Hell we could just feed him Dusk Dancer instead. After we're done performing horrifying experiments on them of course.
That or forge him more attendants for Aife.

That the fey asked for mercy now is laughable and shouldn't be entertained in the slightest. He had a chance for surrender and he refused.
Could we just not let it die. There is a reason surrender and captured enemies are treated well. If we just torture or mind rape them into submission the next semi rational enemy will fight use to the death
Like any ifritt for example or any devils.
Just let it go we are not machine and it is good to show mercy.
No. He didn't surrender. He was captured. We have every right to kill him.
Guys seriously reformating peoples personality is blatantly evil. Just let the fae die. They haven't done all that much to us. The anger against them is seriously overblown and is honestly getting disturbing.
I agree with this, @Crake. It was one thing to recycle Tor, who was unrepentant in his Chaotic Evil, but this dude is just a run of the mill enemy, one who doesn't necessarily deserve the same treatment. Kill him, bookify him, or sacrifice him, I don't mind either way, but performing what amounts to Mindrape is going too far, IMO. We can extract everything he knows through alternative means.
Shouldn't we make sure the 'Ferryman' isn't going to get seriously pissed for blowing this off?
I mean, it wouldn't hurt us to ask him first at the very least but I don't think it'd be much of a problem. Until he accepts then this chump is headed for the vivisection table and I'm pretty sure it knows that so that's why it's trying to throw its lot in with the Ferryman before we break out the good knives.

It's less the genuine faith of a new convert and more "I get either servitude or a screaming painful fate that will make me wish for death."

tl;dr 2 seconds after the Fey mage wakes up in the snare:
It was one thing to recycle Tor, who was unrepentant in his Chaotic Evil,
We also did the same to a large number of Fleshsmiths, and we did that just because it was more convenient to make Urak out of them.

@Goldfish, @Acolyte, simply put, we already have a precedent set.
It's the furthest we can possibly go to extract information out of something, but it is a thing we did before and there is no in-character reason to stop now.

----[] Afterwards, 'inquire' on what exactly he did to achieve... whatever he did to cast the way he did during the fight.
----[] Topics of interest: Fey lore, exotic arcane lore, knowledge on Winter (if any), knowledge on Westeros (if any). Have all Fey lore he's aware of written down and added to our library.
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@Goldfish, @Acolyte, simply put, we already had a precedent set.
It's the furthest we can possibly go to extract information out of something, but it is a thing we did before and there is no in-character reason to stop now
I don't care about precident and in character reasoning. I have always been pretty open about that. It feels bad to read that, like bathing in toxic sludge. Like couldn't we just give him a plea deal. Give us all you have and we give you to the ferry man. I think it would be easier and we can leverage our diplomacy to basically make it assured. It is a win win. Seriously there are better options.

Like mind rape shouldn't be our first options. It shouldn't be even our third.
Aife serves us on the same agreement as Nirah, if Aife grabbed him while on her mission the last month - we wouldn't have shouldered in, but here this guy is our loot/responsibility entirely.

Maybe but it cost us nothing to check in.

It's less "Hurr Durr, let's torture Fey because we can" tbh, and more of a "oh wow, this lil' bitch was really strong. Can we use her while she's still alive, then, and maybe get a really strong minion?" to me. :/
Not that different from what we did to Tor, ey?

It's different because we're setting precedent. Pretty soon every neutral power is going to see just how monsterous, and lacking in mercy we are when we have someone in our power. That the only choices are going to be as we gain more and more power is total surrender, or worse then death.

That as we grow more powerful we have show less mercy, less humanity, and less bloodlust. Recently it seems like anyone that refuses to fold like a wet towel is met with some real anger and casual calls to kill them all, or worse. Some seem to treat this as a fucking looter shooter, what can we get the excuse to kill today so we can shove it into the flesh forge. I think people need to calm the fuck down a little, Viserys' friend used to point out when we were going to far but that doesn't seem to be happening anymore. Soul death, or close to it for daring to attack us instead of unconditional surrender should horrify Lya, and Waymar.
Yeah I agree, shit is getting worse and then people are getting too angry about in story events. The hate for the fae is just genuinly uncomfortable to read and I think that is something that needs to be said. Like I don't want to be a paladin but can we not be total tyrant dicks with way too much of my way or the highway mentality. Like compromise is a thing as is mercy.
Like mind rape shouldn't be our first options. It shouldn't be even our third.
It is not, and it is not.

At least, insofar as 'complete mind re-write by Yss' is.
Brainspider is good enough for 99% of the things we've ever encountered. I really doubt he'll be different.

And if that's too much for you, well, agree to disagree.

I can't care less for what happens with this fey, he's not even a named character, his only peculiarity is that DP built him kinda stronk.
What I care is that we do the IC thing and follow through the same way we did for years - getting the potentially important information quickly and efficiently.
Maybe but it cost us nothing to check in.
Except screen-time at worst, and leaving a potentially dangerous enemy behidn our back.
I don't trust Divine bindings when it was Fey who came up with the Unravelling.

he hate for the fae is just genuinly uncomfortable to read and I think that is something that needs to be said. Like I don't want to be a paladin but can we not be total tyrant dicks with way too much of my way or the highway mentality. Like compromise is a thing as is mercy.
We seem to read two entirely different things in the thread, my dude.
What hate?

If they surrender, or even so much as don't fuck with our shit, we're content to live and let live.
As with pretty much everyone we encounter these days.

These didn't surrender, when offered a direct chance to.
This guy could've simply ran. He chose to stay and try to kill our guys.
I have zero sympathy, but zero hate either. I'm just wanting to be efficient about questioning him and moving on to more interesting things.
I have zero interest in turning this guy into a research project that we have to assign further resources to get any use out of.

I'm not necessarily opposed to making him into a character that contributes progress to that project by himself.

If there are too many of you opposed to that, vote with your wallet... vote?
I genuinely don't get why it's a random, unnamed asshole Fey that rises up some people's hackles.
Sure, whatever, we are a Tyrant. We've been one for a fuck-long while.
Did ya just notice?

Pretty much everyone in the setting who'll fight against us will think "it's better die than be captured" regardless of what we do by now.
Devils are enemies, unless we put in the effort to steal them from Mammon.
Factions on Planetos are scared shitless of our Empire (and/or remidned of Valyria too much).
Yi-Ti (both of the Emps) we have good enough relationship for them to not give a fuck about us and our 'barbaric' methods unless we start fucking with them and not some random schmucks.
Efreeti will fight us the way they always did until it's clear their Emps is about to lose, and that's far away yet.

Tldr, mercy has a time and place too.
Doing it here is just out of nowhere, and seemingly for no reason than 'let's be contrary! Down with the Tyranny!"
These didn't surrender, when offered a direct chance.
This guy could've simply ran. He chose to stay and try to kill our guys.
I have zero sympathy, but zero hate either. I'm just wanting to be efficient about questioning him and moving on to more interesting things
We literally need their country. It would be absurd for people to surrender. I am surprised that the other court did. Him trying to kill is fine because we literally slaughtered all his friends.

That's my point we are treating them without some sympathy. Like we give more shits about the devil than fae and that's fine but at least some level of mercy could be extended.

As for hate, like literally every vote is appended by people gleefully anticipating a gruesome end to the fae.

Also we can just flip him by offering him a deal with the ferry man. We have the diplomacy to do it. It would just take a slight effort.
----[] Afterwards, 'inquire' on what exactly he did to achieve... whatever he did to cast the way he did during the fight.
----[] Topics of interest: Fey lore, exotic arcane lore, knowledge on Winter (if any), knowledge on Westeros (if any). Have all Fey lore he's aware of written down and added to our library.
Included already under "Secrets and Lore" clause.
Tldr, mercy has a time and place too.
Doing it here is just out of nowhere, and seemingly for no reason than 'let's be contrary! Down with the Tyranny!"
It cost us nothing and I feel bad for the fae. I am pretty clear I don't like reading about bad things. I don't care about us being a tyrant. I don't want to read us mindraping a dude.
The words of a prophecy given years ago, almost in another life drift into your thoughts: Be the helping hand unlooked for, the light unhoped for and they shall serve.

DP brought this up recently and I think this should always be the first option when dealing with anything that isn't Void, Abyss, Bloodstone, or the brain eaters.
Everyone else is a possible ally, and when we have so many threats that can't be reasoned with the rest of the universe can't see us as only slightly less monstrous.
Yes if the reactions are even remotely sensible when allied powers find out about the mass murder/near genocide we just commited it'll scare the shit out of them, and scared people do stupid shit.
As for hate, like literally every vote is appended by people gleefully anticipating a gruesome end to the fae.
Tbh, it's, like, 90% because Fey are shit on the narrative most active posters are interested in.
While we handle Fey, we aren't taking Westeros.
While we handle Fey, we aren't taking Qohor.
While we handle Fey, we aren't seeing Ymeri die.

These remaining CoS Fey need to be handled IC and ended to the last one so we don't ever have to deal with them IC again, and that's it as far as I'm concerned.
'Gleefulness' comes from the fact Fey are hard to handle, and many are glad we are coming closer to being done with them.
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We have consistently offered mercy as our first choice, even with enemies we don't particularly like.

I will not get into the habit of sparing people who only stopped trying to SOUL KILL our vassals and regular kill us only after they are completely under our power.
It wouldn't cost us nothing and mercy is it's own reward. It makes me happy to read about it.
I don't see why people should vote for something that they don't enjoy to make you happy. Unless you have a more compeling argument I suggest you make your own vote instead of trying to change the minds of other people.
[X] Yes, the Ferryman can get more use out of him willing than you can get from a prisoner

@Crake That's a wildly excessive option. Not immediately surrendering doesn't mean that it's okay to do anything and everything with him.

We talk a lot about precedent when this kind of thing comes up, but why is it always in the context of a inverted slippery slope? So far we've never taken our treatment if prisoners in this direction, and certainly not out of spite for the person in question. Why is this guy worth establishing a new one?

Give him to the Ferryman or soul kill his ass, but torture for its own sake isn't somewhere we need to go.