[???] It comes to mind that you could probably get away with just knocking the bird on the head.

I was going to make a joke about 'a bird in your hand is worth two in the bush' but i can't think of anything.

Edit: Although quickly checking the wiki says Kiwimon is both a champion and its only defense is the 'hard shell around its head', so maybe hitting its probably least weak point isn't that smart?
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Since it's almost certain that there are DigiEggs in the bag now, how do we get the bag from Kiwimon WITHOUT risking the eggs? Also, Stasis has pointed out that Kiwimon has a hard shell around its head so it's probably not a good idea to aim there.
It's been over a day without any new posts, and I don't have any ideas so I'm going to vote for the other characters. Maybe Rikuto can think of something.

[X] Maybe Rikuto or Impmon can think of something instead?
[X] Maybe Rikuto or Impmon can think of something instead?

Eh, good enough for me.
[X] Maybe Rikuto or Impmon can think of something instead?

Not really liking the delegation, but... well, we don't want to burn down another forest.
We could try to come up with a complicated write-in where Sora distracts Kiwi-mon while Biyomon steals the bag, but that feels like it would involve a lot of rolls that might go badly.
Bronze Medal to Daigo and Maki is Not Insignificant
You glance helplessly at Rikuto and Impmon, hoping that one of them can come up with something to retrieve the bag from Kiwimon. If there really are eggs in there- and you're getting the feeling that there are- you don't want to do anything too dangerous.

It's just that anything you can think up is dangerous. Fire is probably a bad idea for obvious reasons, you don't want anything that'll throw the bag around, and... honestly, given the trail you followed, there's a not-insignificant chance of the bird just running off.

...You're working off of far too little sleep for this.

Rikuto crosses his arms. "Look, if you're going to be evasive like that, I'll only have to assume that there actually are eggs in there. And... you really don't want to make me upset. I'm telling you that right now."

"And? You're a flimsy human without a partner. Practically dust beneath Lord Puppetmon's feet! I-" He cuts himself off, perhaps realizing how badly he just messed up.

"No, no, keep going. I want to hear this." It comes to mind that, while Daigo can be very scary at times, he at least doesn't mean to be.

Rikuto has encountered someone who finds him absolutely terrifying, and is loving every minute of it.

Kiwimon takes one step backwards. Two. You turn to Biyomon. "Stop him," You order, quietly, but not so much that he doesn't hear you.

You can tell he does, because he immediately turns to flee properly.

Biyomon lunges. She doesn't catch up to him, really, but her talons sink into the cloth of the bag and she manages to pull it away as the other bird runs off into the woods. She immediately lowers the bag to the ground, simply not built to be carrying something of that size.

You can hear Kiwimon running away into the woods. You know the Dark Masters are probably aware of your presence already, but if that Digimon talks to anyone... that'll just confirm it.

[ ] After that bird!

[ ] Actually, you'll just... stay here.
-[ ] And talk to Impmon.
-[ ] And get some more sleep.
Umm, is "After that bird!" about destroying Kiwimon? Because that feels wrong even if Digimon are usually reborn. Who knows if that's still happening with the state the world is in anyway.

[X] Actually, you'll just... stay here.
-[X] And talk to Impmon.

Let's find out what Impmon is willing to tell us about this area.
[X] Actually, you'll just... stay here.
-[X] And talk to Impmon.

You know i want to know why we picked Sora she really doesnt fit our mindset of improving fast enough to be ready for the future
So i went and checked the first page and found out she won by having 3 votes.
while Taichi and Kari got 2 each and there wasn't any discussion about why they're picking Sora.
the Taichi and Kari vote is because they have the highest chance of getting digivolutions faster and 1 mimi vote because someone thinks she's best girl.
Then my mind started thinking what ifs
If we were Taichi we would've trained so hard right now and probably build up our social stat with Matt, TK, and Kari. And we would've destroyed 2 of the darkmasters if we have Wargreymon by that point.
If we were Kari we would've improved our social stat with TK as the main SL and interact with the others too because we're just a kid and maybe go on adventures with TK and train up Gatomon so that we will at least get to ultimate.
If we were TK we would've trained up patamon so we would be ready for Devimon and ready for Piedmon so we would probably train until we can atleast achieve ultimate. We would also interact with the group mostly Matt. so Matt won't baby us if were doing dangerous stuff as a quest MC should do.
Don't get me wrong i love seeing the quest get closer to the ending of adventure but we would've had such a different quest if it were the other characters as Taichi we would've gotten mega by now mostly because how straightforward his virtue is and as TK we would've have a chance to defeat Piedmon because by this point we should have MagnaAngemon if we played as him.
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Okay, let's just let the witness run off in the sake of not collapsing from exhaustion...

-Vote Closed!-

Not that it's impossible for you to still do that, but... it's less likely.
Normal Discussions in A Post-Apocalyptic World
As Kiwimon vanishes into the bushes, you sit down with a heavy sigh, not having enough energy to give chase.

You suppose Puppetmon definitely knows you're here, now. Or... well... he's going to, anyway, unless Kiwimon falls into a bottomless pit before he reaches his destination.

...Actually, it'd be sort of funny if he did. Also kind of sad.

"Thanks for your help," Impmon says, checking on the bag's contents with a sigh of relief. "Elecmon would have my head if I managed to lose these..."

You blink. "You know Elecmon?"

"Who doesn't? If it's the one you're talking about... he used to take care of one of the four Primary Villages. Out of all the Digimon who'd hatched before the Dark Masters showed up, a quarter of them have him to thank." You've never heard it put quite that way before. "Not that it means as much, anymore."

"What do you mean?" Rikuto asks. "Did something happen?"

Impmon nods. "Of course it did. The Dark Masters happened. First, when I was Kiimon, eggs stopped appearing. And things didn't get any easier after I became Yaamon, either. That's when the effects of Spiral Mountain's creation reached File Island. They showed up a while after, and... well. No more Primary Village."

You don't like the mental image this gives you.

"Is Elecmon okay?" Biyomon asks.

"Somehow. He's the reason anything survived the attack at all." He pauses, and gives a wide yawn. "Anyway... we should... get some sleep... or get back to Elecmon..." He seems really tired, as if chasing after Kiwimon sapped all his energy.

[ ] Sleep sounds nice.

[ ] You should get back to Elecmon.

[ ] Maybe you could just go back as far as the hedge?
[X] Maybe you could just go back as far as the hedge?

Everyone seems really tired, but just sleeping right where we encountered Kiwimon sounds like a bad idea.