Ascension: Sword and Sorcery

The Answer/The Plan
Robert gives Lady Ida a polite smile as he ponders her question. What is his plan exactly? Does he have one? Yes...he supposes he does, if he thinks about it. Of course it's uniting them against a big evil...where would he find that? And he had no desire to be the big evil either. No, he knows what he must do.

"I will...gather people, like you...well not like you, as you're one of a kind, but I mean...unique people from each race, influential people, and I'll bring them together and convince them of my cause." He states confidently. Lady Ida raises an eyebrow.

"And you think that will unite the 5 races? I gotta give it to ya Robby, you got Moxy. And a plan. Which is more than I can say for myself when I tried my hand at it, why not. Let's give it a go." She relents with a shrug. Robert can't help but to smile. Not only did he seem to have Lady Ida on his side now, but she actually made him think about his goal, and establish a plan. Once a plan is made, it's much plot a course of action and figure out one's next move. So really, she had helped him more than anything else so far.

"So that's good for the future and all kid but...what do you want to do about the Fae out there?" She questions. Robert blinks in surprise.

"The...Fey?" He inquires.

"Yeah, the Fey. You know, magical being that's been impersonating me and trying to sell you on some...secret weapon?" This causes Robert to narrow his eyes. He hadn't told her about the exact conversation had he? He doesn't remember doing so...

"Right." He answers tentatively.

"Yeah so, what are we doing? We following it to the secret weapon? We ignoring it? Or..." She grins. "Do I get to take out the trash for daring to besmirch my good name?"

That's... a good question, what would they do about the Fae sitting outside, impersonating Lady Ida.

[] Have Lady Ida dispose of it
[] Let it go, it didn't harm anyone ultimately
[] Warn it, but let it live for now
[] Try to recruit it
[] Follow it to the secret weapon
[] Send a message to the Fairy King? (Write-In on the message)
[X] Try to recruit it
-[X] Make sure to tell it to never impersonate the Lady ever again as it does not want the Lady wrath for misrailing travelers
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[X] Try to recruit it
-[X] Make sure to tell it to never impersonate the Lady ever again as it does not want the Lady wrath for misrailing travelers
Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Sep 18, 2020 at 6:28 PM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Try to recruit it
    -[X] Make sure to tell it to never impersonate the Lady ever again as it does not want the Lady wrath for misrailing travelers
    [X] Try to recruit it
    [x] Warn it, but let it live for now
The Fae
"We should recruit it." Robert says simply, almost in wonderment at how obvious the idea is, and how late it came to him. At these words, Lady Ida recoils.

"We what?"

"I mean...we're going to recruit people from each race right? Why not start with this Fae? Surely it can't be that bad." Robert states in a hopeful tone.

"I...what? Not only do you want to let this little shit get away with impersonating me...but you want to recruit...a Fey. Say it again. Recruit. A. Fairy. No one even knows if it's possible and you--"

"Exactly." Robert cuts her off. "We'll be the first to do it, just like we'll be the first to unite the races." Lady can only shake her head.

"Robbie, Robbie, Robbie. What will we do with you and your optimism?" She exhales deeply. "Fine, let' give it a shot, I guess." She relents. Robert can't help but to smile and cheer internally as they exit her house and look for said Fey. "There." Lady Ida points to a tree about 200 meters away. Robert narrows his eyes and uses a bit of his Future Sight to figure out exactly where she's pointing and where they'd be heading to next.

"Alright, let's--" Robert's cut off by a finger to his lips.

"Quiet kid, we gotta be quiet. Unassuming." She warns him. "Follow my lead." She commands as she pushes him forward while walking next to him. Lady Ida starts off first, talking about something inane, fake gossip it seemed, and Robert followed her lead, nodding along and pretending he was interested. Soon they were at said tree, and Lady Ida casually leaned against it with her hand on the trunk. "Gotcha." She whispers as she nods to Robert, motioning for him to do his thing. Robert nods and clears his throat.

"Right." He looks around and...sees nothing. No sign of the Faerie at all. But if the Fairy can take shapes and pretend to be Lady Ida then...yes, it must be the tree itself. "Hello Exalted Fae, I would like to thank you for your attempts to aid me in my quest and wonder if you wish to join me instead."

The tree quickly shifts into a very small, flowing humanoid with large wings. If Lady Ida did not have extremely sharpened reflexes, it's likely she would've fallen flat on her face. As it is she...simply remained where she was, somehow unaffected by the lack of a balancing object.

"Oh boy, do I! Of course I'll join you!" The Fey speaks excitedly. "So does that mean we're going for the secret weapon?"

[] Yes
[] No, there was more to do first
[] No, there was no need for a secret weapon
[] Depends, what is it?
[] Depends, what is it?
-[X] Also do you know of anyone else who would be willing to aid us in our quest?
Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Sep 25, 2020 at 11:53 PM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Depends, what is it?
    -[X] Also do you know of anyone else who would be willing to aid us in our quest?
    -[X] Also do you know of anyone else who would be willing to aid us in our quest?
    [x] Yes
The Fey Pt. 2
"Depends on exactly what this weapon is." Responds Robert. The Fae somewhat frowns.

"Well...I don't exactly know what it is per se." The fairy says sheepishly. Lady Ida gives him a dry look.

"You don't know what the weapon is." She repeats. The fae smiles wide.


"And yet you want us to go with you to find it?" She questions.


"That is the stupidest--" Lady Ida begins with a sneer.

"Wait, wait. I uh...know that it's Dwarven-made and super special. It's like magic, but it's not! It's really fascinating. Or so I hear." He adds.

"Or so you hear." Lady Ida repeats, unimpressed.




Robert then steps in, sensing some hostility from Lady Ida, trying to save his fairy friend.

"Let's table that discussion for later. Do you happen to know anyone else who would join us?" Robert quickly changes the subject, addressing the Fae. The fey frowns and taps its chin.

" I can take you to them if you want but...I'd rather take you to the secret weapon first. We might need it!" He adds.

Where does Robert go?

[] To the people
[] To the weapon
[] Write-In
[X] Write-In
-[X] Ask Lady Ida who she recommends we try recruiting before anything else. She is the the most knowledgeable about this after all
[X] Write-In
-[X] Ask Lady Ida who she recommends we try recruiting before anything else. She is the the most knowledgeable about this after all
[X] Write-In
-[X] Ask Lady Ida who she recommends we try recruiting before anything else. She is the the most knowledgeable about this after all
The Fey Pt. 3
"Before we go anywhere, Lady Ida, do you have any recommendations for people we can recruit? You've done this before and have a certain expertise..." Lady Ida looks at Robert quizzically before shrugging her shoulders.

"I know a few people but I wouldn't recommend them for you. I...can actually fight, so I knew a few Drow and even an Orc or two that were willing to help...given that we unite the strong and leave the weak to die. You...would be the weak we leave to die so...yeah. If you got a death wish, we can try it, but listen to fairy boy here." She points to the Fey with her thumb. The Faeries shrinks back a bit, almost...embarrassed?

"Oh uh...I sort of have mostly Drow and Orcs too..." He trails off, looking down in shame.

"Do you? Any Goblins?" Lady Ida asks, a cheeky grin on her face. The Fairy glares in her direction, but opts not to answer and instead harumphs in indignation.

"I see..." Robert replies, deep in thought. "And about the weapon?" He asks. She shrugs again.

"I don't trust Fey. And I got mine right here." She pats her waist where...presumably a weapon sits. "But're in desperate need of some power if you can't even beat a Fairy Peon like this, your decision." She replies.

Does Robert go to meet Lady Ida's People? Or does he go for the weapon?

[] Meet Lady Ida's people
[] Go for the weapon
[] Do both
[] Do neither
[X] Do both

If nothing is lost by doing both then there's no point in not doing both.