Deciding what we do with Lana this early seems to be a very stupid thing to do. She knows little of us, and we know less of her. We've certainly turned far harder targets then she is.
Could this please be a separate decision, I'm just a little irritated, that a spite vote got tacked on an entirely separate vote.

If the Thread want to kill her then fine, but this Egoo tagged it on a vote about something entirely different shit is annoying.
It was not a spite vote, IMO. We have simply decided that much like other dangerous enemies, she will need to be eliminated. It's a necessary part of planning the pacification of the Westerlands. If something changes drastically, such as discovering she's been possessed by a Belier Devil, we aren't locked into killing her, but that's the current plan.
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I wouldn't try to split up Marwyn's party, either, at least not for a few months. They got to high level working together for years. Separating them now would reduce their overall effectiveness and be detrimental to their long term trust in us.

I'm sure there are places we could assign their entire team.
I don't want to bloat the Casterly Rock operation more then necessary, so I decided to halve their party. That mission is already pretty stacked, so I don't want to add another two lvl 15 people if I can help it. At the same time, Sarin and Ashin would be pretty useless there but very helpful in Slavers Bay.
@Azel, Marwyn's party assigned accordingly, in the threadmarked plan.

@everyone, y'all may want to vote, or something?
I dunno.

If you guys feel like doing something else I missed, just start another vote-train, imma slep now.
[X] egoo
So I take it a Medium creature can burrow without triggering it?
Could a Large creature with a serpentine body layout burrow safely?
An 18 inch tunnel is pretty small, but not an unmanageable hurdle. In addition to sending creatures easily able to maneuver through such close confines, we could use spells like Mass Reduce Person to make it easy for normally Medium-sized Humans to use them, too.
An 18 inch tunnel is pretty small, but not an unmanageable hurdle. In addition to sending creatures easily able to maneuver through such close confines, we could use spells like Mass Reduce Person to make it easy for normally Medium-sized Humans to use them, too.
I'm mostly thinking about the most efficient shape for the Necrocrafts. They should be able to burrow freely, or sending them as infiltrators becomes much too risky, and they need to be able to make paths for the Hunter Bio-Constructs to move around too.

As is, I'm thinking about something lindworm like, but with four claws. Maybe paralysis and poison, just in case they need to eliminate someone who somehow manages to spot them.
It was not a spite vote, IMO. We have simply decided that much like other dangerous enemies, she will need to be eliminated. It's a necessary part of planning the pacification of the Westerlands. If something changes drastically, such as discovering she's been possessed by a Belier Devil, we aren't locked into killing her, but that's the current plan.
When Azel made the vote, he explicitly called it out as a spite vote, but if the thread want to kill her, then I will accept the decision.
When Azel made the vote, he explicitly called it out as a spite vote, but if the thread want to kill her, then I will accept the decision.
I did not and I strongly object to the accusation. What I said was:
I know this won't work since nobody wants to get involved in debates about your obsessions until they have to, but until further notice I will do this every time the topic comes up:

[X] Lana has clearly shown her loyalties and thus you will resolve to kill her and prevent all resurrection to ensure that she does not become a powerful rallying point for the surviving Lannisters in particular and hostile Westerosi nobles in general.
My assumption was that nobody would actually vote for this due to not wanting to involve themselves in this topic. That's all.
But then @egoo added it to his vote and nobody objected to it, instead happily voting for it.

So I'm rather happy that this is over with and that I can make plans against the Lannisters without having to deal with complaints about killing Lanna in the process.
It was not a spite vote, IMO. We have simply decided that much like other dangerous enemies, she will need to be eliminated. It's a necessary part of planning the pacification of the Westerlands. If something changes drastically, such as discovering she's been possessed by a Belier Devil, we aren't locked into killing her, but that's the current plan.

The problem with this is that she has every reason NOT to commit to a rebellion. She has children, once Tywin is dead and the rock taken the only thing she'll care about is her family. It isn't like we can't have her make an oath before any number of gods. I seriously doubt she is more loyal to Tywin then she is to her children. Also considering how well she treats Tyrion I doubt she likes Tywin very much.
My assumption was that nobody would actually vote for this due to not wanting to involve themselves in this topic. That's all.
But then @egoo added it to his vote and nobody objected to it, instead happily voting for it.

So I'm rather happy that this is over with and that I can make plans against the Lannisters without having to deal with complaints about killing Lanna in the process.
Ok I misunderstood you then, sorry about that.
I'm mostly thinking about the most efficient shape for the Necrocrafts. They should be able to burrow freely, or sending them as infiltrators becomes much too risky, and they need to be able to make paths for the Hunter Bio-Constructs to move around too.

As is, I'm thinking about something lindworm like, but with four claws. Maybe paralysis and poison, just in case they need to eliminate someone who somehow manages to spot them.
We're going to need to plan around all those Janni mercs the Lannisters have hired. They're not particularly dangerous combatants, but they have a very useful suite of abilities. It's why we've used them as Summoned scouts so often. They are all telepathic, can become Invisible, can change to Small-size when necessary, and become Ethereal. It all comes together to make them really effective guards for a place like the Rock.

Hiding from their Telepathy isn't difficult for Molds riding around inside Lead-clad Undead or anyone with a Mind Blank, but all it takes is one of them spotting our forces and they will be able to alert everyone nearby instantly. Blocking Telepathic communication is possible, though doing so is super obvious.
The problem with this is that she has every reason NOT to commit to a rebellion. She has children, once Tywin is dead and the rock taken the only thing she'll care about is her family. It isn't like we can't have her make an oath before any number of gods. I seriously doubt she is more loyal to Tywin then she is to her children. Also considering how well she treats Tyrion I doubt she likes Tywin very much.
Look, I'll be the first one to reconsider killing her if it looks like our information about her is wrong or we discover she was operating under duress, but for right now we're planning to go at her like any other serious enemy. It simplifies planning and allows us to focus on other stuff which is more important right now.
We're going to need to plan around all those Janni mercs the Lannisters have hired. They're not particularly dangerous combatants, but they have a very useful suite of abilities. It's why we've used them as Summoned scouts so often. They are all telepathic, can become Invisible, can change to Small-size when necessary, and become Ethereal. It all comes together to make them really effective guards for a place like the Rock.

Hiding from their Telepathy isn't difficult for Molds riding around inside Lead-clad Undead or anyone with a Mind Blank, but all it takes is one of them spotting our forces and they will be able to alert everyone nearby instantly. Blocking Telepathic communication is possible, though doing so is super obvious.
The Hunters can spot them with their True Sight though, so we can avoid them. At the same time, the Greater Blootclot Molds can use Cloak of Khyber and Veil to disguise themselves and the Hunters as rocks. It's not perfect, but as long as the Molds are careful, they should be perfectly capable of evading the Janni.

Bigger digging projects are out anyway, so I'd only want to make some carefully concealed shortcut tunnels for the infiltrators. We can widen those during the attack with Shape Stone items or scrolls.
@Goldfish, before I forget (half-asleep ideas do a comeback yeee-haw!), can I bother you with writing up the proposals for summoning stuff next month in a vote-like format?

(I.e. the updates to the existing snare, the method off capture for it, the amount of summoning: as well as the plans for the one-off Snare variant we'd be dropping down in a secure Demiplane for dedicated summonjng-time with Viserys)

I'd really rather have stuff like that put on as a Minor Action with the turnvote, rather than scramble for details when an update drops with an appropriate break-point to segue into it.

Much like most of the stuff I kept track on back then, it isn't even an action for most of the write-up, but would make keeping track of details for it easier for everyone involved.
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@Goldfish, before I forget (half-asleep ideas do a comeback yeee-haw!), can I bother you with writing up the proposals for summoning stuff next month in a vote-like format?

(I.e. the updates to the existing snare, the method off capture for it, the amount of summoning: as well as the plans for the one-off Snare variant we'd be dropping down in a secure Demiplane for dedicated summonjng-time with Viserys)

I'd really rather have stuff like that put on as a Minor Action with the turnvote, rather than scramble for details when an update drops with an appropriate break-point to segue into it.

Much like most of the stuff I kept track on back then, it isn't even an action for most of the write-up, but would make keeping track of details for it easier for everyone involved.
Yeah, I'll write it up when this evening when I'm done with work.
Here's my proposal for the undead part of the Casterly Rock infiltration. They are based on the Snatching Terror, using a different body plan and trading swimming capabilities for burrowing. I've also added the abilities to Grab and Constrict their targets, and of course the Lead-Clad template to make them immune to Divination.

For now, their main purpose is being the mounts of the Molds and tunnel digging, but when the attack itself happens, we can have them breach the more important caverns and attack high-value targets. Thanks to having Paralysis, Poison and Sneak Attack, they can do tremendous amounts of damage in close combat, especially when attacking from ambush. And since the Greater Bloodclot Molds can throw Greater Invisibility over them, they can easily decimate even strong groups.

Lindworm, CR 15
Advanced, Lead-Clad, Commando Construct, Soulforged Necrocraft
Corpsecrafted, Bolstered Resistance
Cost 3,920 IM
NE Medium Undead
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.

AC 27, touch 12, flat-footed 27 (+2 Dex, +11 natural, +4 Armor)
HP 168 (12d12 + 24 + 12 + 24 + 30)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +9
Resistance Turning Resistance 18, Electricity 5
Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft., Burrow 30 ft., Fly 30 ft. (Clumsy)
Melee 2x claws +17; 1d4 + 8 + 1d4 Bleed + Paralysis + Poison + Grab
Sneak Attack +6d6
Reach 10 ft.

Str 27, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +9
Feats Toughness B, Flensing Strike, Fly-By Attack, Ability Focus (Paralysis), Death From Above
SQ Construction Points (additional movement [Burrow, Fly], Grab, Constrict, Blade Fists, Faster, Paralysis, Rotting Flesh, Metal Armor), Sneak Attack +6d6, Reach

Paralysis (Su): Natural Attacks gain the paralysis ability (1d4+1 rounds, DC 20).

Rotting Flesh (Ex): Poison - injury; save Fort DC 21; frequency 1/round for 2 rounds; effect 1d3 Constitution damage; cure 1 save.

Energized Alacrity (Su)
Once per minute as a swift action, a commando construct can draw power from special energizing transmitters attached to its body. When doing so, the commando construct gains a +30-foot bonus to all of its speeds for 1 round. Additionally, when making a full attack during this round, the commando construct can move up to its speed either before or after it attacks. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

Tactical Awareness (Ex)
A commando construct gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 HD the commando construct has (to a maximum of +6 at 20 HD). Additionally, a commando construct is never considered an unaware combatant and is always able to act in the surprise round. A commando construct is still flat-footed in the surprise round until it acts.

Divination Immunity (Ex)
A lead-clad creature is immune to divination spells and effects cast to derive information about it. Detect magic, detect poison, detect thoughts, and detect alignment spells fail to reveal any information about the lead-clad creature or the objects it carries. Furthermore, a lead-clad creature is invisible and inaudible to scrying, arcane eyes, and clairaudience/clairvoyance. Lead-clad creatures and their equipment cannot be located by discern location, nor can locate object find objects they carry.
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Here's my proposal for the undead part of the Casterly Rock infiltration. They are based on the Snatching Terror, using a different body plan and trading swimming capabilities for burrowing. I've also added the abilities to Grab and Constrict their targets, and of course the Lead-Clad template to make them immune to Divination.

For now, their main purpose is being the mounts of the Molds and tunnel digging, but when the attack itself happens, we can have them breach the more important caverns and attack high-value targets. Thanks to having Paralysis, Poison and Sneak Attack, they can do tremendous amounts of damage in close combat, especially when attacking from ambush. And since the Greater Bloodclot Molds can throw Greater Invisibility over them, they can easily decimate even strong groups.

Lindworm, CR 15
Advanced, Lead-Clad, Commando Construct, Soulforged Necrocraft
Corpsecrafted, Bolstered Resistance
Cost 3,920 IM
NE Medium Undead
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.

AC 27, touch 12, flat-footed 27 (+2 Dex, +11 natural, +4 Armor)
HP 168 (12d12 + 24 + 12 + 24 + 30)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +9
Resistance Turning Resistance 18, Electricity 5
Immune undead traits

Speed 30 ft., Burrow 30 ft., Fly 30 ft. (Clumsy)
Melee 2x claws +17; 1d4 + 8 + 1d4 Bleed + Paralysis + Poison + Grab
Sneak Attack +6d6
Reach 10 ft.

Str 27, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +9
Feats Toughness B, Flensing Strike, Fly-By Attack, Ability Focus (Paralysis), Death From Above
SQ Construction Points (additional movement [Burrow, Fly], Grab, Constrict, Blade Fists, Faster, Paralysis, Rotting Flesh, Metal Armor), Sneak Attack +6d6, Reach

Paralysis (Su): Natural Attacks gain the paralysis ability (1d4+1 rounds, DC 20).

Rotting Flesh (Ex): Poison - injury; save Fort DC 21; frequency 1/round for 2 rounds; effect 1d3 Constitution damage; cure 1 save.

Energized Alacrity (Su)
Once per minute as a swift action, a commando construct can draw power from special energizing transmitters attached to its body. When doing so, the commando construct gains a +30-foot bonus to all of its speeds for 1 round. Additionally, when making a full attack during this round, the commando construct can move up to its speed either before or after it attacks. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

Tactical Awareness (Ex)
A commando construct gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 HD the commando construct has (to a maximum of +6 at 20 HD). Additionally, a commando construct is never considered an unaware combatant and is always able to act in the surprise round. A commando construct is still flat-footed in the surprise round until it acts.

Divination Immunity (Ex)
A lead-clad creature is immune to divination spells and effects cast to derive information about it. Detect magic, detect poison, detect thoughts, and detect alignment spells fail to reveal any information about the lead-clad creature or the objects it carries. Furthermore, a lead-clad creature is invisible and inaudible to scrying, arcane eyes, and clairaudience/clairvoyance. Lead-clad creatures and their equipment cannot be located by discern location, nor can locate object find objects they carry.
Those tunnels beneath the Rock would be a perfect opportunity to deploy some of our Sleep Smoke reserves. We've got 8,410 doses of the stuff in stock, and each dose can cover quite a large area.
Sleep-Smoke doses [One dose affects a globe 10 feet in diameter on the first round, expanding outward to a globe 20 feet in diameter on the second round, and being harmless thereafter. A strong wind can move the globe of sleep-smoke. Type: Inhaled DC 15; Initial damage unconsciousness for 1 minute; Secondary damage unconsciousness for 1d3 minutes]
A DC 15 Fortitude save isn't super high, but it's quite respectable and could affect a significant portion of the defenders. Our own forces would be immune, either because they're Undead or making use of Auran Masks or Life Bubble spells.
Those tunnels beneath the Rock would be a perfect opportunity to deploy some of our Sleep Smoke reserves. We've got 8,410 doses of the stuff in stock, and each dose can cover quite a large area.

A DC 15 Fortitude save isn't super high, but it's quite respectable and could affect a significant portion of the defenders. Our own forces would be immune, either because they're Undead or making use of Auran Masks or Life Bubble spells.
Are Auran Masks part of the Praetori kit? I can't remember.