Austrvegr - A Varangian Guard Quest

[X] Plan The Basileus Is My Bestie
-[X] Magnus Fox-Beard:
This stone stands for your ancestor Magnus Refskeggi, who was Ivarr's son. He was a great seer and a godtalker, who went viking on the austrvegr with Snorri and Eyvind and never came back. He fell in Greikland fighting for the Varangians, and died well. He led them to a great victory, but was killed before it was won. This stone was raised by Snorri, his blood-brother and truest friend. (Increased Reputation gain with the Varangian Guard and the Imperial Court. Bonus to command and leadership.)
-[X] Christian
: You have abandoned the ways of your father's fathers, for your god is the white Christ of Rome, who does not reave or take rings, who holds no other gods but he. You take the bread which his flesh and kneel in the mornings to pray to the god of the nails. Yours is a faith on the ascent -- wherever the tide meets the shore, there also are Christian men, who speak the tongue of Rome and hold the cross in their hearts. (Increased Starting Reputation and Relations with Christians, Decreased Reputation and Relations with Heathens, and Decreased Starting Reputation with the Varangian Guard. Imperial Favor gain is doubled from combat actions.)
-[X] Hirdman:
You were a soldier in the retinue of Sweyn Forkbeard, King over all the Danes in his day. In his time, he made war for the throne of Norway, and you fought under him. The court of the Danish king travels with him when he goes to war, and so you gained experience with the intrigues and politics of a royal court. Sweyn's sons vied bloodily for the throne, and as he aged, factions in Denmark made a game of swords and knives to win his crown for their favored prince. The Danes are not born to intrigue and trickery, but they may learn it as well as any other -- as you did. Perhaps most importantly of all, you know how to behave around royalty. They are a particular sort, but the right words said in the right ways may win their love as sure as any man. (Minor bonuses to Combat, Warfare, and Command skills, and Major bonus to Intrigue and Charisma. Increased Imperial Favor gain.)
-[X] Swedes:
The Swedes are travellers and wanderers and explorers all, great fair-haired sea-kings who have mapped all the coasts of Europe. Though not born to battle as the Norwegians are, or half so feared as the Danes, the Swedes are clever and shrewd, far-sighted and far-learned. They were the first, it is said, to travel the Austrvegr and serve in the hird-guard of the eastern emperors, and this reputation precedes them. The Swedish clans are split between the cross and the old ways, and those fifty or so which you draw upon represent this divide. (Your troops will gain experience and Reputation faster, and are divided equally between pagans and Christians.)

I think it best to be seen in the emperor's eyes as more than their disposable knife cast of cold, inhuman steel. The idea behind this whole thing from the empire's perspective is to spend a bit of coin and gain some scary non-neighboring barbarians as a competent yet utterly expendable military resource without any local political connections that might give them reason to betray... however, that's not really fantastic terms for us, is it? For us to be ferocious and battle-hungry is to beg coming up short a head and with it our payment, leaving us and those we take with us having served excellent yet utterly uncompensated service. The scary pagan devourer of Christians image is one that pigeonholes our interactions with any other than the emperor, leaving other imperial subjects scared of looking at us where there could be room for profitable cooperation.

I'd say let's play this smarter, not throwing ourselves fully into the self-destruction of the warrior role the emperors intended for us. We would have an excellent ancestry to appeal to in Magnus, wisdom in court dealings from our time as a hirdman and warriors drawn from Swedes who have long dealt with the emperor and are more familiar with playing the game rather than charging headlong into a wall of spears as other Norse might. This would likely allow for both cushier postings, greater wealth and more cerebral problems rather than waking every day to carve red furrows in our foes.
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[X] Plan Blood Eagle
-[X] Æirik the Elder
-[X] Norse
-[X] Viking
-[X] Icelanders
While Plan Commander is probably the most solid of them all in term of politics, our first and foremost concern is the Varangian Guard. Getting stabbed in the back by our 'comrades' would be a bit annyoing and if the Byzantine Emperor doesn't want us any longer, we can just go somewhere else. Going Christian, while smart, just seems a bit boring story wise.

--> Maybe all the Norse plans could come together under 1-2 banners so that all these votes aren't as divided?

[X] Legendary Norse warrior
-[X] Sigtrygg Coal-Hair
-[X] Norse
-[X] Viking
-[X] Icelanders

Edit: Changed my vote to this, since it is almost the same.
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While Plan Commander is probably the most solid of them all in term of politics, our first and foremost concern is the Varangian Guard. Getting stabbed in the back by our 'comrades' would be a bit annyoing and if the Byzantine Emperor doesn't want us any longer, we can just go somewhere else. Going Christian, while smart, just seems a bit boring story wise.

--> Maybe all the Norse plans could come together under 1-2 banners so that all these votes aren't as divided?

[X] Plan True-born Varangian
-[X] Magnus Fox-Beard
-[X] Norse
-[X] Viking
-[X] Icelanders
Yeah, but we most of us can't agree on which one is the best one. Legendary Norse Warrior, and Trueborn Varangian are like the two that are coming out on top. All we need to do now is convince the rest of the Norse voters to change their vote.
[X] Legendary Norse warrior
-[X] Sigtrygg Coal-Hair
-[X] Norse
-[X] Viking
-[X] Icelanders
[X] Legendary Norse warrior

Blood for the bloo- Hol up wrong religion sorry! I'll put away my power maul.
[X] Plan: an old hand
-[X] Magnus Fox-Beard: This stone stands for your ancestor Magnus Refskeggi, who was Ivarr's son. He was a great seer and a godtalker, who went viking on the austrvegr with Snorri and Eyvind and never came back. He fell in Greikland fighting for the Varangians, and died well. He led them to a great victory, but was killed before it was won. This stone was raised by Snorri, his blood-brother and truest friend. (Increased Reputation gain with the Varangian Guard and the Imperial Court. Bonus to command and leadership.)
-[X] Norse:
You hold to the old gods of the sagas, to Odinn and Loki and Freyja, to Thor the Thunderer and Balder the Hero. Your gods are the wild northern gods, the gods of snow and rain and sun, who laugh to go to battle and bear warriors on their shields. You are a pagan, like the heroes of the songs who came before you. Yours is a faith in ruin -- it crumbles daily before the cross, and in a lifetime it will be no more. Wherever you go, the men of the cross of Christ spit upon your feet and know you for a heathen, who holds heathen gods. (Greatly decreased starting Reputation and Relations with Christians and Muslims, Reduced Favor Gain with the Imperial Court, Increased Reputation and Relations with Heathens, and Increased Starting Reputation with the Varangian Guard. Legend gain is doubled from combat actions. You may convert later for a Legend malus.)
-[X] Hirdman:
You were a soldier in the retinue of Sweyn Forkbeard, King over all the Danes in his day. In his time, he made war for the throne of Norway, and you fought under him. The court of the Danish king travels with him when he goes to war, and so you gained experience with the intrigues and politics of a royal court. Sweyn's sons vied bloodily for the throne, and as he aged, factions in Denmark made a game of swords and knives to win his crown for their favored prince. The Danes are not born to intrigue and trickery, but they may learn it as well as any other -- as you did. Perhaps most importantly of all, you know how to behave around royalty. They are a particular sort, but the right words said in the right ways may win their love as sure as any man. (Minor bonuses to Combat, Warfare, and Command skills, and Major bonus to Intrigue and Charisma. Increased Imperial Favor gain.)
-[X] Clansmen:
You call upon your own vast and wide-ranging clan and it's members to recruit your troop. You are all warriors of Daneland, tall and strong and bright-eyed, and the bonds of blood run deeper than any coin could hope to reach. In the strange eastern lands, where life is cheap and loyalty cheaper, the love of men bound to you by more than oaths alone will be invaluable. They are not the strongest or the smartest or the most feared, but they are your cousins and your brothers and your blood, and that may be worth more than all the rest. (Your troops have vastly increased loyalty and a significantly lowered risk of revolting. They will be majority whatever faith you have picked.)
[X] Plan Commander

I think it's not quite as good but it's closer to what I had in mind than other leading alternatives.
[X] Legendary Norse warrior

And now they're even...

I'd rather play a pagan potentially forming a splinter pagan faction in the end.

Also looking at the timeline, and our origins, after we've done our bit, and won our glory, we'd maybe even be able to look at setting up a pagan norse colony in Vinland - where the followers of the old gods can retreat too.

Lief discovered Vinland a few years ago, and he and his sucessors only founded minor colonies and outposts. But a great Varangian Pagan, leading those last loyal sons and daughters of the old gods, to lands where the Christians will nolonger follow them, seems an interesting tale for our legend. A great warrior of the East, forged in the embers of old Rome, that moved West to take new land, and preserve the norse way of life.
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