Fallen Empires -- An Old Republic Era adventure (Star Wars)

[x] Throw Shaed off her game on purpose

I mean, I think our moms can take care of themselves but I'd rather not find out?
[X] Throw Shaed off her game on purpose

I, too, would love to let Imperious loose on Shaed, but I think that situation might be a little extra problematic with Jorden not yet knowing what's going on there. Plus, this way is just so true to character.
Amira Risk is looking on from a little ways up, taking in the scene as she climbs carefully down toward you all.
Dearth Shaed, self-styled Dark Lord of the SIth, throws back her head and laughs, an unhinged cackle that sends a shiver down your spine.
I'm voting so you don't have to! Makes sense, right? Right.
Huh, that does make sense. Here, I'll help!
[X] Tell Shaed the truth
[X] Turn off the holocomm off. With your lightsaber.
Also known as The Solo Manoeuvre. Because lightsabring communicators is a great way to further one's goal of absolute independence...
Personally, I'm more than a little worried she'll try to murder us here and now. Like, distance is just a number to a sufficiently powerful and pissed off Sith.

But, there are no options that will not piss auntie Shaed off, so eh.
On the one hand Skyla is great at throwing people off their game, but on the other hand I don't think we've ever seen her do it on purpose.
[x] Tell Shaed the truth

Which of these has a track record for causing more amusing messes: Skylah trying to tell the truth, or Skylah deliberately trying to hatch a scheme?

Tell the truth. In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act, as George Orwell observed.

Make even more of a mess via actually just blithely bursting out with an answer.

[X] Tell Shaed the truth
"We can't trick her on purpose so let's try to tell the truth so we'll trick her by accident" is the sort of galaxy brain moves I'm here for.