Shout out to @Odgorian and @Ao Black who's currently running the Gauntlet of Discussion. Maybe we'll see you at this end by this year, but probably not. :V

[X] Goldfish

Good, a pair of fresh meat recruits. I can't wait to see their jaded expressions to turn into gobsmacked horror as they witness our future projects.

Still though, I'll wish them luck for those two poor bastards. They'll need it for traversing the sea of posts.
The 'Path' is long and filled with hardship (entire lunch breaks consumed by salt :V), but this has honestly been amazing, I'll be seeing you all soon.
Ah I remember when I was but a wee freshie all those months ago...

This quest has been a great way to keep myself entertained all throughout the darkness thats been 2020. I'm glad you guys are getting to enjoy it now too, despite how daunting the word count may be!
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Vote closed.

Not really feeling better per say, but I've hit that zone where I can write to de-stress. Fortuently I don't have to do it with a keyboard anymore. Sorry about all the mixed messaging today.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 1, 2021 at 1:49 PM, finished with 39 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Down through the stone
    -[X] Lya will continue to maintain her Harmonic Chorus spells on Aife and Viserys while Viserys casts another Moment of Greatness spell on the group. He then cancels his Moment of Greatness buff while targeting the Shoggoth with Greater Shadow Enchantment to duplicate a Feeblemind spell (DC 37 Will save, reduces INT and CHA to 1).
    -[X] Qyburn uses Ego Whip for 2 Power Points to further reduce the Shoggoth's Charisma to 0, rendering it comatose so that his Blood Clot Mold familiar can infest it unopposed. Once the Mold is comfortably situated within its new mount, Qyburn will use Major Metamorphosis and 12 Power Points to make the following temporary adjustments to the Shoggoth: Grant a Burrow speed of 60ft, increase ground speed by +10ft, add +2d6 Acid damage to its Natural Attacks along with poison (DC 26 Fort save to avoid 1 CON damage), while growing it to Gargantuan-size.
    --[X] The Shoggoth will act as a scout and an expendable combatant as we continue, the massive tunnel formed by its passage serving as our path deeper into the earth.
    -[X] Aife casts a Celestial Brilliance spell to provide light as we travel down the Shoggoth's tunnel.
Interlude CMLXXV: Swords of the Forsaken
Swords of the Forsaken

Twentieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

Richard Lonmouth breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the King say they were going down not up. Granted, most sworn shields would not feel entirely at ease at knowing their charge was marching after tamed horror into the bowels of... well, not hell, that would be less strange and easier to deal with, but something akin to it. Richard had learn to take his victories where he could find them, like not walking into the obvious trap.

Never leave a live enemy behind you, he heard Oathkeeper chastise him, but only shot back: What's behind and what's in front here? To that the sword had no answers, as much a stranger to these tunnels as Richard himself. The only one familiar with them was the flesh-smith currently making a puppet of the boiling mass of eyes, teeth and tar-black flash now shot through with blood red veins that pulled it this way and that. There were also a lot more claws growing at impossible angles from the mass of flesh, some meant for tearing through stone and earth, others dripping with what was probably poison.

The tunnel was large enough that the King could pass through it in dragon's shape so Richard chose to fly himself at about head level, reasoning that anyone planning to kill a dragon would probably try to hit the eyes, mouth or nostrils. It also gave him the chance to keep his shield hovering near Lady Lya, near enough his queen as to make no difference.

It was only that reflexive care that allowed him to see the flicker of movement ahead just as quickly as the King with his dragon's eyes. Howling darkness in the shape of a blade... As they had done a thousand times before pearly wings stretched out to guard their whole company. It wouldn't work this time, Richard knew as surely as he knew his own name. Valyrian steel arched up to meet the screaming emptiness of some realm even darker than this and for a moment Richard tasted salt and iron in his mouth and heard the distant cries of what might once have been humans. Oathkeeper holds and a moment later the herald of the Ferryman calls out a spell to banish the black blade.

Besides him the King cursed, as much in worry as anger, Richard knew. "How the hells are they setting traps for us?! We're the ones making this tunnel!" His head snapped around first to the walls then to the ceiling. "Not a trap, an ambush... Rats in the walls." With a slash of his left claw he banished something unseen to Richard, most likely a diviner's eye.

As though to give lie to any sense of safety the it gesture might have brought another shard of darkness, sharper than any blade, came whistling out of the dark, this time aiming for the King himself. Swiftly banished, but not without cost. For the first time in months Richard considered what it would be like for the mages to expend all their power down here. They didn't know how far the tunnel went nor what foes they might meet at its end.

"I don't think this is just the work of some distant sorcerer," Aife interjected softly. "Ser Knight, what did you feel when you met the blow?"

"Salt, iron and screams," he replied. "Sounded desperate."

The sea cat nodded as if that made some kind of sense, which being a cat maybe it did. Unlike most cats Richard knew she was at least inclined to explain herself after the fact. "They have set the dead of the Iron Islands upon us, those souls which wished to enter the halls of the Drowned God, but by their own understanding fell short of admission. So now there trying to kill us in defense of the doom of their kin."

What do you do?

[] Try to reason with the dead
-[] Write in how

[] Run the gauntlet
-[] Write in how

[] Return to the upper path

[] Write in

OOC: I know that's a ninth level spell, but we're talking about an underworld's worth of souls. They're going to have a lot of power to throw around.
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So my suggestions would be to either reason with the dead (because it's basically "run the gauntlet but with a bell on" and I figure we'd get into a sufficiently big fight either way so might as well make it happen up front).

Or do some magic to bypass this encounter entirely.
It was only that reflexive care that allowed him to see the flicker of movement ahead justice quickly as the King with his dragon's eyes. Howling darkness in the shape of a blade... As they had done a thousand times before pearly wings stretched out to guard their whole company. It wouldn't work at this time, Richard knew as surely as he knew his own name. Valyrian steel arched up to meet the screaming emptiness of some realm even darker than this and for a moment Richard tasted salt and iron in his mouth and I heard the song the distant cries that might once have been human. Oathkeeper holds and a moment later the herald of the ferryman calls out a spell to banish the black blade.

Be still my chuuni heart, it's the goddamn Ragna Blade . Actually, is this the first time anything's outright no-sold Wings of Cover?
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Holy shit, we are about to enter the Drowned God's realm

A pity we don't have an imperial afterlife to send these souls to yet.
Swords of the Forsaken

Twentieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

Richard Lonmouth breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the king say they were going down not up. Granted, most sworn shields would not feel entirely at ease at knowing their charge was marching after a tamed horror into the bowels of... well, not hell, that would be less strange and easier to deal with, but something akin to it. Richard had learned to take his victories where he could find them, like not walking into the obvious trap.

Never leave a live enemy behind you, he heard Oathkeeper chastise him, but only shot back, What's behind and what's in front here? To that the sword had no answers, as much a stranger to these tunnels of Richard himself. The only one familiar with them was the flesh-smith currently making a puppet of the boiling mass of eyes and teeth in tar-black flesh now shot through with blood red veins that pulled it this way and that. There were also a lot more claws growing at impossible angles from the mass of flesh, some made for tearing through stone and earth, others dripping with what was probably poison.

The tunnel was large enough that the king could pass through it in dragon's shape so Richard chose to fly himself at about head level, the reasoning that anyone planning to kill a dragon would probably try to hit the eyes, mouth, or nostrils. It also gave him the chance to keep his shield hovering near lady Lya, near enough his queen as to make no difference.

It was only that reflexive care that allowed him to see the flicker of movement ahead just as quickly as the King with his dragon's eyes. Howling darkness in the shape of a blade... As they had done a thousand times before, pearly wings stretched out to guard their whole company. It wouldn't work at this time, Richard knew as surely as he knew his own name. Valyrian steel arched up to meet the screaming emptiness of some realm even darker than this, and for a moment Richard tasted salt and iron in his mouth and heard the song of+ distant cries that might once have been human. Oathkeeper holds, and a moment later the herald of the ferryman calls out a spell to banish the black blade.

Beside him the king cursed, as much in worry as anger, Richard knew. "How the hells are they setting traps for us? We're the ones making this tunnel." His head snapped around, first to the wall to his right, then to the ceiling. "Not a trap, an ambush... Rats in the walls." With a slash of his left claw he banished something unseen to Richard, most likely diviner's eye.

As though to give lie to any sense of safety his gesture might have brought, another shard of darkness, sharper than any blade, came whistling out of the dark this time aiming for the king himself, swiftly banished but not without cost. For the first time in months, Richard considered what it would be like for the mages to expend all their power down here. They didn't know how far the tunnel went nor what foes they might meet at the end.

"I don't think this is just the work of some distant sorcerer," Aife interjected softly. "Ser Knight what did you feel when you met the blow?"

"Salt, iron, and screams," he replied. "Sounded desperate."

The sea cat nodded as if that made some kind of sense, which being a cat maybe it did. Unlike most cats Richard knew, she was at least inclined to explain herself after the fact. "They have set the dead of the Iron Islands upon us, those souls which wished to enter the halls of the Drowned God, but by their own understanding fell short of admission. So now they are trying to kill us in defense of the doom of their kin."

What do you do?

[] Try to reason with the dead
-[] Write in how

[] Run the gauntlet
-[] Write in how

[] Return to the upper path

[] Write in

OOC: I know that's a ninth level spell, but we're talking about an underworld's worth of souls. They're going to have a lot of power to throw around. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.
Be still my chuuni heart, it's the goddamn Ragna Blade. Actually, is this the first time anything's outright no-sold Wings of Cover?
Ah, Slayers. Now that is an old school anime. At least it is now. Damn, I feel old...

There has been one other effect from long ago which was able to bypass it, though more from narrative purpose than power. A Negative Energy Shadow Dragon spell which was used against us back when we confronted the Crown Fleet and captured Stannis. Wings of Cover is a Force effect, so any Disintegration effect can destroy it. Normally, that's not an issue because most Disintegration effects, like the Disintegrate spell, are instantaneous, so they don't persist any longer than Wings of Cover. Black Blade of Disaster and Sphere of Ultimate Destruction are both 9th level Disintegrate spells with a duration that would last beyond the Wings of Cover.
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um i think you put the wrong spell link on banish. it says dimenshional anchor which doesn't make much sense for the effect
um i think you put the wrong spell link on banish. it says dimenshional anchor which doesn't make much sense for the effect
No, that's a specific weakness of the Black Blade of Disaster spell. It's basically a weaponized tear in reality, like a very specialized Gate spell, so Dimensional Anchor shuts that right down.
So its the Yamato? Could we, hypothetically, put such an effect on Dark Sister?
That would probably be very dangerous in the long-term. Not only would we have to worry about the effects of an unstable tear in reality messing with the the boundaries of, well, reality, there is also the possibility of something seeping back in from the other side of non-existence, namely the Void.
That would probably be very dangerous in the long-term. Not only would we have to worry about the effects of an unstable tear in reality messing with the the boundaries of, well, reality, there is also the possibility of something seeping back in from the other side of non-existence, namely the Void.
But-but cool dimension cutting! Viserys could Judgement Cut a demon lord into little itty bitty pieces using Dark Sister and Time Stop! He could slowly sheath his sword and right as it clicks in they would fall to pieces!

Think of the showmanship, the pageantry, the spectacle the pizzazz!
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So my suggestions would be to either reason with the dead (because it's basically "run the gauntlet but with a bell on" and I figure we'd get into a sufficiently big fight either way so might as well make it happen up front).

Or do some magic to bypass this encounter entirely.
I think we probably need to try to reason with the dead here. If we were only going to be attacked by Black Blade of Disaster spells, we could probably rig up a defense, such as mobile Widened Dimensional Lock spell, but the likelihood of the unquiet dead being limited to one type of deadly spell effect seems pretty slim.
I think we probably need to try to reason with the dead here. If we were only going to be attacked by Black Blade of Disaster spells, we could probably rig up a defense, such as mobile Widened Dimensional Lock spell, but the likelihood of the unquiet dead being limited to one type of deadly spell effect seems pretty slim.
Could we just carry around a rock with Antipathy cast on it and tag everyone with Hide from Undead? We'd need to check the average alignment around here to make the antipathy spell as broad as possible, but if the unintelligent undead can't detect us and the intelligent ones need to make two high DC will saves just to interact with us we can likely just slip by.

If someone does make the save we just slap them with an Undead Beacon and leave while the other undead eat them "alive".

Normally I'm all for negotiation, but these guys are almost certainly too deeply enthralled to safely deal with while we're on a time limit.