I have an idea for the Vapor tanks , now hear me out the Elector countess of Nuln is a major Freddy fangirl so she's positively disposed towards us , my idea is to approach her during the next electors meet and make a deal were she lends us the eight original steam tanks Nuln has to reverse engineer and in exchange we will share the reverse engineered blueprints of the steam tanks allowing both us and Nuln to reproduce them as for why we would do this well there is a number of reasons
-first and the main reason really is that each of the original steam tanks is a unique masterwork with there own features and design quirks which once reverse engineered we can use to upgrade our own Vapor Tanks to the next level
-second it will allow us and Nuln to produce steam tanks which are much cheaper to build and maintain compared to vapor tanks
-third it will increase the number of tanks the empire has , always a win
-forth it will be good way to foster even better relations with Nuln ,chances are we might be able set up some future cooperative efforts with their collage and maybe even some technological exchanges down the line
note: we are not going to share our vaporware tech with them , only the steam tech they need to reproduce their own steam tanks based on the blueprints we manage to reverse engineer if they accept lending us their tanks