The Adverse of the Gods and Men (NO SV, You are gonna build a Civilization on a Deathworld, and you are going to like it!)

[X]Plan: Nowhere
-[X] Kingdom Name: Nobody
-[X] Ruler Title: Wisdom
-[X] Oath of the Adverse: We swear to stand at the side of the Wisdom through the good and the bad. We swear to not destroy the Wisdom in times of good or bad. We allow the Wisdom to order us. We swear!
-[X] Government: Monarchy

Someone else can do a better plan. By the way. I have no Idea who is doing the oath. The leader, or the people. I assumed the people are taking an oath.
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[X] Plan: Dragons of Adverse
-[X] Kingdom of the Dragon
-[X] High King
-[X] I swear by the Gods and my ancestors to lead like they have to keep our oaths and to stand for what we stand for.
-[X] Constitutional Monarchy
i do not like the oath but best I can come up with
[X] Plan A New Dawn
-[X] Adversa
-[X] Illuminated King/Queen
-[X] I swear to uphold the light in the darkest of nights, I swear to hold the torch of hope to vanquish the darkness, and I swear to bring the light of dawn wherever I go, until the day comes once again!
-[X] Constitutional Monarchy

Well, i believe the we should use our motto 'The day shall come again!' in our kingdom, shouldn't we?

No,Estel at this point is dead he's not imortal, She's one of his decendents.
Oh, well... It's also good though, now Glynda is at minimum 150% more badass (And crazy! don't forget the crazyness!)
So she is insane in the Adverse standard, is that why she sent her to Ozzy? Because she is insane compare to her people?
No, She's Painfully dull, and CARES ABOUT NEATNESS, And TEACHING CHILDREN SHE'll likely outlive.

Because she cares too Much, and wants to stay with Ozpin, as she's more like a younger version of him with slightly less hang ups
No, She's Painfully dull, and CARES ABOUT NEATNESS, And TEACHING CHILDREN SHE'll likely outlive.

Because she cares too Much, and wants to stay with Ozpin, as she's more like a younger version of him with slightly less hang ups
*Sigh* Oh, Glynda... You should try to embrce more of your culture, after all, what is so great about sanity or *shudders* Neatness!

And she wants to stay with Oz, huh...? well, she'll probably be with him for quite a few lives...

*Insert ship constucting theme here! :D*
No, She's Painfully dull, and CARES ABOUT NEATNESS, And TEACHING CHILDREN SHE'll likely outlive.

Because she cares too Much, and wants to stay with Ozpin, as she's more like a younger version of him with slightly less hang ups
That's both sad and awesome at the same time. Plus I saw that teaser hint about Ruby in the last update. Here's a gift in response to that. Take it. It will help you. Aid you with your writing.
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[X] Plan A New Dawn
-[X] Adversa
-[X] Illuminated King/Queen
-[X] I swear to uphold the light in the darkest of nights, I swear to hold the torch of hope to vanquish the darkness, and I swear to bring the light of dawn wherever I go, until the day comes once again!
-[X] Constitutional Monarchy
[X] Plan A New Dawn
-[X] Adversa
-[X] Illuminated King/Queen
-[X] I swear to uphold the light in the darkest of nights, I swear to hold the torch of hope to vanquish the darkness, and I swear to bring the light of dawn wherever I go, until the day comes once again!
-[X] Constitutional Monarchy
[X] Plan A New Dawn
-[X] Adversa
-[X] Illuminated King/Queen
-[X] I swear to uphold the light in the darkest of nights, I swear to hold the torch of hope to vanquish the darkness, and I swear to bring the light of dawn wherever I go, until the day comes once again!
-[X] Constitutional Monarchy
Adhoc vote count started by Bob the wanderer on Sep 17, 2020 at 5:14 PM, finished with 20 posts and 6 votes.

  • -[X] Constitutional Monarchy
    [X] Plan A New Dawn
    -[X] Adversa
    -[X] Illuminated King/Queen
    -[X] I swear to uphold the light in the darkest of nights, I swear to hold the torch of hope to vanquish the darkness, and I swear to bring the light of dawn wherever I go, until the day comes once again!
    [X]Plan: Nowhere
    -[X] Kingdom Name: Nobody
    -[X] Ruler Title: Wisdom
    -[X] Oath of the Adverse: We swear to stand at the side of the Wisdom through the good and the bad. We swear to not destroy the Wisdom in times of good or bad. We allow the Wisdom to order us. We swear!
    -[X] Government: Monarchy
    [X] Plan: Dragons of Adverse
    -[X] Kingdom of the Dragon
    -[X] High King
    -[X] I swear by the Gods and my ancestors to lead like they have to keep our oaths and to stand for what we stand for.
The Founding Part 2
The Founding Part 2

[X] Adversa

Reward: The Dark Continent is now named Adversa.

-[X] Illuminated King/Queen

-[X] I swear to uphold the light in the darkest of nights, I swear to hold the torch of hope to vanquish the darkness, and I swear to bring the light of dawn wherever I go, until the day comes once again!

-[X] Constitutional Monarchy

"Alright the Elected Officials rule four years its just an advisory role...mostly, they help deal with the day to day nonsense." You said.

Sanctuary nodded. "NICE…Also its done, we have a country up and running."



(Chose One)

[]Ozymandias's Fall: This is how it feels to be Ozma your body burned and your soul was torn asunder for the second time, you look to the sky and earth and the knowledge that all is lost. His gods have abandoned him to a word where there is nothing left but despair and heartache, there is little left to do accept wait until Salem can rend you from existence once and for all. New Years Day, 2800 BGW

[]The Winter of Discontent: This is how it feels to be Salem as she formed the first of a long line of lieutenants and pawns. The Adverse will not fall by force of arms, but the weakness and failings of its people...that is how it is, that is how it must be.Some Time in Autumn 2450 BGW.

[]The Search for a Star of Winter:When Mantle's Longships came to raid you, you thought it was time for a repeat of the time Estel the Great's crusade of justice, but then you realized they were lead by a Woman who could control the winds, the storms and the stars. Sometime in Winter, 2345 BGW

[]The Fall of the Empire:The is Ambrose Fall, as his capital is sacked, and his city is destroyed by the people he had long thought removed from the Politics of his Realm...Branwen had abandoned the soothsayer foretold, and now the Adverse had take their revenge once and for all. Late Spring, 2200 BGW.

[]The Lightbringer and the Sentinel: Vale was not as impressive as he had thought, but the majesty of their King in his ability in war and in peace, won you over. It was surprising to see that little tribe build something so magnificent on their own merits.August 900 BGW

[]A Wizard of the Night: Ozma had one thing to say about the Adverse, they might just be the only thing that make the Grimm stop and consider consequences...and how their plan to Salem is so...barbaric. "Alright you are going to drag her to the Capital and let the Old Magics drag her off to hell." Even in your travels and adventures, you've never heard of what they did to defeat Salem, it would be a good idea too see it with your own eyes. "And you're sure this will work?"Winter, around the Month of February 500 BGW.

[]Ten Thousand Tears: There is a saying among the Night Sentinels, "He who does not Mourn for the World, will be doomed by it." So he was going to use the damn thing, that unholy blade made of the Dark power that controls didn't care if you were hit by the Concept of had a Job to do, and something to receive.June 1st 0 AGW The Final Day of the Great War.

[]The Final Trial: A Gate?...This was the Final Challenge. "So there is a face to the voice that has puzzled us all." The Voice from the Sky smiled a Sad smile. " must face the one last challenge King of the Adverse...The Great Spirit of Adversity."July 22nd 62 AGW.

[]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse." August 22nd 79 AGW.

[X]The Final Trial: A Gate?...This was the Final Challenge. "So there is a face to the voice that has puzzled us all." The Voice from the Sky smiled a Sad smile. " must face the one last challenge King of the Adverse...The Great Spirit of Adversity."July 22nd 62 AGW.
I like this one but I also like some of the others
[X]Ozymandias's Fall: This is how it feels to be Ozma your body burned and your soul was torn asunder for the second time, you look to the sky and earth and the knowledge that all is lost. His gods have abandoned him to a word where there is nothing left but despair and heartache, there is little left to do accept wait until Salem can rend you from existence once and for all. New Years Day, 2800 BGW
[X]The Heroine At the End of the Story: Ruby looked at the slightly reserved looking girl in the Dress as she fiddled with a ring, before closing a very old looking book. "HI!! I'm Ruby" Ruby said. The Girl looked at her and the greenish silvery eyes looked back. "Oh Hello, My Name is Estellise Argenta, Princess of the Adverse." August 22nd 79 AGW.