Roll: d100
- Martial -> planning to hit shit
- Diplomacy -> selling shit
- Stewardship -> managing shit
- Intrigue -> putting others in shit
- Learning -> knowing shit
- Piety -> worshiping shit
- Secondary:
Combat - Hitting shit
Power - Only for Sorcerers/Psykers/Faithfulf and other beings controlling powers of the Warp or simmilar
Control - Only for Sorcerers/Psykers/Faithfulf and other beings controlling powers of the Warp or simmilar
Ambitions - your overall goal and drive as a Character, it unlocks questlines and options to choose from, but also denies other options. In the begining you cannnot have more than one Ambition, but you can exchange it for other. Exchanging means loosing options from the previews one, and droping missions and quuest from it. :
- Power
- Knowledge
- Perfection
- Survival
- Immortality
- Ascension
This is a 'Crusader Kings'-style quest. You play as a traitor astartes in the 40k universe (a version thereof roughly based on the codexes, wikis, fanfiction(like Age of Dusk and The Shape Of The Nightmare To Come 50k) and mind of yours truly) at the start of M41.
Each turn, which is (tentatively) one year in-universe, you have access to a number of actions, as chosen from seven categories: Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, and Learning, Piety and Personal. (You have a set number of actions for each category, and possibly also some number of free actions to be placed in any category.) Each action is associated with a DC; after voting, the basic system is that I will roll a d60 for each action, and if the roll at least equals the DC, the action succeeds to some extent; otherwise it fails. The higher the roll, the better. Following this, you may get one or more reactive arcs in response to some threat or other.
Characters are particularly prominent people in your organization. Recruiting Characters is done by taking actions (DIplomacy/Intrigue/Learning/...), and gets progressively harder the more of them you already have.
0-15 Human
15-30 Astartes
30-40 Custodes
40-50 Daemon Prince/Primarch
50-60 Greater Daemon/Daemon Primarch
When rolling for an action, most bonuses decrease the DC. Hero bonuses are the only bonuses that actually improve the roll. Specifically, the hero's value for a certain stat is added onto the d100 roll. This may sometimes cause the roll to exceed 100; in this case only (a roll of 101+), the d100 explodes, i.e. you get a re-roll to add to your current total. The same hero bonuses also affect this roll, so that you can get a prolonged chain of hero bonuses.
Each character can participate in one action a turn. Multiple characters can add to one action, but each another adss less. 2nd character ads 1/2 of his characteristic, 3rd -1/3, 4th - 1/4 and so on.
Spaceships and whole planets, armies and single heroes. I go more to the storytelling side, so no resources apart from gene-seeds.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Action options for the turn are posted. (Write-ins are very welcome, but subject to QM approval.)
2. Discussion time, after which I gave a call for voting
3. By-line approval voting among the actions, to determine which actions are undertaken this turn.
4. A second round of voting, by plan, to determine which bonuses, particularly heroes, go on which action
5. Turn results
6. Possible reactive mini-arcs, with smaller votes within them
Voting by plans is not allowed, except when it is explicitly stated.
Rolling 1 -> Critical Failure
Rolling 100 -> Critical Success
-/+2 - +15 -> Bare Failure/Success
-/+16 - -/+55 -> Failure/Success
-/+56 - -/+85 -> Major Failure/Success
-/+86 - -/+99 -> Near Critical Failure/Success