Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Yes, meta-wise it's a good idea. There's just the issue of IC being able to sell the Sultan on reasons for keeping the bird around (as opposed to having parrot kabobs).
Oh, that's easy. Iago is a coward and will spill the beans and turn his coat so long as it can save his skin. And if you recall from The Animated Series, the Sultan is actually competent when he doesn't have Jafar to hypnotize him into uselessness. He'll agree to keep the bird alive both because his knowledge is useful so long as he stays out of Agrabah. This might also give the Sultan an excuse to set up an official liaison with Agrabah even before the wedding is done just to keep an eye on Iago. He'll be angry, but without Jafar to screw with his actions, he'll do what's needed.
[X] Plan Truth, Justice and stool parrots
-[X] Write In
--[X] Jafar may be gone (for now) but any of the sorcerer's caches, hidden trinkets and hideouts are likely still scattered about Agrabah. Suggest to Iago that the Sultan and Razoul might be more willing to let him keep his head if he is willing to offer up information on Jafar.
-[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
-[X] An Obelisk: Simple but striking, a white marble obelisk engraved with the names of the fallen and a thank-you for their sacrifice. Emphasizes them as a group.
[X] Plan Truth, Justice and stool parrots
-[X] Write In
--[X] Jafar may be gone (for now) but any of the sorcerer's caches, hidden trinkets and hideouts are likely still scattered about Agrabah. Suggest to Iago that the Sultan and Razoul might be more willing to let him keep his head if he is willing to offer up information on Jafar.
-[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
-[X] An Obelisk: Simple but striking, a white marble obelisk engraved with the names of the fallen and a thank-you for their sacrifice. Emphasizes them as a group.
[X] Plan Truth, Justice and stool parrots
-[X] Write In
--[X] Jafar may be gone (for now) but any of the sorcerer's caches, hidden trinkets and hideouts are likely still scattered about Agrabah. Suggest to Iago that the Sultan and Razoul might be more willing to let him keep his head if he is willing to offer up information on Jafar.
-[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
-[X] An Obelisk: Simple but striking, a white marble obelisk engraved with the names of the fallen and a thank-you for their sacrifice. Emphasizes them as a group.

Well, that went fairly well, considering they were up against the most powerful sorcerer in the world. And want Iago around, there are too many ways he might be useful, even if Jafar might come back for him.
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Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Mar 12, 2021 at 10:45 AM, finished with 42 posts and 25 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Mar 12, 2021 at 10:45 AM, finished with 42 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Plan Truth, Justice and stool parrots
    -[X] Write In
    --[X] Jafar may be gone (for now) but any of the sorcerer's caches, hidden trinkets and hideouts are likely still scattered about Agrabah. Suggest to Iago that the Sultan and Razoul might be more willing to let him keep his head if he is willing to offer up information on Jafar.
    -[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
    -[X] An Obelisk: Simple but striking, a white marble obelisk engraved with the names of the fallen and a thank-you for their sacrifice. Emphasizes them as a group.
    [X] Plan Garden, Disclosure and none of my business
    -[X] A memorial garden: With flowers and plants both native to Agrabah and Ababwa, create a spot of green in the city for the people outside the Palace Walls to know how they were saved from Jafar's rule, and the price that was paid.
    - [X] Not my Parrot, not my Circus: Allow the Sultan to decide without weighing in on the situation.
    -[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
    [X] Plan Justice, Truth and Honor
    - [X] Not my Parrot, not my Circus: Allow the Sultan to decide without weighing in on the situation.
    -[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
    - [X] A Statue: Joint commission of a statue of the men who braved the magical wrath of Jafar. Expensive, takes a long time to finish.
    [X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
    [X] Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Offer to take Iago to Ababwa where he won't have access to any of the caches or other hidden trinkets and baubles that Jafar surely has left stashed within the Palace. You can figure out some sort of proper punishment that isn't just locking him away.
    [X] An Obelisk: Simple but striking, a white marble obelisk engraved with the names of the fallen and a thank-you for their sacrifice. Emphasizes them as a group.
    [X] Not my Parrot, not my Circus: Allow the Sultan to decide without weighing in on the situation.
    [X] A Statue: Joint commission of a statue of the men who braved the magical wrath of Jafar. Expensive, takes a long time to finish.

Okay, it seems we're at a slight bit of an impasse. If we go by plan votes, then the current leader is Stool Parrots. However not everyone voted by plan, and I don't want them to think their votes don't matter. If we break it down to line votes, stool parrot is tied with Not My Circus.
[X] Plan Truth, Justice and stool parrots

I don't really care if Iago lives or die, but not using a big source of information would be unwise.
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I watched the DVV map and I saw "Road to El Dorado" on it, and its a DreamWorks movie. I mean, I'm not complaining, it's one of my favorite childhood movie, but I would understand if it's removed to keep this quest Disney-centric.
[X] Plan Truth, Justice and stool parrots

I watched the DVV map and I saw "Road to El Dorado" on it, and its a DreamWorks movie. I mean, I'm not complaining, it's one of my favorite childhood movie, but I would understand if it's removed to keep this quest Disney-centric.
If I'm remembering right, Road to El Dorado got included into the DVV setting even though it isn't Disney because the majority of people who made DVV liked it.
If I'm remembering right, Road to El Dorado got included into the DVV setting even though it isn't Disney because the majority of people who made DVV liked it.
It also gives a bit of a buffer state between Yzma and Santa Anna. Because lets face it, Yzma would probably roll right over Santa Anna.
[X] Plan Truth, Justice and stool parrots
-[X] Write In
--[X] Jafar may be gone (for now) but any of the sorcerer's caches, hidden trinkets and hideouts are likely still scattered about Agrabah. Suggest to Iago that the Sultan and Razoul might be more willing to let him keep his head if he is willing to offer up information on Jafar.
-[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
-[X] An Obelisk: Simple but striking, a white marble obelisk engraved with the names of the fallen and a thank-you for their sacrifice. Emphasizes them as a group.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TempestK on Mar 11, 2021 at 3:04 PM, finished with 47 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X] Plan Truth, Justice and stool parrots
    -[X] Write In
    --[X] Jafar may be gone (for now) but any of the sorcerer's caches, hidden trinkets and hideouts are likely still scattered about Agrabah. Suggest to Iago that the Sultan and Razoul might be more willing to let him keep his head if he is willing to offer up information on Jafar.
    -[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
    -[X] An Obelisk: Simple but striking, a white marble obelisk engraved with the names of the fallen and a thank-you for their sacrifice. Emphasizes them as a group.
    [X] Plan Garden, Disclosure and none of my business
    -[X] A memorial garden: With flowers and plants both native to Agrabah and Ababwa, create a spot of green in the city for the people outside the Palace Walls to know how they were saved from Jafar's rule, and the price that was paid.
    - [X] Not my Parrot, not my Circus: Allow the Sultan to decide without weighing in on the situation.
    -[X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
    [X] Full Disclosure of the wish and the circumstances: Aladdin tells Jasmine everything that he knows. Though it appears that he may have some serious gaps in his memory now...
    [X] Plan Justice, Truth and Honor
    [X] Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Offer to take Iago to Ababwa where he won't have access to any of the caches or other hidden trinkets and baubles that Jafar surely has left stashed within the Palace. You can figure out some sort of proper punishment that isn't just locking him away.
    [X] An Obelisk: Simple but striking, a white marble obelisk engraved with the names of the fallen and a thank-you for their sacrifice. Emphasizes them as a group.
    [X] Not my Parrot, not my Circus: Allow the Sultan to decide without weighing in on the situation.
    [X] A Statue: Joint commission of a statue of the men who braved the magical wrath of Jafar. Expensive, takes a long time to finish.
Investigations of a Lost Lair (Canon)
Well bunnies bit so why not?

Investigations of a lost lair

Razoul was far from happy about the current situation as he marched into a side room of the palace accompanied by a number of his men. His majesty, the Sultan and Princess Jasmine had just barely escaped Alleh-knows-what at the hands of the vizier-turned-usurper-and-sorcerer; the filthy street rat that had been the eternal bane of his (and just about every other member of Agrabah's guard) existence had become a 'prince' of a magically-created kingdom; said 'prince' had been wooing the Princess and finally; the never-sufficiently-bedamned Jafar managed to escape the city with his life.

'Though' Razoul chuckled to himself 'missing a few parts.'

"Hey! If I could drag you away from memories of bloodshed and mayhem can we get a move on here? None of us are getting any younger!"

And that was the final straw stacking up in an overall miserable day. The creature everyone had seen as Jafar's pet parrot was in fact far more intelligent then it had let on. Fortunately it still only had the capabilities of a mundane parrot meaning a metal cage was sufficient to keep it captive. Unfortunately they couldn't simply kill the bird or throw it in a cell since the street rat has pointed out (and the Sultan had agreed) that it might know the locations of any bolt holes Jafar had made. A reasonable point (even if agreeing with the street rat on anything made his guts turn) but what he was currently being told was ridiculous.

"Really, a passage hidden here?"

The parrot snorted, looking disgusted and waved a wing at one of the hanging lamps. "Really sword-for-brains? It would be stupid of me to lie to any of you about this because my life is on the line. And I like living! So yank the cord and we'll see who looks like an idiot today."

Biting back a growl Razoul nodded to Abdur, the guard in question proceeding to pull of the indicated lamp cord. At the sudden 'click' and the sound of grinding stone as one of the walls slid away his blood went cold. As the captain of the Royal Guard, he was one of the handful of individuals with complete knowledge of the numerous secret passages and rooms that threaded the palace; from the escape tunnel in the back of the throne room to the vast siege stores kept in case the city was attacked. That a hidden passageway existed this close to the throne room and royal bedchambers that he didn't know about?! Even if the traitor had stored nothing here, it had to be rectified at once.

"Nabeeh, go to architect el-Farha and inform him the guard requires his expertise at once. He'll understand the situation when he gets here. You two, stand guard. Do not allow anyone to enter or leave. Aaish, Saqr, Saleet; with me."

Storming up the revealed staircase, he idly noted that the parrot was attempting to be as small and quiet as possible. Apparently it had figured out that nobody present was going to accept any back-talk or comments right now. Throwing open the heavy wooden door at the top of the stairs the guards (with caged bird in tow) barreled into the room. Even having no true experience with the arcane, Razoul could tell this place was Jafar's lair. Selves covered with strange reagents and tomes in a multitude of languages covered the walls; work-tables with strange devices and tools scattered about along with a massive metallic structure suspended above a pillar in the middle of the room.

"Reference books are over there, Jafar's personal notes and journals are in that pile, the two heaps on the left should be safe to shove aside but don't go anywhere near the blue shelves without some good gloves and wraps. Whatver's in there made half my feathers fall out the one time I made that mistake." Iago quirked a brow at the looks the guards were sending him due to the freely offered information. "What? Jafar may have been great at finding all sorts of magical trinkets but he couldn't organize to save his life. I don't want to end up roast parrot because you lot poked or shook the wrong thing up here."

A low grunt was Razoul's sole acknowledgement of the point. Still, the amount of materials and records scattered about the lair where far too much for his men. He was going to have to grab a dozen or so scholars from those working at the palace to help catalog everything and put together a proper report.

"Sir! You need to see this." came Aaish's exclamation from the top of the pillar. When Razoul saw what had disturbed the normally level-headed man so much, rage boiled in the back of his mind all over again. Suspended above a cobra-themed hourglass was a ring. And not just any ring but one that should have always been with the Sultan; the Blue Diamond of Agrabah. Something that was as much a symbol of royalty as the sultan's robes and turban. A ring that he now recalled had not been worn by the Sultan recently.

"What. Is. This. Doing here?"

Iago simply blinked and gave a shrug. "That thing? Jafar needed the Blue Diamond as a reagent to scry which smuck could enter the Cave of Wonders, so he took it. Guess he never got around to putting it away when we were done."

Making a mental note that if Jafar was ever captured, he was to go into the crocodile pit toes first; Razoul set the parrot's cage down and removed a small bit of cloth from his belt. Removing the Blue Diamond from the snake-like contruction and carefully wrapping it, he headed towards the exit while ordering his men to keep inspecting the room. He had an initial report to give to the Sultan and an heirloom to return.

'At least one thing is going right today.'

AN: The Agrabah palace canonically has a bunch of secret passages as per 'Destiny on Fire' and Razoul knows them well. As for the Blue Diamond, the sultan said "But it's been in the family for years" so I'm reading it as more of an heirloom than just something he started wearing. And yes, over the course of the movies and series Razoul has been shown to be extremely loyal (but not blindly) to the Princess and Sultan while not being a person who shies away from violence.
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Very nice. Hopefully this can become canon.

You've got the voices pretty much perfect near as I can tell.

I'm still rather fond of Iago so hopefully he can join us as a hero unit on work release or something eventually.
If At First You Don't Succeed... (Canon)
If At First You Don't Succeed...

Prince Hans Westergaard, one of the many spares of the Southern Isles, found his panic intensifying.

"Sir, the storm has no end!" The helmsman shouted back to its Captain, as Hans found his throat dry despite the wetness of the sea. No. He couldn't die here.

Before him was a never ending storm, shards of hail plummeting down like daggers from the sky, the storm clearly magical in nature. It roared down upon them with a murderous fervor, his ship swaying back and forth in response, as if threatening to tip over.

"Keep pushing onwards!" He managed to yell, forcing his body to move through the terrifying winds, the sounds of his crew, the remnants of his very Kingdom, screaming with fright, some being taken by the sea's grip and forced off the wooden sanctity beneath them. "We move South, until we've found shore! We can't be long for it now!" His cries were met with a lack of enthusiasm by the remainder of his people, though they followed his orders regardless - what choice did they have left?

They'd left off the Southern port of Arendelle in a frenzy, ships being torn asunder by icy winds without comparison, a shrill scream carried throughout the furious icy winds, one of heartbreak and loss. There had been no time for plans, or great manipulations; the instinct for survival and self-preservation was all that kept him alive.

He'd had his sword at the ready, prepared to bring it down on the Queen, reap the rewards he'd been setting himself up to plunder. But something in her voice brought him down, maybe it was the sobs of despair - perhaps he could have controlled this situation? After all, all the easier to take over the Kingdom if there was still a Queen in charge. Yes, he could work with this.

That quickly came crashing down when those sobs turned into screams. No longer just despair, now there was a fierce rage and hatred in her cries; the winds picked up and with a cry, the prince found himself flying back at the furiousness of it; feet lifted off the ground, he landed harshly on the solid ice, wind forced out from his lungs. The sky above began to pick up, thunder crackled overhead, and Hans felt true fear. Looking back to the Queen, he found her huddled in on herself, vulnerable. Yet his hands shook, and his fear forced him back. Hans fled.

In the present, Hans knew he'd been overly lucky as it was, to have avoided death so many times already. It appeared that luck had run itself dry, as with a mighty wave, he felt the floors beneath him disappear, the ship toppling on its side. All around him, voices cried out in distress, but there was nothing to be done about it.

As the icy cold beneath him enveloped his form, Hans prepared himself for a slow death.

It was to the sounds of voices chattering in a foreign language that the prince awoke. His eyes flickered open, the skies above a clear blue that he couldn't be more thankful for. Tilting his head, he eyed a few soldiers, metal plated helms, and swords at their sides. Their language was familiar, and he quickly picked up on the nationality - German. He'd learned a few languages in his youth, and German was one he'd picked up on almost as easily as his native language. The men were going on about the multitude of bodies that littered the beach, and that the "Queen" would need to be informed.

Something inside of Hans snapped back into place at the words. With a great strain on his muscles, he barely lifted himself up, a man squawking at the sight, before quickly surrounding him, weapons pointed at the nearly dead man. A few notes of warning were shouted out at him, but even so the prince stood, and with a heavy breath he spoke to the soldiers.

"I… am Prince Hans Westergaard, of the Southern Isles. I believe your Queen would be most interested in what I have to tell her."
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