, let alone the next update.

Also, on the subject of P:TB crossing over with stuff beyond Persona and the broader SMT, I suppose I'll address 'the obvious one' with this being SV. I weirdly consider Haruka to have more in common with Emma (she even has the hair) than I do Taylor, who I'd say is more analogous to Keiko. However, even this is only at the story's inciting incident, the characters' paths and personalities in each story diverge radically after that.
I do have to wonder how your omake would look to someone unfamiliar with Utena though, given the show's terminology is very... Utena-y.
Speaking as one of them - unusual and oddly poetic, especially for Himawari. The rhetoric about a "World Revolution" makes me think of left-wing politics, and I also have no idea who/what "Rose Bride" or "End of the World" refer to.
Speaking as one of them - unusual and oddly poetic, especially for Himawari. The rhetoric about a "World Revolution" makes me think of left-wing politics, and I also have no idea who/what "Rose Bride" or "End of the World" refer to.

Interesting observations! I will highly recommend that you watch Revolutionary Girl Utena for no other reason than its quality, but to address your immediate questions, the "Revolution" is meant to be spiritual in nature; any references to politics were unintentional and unintended. The Rose Bride and End of the World are both specific plot elements from Utena, and are both defined within the first two episodes of the series. I can provide the context here if you're interested, but I really do recommend watching the anime!

EDIT: Also, here's a link to a full free playlist of the sub on YouTube, published by the anime's actual distributor. Only viewable in the States, I think, but here it is!

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[X] "You should've been made to atone, to make up to Reina, to Suzako, to Yuya. That'd be the most ideal ending I can think of, not his."
Aftermath and Explanations - PA2
Aftermath and Explanations

"What are you doing in my apartment?!" you shouted as you stared at the platinum blonde currently tidying up your bedroom. After the day you'd had, the last thing you wanted was for some strange girl to have apparently broken into her apartment and start cleaning like she was your personal maid. At least Megumi was out clubbing that night; you didn't need to add another awkward explanation to the pile…

"I am here to serve you, Mistress," the strange girl said, straightening up and bending into a perfect curtsey. "As stipulated by the rules of the Game of Swords."

"What Game of-wait a minute," you interrupted, looking more closely at the girl. Past her golden eyes and deathly pallor, you noticed that her clothes, from her elegant dress to her polished Mary-Janes, were a deep velvety blue. A very familiar blue…

In an instant, your mind jumped back to earlier that day. To arriving at Hanataba Academy for the first time and being cornered by a boisterous American heiress, demanding you show up to the Prized Pupil's Lounge that afternoon or else. To being escorted to a strange diorama, intricate beyond anything you'd seen before. To having your ring, a gift from so long ago you could barely remember even getting it, pressed against the glass, and being dragged into a limitless blue expanse with nothing but a rose-shaped tower. To climbing that tower for what seemed like hours, and arriving at what could only be described as a literal dueling ground. To feeling the unbearably alien sensation of having a bright pink rose bloom out of your heart, falling to the ground in agony. And to being forced into a swordfight for your life against the captain of the Archery Club, one which you only won by drawing a freaking sword out of your chest…

"Ah, I see you've made the realization," the girl said. "My name is Lauryn, and I am the Rose Bride. I am your prize for your victory in today's Duel." She then smiled, the motion so mechanical and practiced that it looked more akin to something a doll would possess rather than a human.

In the face of such an explanation, you gave the only reasonable response possible. "…what the fuck are you even talking about?!" you snapped, stomping over to the girl and grabbing her by her shoulders. Up close, you noticed that she seemed a few years older than you, but you hardly cared as you pinned her against the wall. "I almost died today in some freaking acid trip dimension, and now you're telling me that there's more to it than that? You have ten seconds to give me an explanation before I call the police on you!"

"As my mistress commands, so I must speak," Lauryn said calmly, seemingly completely unaffected by your violent reaction. It almost made you feel bad for a moment; you really weren't the type of person to ever act like this. But after the day you'd had, you think it was a little warranted.

"At Hanataba Academy," she continued, "there lies hidden a great power. A power that many have hungered for throughout history, one that people have fought and killed over. It is the power to revolutionize the world."

"Revolutionize the world?" you repeated bankly. Lauryn nodded.

"Indeed. The power to remake the world as you see fit, to shatter the old order and establish one more to your liking. In essence, it is the power to realize your deepest dreams and most fervent desires. With it, you would be strong enough to end and rebuild the world however you wish. It is the prize beyond prizes."

"Okay…and this power is hidden inside a private school because…?" you trailed off, waiting for further details.

"The power is not hidden in the school itself, per say. Rather, it is contained within the Grand Stage."

"Will you please stop capitalizing random words and just tell me what's going on?" you groaned, letting go of Lauryn and rubbing your temples. "I nearly killed a man today and I seriously need to know why."

"Apologies, Mistress. I shall endeavor to be clearer," Lauryn apologized, giving a quick bow. "The Grand Stage is a realm built of dreams and of conflict, two disparate elements of the human spirit woven together into an edifice strong enough to contain great powers. However, in order to conceal it, the Grand Stage was given a humbler form, one that could be moved from place to place without arousing suspicion."

"The diorama," you realized suddenly. Looking back, the structure did seem to have an unearthly glow about it, even before you'd touched the case and the entire world transformed around you.

"Yes," Lauryn confirmed. "However, accessing the power is not as simple as entering the Grand Stage. You've seen how there are two parts to it, correct? While anyone with sufficient strength of spirit and a key can enter the Arena, to reach the power, one must find their way into the Castle of World's End."

"You mean that floating castle?" you asked. "That's where the power is?"

"And its keeper, the man known as End of the World," Lauryn said quietly. "He who guards the power, and he who determines who is fit to revolutionize the world."

"And he does that…through this Game of Swords thing you mentioned?"

"Throughout the world, there are those who have a Vision, who see things not as they are, but how they want them to be. They strain and strain against the world, trying to shatter their destinies and live the lives they most desire. Most fail. End of the World gives them the chance to succeed," Lauryn recited, her tone clear and calm. "By distributing the keys to the Grand Arena to those he deems worthy, he enters them into the Game of Swords. With their very souls forged into Swords, they duel one another for possession of the Rose Bride, she who possesses the key to the Castle of World's End. Only through her guidance can the power to revolutionize the world be obtained."

"So…what? I just walk into the lounge tomorrow with you and then all my dreams come true?" you asked skeptically. "Not that much of a game."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. It is not enough to merely have the Rose Bride; one must also prove the superiority of their Vision. You remember the rose that grew from your chest when you reached the Arena? That rose bloomed from your desires, your dreams, everything that drives you forward. To pluck the rose is to destroy the feelings that it grows from. Hence, Duels are conducted not necessarily to the death, but to the destruction of your rose."

"I see," you muttered. And indeed, you did see. You'd wondered why, when your blade had cleaved the bright green rose from Eitaro's chest, he'd screamed like you'd just sliced off his arm. Why he, so willing to kill you mere moments before, had returned you both to the lounge with a wave of his hand and run out the door, leaving you to find your own way out of the school. "So then Eitaro…"

"His soul has been damaged, yes. But he is not yet out of the Game. A rosebush produces many blooms, and so too does the heart. To remove a Duelist from the Game, one must not just cleave the rose from their heart, but shatter their soul completely, destroy the Vision on which they've built their life and banish all hope of achieving their revolution. Only when your Sword, your Vision, is the last one unbroken may the gates of the Castle open to you. That is the Game of Swords; that is the method of determining who may revolutionize the world," Lauryn said, her hands folded above her waist.

"So what you're saying is that by beating Eitaro, not only have I been entered into a twisted game to decide who gets to rule the world, but also that I've painted a massive target on my back by getting halfway to opening this stupid castle?" you asked quietly. "That now every single one of the All-Aces is going to challenge me to fight them so that they can get you?"

"Yes," Lauryn said bluntly. "As the winner of the latest Duel, you have earned possession of the Rose Bride. I am bound to serve you in whatever manner you wish for as long as you remain victorious in the Arena. Should you lose, I shall become the property of your opponent, until such time as they are defeated. And so it will go on until only one Duelist's Sword remains unbroken."

"Wonderful," you sighed, sitting down on your bed. "Well, at least I beat the current champ; that's gotta mean all the others are going to be easier, right? Right?"

Even without looking up, you could feel Lauryn shaking her head. "Eitaro is not the strongest of your fellow Duelists. Nor was he the current Victor. Around a month ago there was a…interruption in the Game of Swords. A Duelist turned against End of the World, and necessitated a complete halt in Duels until such time as the matter was resolved. As such, the ownership of the Rose Bride was remanded from the previous Victor to End of the World, who determined that her new owner would be determined by the outcome of today's Duel."

"Great, just great," you groaned. "Any chance I can have a conversation with Mr. of the World and get some answers as to why I had to be the one to restart his stupid game?"

"That would be impossible," Lauryn answered. "End of the World will only communicate with the Duelists on his own terms, not on theirs. None of the Duelists have ever seen him face to face; he contacts them only through letters, and accepts no replies. He oversees the game with perfect impartiality and perfect distance. And while I am bound to serve the Victor, I am forbidden from disclosing anything about End of the World until such time as a Duelist has earned entrance into the Castle."

"Guess the man likes his privacy," you snarked. "And what about you? Are you okay with being the servant of some chick who got lucky and who wants no part in this nonsense?"

"Of course, Mistress," Lauryn said, smiling that strange fake smile again. "Your victory today was not mere luck; the strength of your Sword proved the power of your Vision. I would be honored to serve you for as long as your Vision remains clear."

"That answers that," you muttered, getting up from the bed. "Alright, so my first order is this; take a shower, set up in the spare bedroom, and try to think of an excuse to give my roommate as to why you'll be living with us before they get home tomorrow morning. I am going to go to sleep, and then tomorrow morning, I'm going to figure out what to do about this stupid Game."

"As you wish, Mistress," Lauryn said, curtseying again and exiting the room. As you laid back on the bed, you stared at the ring on your hand. So my ring was a key this whole time? Then does that mean the person who gave it to me was End of the World? But…that was years ago. How long as this Game been going on? And…why can't I remember how I got this thing?

Surprise! So taking into account @Lapin Lune's point that my previous omake was somewhat difficult to decipher for those who were not already fans of Revolutionary Girl Utena I then proceeded to write this new omake which hopefully serves to explain not only the terms mentioned in the prior one, but also how I blended the two worlds together to create something entirely new. This was written in a straight shot and purposefully leaves some things out, which would be hypothetically revealed later on if this were to be a full story. And as for why I went with an exposition chapter rather than showing the first fight between Haruka and Eitaro? Because I feel much more comfortable writing worldbuilding than action scenes, and also I really wanted to solidify the mechanics of this AU. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Again, I may or may not continue this, but I do have ideas for how it would go, so I'm happy to answer anything! Please let me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy!
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Arc III Recap: 'Just a Girlboss building her Empire'
0 The Fool (All-Aces, Main Story) - Rank 7

After Gakuto's death, the remaining three All-Aces (Himawari having been expelled) drag you along to a vacation in Sakhalin then Vladivostok in order to lie low, though not before a brief questioning by the Niijima sisters. In Sakhalin they meet up with Melissa's 'friend' Nadezhda, before participating in 'Operation Beach Hunt' which Kikuko to everyone's surprise wins, followed by an uncomfortable meeting with Melissa's stepmother. Kikuko forces Melissa, you, and Nadezhda to act as her maids for the evening.
Flying onto Vladivostok, you not taking well to planes, you attend a Ball there along with many of the All-Aces' parents, along with a snooping Takamaki Ann and a desperate-for-work Kujikawa Rise. More importantly, this ball sees you forced to pick a new Ace to serve with Himawari now gone, with you reluctantly settling on Kikuko.

You're faced with Mid-Terms and then the Sports Festival upon returning to school, with you doing better than ever in the former, beating out Melissa in the exams which your fellow students promptly notice. The Sports Festival showcases the intensifying rivalry between Kikuko and Melissa, dragging their respective fanbases at school into a breakout brawl, as well as Melissa attempting to lay siege to Kikuko's Empire before you convince her at the last minute to attack Azuma's.

The growing tension between Kikuko and Melissa eventually explodes when the former challenges the later to a Duel, on no less than July 4th. When Rise and Makoto Niijima join Hanataba as teachers, you form a team with them and Makoto's sister Sae called 'Dead Hand', with the goals of travelling to the depths to stop any All-Ace plans before they can be carried out. Your new group encounters Shadow Kikuko just before the Duel, and when July 4th approaches, another, bigger brawl breaks out between Kikuko's and Melissa's fanbases at school, delaying Makoto and Rise and forcing you to stop the Duel alone.

Trying to intervene proves to be a failure, only provoking Melissa and seeing Kikuko, directly or not, be overtaken by her Shadow. Melissa dies by crucifixion at Kikuko's hand, bringing the Empire-holding Aces down to the final two, though not before Azuma admitting to you that they have no choice but to anoint you as an Ace themselves.

I The Magician (Higashizawa Reina) - Rank 7

Melissa having abandoned her, Reina then grows closer to and feebly tries modelling herself on Colette instead, with you breaking it to her that basing her identity on another person will almost always backfire. A visit to Sapporo sees Reina talking about her ideas on travelling, plus gives you the chance to hand her the ribbon Ann signed for her.
Trying to discover more of her own identity, Reina joins the choir under her old idol Rise to fill the gap left by Himawari, only for Rise to be too polite to come forth about Reina's 'singing'. After Rise is nice enough to go out for karaoke with Reina, Reina then gets the chance to finally stand up to Melissa, the two not knowing that it'll be their final meeting. All the while, Reina helps provide you with disguises to get around Kikuko's monitoring of your activities.

II The Priestess (Tanizawa Ryouko, Homeroom Teacher) - Rank 4

After money issues of her own, Ryouko gets the chance to move in with Megumi after Kikuko forces you to live under her own roof. Himawari/Nightshade, worried about her teacher's reputation and job if she's caught still hanging out with her, is also made to drop Ryouko from the band, with Ryouko disappointed but understanding, and still with some interest in music. Ryouko ends up not getting along at all with Makoto the new librarian (which used to be her job), but starts off on a better note with Rise. You also open up to Ryouko about the grief the Aces have been putting you and friends through, with her wanting to help but not quite sure how to, and you also give her the non-supernatural lowdown on why the Aces picked you.

III The Empress (Maeda Kikuko, Ace of Grails) - Rank 6

Kikuko makes you move in with her and begins to take control of your life and free time after you default to being her Jack. You then end up humiliating her in front of the Tea Ceremony club after you beat her in a gun duel (lowercase d), which you alter learn Azuma rigged, before as your prize you get to take Kikuko out on a 'normal' night on the town, which doesn't go well. After Kikuko is shown up again by her clubmate Shion, who beats you in a tonfa duel despite having never used the weapon, she becomes to lose mental stability which leads to you encountering her Shadow, a Shadow who says she was never really interested in traditional culture anyway. You also find out that Kikuko's father denied her inheriting their company despite her being the eldest.

IV The Emperor (Sakurai Azuma, Ace of Spades) - Rank 3

Though suave as ever in person, sneaking into Azuma's private dorm at school and heading further into his Empire reveals quite a different story, as you encounter ripped photos of you in his room along with some attempt at voodoo dolls, as well as audience members impaled on spikes in his Empire.

VI The Lovers (Itou Yuuya, Childhood Sweetheart) - Rank 2

Though yo don't get much more time to spend with Yuya, quite a lot ends up happening in his life, which you get dragged into. After he's forced to become Melissa's Jack, as part of an unsuccessful attempt to make Azuma jealous, Melissa also outs him as gay before he normally would've told you. When Yuya later develops a crossdressing fascination, Melissa is angered and retaliates against him, sending him straight home from school one day.

VIII Justice (Suzakuin Keiko, Best Friend) - Rank 6

Melissa wanting to crush Suzako's rising star before she can challenge her, she takes advantage of Suzako's poor background and cosplay habit by 'buying her out', forcing her to become her new Jack. Suzako and Yuya's grades begin to slip because of this, but you cheer her up by inviting her to an RPG session with Hotaru's group. That same day, she also hits it up with Na-Rae.

IX The Hermit (Aimoto Koyomi, Artificial Intelligence) - Rank 2

With Gakuto gone, Koyomi begins to project herself further out of his private computer, ending up on the screens of the town's local Arcade. She then shifts to residing within your phone, with you promising to take her on a tour of the town, though not before you're made to explain the concept of 'death' to her.

IX-2 The Sage (Sakurai Tomomi) - Rank 1

After an awkward yet promising sleepover at her house, you invite Tomomi into Nightshade's backing band as drummer after Colette moves onto guitar.

X Fortune (Morikawa Hotaru, GM and Student President) - Rank 3

Bringing Suzako along to a session of Tears from the Veil with Hotaru's group, you find out there about how he was suspected by students to have killed Rin to gain her spot as Student Council President, though there's otherwise no evidence. As Rin's former Jack, his Shadow Virgil does show up within her Empire. Done with Tears from the Veil, his group settles on a new RPG, Slime: The Genesis.

XI Strength (Melissa Lilian, Ace of Coins) - Rank 7

After her stepmother re-enters her life and Kikuko defeats her by quite the margin in Operation Beach Hunt, an enraged Melissa begins increasingly acting out by attempting to besiege Kikuko's Empire (you diverting her to Azuma's, where she later shows you around her own), and sabotaging Kikuko's showcases at the Sports Festival. She also forces Suzako and Yuya into becoming her Jacks, to 'buy out' the competing Suzako and feebly pretend Yuya is her boyfriend in a (failed) attempt to make Azuma, who she loves and hates, jealous. Finally confronted by Kikuko in her Arena, a bizarre golden chapel-cavern to the almighty dollar, Melissa is killed via crucifixion.

XII Hanged Man (Seol Na-rae, Jack of Grails) - Rank 6

After being moved into Kikuko's storehouse, you end up letting it slip to Na-Rae that you have in fact learned her real name. Her regularly proving to be the best thing about living with Kikuko, you also see her hitting it off quite well with Suzako one day after a chance encounter. After the news that you'd become an All-Ace should another die, you talk with Na-Rae about leaving Kikuko behind but also having to leave her behind, and then about both of your affections and love lives the next night.

XIII Death (Lauryn) - Rank 4

After telling Lauryn about Gakuto's death and the Sports Festival, with her reminiscing on her past including that she's half-Australian, you and Kikuko try venturing further into her dead Empire, confronting strange recreations of her life as an Ace, like conversations with the others or news of her death, as well as defeating Jormungandr, one of the Scourges plaguing her Empire.

XIII-2 Rebirth (Past Persona Parties) - Rank 6

With Makoto and Rise becoming suspicious of the deaths at your school, especially after that NHK documentary, they end up joining as the Librarian/Martial Arts and Music teachers respectively. Niijima Sae also tagging along, you introduce them to the Gameboard in the process of trying to rescue a Student's Shadow from Kikuko. You then form the group Dead Hand, with Makoto unlocking the Persona Santabarbara, Rise the more combat-ready Persona Kyutenno-Yamijo (Jiutian Xuannu), and Sae her own Persona Sovereign, with the latter getting into a heated confrontation with Hanataba's Principal and Vice-Principal after they fail to bribe her to look the other way. Sae however is called down to Tokyo as the Duel between Melissa and Kikuko approaches, as much as Makoto and Rise still try to help you.

XIV Temperance (Umebayashi Megumi, Former Roommate) - Rank 5

Skeptical of your sudden Russia trip with the All-Aces, Megumi meanwhile has Nightshade over. The news then comes of you being made to move in with Kikuko, which at least frees Megumi up to invite Ryouko to stay. You and Megumi then catch up after Nightshade's 'last' concert, where they discuss university and giving you a tour around there, as well as getting to showcase their dancing skills at the Arcade.

XV The Devil (Aoyagi 'Nightshade' Himawari, Ace of Hearts) - Rank 9

After being to kick Ryouko out of the band for the teacher's own sake, Colette moves up to the backing band's guitarist while Tomomi is brought in as the drummer, with you as the backing band deciding on the name 'Lady Devils'. Nightshade's life continuing to spiral out of control, to the point of her living as a sex worker, after a concert in Hakodate which sees her come into conflict with a similar band, then later seeing the state of her sanitised Dethroned Empire, she ultimately decides the only way to take back control of her life is to revert back to being Himawari. She does decide to throw one last concert as Nightshade for a proper send-off, which is also recorded as a concert album, before telling your worried self that you may still see Nightshade again. While your main romance is with Colette, she is also okay with you seeing Himawari on the side.

XVI The Tower (Popo, Gameboard Emissary) - Rank 7

After reacting to Gakuto's death, Popo then elaborates on when he first gave you the Wild Card on New Years' Day. Popo finally reveals to you that the Morrigan is free to meet you any time, but says she'll only do so in the furthest end one of the Empires. He also talks about how the Morrigan feels about you bringing Dead Hand onto the Gameboard, during an awkward introduction to them.

XVIII The Moon (Colette Claudius, Occult Club Captain) - Rank 9

You throw a party with the Occult Club upon Colette returning to school, which also sees Nadezhda (tricked into thinking the Occult Club is one of the school's coolest) and Tomomi attend, both there from the Sports Festival. Partly out of spite for Azuma, you then move to party to a sleepover at the Sakurai mansion, which sees you ultimately start a romance with Colette. Later you go on quite the date down to Tokyo, which sees you visit both the book town Jinbocho and the youth hub Shibuya, with Colette getting something of a book deal on the way back, which still hasn't been confirmed. A while later, you go on another date with Colette down to Hakodate, where she runs over some of the story ideas with you, and the close enough town of Kaminokuni. Having to stand up to Kikuko on the way back, Colette baiting her into unsheathing her sword in public, you decide and then eventually get around to telling Colette about the Gameboard.

XIX The Sun (Yamashiro Takako, Cricket Captain) - Rank 4

Pressured by the Vice-Principal into being in more clubs beyond the disreputable Occult Club, you decide to join the struggling Cricket Team over the Football team. There, you get a proper introduction to Yamashiro Takako, an Okinawan transfer student who learned the sport from visiting Australian servicemen, along with her Vice-Captain Yoneyama Ikue, a skier needing a sport to play in summer, and a potential All-Ace who became shunned by the school upon turning the offer down. You slowly learn the game, recruit other girls shunned by the All-Aces, and even participate in the school Sports Festival.

The team not being on good terms with the All-Aces, you're made to don a disguise to even play with them, which culminates in Kikuko ordering you to essentially assassinate Ikue's Shadow. Talking to and freeing the Shadow instead with Dead hand's help, Kikuko giving up upon being unable to find her and being distracted by Melissa, you meet back up with Ikue to see her better, if a little more full of herself, than ever.
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Scheduled vote count started by Lapin Lune on Jun 17, 2021 at 6:10 AM, finished with 22 posts and 7 votes.
July 5th, 'Fool' 8, Magician 8
[x] "You started me on this path, Melissa, so I'm gonna finish it."
[X] Reina.

Tuesday, July 5th

You figured once you were finally inducted as an Ace that most of this day would be spent moving all your stuff from the storehouse outside Kikuko's place all the way downhill to Hanataba Academy, which again made you feel bad for Na-Rae since she'd most likely be the one saddled with carrying and moving everything. then again, it wasn't like you exactly had too much stuff.
Once you were ready that morning, Kikuko and Na-Rae both met you by the verandah to make your move out of their house official, Na-Rae bowing to you there while Kikuko simply gave you a respectful nod.

"I would not say I had the time to instruct you in all I could," your soon-to-be-former Ace said, her steely gaze meeting yours, "But I do trust you will take all you have learned from me and put it to good use, as befitting the image an Ace must uphold".

Hahaha, no, that thought crossed your mind, but you did tell her,4 "Well, I will definitely be keeping my image in mind. I mean, the eyes of like every student in school will be upon me".

"You at least appear to understand the magnitude of your position," Kikuko observed.

Na-Rae still seemed at a loss for words, you figured she was thinking of what to say that wouldn't make Kikuko immediately suspicious of her. Finally she said, "Ah, goodbye, Miss Nakamura. B-but I'm sure we'll still meet up again, and we shall certainly be seeing each other in the Lounge, just well, in a different relation to maid or fellow Jack, that'd be all".

Yourself not really knowing what to say back to her either, you ended up smiling and saying, "Hey, thanks".

Later arriving at school, the students gathering around all erupted into whispered conversations or silent, eager stares as you stepped in. To your knowledge, your induction as an Ace was meant to be a private affair, at least until the 'ceremony' was complete, but the reactions of your fellow students had you wondering if the news had been leaked. Then again, Azuma and Kikuko hadn't outright said that the induction wasn't private, you just kinda assumed that, and being an All-Ace meant you'd have to be a head-turner anyway, especially without your own Empire.

As you walked to class, entered, then sat in your usual seat, you still couldn't help but think that, with or without the Persona Game, this still felt... wrong. Unreal. Like, you couldn't be some gorgeous elite, a celebrity on even a school-wide scale, all your memories until this year were of everyone but Yuya and Keiko not even caring about or noticing your existence.
You then froze, as another thought came to mind. What if all those students were staring because they thought you were behind Melissa's death, or Gakuto's or Eitaro's, since you were the connecting factor in all the deaths this year. People had suspected, still suspected, Hotaru killing Rin for less, and with you they wouldn't be entirely wrong either.

Your head darted around to look at Yuya and Suzako, since even thought of you being blamed for Melissa's death made you afraid they could be too. Suzako in particular had gone from hating Melissa, to challenging Melissa, to suddenly being her Jack, to now this.

At least class proceeded as normal, but then came the bell, and therefore the summons to the Prized Pupil Lounge. You headed all the way up to its door again, feeling like the longest it had taken for you to walk there since the day of Eitaro's duel, or even when you were first summoned there, except this time you knew there'd be none of Reina's cheer waiting for you in the other side.

Na-Rae and also Shinsuke were there at least, both bowing in sync to you as you passed through, with it just hitting you that they were also the last two Jacks, unless you started making appointments of your own.
Azuma and Kikuko were standing either side before the Gameboard, having raised their blades, Azuma's whip-sword and Kikuko's katana, to make an arch. You assumed you had to walk through their arch, but before you could they lowered their swords.

"Nakamura Haruka," Azuma began, "You are now the first student here to be appointed an All-Ace without having an Empire of your own, since before the secrets of the Gameboard were discovered. Of course, over the past few months you have proved yourself capable of much without one, to where your appointment couldn't be ignored. Nevertheless, without an Empire, know that as an Ace you shall only soar so high".

"Nakamura Haruka," Kikuko continued, "Know that you step over the bodies of the slain to arrive here. Know that your path forward may be no less violent. And know the eyes of this academy shall never stop watching you. And, never forget who made you what you are".

After all... that, the two lifted their sword-arch back up again, you stepping and shuddering through. On the other side, the three of you turned around to look at each other again, with Azuma saying to you, "Congratulations, that only leaves you to proclaim your title as All-Ace. Quite something that the wallflower daughter of a bohemian and a salaryman now stands as equal to the scion of Japan's most honoured theatre family, and the daughter of generations of aristocrats stretching back a millennium", seeming to forget Eitaro was also a commoner.

[ ] "Ace of Diamonds". What with all you'd endured, that the 'diamond in the rough' symbolism spoke for itself.
[ ] "Ace of Hearts". Himawari on your mind, what else could you choose?
[ ] "Ace of Clubs". Probably the one that made most sense for a school.
[ ] "Ace of Pentacles". You take it the title has been long up for grabs, and it certainly could unnerve the others.
[ ] "Ace of Swords". As a reminder of the one death that, be it self-defence, really was by your hand.
[ ] "Ace of Fools". If that's allowed.
[ ] Write-in.

- The Fool Arcana breaks, the Mirror shatters piece by piece -

"Thou art I, I art Thou...
Thou hast seen how bonds may change
How Imperial Wonders are fated to Dust
How Infinite Potential is a Herald of Doom
Thou heads into the Night of the Lust Arcana, the true form of the Fool..."

- The Lust has Journeyed to Level 8! -

Clutching your head, you murmured, "That's it, then?"

"Welcome, Nakamura Haruka," Azuma grinned, "To your new Domain".

The next thing apparently was that you had to announce your appointment to Principal Oguri and Vice-Principal Fujino, which yeah, you weren't looking forward to exactly.
"Nakamura Haruka? Oh, of Class 2-C, that'd be Tanizawa, right?" the Principal said as you were made to approach him, "Oh yes, from memory you were quite associated with the expelled girl, weren't you? That's certainly troubling, especially as you'll be representing our school and all, but I don't recall you getting in trouble since. So well, chin up, and remember you're on your best behaviour from here out".

Funny, thought the whole point of becoming an Ace was you got to be on your worst, that thought seethed in you.

"I trust Maeda's and Sakurai's judgment," the Vice-Principal glared down at you, "But don't think I've so easily forgotten the Aoyagi girl. So be it, but you're on thin ice".

Leaving the faculty office, you immediately sighed with relief that the meeting was over. Scary thought though, that when people would think of Hanataba, they'd think of you. Well, probably still behind Azuma and Kikuko though.
You hoped at least one advantage of becoming an Ace was you'd no longer have to take orders from the others, but knowing what Azuma and Kikuko were like, and them knowing way more about you than you were comfortable with, even that may be denied you.

This began the less glamorous process of trying to fit all your stuff into your new private room next to the Lounge. It didn't help that, unlike with all the other Aces, this would be your room period, no other elsewhere unless you moved back in with Mum and Dad.

You naturally picked to move into Himawari's old room, which had been long cleared out anyway. Sitting down on your bed as it was able to finally be fit in there, you gave some thought as to who else to even talk to about all this. Like, ordinarily you'd be ringing everybody to tell them of you inheriting a position such as this, but with everything you'd seen on the Gameboard, well, the matter had completely changed now.

Eventually you decided to call up Reina, hopefully she hadn't left for home yet, since you had the foggy memory of saying you could install her as Jack if you were ever promoted to Ace, and well now...
"Hey, Reina. Er, you mind coming over to, uh, the Prized Pupil Lounge?" you slowly started off.

"Oh Haruka, hey, how's it- What?!" you heard her gasp through the phone, before saying, "Ah, of course, be on my way right there!"

Heading back into the main lounge, as Azuma and Kikuko both stared at the former Jack of Coins suddenly re-entering the room, you spoke up and said, "Hold on, she's with me.
Hi there Reina, er, got a lot to discuss," you turned to her and gulped.

Sowing her to your new private room as the news became clear, she exclaimed, "Oh my God, Haruka, y-you're one of the Aces now?"

"Yep, my Jack days are over," you told her, but your smile then flipped to a frown as you had to break it to her, "Thing was, well, reason I now got the position was due to a vacancy. Melissa, she's, well she's-"

"Dead," Reina bluntly finished for you, "Yeah, I heard. I- I still don't know how to feel about it. I mean, you brought up what if someone I knew or looked up to died, way back on that train. Now it's happened, and even that talk still couldn't prepare me for the real thing. Ah, no offence".

"Look, none taken," you tried to smile, tried to lift spirits, "I don't even know what I was saying back then, like I think I was just fed up and stuff at the time. But, er yeah, I also have no idea if this is a good time or not to bring this up, but- but I said I'd make you a jack again if I ever did become an Ace, right?"

Reina had to twitch a little hearing that, before she explained herself, "Ah, hey look, you don't have to feel pressured into choosing me or anything. Besides, um, from memory it's a little more complicated than just going 'Hey, you're a Jack now'. Melissa never told me much about the behind-the-scenes process, but I think you have to get the other Aces to allow and analyse your pick. Unless you're like, a really long-term Ace like Azuma, then you can just appoint anyone you feel like".

"Oh, I see," you mumbled, "Still, I can't exactly bring Himawari back in, and I know Colette well enough that she'd take being made a jack as an insult, even if it might ease a lot of the stigma off her at school".

"I heard in her, er, last days, that Melissa made your friends Jacks for... some reason, I dunno, and they had a really nasty time. So like, I do guess it'd be cool to be Jack again, but yeah, you should definitely ask around first. Them especially, like you've now got the power to give them a better time of it," Reina came to tell you.

"Okay, and thanks for understanding. Still though, about Melissa's death..." you muttered, "Guess this question could still cut a little deep, but well, Reina, how would've you have seen things ideally ending between you and Melissa?"

"Oh, yeah, that is a question," she mumbled, biting her lip, "Uh, hopefully something nice, like she'd just see how mean shed been to me and apologise. I, I hope that wouldn't have been too much to ask".

It shouldn't have been too much to ask, you had to think.

Then Reina had to ask, "W-what about you, how would've you have liked things to end with her?"

You now supposed you shouldn't have asked a personal question you were unable to answer yourself. After umming and aahing a bit, you just sighed and said, "Not like this, that's for sure".

That did raise some questions with you. Geez, would we have to travel all the way to America for Melissa's funeral? The flight to Russia already felt long enough. And I can see Kikuko already writing out a will, but Melissa?

You felt you had to change the subject. "Hey look, Reina, whether you become my Jack or not, do you- do you wanna sleep over tonight? Like, celebrate me moving in? I mean, God I'm so exhausted so right now from all he moving I've been doing today," you said as you yawned.

"Wow! That sounds great, sure I'd be up for it, but, uh," Reina then blushed, "There is only one bed in this room after all. Did you wanna, ah, did you wanna m-make love to me tonight?"

Blushing yourself, you were quick to say, "Ah, hey look, only if you're okay with it. Listen, I was never trying to make you do anything you didn't want to-"

"Hey, Haruka, it's okay. I want to!" Reina smiled at you, holding your hands and gazing into your eyes. "Like, I know your heart belongs to Colette, but still, I'm happy if I just get to be with you a little while".

Neither of you having any more words beyond that point, the two of you both leaned in for a kiss.

- The Magician has Journeyed to Rank 8! -

Being an Ace though meant there was a whole bunch of stuff you'd probably have to talk about tomorrow, on top of Melissa's death:

[ ] Break it to Suzako.
[ ] Break it to Yuya.
[ ] Break it to Ryouko.
[ ] Talk with Himawari.
[ ] Make sure things are still good with Na-Rae.
[ ] Confront Azuma at the Drama Club.
[ ] See what's with the Computer Club.
[ ] Talk about things with Hotaru.
[ ] Check up on the Velvet Room, especially with Popo (Inanna-Ishtar and Bert the Turtle await, free action)
[ ] Get back to the Gameboard:
- [ ] Write-in Empire.
- [ ] Write-in Party.
[ ] Write-in.

Then in the evening:

[ ] Get to that town tour with Koyomi.
[ ] Break the news to Megumi.
[ ] Get to studying.
- [ ] Write-in study partner.
[ ] Get to sleep.
[ ] Get back to the Gameboard:
- [ ] Write-in Empire.
- [ ] Write-in Party.
[ ] Write-in.
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[X] "Ace of Fools". If that's allowed.

[X] Break it to Suzako.
[X] Break it to Yuya.
[X] Check up on the Velvet Room, especially with Popo (Inanna-Ishtar and Bert the Turtle await, free action)

[X] Break the news to Megumi.
[X] "Ace of Fools". If that's allowed.
[X] Talk with Himawari.
Finish her link. It's time.
[X] Check up on the Velvet Room, especially with Popo (Inanna-Ishtar and Bert the Turtle await, free action)
"Dead," Reina bluntly finished for you, "Yeah, I heard. I- I still don't know how to feel about it. I mean, you brought up what if someone I knew or looked up to died, way back on that train. Now it's happened, and even that talk still couldn't prepare me for the real thing. Ah, no offence".
So how are they explaining away Melissa's death? Accidental stabbing during the riot?