Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

[X] Plan: Catch My Breath

Basic concept of teaching Will how to do things by putting Chiron with him now and again so that we can utilize him as our primary martial hero sound interesting to anyone else? Idk, there's something pretty interesting about Will turning into some badass hero.
While they do have direct magic, lots of their things comes from having access to gummi berry juice. The greenhouse is likely to get access to that bush.
And other ingredients for just about everything, However it will be expensive (in setup and maintenance) so we'll probably want to do it after we get some trade routes going . Also any Gummi magic aside from potions etc will be very limited with Zummi being the only source of it for the foreseeable future.

Because in order to cast said magic you need a Medallion; which unless there are some Gummi ruins (and/or Lady Bane came along for the ISOT ride) there is only one on this continent. I can see there being instructions on how to make them in the Great Book but that could be difficult (to say the least) without the prerequisite magical infrastructure.
- [X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
Considering this is a magical kingdom literally wished into existence, you wouldn't put it past Genie to put some sort of fantastically intelligent individuals into it. See if anyone has put together any interesting bits and bobs, and made something convenient out of it (Invention roll, random chance)
DC: Variable (No bonus from Chiron, +10 from Aladdin)
Could you switch out Tinker, Tailor, Engineer for "What's up Doc?"
- [][Learning] What's up Docs?
The doctors and scholars of the University are hailed as some of the best and brightest. Maybe see what they're working on as side projects? (Unlocks new Learning actions)
DC: 20/30/70/90
Cost: 0
It just seems to me like we can get more from "What's up Doc" than from Tinker Tailor, Engineer. T.T.E gives one invention, while What's Up Doc is likely to give many inventions, and learning lines to look through.
It just seems to me like we can get more from "What's up Doc" than from Tinker Tailor, Engineer. T.T.E gives one invention, while What's Up Doc is likely to give many inventions, and learning lines to look through.
It would be better to run WuD when Chiron is available to grant his bonus. Because then we'd get a +40 to the roll instead of +10 meaning that we'd get the 1st or 2nd levels and have a 50% chance to get the highest result.
It would be better to run WuD when Chiron is available to grant his bonus. Because then we'd get a +40 to the roll instead of +10 meaning that we'd get the 1st or 2nd levels and have a 50% chance to get the highest result.
We could probably try again. It isn't like our intelligent people are going to be dead, thus removing the action completely. We know that we can succeed on WuD, whereas the T.T.E has no indication of what roll we need.
We could probably try again. It isn't like our intelligent people are going to be dead, thus removing the action completely. We know that we can succeed on WuD, whereas the T.T.E has no indication of what roll we need.
Yes but I would prefer to only need to perform the action once with a good chance of getting the best results.
Good point, I'll swap them out.
If so then I'm going to have to have to make an alternate plan with the original form.

[X] Plan: Catch My Breath with Science
-[X][Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen
-[X][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
-[X][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand
-[X][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
-[X][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
-[X][Learning]Assign Chiron to assist a Hero
--[X]Will Turner
-[X][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
-[X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
-[X][Personal] Get to know a Hero better
-[X][Will Personal] Tangled Tongue
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Hah. The most likely position of our capital is what should have been the Dash-e Kavir. Its a brutal desert in the real world... right now. But it wasn't always. It used to be a beautiful knotwork of lakes and monsoon-driven temperate forest and that only stopped due to a shifting climate, wind and weather patterns. Humanity even got a chance to write about it before it dried up.

We didn't displace jack shit. The Genie just bent back the weather patterns to what they were "supposed" to be and just ran the world in fast forward a little. Its a beautiful answer for a nice guy with way, way too much power who didn't want to have to put a boot into the face of any existing ruler or people.

(I took outlines directly from the provided map. They don't match the geography all that well but, eh, I'll have to look more at it)
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@TempestK Is there a way for Aladdin to improve his stewardship score some more? I didn't see it. Did Aladdin learn everything he could in stewardship from the university?
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He can still improve it, that was an oversight on my part. Sorry. Still working out the kinks I guess.
I kinda hope not. Because going beyond the single action per category is something I don't see you able to handle. And single actions while limited, give me more of a free-fall feeling. If turns were a year, perhaps I'd be upset.

Turns are 2 months long.

We get 6 actions per category each year, on a single action category limit. Which is a lot of actions.
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I kinda hope not. Because going beyond the single action per category is something I don't see you able to handle. And single actions while limited, give me more of a free-fall feeling. If turns were a year, perhaps I'd be upset.

Turns are 2 months long.

We get 6 actions per category each year, on a single action category limit. Which is a lot of actions.
I'm honestly a bit disheartened that you think so little of my writing ability. Why don't you think I can handle more than one action at a time? Also while six actions per category per year is a lot of actions from your perspective, it's also a lot of time and as the game continues your reach will likely extend, leading to more effort being needed to coordinate and manage the longer ranged operations and plans. Your sphere of influence will grow, depending on the choices you make; and that will lead to needing to be able to handle multiple fronts. As such, expanding the capabilities and staff of your advisors seems like the prudent thing to do.