Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

[X] Snipe him from a distance with bows: It has the advantage of giving them a surprise strike, but carries the risk of the arrows being sent off course by the wind of the vortex, or blown out of the air by the lightning
[X] Snipe him from a distance with bows: It has the advantage of giving them a surprise strike, but carries the risk of the arrows being sent off course by the wind of the vortex, or blown out of the air by the lightning
[X] Snipe him from a distance with bows: It has the advantage of giving them a surprise strike, but carries the risk of the arrows being sent off course by the wind of the vortex, or blown out of the air by the lightning.
[X] Snipe him from a distance with bows: It has the advantage of giving them a surprise strike, but carries the risk of the arrows being sent off course by the wind of the vortex, or blown out of the air by the lightning.
Well color me intrigued. Gonna keep my eye on this one.

Also as for Jafar I have a pretty good guess what happened. Genie is a bro, to us, because he's nice and sees that Aladdin for all his faults come's by his wishes "honestly."

He didn't twist Genie's hand and wish for like a love potion, or some magic jewel that'd make Jasmine fall in love with him by proxy, he just asked for enough dough and duds for him to do it himself. It's the difference between asking for a suit and car and asking for a roofie.

Jafar on the other hand jumped straight into the "I want ultimate power to fuck with people" hole so Genie knew straight up what he was in for, cue him going "the guy wants power? Alright then, I'll just take that power from a very crucial/important/desired source, shove it in him, and watch as the things that keep that shit in line come to collect."

Jafar demanded power, he didn't specify that he be allowed to keep it.
[X] Snipe him from a distance with bows: It has the advantage of giving them a surprise strike, but carries the risk of the arrows being sent off course by the wind of the vortex, or blown out of the air by the lightning.
Well color me intrigued. Gonna keep my eye on this one.

Also as for Jafar I have a pretty good guess what happened. Genie is a bro, to us, because he's nice and sees that Aladdin for all his faults come's by his wishes "honestly."

He didn't twist Genie's hand and wish for like a love potion, or some magic jewel that'd make Jasmine fall in love with him by proxy, he just asked for enough dough and duds for him to do it himself. It's the difference between asking for a suit and car and asking for a roofie.

Jafar on the other hand jumped straight into the "I want ultimate power to fuck with people" hole so Genie knew straight up what he was in for, cue him going "the guy wants power? Alright then, I'll just take that power from a very crucial/important/desired source, shove it in him, and watch as the things that keep that shit in line come to collect."

Jafar demanded power, he didn't specify that he be allowed to keep it.

while clever Genie was still taken by complete suprise. No one willingly opens a portal to Disney satan ( really what he is described as) if they and people they give a shit about are in the blast radius.

because this portal did suck up his lamp. Which... is concerning because I don't like Chernebog having acess to a genie even if he himself has more power. It's a powerful bargaining chip if nothing else. And a good guy is now at that things utter lack of mercy.

I REALLY hope the portal just spat him out somewhere random
while clever Genie was still taken by complete suprise. No one willingly opens a portal to Disney satan ( really what he is described as) if they and people they give a shit about are in the blast radius.

because this portal did suck up his lamp. Which... is concerning because I don't like Chernebog having acess to a genie even if he himself has more power. It's a powerful bargaining chip if nothing else. And a good guy is now at that things utter lack of mercy.

I REALLY hope the portal just spat him out somewhere random
Fortunately QM partially answered that.
what sucks is that fricken devil decided to fuck with jafar, and/or decided that the sorceror was moving in on its turf...and took the genie of the lamp.
Oh no, that's not quite what happened there. And I will at least confirm that Chernabog does not have the lamp.
So whie Big Blue might have a new master, at least it's not Chernabog.
[X] Snipe him from a distance with bows: It has the advantage of giving them a surprise strike, but carries the risk of the arrows being sent off course by the wind of the vortex, or blown out of the air by the lightning
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Mar 8, 2021 at 12:26 PM, finished with 52 posts and 21 votes.

Here's how the votes stand at the moment. I'll be leaving it open for a while longer.
[X] Snipe him from a distance with bows: It has the advantage of giving them a surprise strike, but carries the risk of the arrows being sent off course by the wind of the vortex, or blown out of the air by the lightning.
[X] Snipe him from a distance with bows: It has the advantage of giving them a surprise strike, but carries the risk of the arrows being sent off course by the wind of the vortex, or blown out of the air by the lightning.
Hmm, you know Iago might have an easier time guaranteeing his continued existence from the main cast in this setting as compared to canon (assuming Jafar is killed and he's not taken out as collateral damage). Because here he hasn't had the chance to commit gleeful, extended and protracted revenge against the Sultan for all those 'moldy disgusting crackers'.

Heck, the only thing people can hold against him is being Jafar's parrot and helper. Sure that's a fair bit to hold against him in their eyes but considering the situation, he might be able to buy his life by offering the location of Jafar's lab (with all the magical reagents, artifacts, lore etc inside) along with everything he knows.
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OK it's been a long time what does anyone have an idea what happened to carpet? I'm fairly certain it's okay and should be available after the portal closes
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TempestK on Mar 7, 2021 at 7:33 PM, finished with 58 posts and 24 votes.
Well time to see if the trope of Annoying Arrows will be in play or if Jafar is still mortal despite his new power.
OK it's been a long time what does anyone have an idea what happened to carpet? I'm fairly certain it's okay and should be available after the portal closes
Yes, at this point Carpet is alright. He didn't get unraveled until the confrontation after Aladdin got back from the ends of the earth.
Yes, at this point Carpet is alright. He didn't get unraveled until the confrontation after Aladdin got back from the ends of the earth.
Considering he's flammable, he's probably staying well away from Jafar and the portal:
flashes of black lightning clashing against red waves of sparks through the windows as the newly minted Sorcerer fought to control the rift and close it.
No minimum for omakes. I tend to judge by quality, not length.
Now for one of my possible omake ideas, need some clarification.
Which Maleficent are you using here?
Toon- She still controls the sleeping castle with the prince having to escape, injured but alive.
Live (M1/M2)= Stefan/Ingrith has her locked up in a dungeon. Aurora's status unknown.