You know, you are not obliged to read my omakes. Though if you feel otherwise, it might help more to say why you don't care then to just ask me to stop writing.
It's not that the writing is bad, it's quite good. It's just that it's been going too long. Like I don't like qyburn enough that I would read more than 5 chapter of his story.

I never said you should stop, just hoped the character would die so we can move on as it were.
4x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cats (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD) - 4,800 IM total
8x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD) - 38,400 IM total
2x Druid Creature Treants - (CR 10, 7 HD) - 9,600 IM total
30x Verdant Kingfisher (CR 2, 2 HD) - 9.000 IM total
3x Verdant Ravens [Advanced Plant-Imbued Giant Raven (w/+4 Racial HD)] (CR 6, 6 HD) - 3,600 IM total
20x Black Knights (Mobility Upgrade) - 11,200 IM total
20x Tuogou, CR 4 - 12,000 IM total
5x Vigilant Briars (CR 4) - 3,300 IM total
2x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cats (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD) - 2,400 IM total
5x Verdant Wolves - (CR 6, 6 HD) - 6,000 IM total
3x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD) - 14,400 IM total
10x Black Knights - 4,900 IM total
1x Wyrmling Myrkdreki Dragons, CR 3 - 450 IM
3x Vigilant Briars (CR 4) - 1,980 IM total
1x Black Champions - 5,360 IM
10x Black Knights (Mobility Upgrade) - 5.600 IM total
20x Spitter Swarms - 1,200 IM total
2x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cats (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD) - 2,400 IM total
2x Verdant Wolves - (CR 6, 6 HD) - 2,400 IM total
10x Verdant Kingfisher (CR 2, 2 HD) - 3,000 IM total
1x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD) - 4,800 IM
1x Verdant Ravens [Advanced Plant-Imbued Giant Raven (w/+4 Racial HD)] (CR 6, 6 HD) - 1,200 IM total
3x Vigilant Briars (CR 4) - 1,980 IM total
2x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD) - 2,400 IM total
10x Black Knights - 4,800 IM total
20x Spitter Swarms - 1,200 IM total
10x Verdant Kingfisher (CR 2, 2 HD) - 6,000 IM total
1x Verdant Raven [Advanced Plant-Imbued Giant Raven (w/+4 Racial HD)] (CR 6, 6 HD) - 1,200 IM total
1x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD) - 4,800 IM total
2x Vigilant Briars (CR 4) - 1,320 IM total
2x Verdant Wolves - 2,400 IM total
2x Advanced Druid Lotus Leshy - 4,800 IM total
1x Druid Treant - 4,800 IM
1x Watchmole (CR 6) - 1,320 IM
81x Hunter Jellyfish - 1,800 IM each = 145,800 IM
81x Black Knights with Mobility Upgrade - 560 IM each = 45,360 IM
72x Necrotic Molds - 450 IM each = 32,400 IM
9x Blood Clot Molds - 4,800 IM each = 43,200 IM
9x Advanced Dire Hunter Jellyfish (CR 10) - 4,800 IM each = 43,200 IM
8x Black Brutes - 4,700 IM each = 37,600 IM
8x Necrotic Molds (Black Brute controlling units) - 450 IM each = 3,600 IM
4x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4, 6 HD) - 660 IM each = 2,640 IM
1x Black Champion - 5,360 IM
1x Greater Bloodclot Mold (Black Champion controlling unit) - 28,800 IM
1x Lead-clad Greater Bloodshark - 2,325 IM each - 2,325 IM per unit - 23,250 IM total
1x Lead-clad Black Brute - 4,880 IM each - 4,880 IM per unit - 48,800 IM total
5x Lead-clad Bloodshark - 1,035 IM each - 5,175 IM per unit - 51,750 IM total
20x Lead-clad Advanced Skeletal Narwhale - 220 IM each - 4,400 IM per unit - 44,000 IM total
50x Lead-clad Blood Seal - 45 IM each - 2,250 IM per unit - 22,500 IM total
76x Necrotic Mold - 300 IM each - 22,800 IM per unit - 228,000 IM total
1x Greater Bloodclot Mold - 28,800 IM each - 28,800 per unit
@Azel, @Crake I once again ask for your financial support request information on which cities in Westeros we'll take from the get-go and should start focusing making forces to set on putting as defenses once we move in, right now.

Much like we are likely gonna be making a bunch of Aquatic Defense Groups for [White Harbor, Gulltown, Duskendale, King's Landing, Greyport and Oldtown, Dragonstone, Driftmark, Bear Island, the Iron Islands, Sunspear and Storm's End) as a part of the 3rd month's Forge Order.

All of the usual standardized units are in the quote, for reference.
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@Azel, @Crake I once again ask for your financial support request information on which cities in Westeros we'll take from the get-go and should start focusing making forces to set on putting as defenses once we move in, right now.

Much like we are likely gonna be making a bunch of Aquatic Defense Groups for [White Harbor, Gulltown, Duskendale, King's Landing, Greyport and Oldtown, Dragonstone, Driftmark, Bear Island, the Iron Islands, Sunspear and Storm's End) as a part of the 3rd month's Forge Order.

All of the usual standardized units are in the quote, for reference.
We'll be conquering all of Westeros in the 5th month, so basically all of them.
CN is the Maelstrom from Pathfinder , like limbo only with more willful chaos and the Abyss slowly seeping into it. LN is Axis, an ally trending towards vassal of Baator, like an actual vassal not a puppet like Heaven's Shore
Wait, I thought Limbo was the CN plane?
That was where the Githzerai lived and where nothing lasts without people concentrating on making it last.
Wait, I thought Limbo was the CN plane?
That was where the Githzerai lived and where nothing lasts without people concentrating on making it last.

Oh right, the TN plane would be the Plane of Balance itself

Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Oct 8, 2020 at 9:32 AM, finished with 72 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] In descending order: Phistophilus, Falxugon, Uniila, Gelugon, Erinyes
    -[X] We would pay extra if the Devil in question is known to have some fancy template, such as Hellfire-Creature. Such Devils would not be recruited, but used as research specimens to replicate their templates.
    [X] Of Scholars and Sages
    [X] Vote
    [X] Ya'll
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Interlude CMXV: Devil's Dreams
Devil's Dreams

Third Day of the Third Month 294 AC

Heaven's Shore

Mereth looked down at the list, eyes glued upon the complex lines of the High Script, what mortal conjurers at times called True Infernal, though it was no more so than a official document was 'truer' than instructions carried above a battlefield. If anything, Mereth had come to disdain those too-abstract lines and exacting meanings, she had come to associate them with orders from a lord she had grown apathetic towards. It was also a touch too close to the golden script of Heaven from on high for comfort. She could admit that much now. Most importantly for this transaction it was also the only script that could hold the whole of a baatezu's name.

All that passed behind her eyes in an instant, back muscles tensing to open wings this false form did not have. She almost wanted to snatch away the scroll just to keep it from sight, though they were alone here, her and the Withered One that dealt in rotting memories. Mereth had not expected to see those Names.

Twelve of her sisters... Yes, four soul hagglers too and she was sure the King would be glad to see them, but they now had twelve of her sisters' Names, by which they could be called or banished, blessed or broken, ended up in the hands of this... merchant.

"How?" she projected through the still air, words hard as steel.

"Angels are not the only ones who might wish to lose themselves to entertainments of the flesh, the mind or the soul. Not all are mine of course, some were traded to others who had cause to bargain with Baator, but you know by now that the years will wear down all things, even a soul of bloodied steel," He did not sound contemptuous or worse sympathetic, only faintly curious and perhaps a touch surprised at the list she had handed him yesterday.

By bulk the broker could be counted to have gotten the better deal, but then that is why he was a merchant and she the customer. The list Mereth had handed off had been filled with names whose only commonality was being baatezu, the sixteen names she had gotten in return were all of beings her lord would be interested in calling. Comrades she might be reunited with, the nagging voice of hope, ever more present of late, reminded her. She tried to tell herself it was because it would make her position stronger and more prestigious. It was after all true... but not the whole truth.

"I assume all is in order?" the dead Far-Begotten interrupted her reverie.

"Yes," the fury replied with a brief nod, rolling up the scroll. "A pleasure doing business with you, Master Ishmagnis," she said aloud, not wanting to go through the slightly nauseating process of crafting the thought-form of his name. To her surprise she found that she actually meant it. Any of her sisters who traded their names such that they would be free for the buying in Heaven's Shore would be sorely lacking in purpose. Something she might help provide if they agreed to it.

  1. 2 Phistophilus
  2. 2 Advanced Falxugon
  3. 12 Erinyes

What next?

[] Write in

OOC: The Erinyes roll was a case of rolling max on two different dice, otherwise pretty average results.
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Devil's Dreams

Third Day of the Third Month 294 AC

Heaven's Shore

Mereth looked down at the list, eyes glued upon the complex lines of the High Script, what mortal conjurers at times called True Infernal, though it was no more so than a n official document was truer than instructions carried above a battlefield. If anything, Mereth had come to disdain those too-abstract lines and exacting meanings, associated as they were with orders from a lord she had grown apathetic towards. It was also a touch too close to the golden script of Heaven from on High for comfort. She could admit that much now. Most importantly for this transaction, it was also the only script that could hold the whole of a Baatezu's Name.

All that passed behind her eyes in an instant, back muscles tensing to open wings this false form did not have. She almost wanted to snatch away the scroll just to keep it from sight, though they were alone here, her and the Withered One that dealt in rotting memories. Mereth had not expected to see those Names.

Twelve of her sisters... Yes, four soul hagglers too, and she was sure the king would be glad to see them, but how had twelve of her sisters' Names, by which they could be called or banished, blessed or broken, ended up in the hands of this... merchant.

"How?" she projected through the still air, word hard as steel.

"Angels are not the only ones who might wish to lose themselves to entertainments of the flesh, the mind, the soul. Not all are mine, of course. Some were traded to others who had cause to bargain with Baator, but you just know by now that the years will wear down all things, even a soul of bloodied steel." He did not sound contemptuous or worse, sympathetic, only faintly curious and perhaps a touch surprised at the list she had handed him yesterday.

By bulk, the broker could be counted to have gotten the better deal, but then that is why he was a merchant and she the customer. The list Mereth had handed off had been filled with names whose only commonality was being baatezu, the sixteen names she had gotten in return were all of beings her lord would be interested in calling. Comrades she might be reunited with, the nagging voice of hope, ever more present of late, reminded her. She tried to tell herself it was because it would make her position stronger and more prestigious. It was true, after all... but not the whole truth.

"I assume all is in order?" the dead Far-Begotten interrupted her reverie.

"Yes," the fury replied with a brief nod, rolling up the scroll. "A pleasure doing business with you, master Ishmagnis," she said aloud, not wanting to go through the slightly nauseating process of crafting the thought-form of his name. To her surprise, she found that she actually meant it. Any of her sisters who traded their names such that they would be free for the buying in Heaven's Shore would be sorely lacking in purpose. Something she might help provide, if they agreed to it.

  1. 2 Phistophilus
  2. 2 Advanced Falxugon
  3. 12 Erinyes

What next?

[] Write in

OOC: The Erinyes roll was a case of rolling max on two different die, otherwise pretty average results. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.
I'm conflicted about this.
Oh well, fuck Mammon.

Ahkay, starting with small stuff that would in no way cause retconianial hell for us by being shown too soon.

[X] Plan: "Air superiority, for fun and profit".

[X] Eyes in the Sky: Have the training/patrol flights experiment with mounting Serpent Stone recorders on their Wyverns to later review the footage for intelligence purposes. Try mounting it on different spots of the hull, in the cockpit and so on.

[X] Aerial patrols: Use Serpentstone Recorders to take reconnaissance videos of Westeros. To get a good quality, try low altitude and low speed (500m, 200km/h) fly-overs during mid-day.
-[X] Areas to cover:
--[X] Coast near Parchments in the Stormlands
--[X] Coast of Blackwater Bay, especially the estuary of the Blackwater.
--[X] The Fingers in the Vale
--[X] The Neck in the North
--[X] Coast near White Harbor in the North.
--[X] The Arbor in the Reach.
--[X] Coast near Oldtown in the Reach.
--[X] The Bay of Crabs in the Riverlands.
----[X] 3rd Fighter Squadron (12x Wyvern Type-C)

[X] Pilot Training
----[X] 1st Training Squadron
(8x Wyvern Type-B, 2x Manticore)
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Hmmm curious on why Baelish made Cersei try killing the Velaryons. I can get why to blackmail Cersei but to pick the Velaryons is curious. Think Baelish will use the blackmail to make Cersei support Lysa and Robin Arryn?
[X] egoo

I'll have to check when I get back to my computer this evening, but we shouldn't have any problem equipping this batch of Erinyes. I think.

Assuming we Summon them this month?
Can someone remind me what Falxugon do? Google tells me they harvest souls and corrupt mortals and that just seems like what every devil does.