You need to have faith that you can actually get away with deserting. Otherwise, you just make things worse for yourself and maybe end up like her father.The more I find out about her academy years, the more I'm surprised it took so much for her to desert. Well, nevermind that
👏Also, the one year anniversary of starting this quest was less than a week ago. I hope everyone enjoys where things go in the coming year.
Oh, yeah. Actually joining the Divine Navy, serving under Green during their Jovian pirate hunting days, was a massive step up. She never lied to herself enough to buy completely that it was anything but a conditional reprieve, though. Just, you know, lying to herself enough to pin the blame for everything on her mother, with the encouragement of one of the only authority figures to treat her fairly in years.You need to have faith that you can actually get away with deserting. Otherwise, you just make things worse for yourself and maybe end up like her father.
Plus, things likely got a fair bit better once Green took her in.