Sapere aude (Imperial Russian Mythos Organization Quest)

Maybe we should avoid any royalist references so as to not draw the attention of the Tsarist authorities.
This one sounds cool.

I vote for this one!
Yup! It sounds so average and normal, how can the secret police be suspicious of that? Now how about a symbol? Maybe an upright bear with a fur hat holding a mason's hammer and a farmer's sickle?😄

Edit: but seriously, maybe a pestle, book, and a halo or better yet, an orthodoxy symbol to make people think that we are proper members of the church
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My ideas:

The order of the grey Wolf.

The grey wolf symbolized antimony in alchemy. It was called that because it's habit of greedily absorbing all metals save gold. Gold in alchemy represented enlightenment. Also we could use the Latin motto: Homo homini lupus est "man is a wolf to other men"


The Order of the Jade Lion. In alchemy a green lion represented sulphuric acid, in the image below the green lion eats matter represented by the sun and releases gold. Alternatively if we wanted an exotic flare call it the Oriental order of the Jade lion.

The Seekers of ever lasting truth?

Seems simple and it says what we want in the name.
Interesting ideas so far, I'll be thinking them over today while I'm at work.
Speaking of, how often do you guys think China and Mongolia will show up? This is when Russia has a tenuous grasp of its Siberian holdings, but no one is up here.
How will minorites in Russia show up?
The answer to this is something of a vague, "as often as they need to."

There will be side quest hooks for expeditions to find artifacts or to visit lost mythos sites should you discover evidence of their existence/location. Russian minorities would be more relevant/apparent during those periods.

If you choose to stay exclusively in St. Petersburg, they'll be less apparent simply due to that fact. I'll try to incorporate mentions of certain events as a frame of reference, though.
I would probably vote for a very bland, very eastern orthodox and pro-russian monarchy name so as to dissuade any investigation and suspicion, and i like the image of a rampant bear holding a quill and a torch

Edit: also if we are going to add Truth in our society name we must make it as Jesus-y as possible, why? "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life no one can come to the Father but through me" - John 14:6, and why does this matter you may ask? Judging from the updates, the russian people at this time seems to be very traditional and pious, they would certainly know that verse, and if you are seeking a Truth other than Jesus... well, that sounds very un-Christian.
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Honestly having a name that is suitably bland, but could be easily overlooked to the unlearned observer should be what we go for

The Academic Forum of Esoteric Research
The Esoteric Research Society
The Collectors of Neolithic Artifacts
The Archivist's Club
Romythimis Research Society

I basically added and mismatched the words, Russia, Imperial, Romanov, and Mythical.

And how about we use a bear with a circle around it on a field of the Russian imperial flag?
How about "The Exalted and Sublime Society of Engineers, Researchers, Artisans, Cartographers, and Travellers" or TESSERACT for short (norse mythology yey!)
I accidentally found this quest, I would like to clarify a few things. To start with the coat of arms, I would suggest a greater reliance on the Bible, as mentioned here, but in the coat of arms. In particular, "Samson fights the lion" is sufficiently ambiguous in its essence that the lion was both a symbol of power and a symbol of victory over the Swedes, who at that time used the lion symbol as well. In St. Petersburg, they love this.
In the slogans, without further ado, I decided to take "Per aspera ad astra" aka "Through the thorns to the stars", again, a lot of meanings and symbolism for supporters of the deep meaning search syndrome.

I would also clarify a few details that are important to me.
- The first higher educational institution in Russia is the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy established in 1687. This is a humanitarian university with a share of theology.
- St. Petersburg is a city of nobles, and the nobles in the first half of the 1700s are not the nobles of the 1800s. This is a very young active class, which not only actively absorbs people from other strata of society (except for the peasants, of course), it is enough that 30% of the nobles in 1730 have an aristocratic status for their merits, but also, first of all, the "service class". In a literal sense, shortly before the start of the quest, except for disability or youth, it was forbidden by law to leave the military or bureaucratic service. By the time of the quest, this is "only" 25 years of service for every noble without exception.
- As a result, there are several higher educational institutions for the army in St. Petersburg. Naval Academy, Land Cadet Corps, Artillery School, Medical School. All of them, including a pack of secondary schools, are aimed at satisfying the needs of a huge army in various specialists, from logisticians to gunners. In fact, this is a military higher education for its time.
- No banking is possible in this historical period for the banal reason-the loan is prohibited by law. The state itself is engaged in loans, but private individuals only in 1744 will give the right to loans at a maximum of 6% per annum.
- St. Petersburg can sink. This is a city that actively sinks from time to time in one form or another. The nearest date is August 28, 1744, the water rises by 2 meters and will flood several hundred meters of coastal territory.
- It is strange that no one thought of such a banal cover for the hospital as a different form - the apothecary's yard. That is, a small estate with a garden filled with a variety of plants for the operation of the pharmacy. In the end, the spirit of the times and the peculiarities tell us that Herbal Medicine.
Thank you @Melifaro for the information! What things could private individuals do then in regards to finance?

The state here is quite absolutist and very cautious in the development of banking, so that the bill trade plays an important role only in import-export. That is, a market with foreigners.

Inside the country there is a "black", that is, an unsecured market for loans, usually from quite respectable merchants and nobles, as well as the church, but this is punishable. However, "the severity of Russian laws is compensated by the non-mandatory nature of their implementation"(c).
A substantial part of the nobility and merchants can use some forms of depository storage in the banking system of the state, in particular for moving "accounts" in banks around the country.

The state, through the budgets of ministries (or rather colleges at that time), is also actively engaged in" saving the drowning", conducting budget intervention in unsuccessful commercial or noble assets to preserve the economy and prevent a spiral of ruin. This system has been working since 1733 and is still doing well, but by 1760 the state will essentially run out of money to save the economy, especially after a major war. So far, the system works well, as it requires an initial deposit for the loan, usually in gold or silver, which allows new creditors to pay their bills and confirms the country's solvency.

A simple person without large reserves of gold on hand has little to shine in this area. Most likely having some significant amount on hand, get a "loan letter" from one of the ministries/colleges and get the money back on hand already in a regional city where there is a post office or shipyard.
I accidentally found this quest, I would like to clarify a few things.
Thanks for the contributions. I'll be adjusting a few things as to how things play out in the future. I've been meaning to hit the books and do some intensive research given that Russian history isn't my strongest area, but I haven't had the time over the past week.

I'll likely be swapping the bank cover for the apothecary's garden given this information as well.

Thanks again.
Still working on the update, but I dropped in to see if there was some final outcome to the discussion and...

Hmm... no real consensus, so I guess we'll do the formal vote thing?
The Order of the Grey Wolf.
The Order of the Jade Lion.
"The Exalted and Sublime Society of Engineers, Researchers, Artisans, Cartographers, and Travellers" or TESSERACT
The Samsonite Society
Picking from the ones I see having the most promise... even though I don't think the Tesseract acronym would work in Russian...

Here are your options:

[ ] The Order of the Grey Wolf
[ ] The Order of the Jade Lion
[ ] The Samsonite Society
[X] The Samsonite Society

It's this or Grey wolf, Jade is a China thing in my mind, and tesseract wouldn't work in Russian I don't think

I do like the idea Melifaro had, basically this'll make us look like good patriots

[X] The Order of the Grey Wolf

Like them both, so I'll vote for them both :)
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