Sapere aude (Imperial Russian Mythos Organization Quest)

[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???
[X] Golden Ornaments – Increased Wealth (May be taken up to twice.)
It's been an hour so let's get to voting:

[X] Clay Cylinders – Basics of Mentalism

Because hypnosis equals mind control and expanded influence.

[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics

Because hermetics traditionally is a wide ranging philosophical system involving both magic and alchemy. So while it might not give us the same boost a just alchemy based sample would give us it will still give us some while also giving us magic.

[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology

Because hermetic magic is partially based on the movement of the planets and so it should synergize with this.
Here's my first instinct at least, Human Skins plus medical research might be connected, don't exactly know what hermetics is but it seems like "magic", like, actual spells at a guess, otherwise Alchemy could be good
Think of Alchemy as 'magical material sciences.'

Theurgy is drawing power from Old Ones, Outer Ones, Other Ones, etc... basically higher or lower dimensions occupied by powerful beings.

Hermetics is the same without the power beings directing or focusing the energy. More dangerous, but more independent.

Because hermetics traditionally is a wide ranging philosophical system involving both magic and alchemy. So while it might not give us the same boost a just alchemy based sample would give us it will still give us some while also giving us magic.
There's a bit of overlap, yeah, but they're more distinct systems.
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[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
[X] Broken Stone Tablets – Fundaments of Theurgy

I'm going to be honest, i just think astrology is cool, and given the mythos understanding the cycles measured by the stars is likely to be really useful. Meanwhile Alchemy might not let you turn lead into gold, but any sort of magical material should be useful, or if not magical material 'turning iron into steel' should just be profitable. And RL Hermetics is ritual magic, and ritual magic and the research type group seems a match made in... well, someone else's nightmares, honestly. Or they can do Theurgy and approach worship from the position of a Mythos scientist.

[X] Ancient Map Fragments – Unlock Expedition Targets

And if all else fails, these would let us unlock probably more then one thing... eventually, and if our expeditions work.
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[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???
[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study

Medical Research also gives us a way to make our own institution, a hospital, without getting hit with any exterminator cults that exist

Also, changed my mind on hermeticism, figure I'll try to keep getting powers from within the material plane, as that may make any results more reproducible, so Alchemy it is

Mystery choice because we're scientists, we should forge ahead and study new and exciting fields of study, that normally wouldn't be available
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[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???
[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
I really thought that this quest was another "uplift" and Science! Quest, but the monstrous acts and 17th century attitude got me interested again

[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???
[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Broken Stone Tablets – Fundaments of Theurgy
[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???
[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???
[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
Can vote for more than three yeah?

[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
Can vote for more than three yeah?
Yes, you can.

Here's a current tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jun 13, 2021 at 10:37 PM, finished with 15 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
If the voting keeps going the way it does then I suspect our first method creation will be in the vein of Dr. Frankenstein or Herbert West reanimator. Out of curiosity why is no one else curious to investigate mesmerism? I would imagine mind control could be useful for a mythos cult? Hell we could always pull an M. Valdamar and hypnotically hold someone at the brink of death so they could give us info on what lies beyond the veil of death.
[X] Fragmented Manuscripts – Cryptid Research
[X] Broken Stone Tablets – Fundaments of Theurgy
[X] Ancient Map Fragments – Unlock Expedition Targets
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Clay Cylinders – Basics of Mentalism
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
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[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???
[X] Ancient Map Fragments – Unlock Expedition Targets
[X] Clay Cylinders – Basics of Mentalism
If the voting keeps going the way it does then I suspect our first method creation will be in the vein of Dr. Frankenstein or Herbert West reanimator. Out of curiosity why is no one else curious to investigate mesmerism? I would imagine mind control could be useful for a mythos cult? Hell we could always pull an M. Valdamar and hypnotically hold someone at the brink of death so they could give us info on what lies beyond the veil of death.
If were a manipulator cult, I'd go for it, however we are a science cult, and mesmerism doesn't seem like it would have as many interesting research paths as medical, mystery, alchemy, or magic

Like, I'd be alright with grabbing it in the later game, but I feel like the other things would be better to get first for an Abomination cult
[X] Fragmented Manuscripts – Cryptid Research
[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics

Fascinating. I feel the draw to these.
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Tattooed Human Skins – ???

Give me that mystery box baby!
[X] Frozen Human Remains – Medical Research
[X] Ancient Map Fragments – Unlock Expedition Targets
[X] Golden Ornaments – Increased Wealth (May be taken up to twice.)
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Engraved Copper Plates – First Principles of Mythos Hermetics
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology
[X] Clay Cylinders – Basics of Mentalism
[X] Golden Ornaments – Increased Wealth (May be taken up to twice.)
*starts having TTS flashbacks* Oh dear me.

"You're sure the creature will take him?" Adrik asked in a low voice, the oil lamp casting long shadows across the room.

Faina nodded. "It was a shame to lose it, we could have learned so much, but... yes. It is growing inside him like a tumor. He will not last out the year."

Adrik sighed heavily in relief. "Good. Good."
Ah, plotting the murder of inconvenient family members: here's a tradition that never risks to become outdated.

"Have you received word form the others?" Faina asked as she poured herself a bowl of soup. It was poor meat, acquired on short notice. Perhaps once she knew the lay of this city she would find a stupid boy who thought her an easy target for his advances. The butchery would aide her in further understanding the human condition... and provide meat aplenty for their consumption.

Waste not, want not.
:o Wow, we're jumping deep in the lovecraftian themes right from the start.

[X] Fragmented Manuscripts – Cryptid Research
[X] Natural Samples Collection – Alchemical Study
[X] Pages of the Necronomicon – First Principles of Astrology