Wish It's A Revelation - Hellsing/The New Order Agency Quest

To be honest I don't really care what wins as long as we get to kill Nazis
That's the spirit!
And these alliances should form and act quickly, for beneath even the already apocalyptic strife of a nation in tatters there is something truly evil preparing its plans, with its own vision of a Russia horrifying beyond words.
[X] Russia

Sounds like it has the most potential to not be awful.
I have a very good idea of what is stirring below the ground in Russia:

If we do not succeed in Russia, the Apocalypse/Armageddon will begin there.

My vote:
[X] Russia
Seeing as Russia is going to win once rhw quest gets going I woul love to see omakes and/or negaverse of the other groups
Once we find whatever the evil thing in Russia is we should find a way to smuggle it to Germany so it eats them first
[x] SS Occult Warfare Legion "Millennium"

I just want to see what happens if we pick to be the bad guys for once.
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Once we find whatever the evil thing in Russia is we should find a way to smuggle it to Germany so it eats them first
Air drop their ass to Germania
Yeah. No. Pass. As far as I know TNO and Hellsing and the inherent Grim Dark of both settings, this would end for us exactly like A Colder War short novel by Charles Stross. You do not play with or try to weaponize Cosmic Horrors. Fastest way how to get your face eaten.
We do not want to destroy Germany, as that won't solve anything (other than potentially making us play into Himmler's plans). The best thing we can do about Germany is to ensure a reformist victory, so that we can turn Germany into an ally against any evil supernatural forces.
[X] Vatican Section XIII: Iscariot

This seems interesting. Although, I notice there was nothing about Japan's (hypothetical?) occult organization.
We do not want to destroy Germany, as that won't solve anything (other than potentially making us play into Himmler's plans). The best thing we can do about Germany is to ensure a reformist victory, so that we can turn Germany into an ally against any evil supernatural forces.

That sounds nice and all but we still gotta reclaim Moscow though. Even the Go4 would still try to keep Moskowien.
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This seems interesting. Although, I notice there was nothing about Japan's (hypothetical?) occult organization.
For the record, I'm mostly avoiding East Asia primarily because they're kind of an underdeveloped area of TNO I'm not as familiar with. Some more lore and plotlines will be developed over time, but I don't want it to be the location of the start.

Also, speaking of development...

I'm using this moment to officially announce that @Fenia will be working as co-QM. You might have seen her lurking and that's why she hasn't posted. I'll probably be posting the finished updates but if she speaks know that she has word-of-QM authority behind her.
I'll have you know taking a problem an pushing it somewhere else is a time honored tradition.

Also I'm assuming this threat is supernatural for all I know it could be Yuri from Red Alert
We do not want to destroy Germany, as that won't solve anything (other than potentially making us play into Himmler's plans). The best thing we can do about Germany is to ensure a reformist victory, so that we can turn Germany into an ally against any evil supernatural forces.

We may want to do that but you can expect basically everyone not related to the Axis will want their pound of flesh besides I said Germany because I'm not sure how we will get it to Venus
We do not want to destroy Germany, as that won't solve anything (other than potentially making us play into Himmler's plans). The best thing we can do about Germany is to ensure a reformist victory, so that we can turn Germany into an ally against any evil supernatural forces.
Worse. Not Himmler's plans. But the Major's. He had decades of free time to do whatever the fuck he can. Wanna bet the fucker decorated the entire Third Reich and its Reichskommissariats like a Christmas tree with blood sacrifice wards, occult energy collector rune works, and worse...MUCH WORSE...for the entire planet.

The greatest battle and war of them all? The Major storming Heaven and fighting God. The ultimate expression of the Major's Nietzschean Ultraradical Humanist frenzy.

AKA: Killing all Germans could literally doom all the souls of the Human race. Let's not do that, please?
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Well I don't know shit about Hellsing but I'll take your word for it but like I said my goal in this quest is to kill Nazis and have fun and maybe help liberate the rest of the world