Sapere aude (Imperial Russian Mythos Organization Quest)

[X] The Order of the Grey Wolf

If this option wins and we do go with my suggested motto of "man is wolf to his fellow man" and outsiders ask about it I say we give a bs answer along the lines of "we're a philosophical society that recognizes man's current nature and attempting to better it by examining the world around us in order to figure out how better to live with nature." or something along those lines. By the way this is the Russian version of our name:

Order of the grey wolf:
орден серого волка

And the pronunciation:
orden serogo volka
The acronym for Tesseract makes no sense in Russian. In Russian Tesseract is spelled:


But the words the acronym is supposed to represent translate to this in Russian:

The Exalted and Sublime Society of Engineers, Researchers, Artisans, Cartographers, and Travellers

Возвышенное и возвышенное общество инженеров, исследователей, ремесленников, картографов и путешественников

It simply does not match
The acronym for Tesseract makes no sense in Russian. In Russian Tesseract is spelled:


But the words the acronym is supposed to represent translate to this in Russian:

The Exalted and Sublime Society of Engineers, Researchers, Artisans, Cartographers, and Travellers

Возвышенное и возвышенное общество инженеров, исследователей, ремесленников, картографов и путешественников

It simply does not match
All the better not to arouse suspicion if any investigator use the acronym
All the better not to arouse suspicion if any investigator use the acronym
Perhaps so, but we also want to attract followers to our cause, and we can't do that if the name is too baffling.

Plus, if our acronym only makes sense in English, people are going to think we are overly pro-Western.

[X] The Samsonite Society

EDIT: Changing vote
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@Slayer Anderson , a few corrections, if you do not mind?

1) " Tsarina Yelisaveta Petrovna, Empress of Russia and granddaughter of Peter the Great "
Yelisaveta is actually a daughter of Peter the Great, that's why she is "Petrovna". ;)

2) " Bound to the land, which is in turn bound to the noble Boyar families "
In this times there is no longer Boyars in Russia. Actually, the last boyarin died in 1750.

3) " that had been shipped the many milya from their home estate. "
Maybe "versts"?

4) " He and Faina would, after all, be the first of their line to leave their lands for any length of time that had not given their lives over to the church. "
Honestly, this statement is a bit confusing because in those times nobles were ought to serve, either in civilian or military service. They were freed from this only in 1762. So I think that somebody from his line had to go to some war, at least.

Otherwise, a very promising quest. I'll follow!
You can correspond with St. Vladimir in Kyiv as well as the University in Vilnius, though both are outside the empire's borders at this time.
Actually, at this time Kiev is within empire's borders.

Other than that, not many formal schools of higher learning exist in the area during this period. Russia lagged behind modernization somewhat infamously and schools were no exception.
Yes, Russia indeed lagged behind modernization, but the first high learning scholl was Slavic Greek Latin Academy founded in 1682. But it is in Moscow, and it gives more clerical education. Nevertheless, Lomonosov studied in this Academy.

A bit more background information: the first museum, Kunstkamera, was founded by Peter. Its exponats were thematically Lovecraftian :p One of the most shocking are human fetuses with anatomical deficiencies (I wanted to post a link to photo, but I suspect that this could be against forum rules).
First bank was establieshed in 1754.
One of the possible covers are Freemasonry . :cool: There were lodges in Russia since 1730-th.

By the way, it's a pity that it is too late to recruite Lomonosov. He already has a well-establieshed position.

Speaking of, how often do you guys think China and Mongolia will show up? This is when Russia has a tenuous grasp of its Siberian holdings, but no one is up here.
Relathionships with China are regulated by Treaty of Nerchinsk. According to this treaty, Outer Manchuria belongs to China. Othervise Russia holds Siberia. There are holdings even on Kamchatka.
[X] The Samsonite Society
The wolf has no heraldic work, at least in Russia, but as far as I know it was almost never mass used in "noble" heraldry. This is a disrespectful animal whose symbol is gluttony, so either someone will read the symbol directly, or they will simply think that we have not mastered the atlas of heraldic symbols that has been published in Russia since 1701.
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