Chaos Consume Us [Warhammer 40k Chaos Quest CK2]

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It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Let's end his suffering with well placed boltshell to the head, or prolong it as gloryfied battery.
Location, Location
In the end you die or you walk your own path. Sooner or later it happens to everyone. It happened even to the mighty Horus, it happened to you. But the data aren't complete, so let us start at the beginning little mortal.
No, no, that won't do, please do not shake. The Zero-point Tesseract Cage is quite sturdy.
Tell me, as a traitor to your own Corpse-Emperor, to which group did you belong? Before it all began, before your choice. Silence. Well it cannot be helped, we can always use Mind-Scarabs but it is so invasive and not elegant way.
Me? Oh don't you worry about me. I'm just an Observer, an Archivist of History throughout the Ages. Someday my great Liege will be back and I will present Him with my glorious collection. Yes you are a part of it. Or at least this version of you. No matter it's not like your monkey brain could understand.
So let as found out everything about "you", the original you. Who were you? And please, behave.

[ ]Traitor Legioner -> You were part of the original traitor legions, maybe from the very beginning, maybe recruited later at one of many heretical planets, blasphemous space ships or in the eyes of raging warp storms. But your lineage goes from the seven Archtraitors, seven demigods that stood against tyranny of their heartless father and his crumbling empire of lies.

[ ]Loyalist Legioner -> You were one of the few that saw the light of the Primivale Truth when Horus called to battle, or maybe later it shined upon you. You are one of the Original chapters or successor to their glories. Either way, no longer Corpse on the Throne dictates your path. No longer bound by petty mortals and their politics. You are free, or at least that's how you feel.

Hello this is my second attempt at a quest that will use CK2 in the From the Foundation: A Latveria Quest version rules and takes place in the warhammer 40k universe.
Let's do this. Again.

After each Turn/Post with voting there is a moratorium for discussion. Voting starts after my post "Now you can vote", every vote cast before that goes into the void.

P.S. For all language mistakes I am terribly sorry, this is not my native tongue. Please correct my mistakes, I would like to learn and never make them again.
Roll: d100
    • Martial -> planning to hit shit
    • Diplomacy -> selling shit
    • Stewardship -> managing shit
    • Intrigue -> putting others in shit
    • Learning -> knowing shit
    • Piety -> worshiping shit
  • Secondary:
    Combat - Hitting shit
    Power - Only for Sorcerers/Psykers/Faithfulf and other beings controlling powers of the Warp or simmilar
    Control - Only for Sorcerers/Psykers/Faithfulf and other beings controlling powers of the Warp or simmilar

Ambitions - your overall goal and drive as a Character, it unlocks questlines and options to choose from, but also denies other options. In the begining you cannnot have more than one Ambition, but you can exchange it for other. Exchanging means loosing options from the previews one, and droping missions and quuest from it. :
  • Power
  • Knowledge
  • Perfection
  • Survival
  • Immortality
  • Ascension


This is a 'Crusader Kings'-style quest. You play as a traitor astartes in the 40k universe (a version thereof roughly based on the codexes, wikis, fanfiction(like Age of Dusk and The Shape Of The Nightmare To Come 50k) and mind of yours truly) at the start of M41.

Each turn, which is (tentatively) one year in-universe, you have access to a number of actions, as chosen from seven categories: Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, and Learning, Piety and Personal. (You have a set number of actions for each category, and possibly also some number of free actions to be placed in any category.) Each action is associated with a DC; after voting, the basic system is that I will roll a d60 for each action, and if the roll at least equals the DC, the action succeeds to some extent; otherwise it fails. The higher the roll, the better. Following this, you may get one or more reactive arcs in response to some threat or other.


Characters are particularly prominent people in your organization. Recruiting Characters is done by taking actions (DIplomacy/Intrigue/Learning/...), and gets progressively harder the more of them you already have.

0-15 Human

15-30 Astartes

30-40 Custodes

40-50 Daemon Prince/Primarch

50-60 Greater Daemon/Daemon Primarch

When rolling for an action, most bonuses decrease the DC. Hero bonuses are the only bonuses that actually improve the roll. Specifically, the hero's value for a certain stat is added onto the d100 roll. This may sometimes cause the roll to exceed 100; in this case only (a roll of 101+), the d100 explodes, i.e. you get a re-roll to add to your current total. The same hero bonuses also affect this roll, so that you can get a prolonged chain of hero bonuses.

Each character can participate in one action a turn. Multiple characters can add to one action, but each another adss less. 2nd character ads 1/2 of his characteristic, 3rd -1/3, 4th - 1/4 and so on.

Spaceships and whole planets, armies and single heroes. I go more to the storytelling side, so no resources apart from gene-seeds.


The procedure is as follows:

1. Action options for the turn are posted. (Write-ins are very welcome, but subject to QM approval.)
2. Discussion time, after which I gave a call for voting
3. By-line approval voting among the actions, to determine which actions are undertaken this turn.
4. A second round of voting, by plan, to determine which bonuses, particularly heroes, go on which action
5. Turn results
6. Possible reactive mini-arcs, with smaller votes within them

Voting by plans is not allowed, except when it is explicitly stated.

Rolling 1 -> Critical Failure
Rolling 100 -> Critical Success
-/+2 - +15 -> Bare Failure/Success
-/+16 - -/+55 -> Failure/Success
-/+56 - -/+85 -> Major Failure/Success
-/+86 - -/+99 -> Near Critical Failure/Success
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Main Character
Name: Apedemak

  • Martial: 21 (14+2+2+2+1)
  • Intrigue: 10 (7+2+1)
  • Stewardship: 16 (12+2+1+1)
  • Learning: 21 (17+2+1+1)
  • Piety: 15 (12+2+1)
  • Diplomacy: 12 (9+2+1)
  • Combat: 15 (10+2+1+2)
  • Power: 19 (13+2+2+1+1)
  • Control: 19 (13+2+2+1+1)

Adeptus Astartes : +2 to everything
Thousand Son +2 Martial, +2 Power +2 Control
Prospero Born - +1 Learning
Student of Tizca - +1 Control, +1 Power
Order of Jackal +2 Martial, +1 Stewardship
Veteran +1 to everything

Psyker - You are psyker, drawing powers of Immaterium and bounding it to your will
Pavoni - The Pavoni Cult tended to be the most egocentric of the known Cults within the Thousand Sons Legion, as they had developed the psychic discipline known as physiokinesis, a unique form of biomancy. Physiokinesis allowed the Pavoni to manipulate body chemistry and physiology within themselves as well as others.

Terminator Armour - +2 Combat, + 5 Melee, +1 Hit can be taken
Gear: Gladius, Combat Knife, Frag Grenades, Bolter

Negative Traits:
Known Heretic - You are hunted by a Space Wolves pack.
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Characters and NPC's
Behtor Kaelon
Fallen Angel, secretive, silent and always asume he nows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
  • Martial: 20 (15+2+2+1)
  • Intrigue: 24 (19+2+1+2)
  • Stewardship: 16 (11+2+2+1)
  • Learning: 14 (11+2+1)
  • Piety: 13 (10+2+1)
  • Diplomacy: 17 (14+2+1)
  • Combat: 16 (10+2+1+3)
  • Power: X
  • Control: X

Adeptus Astartes : +2 to everything
Veteran +1 to everything
Dark Angel - +2 Martial, +2 Stewardship
Caliban Born - +3 Combat
Survived in Shadows +2 Intrigue

Gear: Sword, Plasma Pistol, Power Armour, Combat Knife, Frag Grenades

Negative Traits:
Known Heretic - Haunted by his Dark Angel brothers


  • Spy Network +10 to collecting informations - ears and eyes in most of the places, can take actions to collect informations

Asgyll Svartveld
Space Wolf Rune Priest with his 50 Wulfen Guard. They say Khorne hates psykers, well Svartveld hates Khorne back with a power of supernova and makes it shown every time he summons one of his daemons. After which he sacrifices it on his runic altar and syphones its power into his Guards. Why? How? You would like to know, but old Wolf keeps his cards very close to his chest.


  • Martial: 16 (10+2+2+2)
  • Intrigue: 18 (14+2+2)
  • Stewardship: 17 (13+2+2)
  • Learning: 16 (10+2+2+2)
  • Piety: 15 (11+2+2)
  • Diplomacy: 17 (13+2+2)
  • Combat: 28 (13+2+2+5+3+3)
  • Power: 17 (9+2+2+1+3)
  • Control: 23 (16+2+2+3)

Adeptus Astartes : +2 to everything
Veteran of the Long War +2 to everything
Space Wolf/Vlka Fenryka +2 Martial, +5 Combat
Fenrisian - +3 Combat

Rune Priest - +2 Learning, +3 Control, +1 Power
Psyker - You are psyker, drawing powers of Immaterium and bounding it to your will
Summoner - can summon beings of the Warp
Rune Teller - weak precognition

Runic Battle-Axe +3 Power, +3 Combat - three blades on a halberd long pole, coverd in acient runes
Gear: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour, Combat Knife, Frag Grenades

Negative Traits:
Known Heretic -Space Wolves do not take lightly to Traitors in their midst (Frostblade got help)


  • 50 Wulfen Guard
Daemon Machine Spirit Navigator
An experiment by Dark Archmagos Lobachevsky Lehrer. Combination of possession, navigators powers and powerful cogitator machine spirit gave birth to this abomination. Worshiped as a living god of folded space by his Navigators Clansmen, DMSN takes your frigate throughout the cosmos without the need of an Astronomican. All he needs in exchange is just a simple token of gratitude, in the form of ritualistic sacrifices. A mutant here, a priest there, a Space Marine at the end. Nothing much, don't you think.


  • Martial: 15 (12-1+4)
  • Intrigue: 17 (11+2 -1+4+1)
  • Stewardship:16 (6+2+2+4+2)
  • Learning: 22 (12+2+2+4+2)
  • Piety: 16 (11+4+1)
  • Diplomacy: 14 (8+2-1+4+1)

  • Combat: X
  • Power: 24 (14+4+4+2)
  • Control: 19 (13+4+2)
Daemon in the Machine +2 Learning, +2 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy, +4 Power
Machine +2 Stewardship,
Tech-Construct -1 Martial; -1 Intrigue; +2 Stewardship; +2 Learning; -1 Diplomacy;
Ancient + 4 to everything
Folded Space "God" +1 Intrigue; +2 Stewardship; +2 Learning; +1 Piety; +1 Diplomacy, +2 Power, +2 Control

Daemon Navigator - You can traverse the warp whitout the need of a beacon
Daemon Seer - Sees the visions of past, present and future



  • 13 Navigators

Lady Inquisitor Sarissa Eleaniro of the Ordo Hereticus
Once an exemplary member of the Puritan Inqisition. Her mistake? She survived. Prom puritan to radical. From radical to hunted by her own Ordo. From hunted into heretic and hunter, to finally ended as what she once fought. You do not have to squint your eyes to see blue daemon that whispers into her ear. Her entourage might be small but highly professional. A bounty hunter, a death cult assassin and a psyker. Not much. But she survived. Many made this mistake and tried to take her out. She survived, they did not.


  • Martial: 16 (15+1)
  • Intrigue: 17 (12+1+2+2)
  • Stewardship: 11 (8+1+2)
  • Learning: 16 (11+1+2+2)
  • Piety: 16 (11+1+2+2)
  • Diplomacy: 14 (11+1+2)
  • Combat: 11 (10+1)
  • Power: X
  • Control: X

Inquisitor +2 Piety, +2 Intrigue
Lady Inquisitor +2 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy
High Education +2 Learning
Veteran +1 to everything
Iron Will +2 Piety
Whispers from Beyond +2 Learning, +2 Intrigue, -5 to control herself

Gear: Sword, Inferno Pistol, Carapace Armour, Melta Grenades

Negative Traits:
Known Heretic - Ordo Hereticus will never let her go, and never forget


  • Death Cult Assasin
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Psyker
  • Herald of Tzeentch Bound to her
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Warband: Hate Bearers
  • 30 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
  • Pequod - Gladius-class Frigate
    • 3 Thunderbirds
    • Squadron Interceptors
    • 2 Bombers
    • 2 Predator Tanks (not working)
    • 3 Rhino (not working)
    • 10 Land Speeders (3 in working conditions)
    • 5 Dreadnoughts (asleep)
    • Crew: aprox. 24,500
      • aprox. 12 000 Cultist
      • aprox. 8 000 mutants
      • aprox. 4 500 Tzangors
Gene-Seeds: 29
  • 20 Space Wolves
  • 7 Thousand Sons
  • 2 Dark Angels
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[X]Traitor Legioner -> You were part of the original traitor legions, maybe from the very beginning, maybe recruited later at one of many heretical planets, blasphemous space ships or in the eyes of raging warp storms. But your lineage goes from the seven Archtraitors, seven demigods that stood against tyranny of their heartless father and his crumbling empire of lies.
Thousand Sons for the win!
With all due respect, what is there to discuss? I fail to see any arguments for one option or the other other then "I like this flavour of marines more".
Mostly this and why, like starting as Black Templar will be diffrent than an Ultramarine, and this would be diffrent than starting as a Traitor World Bearer or Night Lord. But I see your point, we can start voting now.

could we be Dark mechanicus worshiping hashut

Theoretycly if you would go into Techmarine, and started worshiping Daemon Prince who is old and powerful so it is indistinguishable from god, than the answer is yes, you can drive me insane. :)
[X]Traitor Legioner -> You were part of the original traitor legions, maybe from the very beginning, maybe recruited later at one of many heretical planets, blasphemous space ships or in the eyes of raging warp storms. But your lineage goes from the seven Archtraitors, seven demigods that stood against tyranny of their heartless father and his crumbling empire of lies.

Lets play as a Marine of Malal. We gonna fight the Imperium, we gonna fight the black legion, we gonna fight all five kinds of Eldar, aint no one gonna be safe from the Chaos God of Chaos!
Mostly this and why, like starting as Black Templar will be diffrent than an Ultramarine, and this would be diffrent than starting as a Traitor World Bearer or Night Lord. But I see your point, we can start voting now.

Theoretycly if you would go into Techmarine, and started worshiping Daemon Prince who is old and powerful so it is indistinguishable from god, than the answer is yes, you can drive me insane. :)
Let's drive the author insane Hashut here we go
[x]Loyalist Legioner -> You were one of the few that saw the light of the Primivale Truth when Horus called to battle, or maybe later it shined upon you. You are one of the Original chapters or successor to their glories. Either way, no longer Corpse on the Throne dictates your path. No longer bound by petty mortals and their politics. You are free, or at least that's how you feel.

Personally, I like Red Corsairs, but that's just a matter of taste.
Gain trait: Adeptus Astartes : +2 to everything

Ah yes, the original. The arch-traitors. The ones who saw the Truth of the universe, or at least one side of it. But that information is only the first of many we need to extract from you.
I don't know if it is the matter of your history, your many changes in warbands and loyalties, or the fact that my Psychohistory Engine is all that I want it to be. Well no matter. We will find our answers and if you will stay silent there are other ways.
Like this parts of armour, very specific, yes. Or the engraves on bolter, the way your combat knife is hold. All of that and many more tell me a story, of change, of improvement, of blood and destruction, pure carnage and unending resilience.
So many stories, and they all add upp to:


[ ]Iron Warriors - From iron cometh strength! From strength cometh will! From will cometh faith! From faith cometh honour! From honour cometh iron! These are the words you live by and you will die with.The Iron Warriors were the Emperor's finest siege troops and their Primarch, Perturabo, was the equal of Rogal Dorn in the arts of fortification and strategy. Yet, Perturabo felt himself side-lined by his brother Primarch, whose every proud boast was, to the master of the Iron Warriors, a barbed insult. When the Horus Heresy came, it was perhaps inevitable that the two Primarchs should find themselves on opposite sides of the galactic civil war.
Iron Warrior - +2 Martial, +2 Learning

[ ]Night Lords - The Night Lords are synonymous with terror and murder, for their favoured mode of warfare is the unfettered application of brutal, overwhelming force. They show no mercy whatsoever, eschewing all subtlety and guile for wanton bloodshed and destruction. While such an approach might appear mindless, at one time it was different.
Night Lord - +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue

[ ]Word Bearers - Through their actions they corrupted the Warmaster Horus and brought on the terrible galactic civil war of the Horus Heresy in all its savagery. Today they bend all their considerable efforts towards the overthrow of the "Corpse Emperor" in the Long War and spreading the "truth" of Chaos to all Mankind. You are the mouth of Chaos, spreading its teachings and leading humanity to glorious path in Primeval Truth.
Word Bearer - +2 Martial, +2 Piety

[ ]Alpha Legion - Experts in infiltration, covert operations, misdirection and diversion tactics. You are Alpharius. Everyone is.
Alpha Legioner - +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue

[ ]Fallen Angels - Also called simply the Fallen, are those Renegade Space Marines who followed the Ist Legion's second-in-command, Luther, into damnation when they split off from the Dark Angels Space Marine Legion ten-thousand Terran years ago in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. You might have even taken part in that rebellion, or been recruited later in time. Either way you are a knight on a revenge mission.
Fallen Angel - +2 Martial, +2 Stewardship

[ ] World Eaters - The World Eaters, originally known as the War Hounds, were also once the XIIth Legion of the twenty First Founding Space Marine Legions, and one of the first to betray the Emperor of Mankind for the service of Chaos and the Warmaster Horus. This Legion was a collection of nearly inhuman monsters long before Horus became corrupted and monsters they would remain, only with what little remained of their restraint and their Humanity stripped away after their fall to Chaos.
World Eater - +2 Martial, +5 Combat

[ ] Thousand Sons - The main feature that distinguishes the Thousand Sons from the other Traitor Legions is the sheer number of psyker mutations that have always existed amongst the Space Marines in this Legion.Every current member of the Legion possesses psychic abilities and they prefer to use Chaos Sorcerers and guile in combat, relying on their psychic powers and sorcerous knowledge to earn them victory.
Thousand Son +2 Martial, +2 Power +2 Control
Trait - Psyker

[ ] Emperor's Children - The Emperor's Children was the only Space Marine Legion to bear the Emperor's own name and His own icon -- the Palatine Aquila -- granted to them by His hand as a symbol of the Legion's martial perfection. Few were ever so honoured amongst the ancient Space Marine Legions and given less cause to betray the Master of Mankind than the Emperor's Children. Given the plaudits and accolades accorded them, few could doubt that they were the embodiment of what the Emperor had intended the Legiones Astartes to be: noble in action and aspect, excelling in all matters, strong, civilised, firm of purpose and loyal to the core. Until now. Sing the song of chaos, dance the dance of destruction, the is only perfection.
Emperor's Children +2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy

[ ] Death Guard - Death Guard were the strongest and most resilient of all of the Emperor's Space Marine Legions, the inheritors of the Primarch Mortarion in whose genetic image they were created.
Death Guard +2 Martial, +5 Combat

[ ] Lunar Wolves/Son of Horus/Black Legion - Few other Legions could match their achievements and of those that could few could rival the XVIth Legion for the brightness with which their victories shone. Spread across hundreds of Expeditionary Fleets and on countless battlefields, the Luna Wolves broke the enemies of the Imperium and pushed the Great Crusade forwards. Yet the character of any Legion was an echo of their Primarch, one can see the flaws of the father in the pride of his sons. Brutal, ruthless and unwavering but also honourable, and once loyal beyond question, the history of the Luna Wolves is the history of the ambition of the Imperium itself, and the flaws that broke its founder's dreams of unification and glory for all Mankind asunder.
Lunar Wolves/Son of Horus/Black Legion +2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy

[ ]Write-Ins - You can write any warband, if this is some less known please add a link to an article or write something on it so I could assess bonuses of such party.

Voting starts now.
[x] Death Guard - Death Guard were the strongest and most resilient of all of the Emperor's Space Marine Legions, the inheritors of the Primarch Mortarion in whose genetic image they were created.

[X]Alpha Legion - Experts in infiltration, covert operations, misdirection and diversion tactics. You are Alpharius. Everyone is.

An unortodox path. Nurglite characters ahve so little exposure as viewpoints.

Failing that, well, Alpha shenanigans are always fun.
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[x] Night Lords - The Night Lords are synonymous with terror and murder, for their favoured mode of warfare is the unfettered application of brutal, overwhelming force. They show no mercy whatsoever, eschewing all subtlety and guile for wanton bloodshed and destruction. While such an approach might appear mindless, at one time it was different.
Night Lord - +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue

[X]Alpha Legion - Experts in infiltration, covert operations, misdirection and diversion tactics. You are Alpharius. Everyone is.
finally a quest I can get behind
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[x] Night Lords - The Night Lords are synonymous with terror and murder, for their favoured mode of warfare is the unfettered application of brutal, overwhelming force. They show no mercy whatsoever, eschewing all subtlety and guile for wanton bloodshed and destruction. While such an approach might appear mindless, at one time it was different.
Night Lord - +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue

Love them, or

[X]Alpha Legion - Experts in infiltration, covert operations, misdirection and diversion tactics. You are Alpharius. Everyone is.