Shas'ilikh of house Beaconhill
Female lizardfolk(divine dragonling)
Action dice: d4 size|3 starting pool| Left: 3
umin, goddess of justice and just rule(good, order, domains
Age 20
Career level 3, captain2/soldier 1
Origin:Noble-Knightly leader:
Bonus feat:basic lionheart(see feats)
Combined training: melee feats count as basic combat feats for abilities depending on them
Attribute training:the lower of your dexterity or strengh rise by 1
Commissioned:you gain military renown 50% faster
Strength 18(+4)
Constitution 18(+4)
Dexterity 12(+1)
Wisdom 10(0)
Intelligence 8(-1)
Charisma 14(+2)
Studies: ancient history, magic
Combat stats
Max vitality: 42
Max wounds:18
Defense:19| reflex save:+2|fortitude save: +6|will save: +3
Base attack bonus 2
Melee bonus 6
Ranged bonus 3
Initiative 3
Dr 4
Resistances: Blunt resistance 2, cold resistance 4
Double cold damage taken
Speed 9 meters
Important attacks:
Zwiendhar greatsword: +8 attack, 2d6+4 damage
Unarmed:+6 attacks, 5 damage
Racial features:
Agile defense: +1 defense
Skirmishing: +2 defense while wearing partial or no armor
Achiles heel(cold)
ouble cold damage
Breatg weapon:
You may breath divine fire. As a full action, you may breath fire in a 4.5 meter cone, dealing 2d6+con, with reflex save to take half damage. Creatures of your alignment take half damage(or none on save) while creatures of opposing alignment take 5 more damage
Thick hide III:when not wearing armor, you are considered to have partial armor, and have 3 damage reduction
Menacing threat:you may threaten 3 enemies at once
Class features:
Captain core:Command cadre:
your allies may benefit from 1 of your basic combat feats, which may be changed at the start of a scene
Right hand man(captain): you gain the personal lieutenant feat, with additional power rating equal to 5×your basic combat feats
Master and commander(captain):
You gain 1 terrian feat and your maximum tactics rank is equal to 6+your career level
Fight on(soldier):you get one combat feat
Tactics(origin skill):rank 9| total 10
Impress(origin skill):rank 6|total 8
Intimidate:rank 6|total 8
Resolve:rank 6|total 6
Athletics:rank 6|total 10
Edge: a special resource, gained by doing some actions in combat and used to activate special abilities
Ways to gain edge:
gain 1 edge when Succeding in threatning enemies
Gain 1 edge when attacked by special adverseries, once per round
Draconic heritage:see racial traits
Lionheart basics(melee combat):
You main spend 1 edge to deal 3 more damage when hitting in melee, gain 1 edge when Succeding in threatning enemies
Lionheart mastery(melee combat):
Gain 1 edge when attacked by special adverseries, once per round. Spend 4 edge on an attack to activate "Roar Of The Pride" trick, allowing 3 allies to attack the target as free action
Greatsword basics:
When you wield a greatsword it gains guard +2. You gain overpowering force stance(see stances)
Wolf pack tactics(terrain): +2 to attack flanked opponents for you and your allies
Edged proficiency, greatsword forte
Warding strike(Melee attack trick): if you hit with the attack, you gain +2 bonus to reflex and fortitude saves until you move.
Overpowering strike(Melee attack trick): you may apply the massive quality in this attack, even if the target is at your size, but your error range is larger by 2 for this attack.
Relentless attack(Melee attack trick): You may not take movement actions, save for free 1.5 meter step. if your last attack targeted the same opponent and missed, you gain +2 to your attack roll.
Roar of the pride(Melee attack trick, costs 4 edge): activate after hitting with an attack. 3 allies within 18 meters can make a free attack against the target.
Overpowering force:
Your greatsword attacks deal maximum damage against opponents who havent moved since your last turn. You may not take movement actions, save for free 1.5 meter step.
Prudence: 2
Panache: 3
Appearance bonus 2
Armor: metal helm, vital guards. Emblemed coat and clothes:
+1 dr from fittings, +1 appearance from clothes. -1 armor check penalties, no defense penalties
Blunt resistance 2, cold resistance 4
Zwindhar greatsword:
2d6 damage(edged), crit 19-20, guard +1, massive, upgrades: grip, cavalry, armor pierce 2
1d10 damage crit 20, massive
Backpack containimg:
Hemp Rope-15 meters
Map of karne, average detail
3 meter pole
3 healing balms
1 salve
2 bandages
2 torches
A piece of chalk
Small chest&lock
57 silvers
House vernor's emblem
Retainer- Delton swordhand (Medium Folk Walker — 70 XP): TL: 1
Str: 16/+3; Dex: 14/+2; Con: 14/+2; Int: 10/+0; Wis: 16/+3; Cha: 10/+0;
Init: +3=1+2(dex) Melee: +4=1+3(str) Fort: +3=1+2(con)
Health: +3=1+2(con) ~ 20/14 Ranged: +3=1+2(dex) Ref: +3=1+2(dex)
Def: 14=10+2+2-4+3+1(dex)
Comp: +1 Will: +4=1+3(wis)
Size: Medium (1×1); Reach: 1; Speed: 30 ft. ground;
Skills: Athletics III (Str) +7 = 4+3; Prestidigitation III (Dex) +6 = 4+2;
Sense Motive IV (Wis) +8 = 5+3
Qualities: class ability (Burglar: uncanny dodge I, Soldier: armor use I, Soldier: fortunes of war I), critical surge, feat (Combat instincts, Darting weapon, Shield basics, Sword basics).
Gear: guarding longsword(1d12, crit 20, guard +1, ap 2) medium chainmail armor, boots,vital guard, bracers, helmet, arms guards(dr 6, -3 dp, -4 acp)
Longsword: +4, 1d12 +3 damage.