-You join the mages
It's a simple choice, really. There's one thing it comes down to. If you follow Kiara, you will get to use your nature, to make a difference. But it'll mean fighting- you know it wouldn't be peaceful. More of the heart pounding adrenaline of combat, the life or death panic screaming in your nerves and the slimy, rotten feeling that places of bloodshed bring.
At the end of the day… you don't want that. These recent nights of battle have still been so much. Too much. You can't make a life like that. But if you go with El-Melloi… You shake your head slightly, more to yourself than anyone else. Not normal. A normal life died with you under the grail, when you burned your self to live. It died when you were made into a vessel, pierced and woven with bloodstained gold. But even if normal is beyond you… this way, you mind find a peaceful life. A life where violence is the exception, not the rule.
You'd quite like that.
"Lord El-Melloi." For the first time, you don't stumble when addressing him. "I'll take your offer. Show me that the Clock Tower can be better."
Just like that, it's done. It's funny. For a choice like that, you think you'd feel different, having made it. Like a new person. After all, you couldn't have made this choice a week ago. But you don't. You're still you.
So maybe you could always have made this choice, if you'd had the chance to.
"Mimi… if you can find it within you to return there, then it is hardly my place to stand in your way." Kiara's voice is soft as she smiles at you with the wistful look one gives a flower at its bloom's peak. "Congratulations on your future."
"Well. In that case, I hereby welcome you as a formal member of the El-Melloi classroom." Its namesake solemnly intones, breaking into formalities as he produces a sheath of papers from a pocket within his coat. "May you find what you seek. May you reach understanding and advancement within its walls."
With that, you're given said papers to sign, countersign, and otherwise examine, the dusty scent of archival parchment stark in contrast to the honeyed scent of Kiara's usual incense. While you do look closely at the fine prints, some of the finer particulars of magecraft involvement are lost upon you. There's nothing that strikes you as a red flag though, a hidden chain around your neck. You nod, and El-Melloi takes out a pen from his pocket. There's a faint twitch in his eye as he presses it to the parchment, signing his name as directed in a fresh, vibrant red.
You know it's not ink.
But now its your turn, and you take the pen without hesitation. There's a faint jab in your thumb as you press the pen to the paper and write. It's hardly painful. Not compared to what you've been through. As you write, you can feel a faint twist of magic creeping up from the paper into you, a geas of sorts. Something to ensure the signatories are in fact taking things seriously. It's hardly the strongest, and not just in comparison to what you've seen Servants do: Even Felicia's incantations felt stronger than this. It's hardly something binding, and El-Melloi knows it. Especially since he knows what you are, and what you can do.
The geas doesn't even make it past your wrist before it falls apart, the chain tasting mana breaking down and sliding into your body like a sip of water quietly drunk at 3am. It's not something you need to pay any mind to. So you sign and sign and sign, the messy scrawl of your signature coming out in a significantly blacker shade then El-Mellois, a faint tarnish spreading across the metalwork on the pen. Just like that, it's done. Your future has been settled formally and officially. Before you know it, a smile's peeks out from under your veil. It's a good feeling. A safe feeling.
On a whim, you peek back to the entrance of the chapel. Ruler's still there, stoically facing away. But you're sure you say the faintest twitch of her head. The faintest hint of a peek in your direction.
The sweet scent of incense begins to fill the chapel once more as Kiara finishes relighting the candles scattered around, having started that lengthy task while you wrote. "So, is there anything else you wish to do here, Mimi? Last night was quite a violent one, from all I've seen. Were you caught up in it? You're unhurt, at the very least, aren't you?"
There's a note of worry in Kiara's voice as she speaks, placing one hand on her chest as she paces back to the lectern. It's touching to hear that sort of tone, still a novelty for your ears. It's a nice feeling, being someone people are concerned over.
"Yes- I'm fine. Fine enough." You nod in response. "But that is why we're here."
"Matters have escalated." El-Melloi says simply, neatly folding the forms and dividing them up based on their individual destinations. "We were looking to cast as broad a net as possible to help contain this threat. To this end, we are seeking the assistance of both the Church and the Association."
He pauses, taking a quick check of his watch. "Although, it is nearing the time I'd arranged to meet with my contact there."
Adashino, again. You think for a moment. "Should we- split up then? One of us tells her and the other stays here?"
El-Melloi gives your suggestion a brief nod. "With the turmoil of last night, today should be safe enough to do so."
Who do you take charge of informing?
[] You get Kiara up to date on Berserker. Afterwards, you have the time to talk about (Pick 2)
-[] After the war
-[] Wishes
-[] Ruler
-[] Something else (Writein)
[] Let El-Melloi get Kiara up to speed, you go tell Adashino about Berserker. It'll let you hand over policies copies of your forms as well. (side conversation options would be to follow)