Wish It's A Revelation - Hellsing/The New Order Agency Quest

[X] Russia: In Russia the situation is not so much one agency as a tangle of small protectors, but in the coming decade this will change dramatically. Russia is in anarchy and the complicated dance of factions across the world's largest geographical country could result in many figures rising to prominence as the protector of Russia from the night. From grizzled KGB hunters in the Far East to the fresh "Special Volunteer Battalions" of the West Russian Revolutionary Front, from the mysterious Order of Saint George to a certain wandering priest protecting the villagers of the Far North from the undead which relish hunting in month long nights, both materialist and spiritualist forces do their best to protect the people of Russia. And they need it, for not only did the Nazis achieve victory by unleashing an undead horde upon Russia whose remnants may still be found rising from the permafrost, not only is this horde refreshed occasionally by the parachuting in of new Ghouls by Luftwaffe terror bombers, but there are also things native to Russia which have awoken with the retreat of civilization. Only united can the Russian people be safe again, and for that to occur there will be many strange alliances. And these alliances should form and act quickly, for beneath even the already apocalyptic strife of a nation in tatters there is something truly evil preparing its plans, with its own vision of a Russia horrifying beyond words.

Consider: Nestor Makhno and his armies fighting White Vampire Aristocracy.
[X] SS Occult Warfare Legion "Millennium"
Just letting you all know, the update is under assembly. Russia won pretty overwhelmingly so it really isn't technically necessary but we'll say that voting is closed here. Took a bit but I'm figuring out a basic map that can convey certain things with an appropriate visual style.

The White Army marches to restore the Tsar!
But which Tsar, I wonder?
"H̸̺̥̓̀o̶̹͆w̶͔͆͝ ̵̩̒̀ą̷͋͊b̷́͜o̸̢̖͋͋u̶͇͆̕t̸̊͜ ̷͔̑̋ą̷̆ḻ̶̼̑̏ľ̷͌ͅ ̷̗̓̒o̵͙̿f̶͔͖͆ ̷̤̐t̴̯̼͑̍h̸́͜͝ȩ̵̘̔m̸̙͇̒?̴̦̜̀"
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Just letting you all know, the update is under assembly. Russia won pretty overwhelmingly so it really isn't technically necessary but we'll say that voting is closed here. Took a bit but I'm figuring out a basic map that can convey certain things with an appropriate visual style.

But which Tsar, I wonder?
"H̸̺̥̓̀o̶̹͆w̶͔͆͝ ̵̩̒̀ą̷͋͊b̷́͜o̸̢̖͋͋u̶͇͆̕t̸̊͜ ̷͔̑̋ą̷̆ḻ̶̼̑̏ľ̷͌ͅ ̷̗̓̒o̵͙̿f̶͔͖͆ ̷̤̐t̴̯̼͑̍h̸́͜͝ȩ̵̘̔m̸̙͇̒?̴̦̜̀"
...maybe we can crown the Baba Yaga Tsarina?
Adhoc vote count started by Whenyouseeyou on Jan 1, 2021 at 7:36 PM, finished with 91 posts and 45 votes.

  • [X] Russia
    [X] Vatican Section XIII: Iscariot
    [X] The Morris Foundation
    [X] The Royal Order of Protestant Knights Hellsing:
    [x] SS Occult Warfare Legion "Millennium"
    [X] The Morris Foundation: The United States was never a place where the old world's magics held much sway. The great barriers of the Atlantic and the Pacific kept much of the old world from filtering through, either through outright intolerance for long journeys in the case of Vampires or the simple provincialism tying many other creatures to their homelands. The bloody process of conquest and settlement, meanwhile, suppressed anything of the new world that might have raised a concern. However, starting in the early 20th century that began to change, as the reduction of distance due to the airplane and the modern ocean liner reduced the impact of the former and time allowed recovery from the latter. However, due to the American twin aversions to religious centralism and state responsibility, no such agency for the control of the occult as exist in the old world came to be in America. Instead, into the gap rode a private detective agency of sorts: the Morris Foundation. Founded in memoriam of the Vampire hunter Quincey Morris who fell in the greatest hunt of the 19th century, the Foundation combines the extensive financial assets of the Morris ranching dynasty Quincey was the scion of with the expertise of two of his English comrades. Jonathan and Mina Harker, estranged from the knighted Hellsings after learning about the dark weapon Abraham had preserved, admirably established a small network of independent Vampire hunters across America, slowly tying it to a decentralized network of confidants in the nascent FBI. When the two Harkers passed, the Foundation's leadership was inherited, albeit with unquestionable merit, by their son Quincey Harker, who has led the organization through dark years and an increasingly indispensable relationship with the Federal Government. Not only was the Foundation overstretched by deployments into the war, but in its aftermath had to deal with an influx of young Vampires and other creatures of the night into America. Compounding this, the public knowledge of Vampires along with these arrivals has accelerated into an explosion of the undead population, many of whom were unwilling in their transformations or are attempting to hold onto mortal ethical concerns and present their case as American citizens. Mr. Harker now enters his twilight years in an organization striking an uneasy middle ground, searching for a suitable successor and knowing that no matter what he does the Foundation's actions will become a new topic of conflict in an increasingly divided society.
    [X] Russia: In Russia the situation is not so much one agency as a tangle of small protectors, but in the coming decade this will change dramatically. Russia is in anarchy and the complicated dance of factions across the world's largest geographical country could result in many figures rising to prominence as the protector of Russia from the night. From grizzled KGB hunters in the Far East to the fresh "Special Volunteer Battalions" of the West Russian Revolutionary Front, from the mysterious Order of Saint George to a certain wandering priest protecting the villagers of the Far North from the undead which relish hunting in month long nights, both materialist and spiritualist forces do their best to protect the people of Russia. And they need it, for not only did the Nazis achieve victory by unleashing an undead horde upon Russia whose remnants may still be found rising from the permafrost, not only is this horde refreshed occasionally by the parachuting in of new Ghouls by Luftwaffe terror bombers, but there are also things native to Russia which have awoken with the retreat of civilization. Only united can the Russian people be safe again, and for that to occur there will be many strange alliances. And these alliances should form and act quickly, for beneath even the already apocalyptic strife of a nation in tatters there is something truly evil preparing its plans, with its own vision of a Russia horrifying beyond words.