Sending out Saarinen, your Starly dashed up at Thurston's Chatot. But whereas you Starly tried to fly into the enemy directly, his Chatot was keeping its distance, seeming to have a ranged attack planned.
Sensing what may've been coming up, you yelled out to Saarinen to dodge, her hurriedly flapping her wings as she tried to change course mid-flight. It wasn't enough time though to get out of the way of a sudden sonic blast shot forth by Chatot's cry, which for the parrot's frame had a shocking intensity, sending your Starly hurtling backwards till she hit a gravestone. You even Cynthia's Chimchar clutching its ears due to the sheer noise.
That Kricketune, its arm-blades drawn, let out a battle cry of its own and tried to strike Saarinen while she was down, but your bird proved resilient enough to hop back up, then peck at the Kricketune from above. The Kricketune then just slashed up at Saarinen, launching her upwards this time with more oomph than any standard Bug move should have.
"That Chatot must already know Hyper Voice," Cynthia muttered, her leg starting to quiver "And looks like he's got Technician on his Kricketune".
"Hmhm, well what did you expect from no less than an Admin?" Thurston just chuckled.
Cynthia's Chimchar was promptly on that Kricketune with a sizzling Ember ball, which was able to keep it from juggling your Saarinen with its bug blades. Saarinen, finally having a gap in which to strike, flew straight down at the Kricketune and crashed into it, leaving it reeling from a flier on one side and fire on the other.
Chatot however simply launched another 'Hyper Voice' scream at your Pokémon, with you pointing to your Starly to hide between cover this time. That only did so much good, as the grave she hid behind was blown clean apart by Chatot's piercing squawk.
Saarinen however took advantage of this, by blowing the rubble back with a gust of wind from its wings. The Chatot was now too far back to be in range, but the stone-strewn gust was still able to hit Kricketune directly, sending it spinning into a daze. Another ember from Chimchar was all it took to send the stringed bug spiralling out of commission.
As a blank-faced Thurston was forced to recall his Kricketune back into its ball, Cynthia's Chimchar rose up to be engulfed in a gleaming light, which cleared to show it had evolved into the larger, blue-ringed Monferno. meanwhile, you looked down at Saarinen, her cheerfully chirping for victory, while still keeping your eye on that Chatot.
But as Thurston, his violin having screeched to a discordant halt, was about to reach for his next PokeBall, a deep chill came down through the still air. "Chatot, Defog" he hissed back at his still-out Pokémon, but when its beating wings cleared the fog back away, his and your eyes could then see a flock of Ghost Pokemon, Gastly, Haunter, Misdreavus, Mismagius, Duskull, circling around you.
While you were quaking in your boots at the thought of being swarmed in shadows, Cynthia... just laughed. "What else did you expect, Admin? You were trying to release all these Ghosts onto the nearby town, so surely you would've known that starting a battle here and casually knocking down graves would, well, certainly get their attention" she then surmised.
Thurston, getting increasingly shaky around the gradually approaching ghosts, their gazes fixed on him, looked about ready snarl something vicious at you.
Before he could though, Cynthia turned to you and quickly said "Think it's about time we got off the stage, Evelyn", as she pulled out what you recognised as something called an Escape Rope. Calling Saarinen back into her ball, you grabbed onto Cynthia and then felt the whole world collapse into a dizzying blur, as the cold top floor of the Lost Tower was wiped away to be replaced with the setting sun of Route 209.
* * *
As you shook your head to get your senses back to normal, Cynthia said to you "Not sure how long those ghosts will be able to hold him, especially since those two weren't his only Pokémon, but at least he won't be in any hurry to mess with the Lost Tower anytime soon".
"Oh, you're curious about that watch I used to call the Rental Rotom?" she picked up on, holding said watch out in front of you "It's the newly released 'Poketch', well that's what the guy who sold it to me called it. Having Internet connectivity, he boasted that it may even rival the PokeGear some day. At the time I bought it to humour him, his small business seemed to be struggling, but it's been pretty useful for me so far. You'll have to trek all the way to Jubilife if you want one though".
That done with, at least for now, you started walking your way down towards Hearthome, trying to get back into your regular step. You didn't see too much of note on the rest of the route, you did run into a Youngster with a Buneary and Shinx, but you won against him soon enough.
Probably what most stood out to you, was the stone circle reduced to rubble that Cynthia was there to tell you was "The Hallowed Tower, or what remains of it anyway. It's supposed to be a holy sealing ground for wicked spirits, perhaps it was even used as part of hat old Trial I talked about. Well, I can't make too much out from this inscription, guess we'll have to come back some other time".
You nodded, though looking at the illegible writing on the 'tower', you could make out some sort of slot, whose shape happened to remind you of an item you'd heard about in the Underground: the Odd Keystone. But yeah, getting to Hearthome you figured should probably take priority right now.
And Wow! Once you finally reached Hearthome, the place immediately stood out to you as being way bigger than Solaceon, and it still wasn't the biggest city in Sinnoh. Your mind started racing with possible things to do, places to go, such as:
[ ] This 'Contest Hall' you'd heard about, like the League it's also something new to Sinnoh.
[ ] Amity Square, a relaxing place that sounded like a good idea after that ordeal with Team Romantic.
[ ] The Pokémon Fan Club, I mean you sure were a Fan!
[ ] What looked like some computer place, an 'internet café'? You thought you could see an Eevee through the window.
[ ] A looming cathedral, solemn in contrast to the rest of the city's peaceful vibe.
[ ] The local library, which most towns in Sinnoh had, though the one all the way in Canalave was biggest by far.
[ ] Just get to the Pokemon Centre before anything first.
[ ] Write-in.
QM's Note: While there'll be a clear winner, other places in Hearthome can be visited afterwards if they get enough votes. Didn't put the Gym as I doubt you'd want to go straight there first thing.)