The adventure of once again

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Quest starting. In a fantasy world, a great adventure starts as an unknowing hero steps into a path beset by forces great and small
The start of a journey
You stop in awe as you near the gates. The great walls stand before you, the protection of the greatest city of the north. Hundred meter tall, Flarion's barricades shine in the purple tone of pure skystone, their open mouth invites you to Cindar, capital of Karne, home to the madar-gal, the most ancient city north of the gandanic mountains. You stand awed, but force yourself to move. You have a mission here, something you can't stop to stare at walls of a city without even entering it. How could you be distracted so easily! You continue onward when a voice calls to you


Without thinking, you immediatly stop in your tracks. Than you look at the guards, at your friends behind you, at the people going in and out of the city gate. None called. None responded to the shout. You continue. You have a purpose. You cant stop to respond to everything shouted your way, even if you didnt imagine it! You take another step to the gate


You turn without thinking, but before you can turn again toward the gates, or even scold yourself, you see a slender elf looking at you. She looks back at your eyes, and you cant turn. Why indeed would you turn? She said look at her. She says than another thing, musical voice ringing at your ears

Tell me

Tell you what? You respond, compelled to answer

Of yourself. Who are you

Her voice takes away all thought, and you answer can only say the most simple direct answer in you
[]I am:(write in a name),

-[]a (female/male) human
-[]a (female/male) elf
-[]a (female/male) dwarf
-[]a (female/male) hobbit
-[]a (female/male) lizardman

"But what are you? Where do you come from?"

[]"I am a commoner, one of the simple people"
[]"I was a warrior, and I was training in fighting since reaching 12".
[]"I was a trained in mystical arts"
[]"I was a servant of the great forces of this world"
[]"I am a noble, a ruler, of an ancient family"
[]"I grew up on the street, alone. I fought to survive since I remember myself"
-[]optional:background write-in

"And what do you do? What are you skilled at?"

Without thinking, you automaticaly answer:
"I am
[]an assasin(Assasins are great at stealth and subterfuge, and are the best class at fighting a single opponent, though they are not so good at fighting groups)
[]a burglar(burglars are masters of sneaking, and using sleight of hand and such. They arent the most skilled combatants, but they can hold their own, and are skilled in tricking their enemies and fighting dirty
[]a captain(Captains are great combatqnts and supports, experts at leading the battle fighting while strenghening allies)
[]a courtier(Courtiers are master talkers and manipulators, and can bolster their allies in combat. They however lack almost any combat ability or even non social ability, which could make this quest pretty difficult)
[]an explorer(explorer excel at overcoming obstacles of an adventure, especially tjose common at dungeons and wilderness, but lack almost any combat ability, which could make this quest pretty difficult)
[]a lancer(Lancers are champions great at fighting and leading, and are at their best mounted)
[]a mage(no need to explain I think)
[]a priest(priest serve their god and gain special abilities from him, depending on the god and the priest. These abilities could be spells, but not neccesarily. It is generally more limited in spellcasting than the general mage, but have many other abilities)
[]a scout(scout are great, well, scouts, and masters of terrain. They are very good combatants, and are best at using the terrain to their advantage)
[]a soldier(the most specialized combatant there is, extremely skilled fighter)

"And what are you good at?"
For the first time in the prolonged interrogation, you stumble. Not that you dont want to answer, you want to answer more than anything, and what else there is to desire other than doing what SHE wants. But there is too much for your compelled mind to easily find an answer. Finally you settle on:

[]I am very

[]And I am also quite(choose how many you want, by order of importance. The more there are, the lower each will be

[]Though I was never really(choose how many weak attributes you want, at least one, the more there are the more points you have for strong and excellent attributes)
Well this is my third quest, the 2 others however were closed as only one or two people quitted and I felt awkward continuing. So I decided to start anew, hopefully it will go better. If you have any advice for helping it, please write me, and if you know someone who would be intrested in this, please tell him(I am not hoping for tons of people, but 3-5 voters most times will be nice)
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Shas'ilikh of house Beaconhill

Female lizardfolk(divine dragonling)

Action dice: d4 size|3 starting pool| Left: 3
Alignment:Dumin, goddess of justice and just rule(good, order, domains:)
Age 20
Career level 3, captain2/soldier 1

Origin:Noble-Knightly leader:
Bonus feat:basic lionheart(see feats)
Combined training: melee feats count as basic combat feats for abilities depending on them
Attribute training:the lower of your dexterity or strengh rise by 1
Commissioned:you gain military renown 50% faster

Strength 18(+4)
Constitution 18(+4)
Dexterity 12(+1)
Wisdom 10(0)
Intelligence 8(-1)
Charisma 14(+2)

Studies: ancient history, magic

Combat stats

Max vitality: 42
Max wounds:18

Defense:19| reflex save:+2|fortitude save: +6|will save: +3

Base attack bonus 2
Melee bonus 6
Ranged bonus 3

Initiative 3
Dr 4
Resistances: Blunt resistance 2, cold resistance 4
Double cold damage taken

Speed 9 meters

Important attacks:
Zwiendhar greatsword: +8 attack, 2d6+4 damage
Unarmed:+6 attacks, 5 damage


Racial features:
Agile defense: +1 defense
Skirmishing: +2 defense while wearing partial or no armor
Achiles heel(cold):Double cold damage
Breatg weapon:
You may breath divine fire. As a full action, you may breath fire in a 4.5 meter cone, dealing 2d6+con, with reflex save to take half damage. Creatures of your alignment take half damage(or none on save) while creatures of opposing alignment take 5 more damage
Thick hide III:when not wearing armor, you are considered to have partial armor, and have 3 damage reduction
Menacing threat:you may threaten 3 enemies at once

Class features:
Captain core:Command cadre:
your allies may benefit from 1 of your basic combat feats, which may be changed at the start of a scene
Right hand man(captain): you gain the personal lieutenant feat, with additional power rating equal to 5×your basic combat feats
Master and commander(captain):
You gain 1 terrian feat and your maximum tactics rank is equal to 6+your career level
Fight on(soldier):you get one combat feat

Tactics(origin skill):rank 9| total 10
Impress(origin skill):rank 6|total 8
Intimidate:rank 6|total 8
Resolve:rank 6|total 6
Athletics:rank 6|total 10

Edge: a special resource, gained by doing some actions in combat and used to activate special abilities
Ways to gain edge:
gain 1 edge when Succeding in threatning enemies
Gain 1 edge when attacked by special adverseries, once per round

Draconic heritage:see racial traits
Lionheart basics(melee combat):
You main spend 1 edge to deal 3 more damage when hitting in melee, gain 1 edge when Succeding in threatning enemies
Lionheart mastery(melee combat):
Gain 1 edge when attacked by special adverseries, once per round. Spend 4 edge on an attack to activate "Roar Of The Pride" trick, allowing 3 allies to attack the target as free action
Greatsword basics:
When you wield a greatsword it gains guard +2. You gain overpowering force stance(see stances)
Wolf pack tactics(terrain): +2 to attack flanked opponents for you and your allies

Edged proficiency, greatsword forte

Warding strike(Melee attack trick): if you hit with the attack, you gain +2 bonus to reflex and fortitude saves until you move.
Overpowering strike(Melee attack trick): you may apply the massive quality in this attack, even if the target is at your size, but your error range is larger by 2 for this attack.
Relentless attack(Melee attack trick): You may not take movement actions, save for free 1.5 meter step. if your last attack targeted the same opponent and missed, you gain +2 to your attack roll.
Roar of the pride(Melee attack trick, costs 4 edge): activate after hitting with an attack. 3 allies within 18 meters can make a free attack against the target.

Overpowering force:
Your greatsword attacks deal maximum damage against opponents who havent moved since your last turn. You may not take movement actions, save for free 1.5 meter step.


Prudence: 2
Panache: 3

Appearance bonus 2

Armor: metal helm, vital guards. Emblemed coat and clothes:
+1 dr from fittings, +1 appearance from clothes. -1 armor check penalties, no defense penalties
Blunt resistance 2, cold resistance 4

Zwindhar greatsword:
2d6 damage(edged), crit 19-20, guard +1, massive, upgrades: grip, cavalry, armor pierce 2
1d10 damage crit 20, massive

Backpack containimg:
Hemp Rope-15 meters
Map of karne, average detail
3 meter pole
3 healing balms
1 salve
2 bandages
2 torches
A piece of chalk

Small chest&lock
57 silvers
House vernor's emblem

Retainer- Delton swordhand (Medium Folk Walker — 70 XP): TL: 1
Str: 16/+3; Dex: 14/+2; Con: 14/+2; Int: 10/+0; Wis: 16/+3; Cha: 10/+0;
Init: +3=1+2(dex) Melee: +4=1+3(str) Fort: +3=1+2(con)
Health: +3=1+2(con) ~ 20/14 Ranged: +3=1+2(dex) Ref: +3=1+2(dex)
Def: 14=10+2+2-4+3+1(dex)
Comp: +1 Will: +4=1+3(wis)
Size: Medium (1×1); Reach: 1; Speed: 30 ft. ground;
Skills: Athletics III (Str) +7 = 4+3; Prestidigitation III (Dex) +6 = 4+2;
Sense Motive IV (Wis) +8 = 5+3
Qualities: class ability (Burglar: uncanny dodge I, Soldier: armor use I, Soldier: fortunes of war I), critical surge, feat (Combat instincts, Darting weapon, Shield basics, Sword basics).
Gear: guarding longsword(1d12, crit 20, guard +1, ap 2) medium chainmail armor, boots,vital guard, bracers, helmet, arms guards(dr 6, -3 dp, -4 acp)
Longsword: +4, 1d12 +3 damage.
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Lore- Demons, gods and the creation.

First, the gods were created of divine essence, and aside from them, only jumbled essence without form existed. Ilrin, greatest of the gods, understood that creation is not yet complete. And so the gods worked, what then had no name, but would now be a millenia. They gave form to essence, order to chaos. Creating the stars and the earth, the forests and mountains. organizing the essence into the great form, predetermined. Creating the world.

While creating, the gods essence mixed with that of the world. The mixed essence took form too, and mortals came to be. Many of the gods took joy in what came of them, changing them into what they wished, leading and teaching them. Some gods made new races from mortals, creating things like lizardman from lizards, and ogres from the giant. Prosperity came to the world.

Some of the essences, didnt just mix a little. For some of the gods, their whole being mixed with natural forces, changing them fundamantally. Those were no longer gods, but became spirits, and each were tied closely to some natural force. No longer beings as much as forces themselves, part of the lands. The greatest spirit became the four elements, the great forces at the base of all other nature.

The prosperity, meanwhile , lasted shortly. While some of the gods wanted to help and guide the new mortals, some sought to use and destroy them. Those evil gods became devils. Darkness was created, a contrast to the light. At first, each side tried to ignore the other, each keeping to each interests. But as races expanded and grew, conflict was inevitable. The celestial war ensued.

The war lasted ages. Heroes of each side rose, doing great deeds was echoes are still told. Each side learnt from the creation of mortals, giving form to the ambient divine essence that still flooded the celestial planes, creating angels and demons, agents and soldiers to do their will. Whole continents burned. Miuntains crambled, and lush plians became lifeless deserts. The spirits became startled of the conflict, and nature itself went mad.

No one knows this day what caused the end of the war, but at last, demons and gods alike retreated to the celestial planes, weakened. Since then, they have still taken to world, but rarely and weaker, and taking mortal like form.the war between light and dark hasnt ended, but from now on it was fought by mortal hands.

Many ages passed since, and many heroes lived, many stories were told. Yet the war is still being fought. But more than the war is fought on battlefields, claim priests and prophets, it is fought at the heart of the people. Each deed done, shifts the balance. For every person helping those in need, taking mercy, the light cheers. For every one preying on the need, living only for himself, the dark grows. And so will be, claim prophets, for ever and more, until all is good and light has won, or all is evil and dark has triumphed
philosophers claim, that anything in the world, and the universe awhole, is made of two things. Essence, and Form. Essences are many, matter and energy, fire wster earth and air, time and space and divine.but essence is itself is just a jumbled mess, like the world before creation. No, the world, the gods, the people, and amythibg else, are not just combination of essences. They are essence given form. Forms are many, beyond count, infinite, and are shaped all time. When the woodchopper chops a tree, he changes its tree form to something else. When the carpenter than makes a table of it, he gives it the form of table. Not every change to form is so casual of course. When the gods created the world from the non divine essences, they gave it form, not one they decided, though influenced, but the very form of a world, predetermined. When divine essence mixed with worldly, mortals were created through forms, which sometimes were changed by gods. And everything, from the sky to the earth, and all between, and even gods and the celestial, are made of essence and given form
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The first one is choosing a name, race, and gender, the second is class, and the third fourth and fifth determine ability scores
I tried to make the character generation faster and incorporate it into story for the first time, so I might have done some things badly

For example:
[]plan example
[]I am ragin
-[]a male human
[]a burglar
[]I am very
[]And I am also quite
[]Though I was never really
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[X] Plan Dungeon delver
-[X]I am: Theodulph Stumbletoe
-[X]a male hobbit
-[X]"I grew up on the street, alone. I fought to survive since I remember myself"
-[X]an explorer(explorer excel at overcoming obstacles of an adventure, especially tjose common at dungeons and wilderness, but lack almost any combat ability, which could make this quest pretty difficult)
-[X]I am very
-[X] I am also quite
-[X]But I am really not

[X] Plan Lizard Knight
-[X]I am: Shas'ilikh
-[X]a female lizardman
-[X]"I am a noble, a ruler, of an ancient family"
-[X]a captain(Captains are great combatqnts and supports, experts at leading the battle fighting while strenghening allies)
-[X]I am very
-[X] I am also quite
-[X]But I am really not

[X] Plan Enby-elf Wizard
-[X]I am: Ao of the Silverleaf
-[X]a (female/male) elf
-[X]"I was a trained in mystical arts"
-[X]a mage(no need to explain I think)
-[X]I am very
-[X] I am also quite
-[X]But I am really not
The character generation will be fast this time thanks to those changes however, and the next update will close some last pieces and start the quest

Vote will close anyway in 24 hours, the system is fantasy craft.

Do note that explorer is a "hard class" since it has very little combat ability. It is possible to take it, just be aware that it is high difficulty
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Adhoc vote count started by Blademaster on Sep 13, 2020 at 1:49 AM, finished with 10 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dungeon delver
    -[X]I am: Theodulph Stumbletoe
    -[X]a male hobbit
    -[X]"I grew up on the street, alone. I fought to survive since I remember myself"
    -[X]an explorer(explorer excel at overcoming obstacles of an adventure, especially tjose common at dungeons and wilderness, but lack almost any combat ability, which could make this quest pretty difficult)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not
    [X] Plan Lizard Knight
    -[X]I am: Shas'ilikh
    -[X]a female lizardman
    -[X]"I am a noble, a ruler, of an ancient family"
    -[X]a captain(Captains are great combatqnts and supports, experts at leading the battle fighting while strenghening allies)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not
    [X] Plan Enby-elf Wizard
    -[X]I am: Ao of the Silverleaf
    -[X]a (female/male) elf
    -[X]"I was a trained in mystical arts"
    -[X]a mage(no need to explain I think)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not
I decided to give a survey of the result of each plan. I will start with lizard knight now, and do the rest soon. If someone will make another plan, I will give another survey

Lizard knight:
Lizardmen are usually agile and fight in light armor. You will have average dexterity only since you took it as bad ability, but thanks to the lizardmen agile defense, you defense will still be solid, probably with a breastplate armor. You strengh and constitution will both be around 16-18 each, with close charisma. Captains, unlike other classes, are pretty much built to take with a secondary class, to enchance fighting ability, much through bonus feats the captain lacks. So you will have a choice whether to be 3rd level captain, or take 2 levels than one level of either soldier lancer or scout. You will also get to choose from a great variety of weapons and styles, thanks to the captain abundant weapon training
In skills, you will be a great face, and will have some skills like riding and athletics
You will also have a retainer, but your specialized fighting style will be weaker because of your low amount of feats, unless you take soldier multiclass
[X] Plan Dwarven Priest
-[x]I am: Davor Oreheart
-[x]a male dwarf
-[x]"I was a servant of the great forces of this world"
-[x]a priest
-[x]I am very
-[x]And I am also quite
--[x]Though I was never really
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[X] Plan Enby-elf Wizard
-[X]I am: Ao of the Silverleaf
-[X]a (female/male) elf
-[X]"I was a trained in mystical arts"
-[X]a mage(no need to explain I think)
-[X]I am very
-[X] I am also quite
-[X]But I am really not
Adhoc vote count started by Blademaster on Sep 13, 2020 at 1:22 PM, finished with 15 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dungeon delver
    -[X]I am: Theodulph Stumbletoe
    -[X]a male hobbit
    -[X]"I grew up on the street, alone. I fought to survive since I remember myself"
    -[X]an explorer(explorer excel at overcoming obstacles of an adventure, especially tjose common at dungeons and wilderness, but lack almost any combat ability, which could make this quest pretty difficult)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not
    [X] Plan Lizard Knight
    -[X]I am: Shas'ilikh
    -[X]a female lizardman
    -[X]"I am a noble, a ruler, of an ancient family"
    -[X]a captain(Captains are great combatqnts and supports, experts at leading the battle fighting while strenghening allies)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not
    [X] Plan Enby-elf Wizard
    -[X]I am: Ao of the Silverleaf
    -[X]a (female/male) elf
    -[X]"I was a trained in mystical arts"
    -[X]a mage(no need to explain I think)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not
    [X] Plan Dwarven Priest
    -[x]I am: Davor Oreheart
    -[x]a male dwarf
    -[x]"I was a servant of the great forces of this world"
    -[x]a priest
    -[X]I am very
    -[x]And I am also quite
    --[x]Though I was never really

Dungeon delver, lizard knight, and enby elf are at a draw, dwarf priest with 1 vote

I am sorry, but I cant give more surveys because of RL
Well, reviewing my planning, it seems playing a non combatant will be more like impossible than hard. My bad, since thise classes are intended for party play, but here you will need to fight by tourself, and your chances of doing so succesfuly are very low against any opponent with classes like courtier.

@Nevill @Whenyouseeyou you might want to chamge your vote

Adhoc vote count started by Blademaster on Sep 13, 2020 at 6:04 PM, finished with 21 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Lizard Knight
    -[X]I am: Shas'ilikh
    -[X]a female lizardman
    -[X]"I am a noble, a ruler, of an ancient family"
    -[X]a captain(Captains are great combatqnts and supports, experts at leading the battle fighting while strenghening allies)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not
    [X] Plan Enby-elf Wizard
    -[X]I am: Ao of the Silverleaf
    -[X]a (female/male) elf
    -[X]"I was a trained in mystical arts"
    -[X]a mage(no need to explain I think)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not
    [X] Plan Dungeon delver
    -[X]I am: Theodulph Stumbletoe
    -[X]a male hobbit
    -[X]"I grew up on the street, alone. I fought to survive since I remember myself"
    -[X]an explorer(explorer excel at overcoming obstacles of an adventure, especially tjose common at dungeons and wilderness, but lack almost any combat ability, which could make this quest pretty difficult)
    -[X]I am very
    -[X] I am also quite
    -[X]But I am really not

Well, vote locked. Lizard knight it is then
Next part will be up in an hour
The start of a journey part 2
"Well, you intrest me, Shas'ilikh" she says, smiling at you. Your whole mind screams with pleasure at the gesture of satisfaction

Your awakening mind notices the slightly blurry edges of your sight, the people completely ignoring you, and you take another step. MISSION, you have a mission! Though, what was it?

[]You came to seek aid from the capital, for purging the orcish menace of your mother's lands
[]You came to join the famed warrior vonz dor ark in his quest to slay the dragon dunurik that terrorises the countryside
[] You came to answer the call of the high wizard, liorin bright hat, to help quiet the rising dead
[]You came to fight the dark robes of nindov, who captured sttlements nearby
[]You came to answer the mysterious call of the Archcleric of Ilrin, the father god of light, calling for brave heroes
[]You came for trying to get to lead the counter attack against the northern barbarians
[]You came to serve the king with the brewing trouble


Your step strangely streches, and you find yourself exactly where you was. Well, why wouldnt you? You didnt moved! You need to please the elf! More important than your mission!

"Your mind is strong indeed", she says and you shudder, to think you displeased the wonderful lady, have caused her trouble!!

"As a repayment, you may answer a few questions I have"

You cheer immediatly, a repayment! Another chance to help her

"How came a lizardwoman be a noble? Your people are strangers from the southeast, mainly traders and merceneries"

"I am adopted. My parents never talk about how I came to be their child and heir, rarely even about me not being their offspring, but it is clear, as they are humans both, while I am a
[]dragonling(locks a feat)
[]Frogman(locks a feat)
[]jungle lizard(locks a feat)
[]of lizard folk
And those parents, they raised you well in their ways. Tell me, how did the tarain you, as a scout captain, a cavalry captain, or a fighting captain?or you were just trained at commanding only
"And do you follow one of the great gods, or spirits? Surely someone like you doesnt worship demons"
[]"Scout"(one scout level, two captain levels)
[]"cavalry"(one lancer level, two captain levels)
[]"fighting captain"(one soldier level, two captain levels"
[]"Rear captain" (three captain levels)

"But surely you took interest in other things than just training, what were these?"

[]write in two studies reasonable for your character

And do you follow some god? Do you respect a certain spirit? Surely someone like you does not worship a devil?"
[]"I follow Ilrin, father god of light"
[]"I follow jarx, god of heroism, bravery in battle and just war"
[]"I follow dinaya, goddess of healing, prophecy, and knowledge"
[]"I follow nagadid, god of majesty, and great creations of civilazation"
[]"I follow bar-xin, goddess of craftsmanship and continuality"
[]"I follow dan-var, god of purging and resisting evil"
[]"I follow dumin, goddess of justice and just rule"
[]"I follow nivella, goddess of trade, diplomacy, travel, and good fortune"
[]"I follow bial, god of hearth and home"
[]"I follow viv, spirit of the jungles"
[]"I follow nin, spirit of forests"
[]"I follow dash, spirit of the natural cycle"
[]"I follow badid, spirit of storm and rain"
[]"I follow narir, spirit of ice and heat"
[]"I follow zarg, spirit of deep seas"
[]"I follow garz, spirit of the earth"
[]"I follow Illam, spirit of sky and clouds"
[]"I follow tarx, great spirit of water and winter"
[]"I follow balx, great spirit of earth and spring"
[]"I follow nist, great spirit of air and fall"
[]"I follow visk, great spirit of fire and summer"
[]"I respect all gods and spirits, but doesnt follow anyone specifically"

"Good, this is intresting. Be ready, as I have a mission for you. You will know in time, understand"?

"Anything to please you" you answer, and to your delight she smiles

"Good. Until we meet again, you may forget me"

You stop in awe as you near the gates. The great walls stand before you, the protection of the greatest city of the north. Hundred meter tall, Flarion's barricades shine in the purple tone of pure skystone, their open mouth invites you to Cindar, capital of Karne, home to the madar-gal, the most ancient city north of the gandanic mountains. You stand awed, but force yourself to move. You have a mission here, you can't stop to stare at walls of a city without even entering it
You move quickly, as a different, more mundane, familiar voice calls


you slow, allowing your friends to catch up with you. Those two have come all the way to help you, you csnt abandon them: (choose two)
[]your childhood friend, the elven mage Vilix
[]your lifelong teacher, the sage Pirix
[]your fellow knight, the lancer Baldin
[]your guardian, the dwarven soldier Rorix
[]your supposed spiritual guide, the war cleric Vasht
[]your duelist friend, the assasin Vanin
[]your "specialist", the pech burglar Fildor

Them, your armor, and the small amount of equipment on your horses are all you took, as you need to move quickly. Well, and of course, your
[]spear(spears are great mobile weapon, all while getting reach and a shield. They have some less damage, but they can trip and cause bleeding, and are good for gaining an advantage in combat. A skillled spearman can also wield them like staves or polearms, giving them additional versatility and uses)
[]mace(maces are great at weakening enemies and incapacitating them.)
[]hammer(hammers are great at control effects, and work well against armored foes. They also have a good damage, especially with two handed version, but they are lesser at other combat actions like disarm or trip)
[]greatsword(greatswords focus on striking heavily. Their heavy damage supported by feats that help get the most from each strike, they feature less mobility but may have reach, and are great at holding your ground)
[]axe(axes are quite versatile. They have good armor pierce and can cause bleeding, and they are good for a variety of circumstances, from damaging enemies gear and striking unmoving enemies to hurling them at distant foes)
[]rapier(rapiers are weapon made for opportunities. A rapier weider wont do much damage most times, but he can defend well, and when the enemy gives an opening, his strimes are deadly. Those traits are further increased with its bleeding wounds, great armor pierce, and high crits)
[]bow(the bow is very lethal, and an unmoving archer could do high damage. In the right hands, it is one of the most accurate weapons and is highly effective against armored opponents)
[]flail(flails are momentum. Flail users are all about using their weapon to attack a lot, then use the momentum of those attacks to strike dven harder. They can make more attacks then any weapon, and the more they hit, the harder they hit. Flail masters are also very hard to anticipate, and combine their attacks with disarms, grapples, and trips)
[]sword(sword are a great weapon for balance and defense. Having a good defense by themselves and being wielded with a shield, they have great defense. They are good at a great variety of options, from disarming and tripping to threatening foes, and are best with anticipating your enemy moves{this might make a harder weapon, since it is highly dependent on high insight, and you are somewhat lacking at this, though not really incapable)
[]polearm(polearm,with their great reach, are great weapons for holding enemies at bay. They are great at hindering enemy movement and tripping them. They can also feature a variety of other traits, from armor pierce and high crits to heavy strikes and disarming ability)

Suddenly, a rough voice brings you out of your contemplation

"Where are you headed?", asks the guard captain " my apologies my, ahm, lady, but thevking orders saysI must write down where stranger are headed, due to the recent troubles"

Well you can t get to your mission just yet, so of course you go to
[]find an inn to stay at, you need to get settled, and your legs are sore
[]a pub. You need to get to the locsl rumor mill
[]the baths. You need a refreshment, and you heard only tales of the hot baths at the very capital
[]the market. You need some trade, and more equipment would be good
[]a close manor. You need to get in touch with the nobility 8mof the capital
[]the nearest training yard. You need to get in touch with the srmy and the knighthood, and shsrpening your skills a bit more cant hurt
[]the closest chapel, you thank the gods for your journey

Well this is the end of character creation. You dictate your final nmbits of character, your interests and alignment, and the mission that brought you here. Then the last votes will start the adventure finally
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If needed, I will give another vote example

[]Plan example:
[]You came to seek aid from the capital, for purging the orcish menace of your mother's lands
[]of lizard folk
[]"cavalry"(one lancer level, two captain levels)
[]studies: ancient heroes, lizardmen lands
[]"I follow dinaya, goddess of healing, prophecy, and knowledge"
[]your childhood friend, the elven mage Vilix
[]your lifelong teacher, the sage Pirix
[]the market. You need some trade, and more equipment would be good

Feel free to gender flip your friends as you with, like this:
[]your life teacher, the sage piria

And sorry for the heavy plan vote. The end of character creation reqiured quite a lot of things